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shNESa1.1 : Australian Debacle

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  • #61
    To Van Diemen's Land: We hereby recognize your nation. We also propose a NAP.

    To Victoria and New Zealand: We support the inclusion of Queensland in our alliance.
    -The government is now offering 5-year tax-free periods for all foreign high-tech companies that set up operations in our country.
    -For aerospace companies, the government is offering 10-year tax free periods.
    -We are beginning the construction of a small air force. It will take five years, but if aerospace companies move to our country, the time will be reduced by 2 years.
    -The navy upgrade is now complete; it is now medium size.
    Papua New Guinea (Army Green)
    Capital: Port Morsbey
    Ruler: Jonny
    Economy: Somewhat Poor (but Improving)
    Population: Meduim
    Army: Meduim
    Navy: Medium
    Air Force: None (upgrading to small in 5 years)
    Govt. Democracy
    Alliances: Victoria, New Zealand
    NAPs: Victoria, Queensland, ASA, New Zealand, Western Australia, Pacifica(Democractic), Eastern Australia


    • #62
      occ: Everon had a small air force.
      If you make a good story the events will be nicer to you.
      Vietnam was my idea but Afganistan is good enough
      NO NUKES PLZ as they kill NES faster than wolves kill sheep!
      Random events posted in about 30 minutes, its dinner time now
      Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
      Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
      Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


      • #63
        Random Events of 1963

        NZ: Hippies are happy about the drug reforms but want harder drugs legalised. They are also still oposed about warfare and aas a result of continued civil disobedience, your economy has been downgraded to recession.

        Indo: The people love the dictator so much that they have named him Emperor of Indonesia! Indonesian oil companies have spent millions on industrailising the country and as a result your economy is now strong and large. Yo are nearly fully developed. However its not all good news as the Timorese declare independence as a socialist state. They are now following the Trotoskist view of Socialism, Democratic Scoailism in a nutshell. The Timorese Gap Petroleum Fields are lost to you but the UN will place sactions on you if you invade. (Timor Gap is worth 35% of your petrol reserves

        WAE: Democratic uprising in the capital of PErth ousts Tom Johnson the Dictator. However the democratic govt. only controls Perth.

        RCA: European talks continued but the want Adelaide and costal southern Australia to be autonoumous from the rest of the republic. They do not wish to be ruled by Aboriginals, the inevitable result of any democratic system in your nation.

        Borneo and Suluwesi: The Fascist Party has taken contorol over the nation's govenrmnt after they killed the ruling elite through a mass bombing of the pariliament. This is mainly due to the death of the Sheik. The aristocracy have been exterminated and the average person in the street is heard sayin 'I didn't care for them anyway!!' ALL HAIL THE LEADER

        PNG: Areospace and Compter companies set up shop in your country due to your tax breaks. Your economy as a result is growing. However they are worried about the cannabilistic tribes in the interior.

        Vic: Your economy goes into depression due to UN sactions against your actions against van D's land. Unemployment hits 65% and the average bloke starts truning to the Communist Party of Victoria.

        EA: the inactivity of the government has led to a coup d'eat by Stalinist supporters. The USSR and othe Wrasaw PAct countires recognise the new government and are now protecting its future. Your army size grows as a result but your economy becomes very fragile.

        Qld: Epediemc continues to spread throughout your country, you need outside help unless you follow the EA's path.

        Pacifica: The Fasict remnants flee to Borneo and the country is fully in democratic hands. However the economy is shattered and the nation's infrastructure destroyed due to the fighting. The capital is the worst hit without a building undamaged, many including the Presidental Mansion and the Pariliament destroyed.

        Van D's Land: The US sets up bases in your country and is now protecting the island.

        Timor: Your nation newly declared independent has troubles. No-one but the UN recognises you, Indonesia looks in your direction and your country is racked by pro-Indonesian miltia. You need some work

        International Diplomacy

        From US: We must stop the EA's sl;ip to communism and the rise of fascism. Also we must stop the destructive policies of Victoria.

        From the USSR: Any attempt to take down the EA's new government will be met with stiff resistance from us.
        Last edited by Sheep; October 30, 2002, 08:23.
        Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
        Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
        Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


        • #64
          Pacifica reign of terror is ended! The fascist dictatorship has been destroyed. From ashes they return to ashes! Victory is finally ours! Democracy shall stand forever!

          New president has formed the new government. A lot of different parties are being represented, mainly the Social-Democrat, party of the president, and the Communism one.

          The country has been destroyed by civil war. Cities are burning and country is devastated. Production has been dramatically decreased and only a few factories still stand.

          To rebuild the country, the new government is asking any countries to send help and will lower taxes for foreign industries. A massive program of rebuilding has been launched and schools, hospitals will soon be rebuilt.


          • #65
            New Map

            Light Purple is Indonesia
            Very Light non Fluro Blue is Van D's LAnd. Paccifica is the islands in the lines....
            Attached Files
            Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
            Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
            Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


            • #66
              Timorese Stats

              We have a new country (Due to DE's want to join) No more will probs be allowed unless a sufficent bribe is given (cream filled doughnuts is my weakness)

              Name: Democratic Republic of Timor
              Capital: Dili
              Government: Trotoskyist
              Ruler: Darkness Edge
              Army: Small
              Navy: Meduim
              Air FOrce: Small (NB everyone is on this level)
              Economy: Rebuilding
              Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
              Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
              Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


              • #67
                As my first act as leader...

                To All Nations: We propose non-aggression pacts, and request diplomatic recognition and urgent military assistance in halting militia atrocities within our nation.

                To Victoria and Queensland: We request an alliance.

                To Indonesia: We request talks on improving relationships between our two nations.
                Last edited by Darkness' Edge; October 30, 2002, 09:25.


                • #68
                  Elections in New Zealand.

                  President Giovanni Wine lost the elction for Presidency of New Zealand, the Green Democratic Party only gained 36% of the votes, against the 54% of last years.

                  This is mainly due to his US-supportative policies in the war in AFGHANISTAN.

                  This are in short the ELection results:

                  Democratic Capitalist Party: 48%
                  Green Democratic Party: 36%
                  Libertarian Party: 10%
                  Repubblican Party 4%
                  Others 2%

                  The new President of New Zealand is the Maori Waitaki Kiwi (OOC: I have no idea how Maori names are like)
                  Which with the promise of pulling out of the war in Vietnam gained good support between the anti-war movements and the students.

                  This is his Elction Campaign Program:

                  1. Pull out as soon as possible from the Vietnam war.
                  2. Increase of employments especially in the southern island.
                  3. Bring up the economy especially with trade with the Asian countries and Britain (Commonwealth)
                  4. Increase Educational spending.
                  5. Increase the Navy size in order to better protect islands.
                  6. Give more autonomy to the Maori population in the southern island.

                  Many exponents of the former government critisized him for the program, and stated that he will never be able to fullfill all his promises.


                  To USA:
                  We need to pull out of our positions in Vietnam, as the war is very unpopular in between our people, ans is causing major protesting and our economy to regress.
                  I hope you understand, but we need to think of our own country first.
                  We will do it next year, leaving you enough time to take over our positions.

                  To EA:
                  We can not to nothing but to recognize your new gov't, however our MPP with your country is now broken, as you lost the path of Democracy and switched to Stalinism.
                  However, since the long friendship between our people, we will offer a NAP to you.

                  To Timor:
                  We recognize you, and accept NAP with you


                  NZ- Stats:
                  Name: New Zealand
                  Capital: Wellington
                  Government: Constitutional Monarchy (British King)
                  President: Giovanni Wine (Green Democratic Party)
                  Approval rating: 48% (the votes received by the new Gov't)
                  Army: Large
                  Navy: Medium (improving to Large)
                  Air Force: Small (improving to Medium)
                  Economy: Very Strong but regressing
                  Population: Medium
                  Alliance: PNG, Victoria
                  NAP: Western Australia, Queensland, Timor,
                  Embargo against: Indonesia

                  15% of Army and Navy currently at war along side the USA against Afghanistan, this will end next year.

                  New Zealand Projects:
                  Navy to Large: 2 years
                  Air Force to Medium: 1 years

                  Last edited by Giovanni Wine; October 30, 2002, 10:03.
                  "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                  The trick is the doing something else."
                  — Leonardo da Vinci
                  "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                  "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


                  • #69
                    The WAE has fallen into total anarchy! Tom Johnson has mysteriously disappeared. Various democratic groups have arisen throughout the country, and Aboriginals have revolted in the desert! Various generals claim to be the successor to Tom Johnson, and all have appealed the the USSR and China for support.


                    • #70

                      Scene: A swell office with a huge wooden desk, paintings that show the elegant face of the Emperor badman everywhere on the wall. Distant shouts from demonstrators who celebrate the Emperor badman can be heard. badman is sitting behind the desk, when suddenly a very excited person bursts into the room.
                      "Emperor, there are good news from all parts of our country! We even need fewer threats to make the people attend your daily 'We Love The Emperor Demonstrations' in front of your palace."
                      "Good to hear that but what why are so nervous, General?"
                      "Well... erm... do you remember those revolts that recently occured in Timor?"
                      "Yeah I told you to kill those stupid rebels and suppress any resistance."
                      (stuttering) "Wwwwe weren't able to do that sir. They just declared independance and they are supported by the UN."
                      "WHAT?! Do you know what that means?! Timor possesses a large amount of our petroleum reserves! I do not tolerate failure and you know that. You will spend the rest of your life in a little office of mine in the deepest jungles, fighting against aggressive natives and malaria and you should be glad I'm not gonna hang you! Now get out of here!"
                      (very quite, nearly whispering, bending down) "Yes, thank you sir."
                      Later the following statements were published to the international press.

                      We condemn the unrighteous actions of the Timorese but since obviously you're supported by an international conspiracy of evil democracies that is trying to destabilize our country, we do not dare to take military actions against you.
                      However we demand that you join our country again and we do not recognize you as an independant country.

                      Indonesia is very happy about the recent changes in Borneo and it fully supports the new fascist government. If you have any trouble ensuring the peace in your country we will be glad to offer you our help.

                      The great emperor badman has also decided to officially recognize Van Diemen's Land.

                      Indonesia is getting increasingly annoyed by the embargo of New Zealand. If you do not remove it Indonesia will quit any talks with your government and perhaps even take further actions.
                      "Cogito Ergo Sum" - Rene Descartes, French Mathematician


                      • #71
                        Internal affairs

                        The internal political situation has become so fragile that Rasbelin decides to have talks with Aussie Alliance in order to establish a new government and to give independence to a new state called South Australia. The new transitional government agrees that it will remain neutral to all other countries, if RCA doesn't get an alliance against it either. A NAP treaty is agreed and official diplomatic relations are established. The governments agree that Aboriginals will have special rights, however they will be encourage to move nothwards as RCA offers a land reform that will provide cheap farmland. The new borders of RCA can be seen on the map below. The capital is moved from Alice Springs to Darwin as it's now the largest city of RCA and the main port. A new land reform for providing cheap land for immigrants from SA will be established, while starting a slow, but determined plan to stabilise the internal politics by founding several new parties, while only the Pro Reform party continues to exist from the old days.

                        Foreign affairs

                        Timor: RCA officially recognises you and offers a NAP agreement. We also send ASAP peacekeepers to protect your more remote villages from roving Indonesian guerillas. Our nation also offers a 10 year investment scheme and we immidiately suggest a trade pact (forest products and natural resources). In order to help the development in Timor, we send a humanitarian aid 20 tons of crops to promote your farming.

                        WAE: We offer assylum for Tom Johson and his government, if he wants to continue his political activities remotely from RCA. The new parliament has also voted in favour for a political statement that RCA officially supports Tom Johnson and his government, but it still wants to continue the good co-operation.

                        RCA projects

                        Improvement of air force: ready in 1967 (small -> medium)
                        Project "Desert Fox": ready in 1967

                        Media in RCA

                        The Indepedent Gazzette: France agrees to invest in mining projects

                        The French government has announced that it will spend this year 5 million Francs in different mining projects in Central Australia. This would immidiately mean a boost in the employment in the central parts of the country where the unemployment rates have been rising since 1958. Some economists predict that this could mean a new attractive heaven for investors as there's plenty of opportunities for mining in RCA. However the Ministry of State Economy reminds that this will not mean that all the profits would leak out from the country as France is going to invest in local mining companies that have been planning to start mining in the south of the country.

                        RCA statistics in 1963

                        Name: Republic of Central Australia
                        Capital: Darwin
                        Leader: President Rasbelin
                        Approval rating: 80% (rose after the independency of South Australia)
                        Economy: Volatile
                        Population: Small
                        Army: Medium
                        Navy: Small
                        Air force: Small
                        Government: Constitutional Democracy
                        NAP: Indonesia, Queensland, Papua New Guinea, Southern Australia, Timor
                        "Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver


                        • #72
                          Sorry, I forgot to attach the new map over RCA that shows the new border. It's in theory the borders of Nothern Territory.
                          Attached Files
                          "Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver


                          • #73
                            One more additional update...

                            Foreign affairs

                            Due to the anarchy in WAE and the rebellions in north that want to join the RCA because of the stability and unity it provides, the foreign minister has agreed with several leftists of the opposition in WAE that they will accept if the region in NE is taken over by RCA as it was a part of the semiautonomous colony that has now ceased to exist. This means that CAA forces have moved into the region and a temporary border is marked. RCA also send a special envoy to the UN headquarters for talks about the current situation.
                            Attached Files
                            "Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver


                            • #74
                              To Indonesia:
                              We recognize that you have done several moves toward greater wealth for your people, including not taking military actions against the Timorese.
                              Therefore we will lift the trade embargo against your country, however, in exchange for that, you'll have to fully recognize Timor as an Independent nation, and not having any claims over the island and her petroleum.
                              Otherwise, the embargo will continue.

                              "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                              The trick is the doing something else."
                              — Leonardo da Vinci
                              "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                              "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


                              • #75

                                We have changed our name form Van Diemen's Land to the Republic of Tasmania.

                                To United States:
                                We welcome your troops in to our country and hope we can build stronger ties between our two Countries.

                                To All Nations:
                                We are interested in signing free trade aggrements with all of you. We also like to sign NAP with all of you.
                                Donate to the American Red Cross.
                                Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.

