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Frontier Imperial Dip 1 Spring 1871 Moves

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  • Frontier Imperial Dip 1 Spring 1871 Moves

    USA (Lionheart) (+ Brc, - Que)

    1.A Yuk - Nwt
    2.A Bcl - Yuk
    3.A Nwt - Rpt
    4.F Bering H
    5.F GoAlaska H
    6.F Alk (nc) S F Bering
    7.F Westerlies S F Bering
    8.F N. Pacific S F Westerlies
    9.F C. Current - Haw
    10.F W. Pacific S F Mhl - Bismark
    11.F Mhl - Bismark
    12.F Eq Countercurrent S F Fij - Coral
    13.F Fij - Coral
    14.F Sw. Pacific S F Fij - Coral
    15.F Que - Timor (Bounce with China, Dislodged, Retreat to Tasman)
    16.F E. Pacific - P. Basin
    17.F Maz - GoCalifornia
    18.F Sct S F E. Pacific - P. Basin
    19.F Org - W. Bay
    20.F Sfr - W. Coast
    21.F Lma S A Pan - Bgt
    22.F GoPanama S A Pan - Bgt
    23.A Pan - Bgt
    24.A Bgt - Brc
    25.A Hon - Pan
    26.A Gtm - Clb (Invalid)
    27.F W. Car C A Gtm - Clb
    28.F Hudson S F N. Passage - Grn
    29.F Nvs - N. Atlantic
    30.F Chesapeake S F Nvs - N. Atlantic
    31.F E. Seaboard S F Nvs - N. Atlantic
    32.F Bha - Sargasso (Bounce)
    33.F Sargasso - M. Atlantic (Bounce)
    34.F M. Atlantic - S. Atlantic (Bounce with France)
    35.F Cub S F Hai
    36.F Hai S F Cub

    Brazil (Chazzy) (NMR, All Units Support each other) (- Bra, - Brc)

    A: Mit: H
    A: Bra: H (Dislodged, Can retreat to Ama, Lpa, or Con)
    A: Qto: H
    F: C. Basin s F Drake
    F: Drake s F C. Basin

    England (His Divine Shadow) (NMR, All Units support each other) (- Cey, - Edi, - Grn)

    F: North s F Lon
    F: Lon s F North
    F: Dml s F Ctn
    F: Ctn s F Dml
    F: Trn s F Good Hope
    F: Good Hope s F Trn
    F: W. Indian s F GoodHope

    France (The_orange1) (+ Bra, + Edi)

    1. A-Rec > Bra
    2. A-Oli S A-Rec > Bra
    3. F-Rdj S F-Uru > C.Argentina
    4. F-Uru > C.Argentina
    5. F-A.Atlantic S F-G.Guinea > S.Atlantic
    6. A-Cng S F-Moz > Ken
    7. F-Moz > Ken
    8. A-Dmk > Cmn
    9. F-G.Guinea > S.Atlantic
    10. A-Gcs H
    11. F-Mnv S US Sargasso > M.Atlantic
    12. F-S.Pacific > A.Pacific
    13. F-NE Trades > Pra
    14. F-E.Car S F-Vrg
    15. F-Vrg S F-E.Car
    16. F-Clb > Cld
    17. F-Vrd H
    18. A-Trp > Fzz
    19. A-Alg > Trp
    20. A-Twr S A-Trp > Fzz
    21. F-Tyr > Ionian
    22. F-Ionian > Tbq
    23. F-Sic S F-Tyr > Ionian
    24. F-Gb > Tld
    25. F-Biscay > N.Atlantic (Bounce with USA)
    26. F-Nan > North (Bounce with England)
    27. A-Rou > Hol
    28. A-Hol > Ruh
    29. A-Den H
    30. F-Dub > Edi
    31. F-N.Passage S F-Dub > Edi

    Holland (Made by GM)

    A: Bot s A Rho
    A: Rho s A Bot

    Austria (Defiant) (+ Grn)

    3. F-STP - BARENTS
    5.F-PRS - BALTIC
    6. A-FIN - NOR
    7. A-BER S A-STU
    8. A-STU S A-BER
    9. A-VEN S A-ROM
    10. A-ROM S A-VEN
    11. A-MOS S A-PRM
    12. A-PRM S A-MOS
    13. A-SEV S A-MOS
    14. A-GLC S A-SEV
    15. A-RMN S A-SOF
    16. A-SOF S F-BOS/SC (Support Broken)
    17. F-BOS/SC S A-SOF
    18. F-GR - AEG (Bounce with Ottoman)
    19. F-ADR S F-SAL
    20. F-CRT S F-ADR
    21. F-SAL S F-ADR

    Ottoman (Victor Galis) (- Mds, - Ban, - Teh)

    F Black - Ang (nc)(Bounce)
    F Con - Sof (Bounce with Austria)
    F Aeg - Gr (Bounce with Austria)
    F Cre S F Aeg
    F E. Med - Ang (sc)
    A Fzz - Trp (Bounce with France, Dislodged, Retreat to Asw or Dar)
    A Tbq - Cai
    A Cai - Syr
    A Ban - Tbr
    F GoManaar - Arabian
    F HoAfrica S F GoManaar - Arabian
    F Mld S NE Monsoon - E. Indian
    F NE Monsoon - E. Indian
    F HoAfrica - NE Monsoon
    F Sey S F HoAfrica - NE Monsoon
    F Ken - HoAfrica

    China (Ruffhaus8) (+ Ija, + Mnd, + Cey, + Mds, + Ban, + Teh, + Que)

    1. A Yakutsk - Evenki
    2. A Evenki - Omsk
    3. A Krasnoyarsk supports A Evenki - Omsk
    4. A Omsk - Georgia
    5. A Georgia - Baku
    6. A Baku - Armenia
    7. F Orenburg - Caspian Sea
    8. A KSL - Orenburg
    9. A KHV - Tehran
    10. A Bokhara - KHV
    11. A Kashgar - Bokhara
    12. A Afghanistan supports A Karachi - Bandar e-Abbas
    13. A Karachi - Bandar e-Abbas
    14. A Kashmir - Kirachi
    15. A Rajputana - Gujarat
    16. A Dehli - Rajputana
    17. A MDH supports A Bengal - Hyderbad
    18. A Bengal - Hyderbad
    19. A Bombay - Madras
    20. F Bay of Bengal - Gulf of Manaar
    21. F Andaman Islands supports F Bay of Bengal - Gulf of Manaar
    22. F East Indian Ocean - Ceylon
    23. F Sumatra suppots F Java - Southeast Trades
    24. F Java - Southeast Trades
    25. F Southeast Trades - Barrier
    26. F Antarctic Indian Ocean - Antarctic Pacific Ocean
    27. A New South Wales supports F Timor Sea - Queensland
    28. F Timor Sea - Queensland
    29. F Java Sea - Timor Sea
    30. F Gulf of Siam - Java Sea
    31. F Celebes Sea - IJA
    32. F New Guinea supports F Bismark Sea - Coral Sea
    33. F Bismark Sea - Coral Sea (Bounce with USA)
    34. F Luzon Strait - Mindanao
    35. F Luzon supports F Luzon Strait - Mindanao
    36. F Phillipine Sea supports F Izu Trench - Bismark Sea
    37. F Caroline Islands supports F Izu Trench - Bismark Sea
    38. F Izu Trench - Bismark Sea (Bounce)
    39. A Kagoshima - hold
    40. F Edo supports F Kuril Trench - Izu Trench
    41. F Kuril Trench - Izu Trench (Bounce)
    42. F Sea of Japan supports F Okhotsk Sea - Kuril Trench
    43. F Okhotsk Sea - Kuril Trench (Bounce)
    44. F Kamchakta supports F Okhotsk Sea - Kuril Trench
    45. A Sakhalin - Vladivostok
    46. A Manchuria - Peking

    Japan (NMR, All units support each other) (- Ija, - Mnd)

    F: Srw s F Bor
    F: Bor s F Srw
    F: Sunda s F Srw
    F: Sau s F Prt
    F: Prt s F Sau

    World News

    The United States regrets the recent treachery of Austrian leader Defiant, and wishes to inform the world that President orange has expressed that Austria will not benefit from this new found friendship with the Chinese, but rather, be unquestionably defeated.

    In the near future, Austria will find its fate connected with that of the now dying Ottoman Empire; as it moves its forces from east to west, towards defeat at the hands of the Western Powers, there will come a time when Ruffhaus grows tired of Austria, and simply invades it, creating a great chasm between the Barbaric East and the Civilized West.

    The name 'Defiant' will go down in history as a synonym for 'coward' 'traitor' and 'imbecile' just as Benedict Arnold.

    Invasion Report

    USA took Brc

    France took Edi and Bra

    Austria took Grn

    China took Que, Ija, Mnd, Cey, Mds, Ban, and Teh

    SC Report - Home SC’s in ALL CAPS

    USA - ORG SFR CHI DET WDC RCM ATL NOL AUS MAZ NYO MXC MER SCT NVS ANC QBC VNC Neb Wsh Nme Kan Okl Bha Haw Cub Hon Hai Glp Pan Bgt Vct Alb Fij Yuk Nze Mhl Lma Brc- 39
    Brazil - FLK Lpa Prg - 3
    England - CTN TRN LON Mad - 4
    France - NAN PAR MRS CRS MNV CYN PRM RUH HOL GB DUB OLI REC GCS RDJ BRA EDI Pie Ivc Vrd Sic Tun Vrg Cmn Okn Vlc Sie Kie Mrc Azo Srg Trp Den Uru - 34
    Holland - Bot Rho - 2
    Austria - VIE VEN CRT BUD BER SIL SOF PRS WRS MOS STP SEV Rom Sr Sal Bav Rmn Stu Gr Swe Nor Grn - 22
    Ottoman - CAI CON CYP ANG BAG ADE Cre Sud Oma Aby Sey Mld - 12
    China - MNC PEK SHA CAN WUH CHK SNK PA HK CMB CCH VLA IRK OMS ORN GRG SP KG DEL SUM EDO OKI SAP JVA BOM CEY Tnk Brm Ben Yut Ran Bnk Seo Fsn Kas Mls Tsh Amn Fm Crl Ngu Sk Luz Krc Nsw Khv Bku Que Mnd Ija Mds Teh Ban - 53
    Japan - PRT BOR Srw - 3

    Player contacts

    GM- Du_Chateau
    Email -
    ICQ - 44369275

    Britain - His Divine Shadow
    Email -
    ICQ - none

    France - The Orange One
    Email -
    ICQ - 109943271

    Holland - Snowfire
    Email - ???
    ICQ - 35476699

    Austria - Defiant
    Email -
    ICQ - 46172786

    Ottoman - Victor Galis
    Email -
    ICQ - 47756253

    China - Ruffhaus8
    Email -
    ICQ - 63418710

    Japan - MDR
    Email -
    ICQ - None

    Temporary replacement - ???
    Email - ???
    ICQ: ???

    USA - Lionheart (Orange)
    Email -
    ICQ - 91875872

    Brazil- Chazzy
    Email -
    ICQ - none


    Russia (Stefu/Ubercheesecake/Boshko) - Spring 1867

    Mexico (His Divine Shadow) - Spring 1865

    Prussia (Bearcat) - Spring 1863

    CSA (Secretariat) - Fall 1861

    Retreats are due ASAP
    Fall 1871 moves due at 5:30 PM PDT Friday October 25th, 2002

    P.S. Check for Errors
    P.S.S. Press is still voluntary

  • #2
    map tomorrow, if i can
    "Chegitz, still angry about the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991?
    You provide no source. You PROVIDE NOTHING! And yet you want to destroy capitalism.. you criminal..." - Fez

    "I was hoping for a Communist utopia that would last forever." - Imran Siddiqui


    • #3
      I'm a little sketchy on Bismark...i have a feeling I didn't get in but the moves say I do...

      someone clarify for me?

      "Chegitz, still angry about the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991?
      You provide no source. You PROVIDE NOTHING! And yet you want to destroy capitalism.. you criminal..." - Fez

      "I was hoping for a Communist utopia that would last forever." - Imran Siddiqui


      • #4
        Any word on retreats? The deadline is today, and there are still unresolved issues, such as the official retreats, Bismark Sea, and Antarctic Pacific Ocean.

        I cannot speak for the Turkish retreat (the US retreat seems obvious).

        I'll offer my perspective on the other issues:

        1) It looks like Bismark Sea does not go to USA as China had a 3v2 advantage coming from Izu Trench over US F Marshall Islands. Since the existing fleet in Bismark did not succed in it's move to Coral Sea, and with self dislodgement being prohibitted, both US F Marshall Islands and Chinese F Izu Trench bounce in Bismark Sea, while Chinese F Bismark Sea remains and is not dislodged, because of the self-dislodgement/beleaguered garrison rule.

        2) Also there are two fleets shown in Antarctic Pacific Ocean. Both Chinese F Antarctic Indian Ocean and French F South Pacific Ocean ordered moves there (without support), and should each bounce back to their respective starting points.
        What is best in life? Crush your enemy! See him driven before you. And to hear the lamentation of his women.


        • #5
          3) Chinese A Bengal was ordered to move to Hyderbad, and apparently succeeded, but this fact is not reflected on the map.
          What is best in life? Crush your enemy! See him driven before you. And to hear the lamentation of his women.


          • #6
            I have hit a huge amount of coursework. Moves are extended till November 16 at 5:30 PM PST. There will be no grace period. Retreats need to be posted here by 5:30 PM tomorrow or they will be retreated OTB


            • #7
              Since only two people have shown interest in this game, it is concluded. Therefore it is a tie between Ruffhaus8 as China and Lionheart as USA.


              • #8
                hmmm, that's interesting...
                "Chegitz, still angry about the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991?
                You provide no source. You PROVIDE NOTHING! And yet you want to destroy capitalism.. you criminal..." - Fez

                "I was hoping for a Communist utopia that would last forever." - Imran Siddiqui


                • #9
                  HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA This site just gets better and better
                  "Life is like a bag of Revells - you're always searching for The Orange One"


                  • #10
                    Well, far be it from me to decline a part in a two-way draw on an Imprerial map, but I think that we ought to get a unanimous opinion from the players involved. I have no problem accepting the two way decision, but it seems that other don't necessarily agree.

                    That said, I can certainly understand Du_Chat's decision to call the game if only two players are turning in orders.
                    What is best in life? Crush your enemy! See him driven before you. And to hear the lamentation of his women.


                    • #11
                      i'll accept a draw on those conditions
                      "Chegitz, still angry about the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991?
                      You provide no source. You PROVIDE NOTHING! And yet you want to destroy capitalism.. you criminal..." - Fez

                      "I was hoping for a Communist utopia that would last forever." - Imran Siddiqui


                      • #12
                        I guess 2-0 makes it unanimous in this case?
                        What is best in life? Crush your enemy! See him driven before you. And to hear the lamentation of his women.


                        • #13
                          hah, apparently so

                          Congrats, Ruff
                          "Chegitz, still angry about the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991?
                          You provide no source. You PROVIDE NOTHING! And yet you want to destroy capitalism.. you criminal..." - Fez

                          "I was hoping for a Communist utopia that would last forever." - Imran Siddiqui

