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cAHNES: 1811

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  • Qubec

    To Poland: I was referring to you. Sorry mistype.

    To Germany: I will only sell you the steam engine secrets if you decide to leave the EA and come over to NATO.

    To Russia: Our policy of no Russian goods continues. We do not wish to war with you but will defend ourselves and our allies if attacked. We all know that it was you that set fire to your embassy in Edmonton. who else could be so evil?

    To WIC: Join NATO

    To NATO: We should start the construction of our Ironclads. I have

    Qubecious Projects:

    Better Weaponry: 1 yr (USA AND CANADA)
    Ironcland Large Navy: 2 yrs
    Huge Army, with the BEtter Weapons: 3 yrs

    Qubec has instituted a law stating that if any member of NATO that signs a free trade agreement with Qubec will gain those priviliges. This is for the good of all North America. The possible member states for the American Union are at the moment: Canada, Qubec, USA, Louisiana, WIC (on joing the NATO alliance)

    Qubec has also withdrawn its diplomats from Moscow in protest to the accusations of terrorist activities. the Qubecious Espionage Service has been set up at an undisclosed location. Qubec orders the arrest of any Russian nationals residing in the Republi of Qubec. Men of fighting age are to be shot. Other Russians to be deported to Concentration Camps awaiting their fate. Russia or anther counrty can either take these people or they will join their fathers and husbands in the grave.

    Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
    Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
    Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


    • To Quebec:
      Why do you take your hatered for Europe on helpless women and children? Your actions show how truely evil you really are. We are cutting off all diplomatic ties with your nation.

      To EA:
      We call on you to embargo the nations of NATO and help us set up a blockcade of them. We will give steam power technology to you Germany, do not buy it from Quecbec.

      We have gain technology form the Spainish to improve our muskets and cannons. We are also upsizing our navy to huge with ironclads, this will take 3 years to complete.
      We are upgrading our troops and will take 3 year to complete.
      Last edited by Jack_www; November 2, 2002, 13:12.
      Donate to the American Red Cross.
      Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


      • To Qubec:
        We don't want WCI in NATO, this is a clear position.
        It is either us or them.

        We also must disagree with your stances against Russian nationals, your actions are against any rule of Democracy, we ask you to give them back their rights, or to send them in the USA.

        USA is also very worried about the current anti-Russian sentiments of our northern neighbors... and we ask not to provoke the big bear too much.

        "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
        The trick is the doing something else."
        — Leonardo da Vinci
        "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
        "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


        • We do not want to be in NATO. That has been our policy for as long as we have existed, that we will join no large alliance of non-Natives.

          WCI to Quebec and Canada: We will ally with you but not all of NATO

          OOC: does anyone get the feeling that this is starting to die?


          • Canada's Highly Effective Military has increased in size to Large, and the Immigrant border fortification Army is now Medium.

            Canada will be holding winter sporting Events in Canada in four years, all nations are able to participate in the events. ((Winners will be decided by random number generator))

            Canada has raised their tax on imported russian coal to promote industry in Canada, Canada will allow Russian imports of weapons, ammunition, and food supplies, free of charge however. This is designed to grow Canada's fur and coal mining industries.

            To the United States (SECRET): We are being cautious with Russia, mainly because of their blocading of Quebec's Harbors and the Embargo against our goods and your goods alike.

            To Russia: We lifted some of our tax, but realize that it will return swiftly should Quebec remain blocaded.

            To Quebec: don't awake the Russian Bear from it's slumber.

            Canadian forces move into Louisiana noticing a lack of leadership in the Nation, Canada's officials will control Louisiana untill the return of it's leader.
            Weaseling out of things is what separates us from the animals....except the weasel -Homer
            Who's up for some scroungin'? -Homer


            • Germany also calls for a break of diplomatic ties to all American countries. We also call on every European country to join the EA.

              Germany Begins work on ironclads, and the mass production of rifles. Outdated muskets are being sold to the peasants at a low price so that the people of Germany will be able to defend themselves should the need arise.

              German scientists in cooperation with scientists from Russia and Poland begin researching new fuels for the ironclads.

              To Poland: dont be foolish again, ignore the pests from America.

              To Russia (secret): Put a little pressure on Poland to join the EA.

              OOC: about people sending Ironclads all over the world, what the heck are you thinking? They would either sink in a slight breeze or run out of coal. Ironclads are NOT capable of ocean crossings. And whatever happened to the person in charge of France? or has France been left defenseless?

              OOC to civman: Its not as bad as the NES at the beginning of the school year that had 2 posts per a day on a good day, and only lasted 3 pages.

              Edit: got rid of the part where I wasnt thinking. playing NESs that take place way back when confuse me.
              Last edited by Space05us; November 2, 2002, 19:31.


              • reality check to space: balloons wee around in the 1400s, zeppelins would not be considered strange
                Weaseling out of things is what separates us from the animals....except the weasel -Homer
                Who's up for some scroungin'? -Homer


                • its fixed now.


                  • To Germany: Tear down your defenses that you place on our borders. Also our affairs with other nations are just that OUR BUSINESS STAY OUT.

                    Now as to the events taking place between Europe and the american nations. We hope that a peaceful solution will be found. Poland however will not take part in this.

                    Internal Policy: Given the vast addition to to Gun Project it is estimated that it will reach positive results in half a year.
                    Since No one has offered to sell us ships we have constructed one ship. It sailed for a day and promplty sank. we have begun constructing another one. Could someone at least try to make sure this one doesn't sink.

                    In other news our workers for the railroad have arrived at the russian border awaiting supplies to start construction which will begin immediatly after recieving them.


                    • To Poland: sheesh, just dont join NATO and dont trade EA techs and we'll be happy. I forgot about those forts

                      ps the usual picture enclosed displaying our feelings for your undereducated people.


                      pps we're going to have HUGE bonfires with those forts, wanna join the party? political leaders from all over are going to be there.


                      • To Germany: Perhaps your people could benefit from an education system like ours most certainly will. Who knows someday your people will be the uneducated ones.

                        In other news: It is now estimated that 10% of the children in Poland can understand the alphabet.

                        we are on our way.


                        • Qubec

                          The remaining Russian nationals have been deported to the USA.
                          The Qubecois Government has passed a law stating any Russian or Eastern Slavs that are in the country no longer have citizenship and are given 2 years to leave Qubec before they are imprisoned.

                          To USA: I suggest you get rid of the Russians asap

                          To Russia: The blockade does not affect us as we trade only with NATO countries and the WIC. Sorry to dissapoint you.

                          To Canada and USA: Do you wish to join our railroads (secret) I suggest we carve up Louisiana. My spies will assasinate the Lousianan leader once the go ahead is given.

                          To WIC (secret) What do you think of an attack on Russia in the near future.

                          To Independent South: Join us, join NATO.

                          Qubec's Projects

                          Ironclad Large Navy: finnished
                          occ: Sorry dude Ironclads could go anywhere. However there were a few mishaps in high seas.
                          Better Weaponry: Finnished (details below)
                          Army Huge with new weaponry: 2 yrs
                          national Railstreet program: 3 yrs
                          Trench Warfare designs: 10 yrs
                          Barbed Wire: 2yrs

                          The Better Weaponry Program has ended its 3 year study into upgrading the weponry of Qubec, and their allies Canada, and USA. The research team has managed to make automatic rifles, with a five round ammunition clip.

                          Also created were the landmine a bomb that is placed underneath the Earth and when stepped upon explodes, and a new cannon dubed Artliery. This new weapon is able to shoot over a mile accuratley, destroying reinforced concrete. Efforts are now behind making the guns more powerful and more ranged.
                          Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                          Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                          Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                          • The Better Weaponry Program has ended its 3 year study into upgrading the weponry of Qubec, and their allies Canada, and USA. The research team has managed to make automatic rifles, with a five round ammunition clip.

                            Also created were the landmine a bomb that is placed underneath the Earth and when stepped upon explodes, and a new cannon dubed Artliery. This new weapon is able to shoot over a mile accuratley, destroying reinforced concrete. Efforts are now behind making the guns more powerful and more ranged.
                            Im raising the Bull **** Flag. The land mine I can understand, but the only thing you could have created in that time is a breech-loading musket or a muzzle loading rifle. Also iirc reinforced concrete has yet to exist, therefore there is no need for a cannon that strong. I suppose next you'll invent the super-bullet-proof-vest by 1900?

                            edit: Im going to go do some research...


                            • To WIC (secret) What do you think of an attack on Russia in the near future.
                              WHat if we then follow it by a sneak attack on Louisiana and the US?

