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cAHNES: 1811

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  • Diplomacy
    To France: We thank you for your monetary aid. We wish to propose a NAP with you.

    To Russia: We sign your peace treaty. We also propose a NAP to you.

    To Spain: We offer a NAP to you. Also, would you consider sellling Florida to us?

    To US: We propose a permanent alliance. Perhaps we could join the France-Spain-Russia-USA alliance? We'd also like to join you, France and Spain in your research pact.
    Domestic: With the gift of money from France, we will be using to help repair and improve our infrastructure.
    Louisiana's Status
    Louisiana (dark brown)
    Large Army
    Medium Navy
    Ruler: Jonny


    • To US (SECRET)

      We have won a devastating victory over Mexico. We can definitely get some of their land in a peace treaty, allowing us to ensure our survival and expanding our power. This is my proposal (it basically reduces Mexico to their real-life border with US):
      Attached Files


      • The British Naval vessels with Russian soldiers has returned, and is extremely well guarded, due to the Naval blocade, they cannot get close enough inland to receive a signal telling them to call off the orders of the king, the Highest Ranking Russian officer is hung from the mizzen mast.
        There will be another hanging every day until the blocade is lifted, meanwhile, British troops remain in the defense of portugal, glad to see the fledgling Nation advance against it's agressors.

        Noting the lack of response of the Americans to the Annexation Proposal, it has been changed, now, the United States, Russia, or Spain may lay claim to the British Isles, upon declaration of war with France, should none of these countries declare war on france, then Britain will become part of France, and Napoleon will overrun all of you, ((offer to claim good until 10:41 Central Time (U.S.) on October 18th))

        All British Communication is being sent out via Embassies except for that with Portugal, as the British Army in Gibraltar is still on it's old orders, it will go along with the original plan under Portuguese leadership.
        First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
        Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


        • European Alliance army let the Portugal army advance but in a huge encirclement maneuver. Cavarly units close their last way back to Portugal and more infantry is coming.

          The Portugal Army is surrounded....


          • Our last proposal was peaceful. Either you accept Spain predominance over Portugal either you face war.
            You chose the lastest... face it.


            • To Britain:
              We will accept as US citizens any of the British refugees that reach our coast, but unfortunatly, due to our membership in the France-Spain-Russia-USA Alliance we can not accept the government in exile of Great Britain.

              The USA also do not have any claims on the British Islands, for the simple reason the USA does not want to join in any of your European affaires and wars.


              To Louisiana: (secret)
              We believe your proposal is right, the American citizens want to know what this war had brought us, and want to know that our soldiers did not die invane.

              We support Lousiana influence over that area, and we will formally take possesion of the area that belonged to us next year, with or without France approval.

              We also accept a permanent alliance with you, and from now on we will be known as "The North American Treaty Organization" aka NATO
              If we manage to merge our alliances with the European one, we can always change it to "North Atlantic Treaty Organization"

              To France, Spain, Russia:
              We propose the entrance in our alliance of the nation of Lousiana, as they proved they are on our side by quickly crushing with us the Mexicans.

              (OOC: I don't know if this huge alliance would be good, as it is very umbalacing for the game, and not very interesting story-wise (as it's basically all the world vs Britain and Portugal) I think we should form a more balanced alliance situation

              "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
              The trick is the doing something else."
              — Leonardo da Vinci
              "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
              "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


              • OOC: well if the alliance is unbalancing, maybe we should go a little further in time and start in late 19th century or early 20th
                This NES is nearly over as it is. Big European Alliance with maybe help of NATO is unstoppable.

                Spain accepts Lousiana and USA taking back former grounds. In no way they should take a former part of Mexico.

                If Lousiana join the alliance, it will accept an embargo toward Britain.

                To Lousiana:
                We aren't selling Florida anymore.

                Europe Alliance army has totally surrounded Portugal army. Without reinforcements and supply, they will surrender.
                Under leadership of Spanish General Don Dorientes, a Coalition Corps of 100.000 men is now moving toward Lisbona.
                450.000 men are building trenches around Portugal army perimeter and cannons are firing on Portugese.

                To Portugal:
                Will you accept an unconditional capitulation of Portugese Forces?
                Your troops are in no way able to retreat back to Portugal. They do not have ammo and food. Accept now and they will be spared if not we will let them starve until they are all dead.

                (I think 300.000 Portugese are in the pocket.)


                • this bull**** and i dont know what to say

                  ok, i uncoditionally surrender and retire


                  • Sorry but why is it?

                    A small army able to win against 600.000 men ready for invasion do you really think this is realistic?
                    Thats what you wrote...

                    I'm sorry if you take this badly but i said a few times before that my troops were at Portugal border for at least 2 years. Russia sent troops also. France mainly went for Gibraltar giving me a few men.

                    I don't want you to have no fun but you should have been more friendly toward European Alliance. That was a mistake.
                    "Spanish Forces are massing along Portugal border. 200.000 men, cannons under Franco-Spanish commandment will soon be ready." page 3 14-10-2002 mmtt

                    "We will send a quater of our army to Spain(200,000 men), and we will travel through France." page 3 15-10-2002 Jack_www

                    "My large Army will be 700.000 men (400.000 dispatched in America colonies, 250.000 men at Portugal border, 50.000 in main Spain.)" page 4 15-10-2002 mmtt

                    "200,000 men to Spain to aid you in Protecting Spain and Spainish interests all over the world." page4 16-10-2002 Jack_www

                    "To Spain: 25% of the GRand Armee has now moved up to the Spanish - Griblatar border to prevent English invasion." page 5 17-10-2002 Sheep

                    "Spain: 150,000 on the Griblatar border defnding Spain, 200,000 more en route." page 5 17-10-2002 Sheep

                    You can't say you weren't aware of incoming threat to your country. Also, before attacking, I have told Jack_www and Sheep about number of men and they gave me their acknowledgment.

                    But why can't you take another nation? I'm really sorry if you felt offensed.

                    European Alliance troops are defilating in Lisboa. 300.000 men are being stationed in Portugal and martial law has been instaured.
                    King said that Spain is now reunited.

                    To Allies:
                    First objective done. The war has been successful even though we took unexpected casualty. We will also need to keep men in Portugal. We will try to keep nice relation with Portuguese. We shouldn't threat them at all.
                    Last edited by mmtt; October 18, 2002, 14:46.


                    • map will be updated when i get home this afternoon.

                      This NES is nearly over as it is. Big European Alliance with maybe help of NATO is unstoppable.
                      From now on, anyone can join and create a new rebellious nation. THis includes rebellious colonies in the americas, but could also include nationalists who dislike French rule. THis also includes anyone whose nation gets conquered, though they cannot come back as their old country revolting.

                      A military dictator named Pedro del Pollo, who both recognizes the WCI and agrees to the treaty, has gained control of most of Mexico. He is friendly towards Spain but suspicious of Louisiana and Russia, and wants the WCI as a buffer state.


                      • map:

                        Purple is the WCI. Light green is Spanish-occupied (but not permanently conquered) Mexico. Pale brown is Russia-occupied mexico. Pale blue is USA-occupied. Pale yellow is louisiana-occupied. Yellow is unoccupied mexico controlled by Pollo, red is unoccupied mexico controlled by other factions.

                        Stats for WCI and Mexico:
                        WCI (purple):
                        Medium Army
                        Small navy
                        Tribal Confederacy

                        Mexico (Pollo controlled):
                        Small army
                        Tiny navy
                        Military dictatorship
                        Attached Files


                        • Louisiana Diplomacy
                          (OOC): A European-North American Alliance would be much too powerful, IMO. Perhaps by making the North American alliance seperate from the European alliance, things might balance out.

                          To US: Acquiring the land that belongs to us (from the peace propsal) could be harder, with the creation of the WCI. But, we must still try to acquire that land. Also, perhaps the North American alliance and the European alliance should go their seperate ways?

                          To the World(except Mexico): We do not recognize the WCI as an independent country. We consider them still a part of Mexico. Thus, lands that they own that were to be given to us and our American allies (per the peace treaty) from Mexico should still be given to us.
                          Louisiana's Status
                          Louisiana (dark brown)
                          Large Army
                          Medium Navy
                          Ruler: Jonny


                          • OOC:
                            I think we should have two alliances, fighting a cold war with each other that latter leads to a world war, if you all want too.

                            To France, Spain, and USA:
                            We will not accept Lousiana into the Alliance, we do not trust them. They attacked one of our nations (USA) because of Mexico told them and they thought they had their support. We think they will betray the Russian Empire if given the means to do so. Sorry, but the Only American country we trust is the United States.

                            With Britain we sugest that we invade and install a monarch that will ally with us and let the people of Britain be an indepent nation. We also demand that the new British government pay for what they have done to the Russian Navy.

                            To All Nations:
                            We will be selling some of our territory in North America. All of the occupied Terriotory that was once Mexico and a small part of Alaska. Any who are interested, just give us an offer, but we will not sell to countries we do not trust.
                            Donate to the American Red Cross.
                            Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                            • French Diplomacy

                              occ: I also think a uber alliance is unsettling.

                              To USA: I ask that you sell Qubec back to the French Empire if this does not come about, I will cancel my alliance with you and terminate American help in the Steam Power Project in Paris. Murat the Gardner is also withdrawn from the White House.

                              To European Alliance (secret): Trust not any country on the AMericas, the colonials are untrustworthy, and I feel that we may need to teach them a lesson in the future.

                              To Spain: We congratulate you in the annexation of Portugal into the Spainnish Empire, we are now withdrawing our troops from your territory with exception to those based in the GRibraltar border region.

                              To Britain: We claim over your lands if no one else wants it. We will allow autonomy and the continuation of your monarch. We will also resume trade, and allow British officials to stay in most postions. If you do not accept we will invade.

                              To Lousiana: We cannot sign an alliance with you at the present but we do accept your NAP. We will consider the Steam Engine Project request if the others show intrest.

                              To Mexico: We send you 3 million francs to re-build, we will sign a NAP with you if you are willing and will help the Meixican Army in taking out the rebel stongholds.

                              To Russia: If you are selling the territory sell it to me, or the WIC.

                              Navy to Large (completed yesterday)
                              Army to VEry Huge: 1yr
                              African Colonisation: Launched all of North Africa is claimed by France, Colonies will be set up in 1yr)
                              Steam Engine Project: (with help from Russia, Spain and the USA) 7yrs (railstreets available in 6yrs, Ironclads available in 8yrs)
                              Modern Rifle Project: 9yrs
                              Better Artillery project: 10yrs
                              Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                              Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                              Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                              • OOC: WE have 2 unclaimed countries (ottoman emprie and WCI, though I'm somewhat controlling WCI for now). One country (portugal) has been destroyed. If we could get jdd to return or others to join, they could take these new countries (a formidable Ottoman Emprie allied with Britain could challenge France, Spain, and Russia) or start revolts that would weaken countries. This would also help avoid an uber alliance.

                                To France: Deal.

                                In Mexico del Pollo is losing power! The other factions have expanded, and one has taken Mexico city and the entire border with Spain!

                                The legendary Tecumseh, having been betrayed by the British during the earlier war (right before this NES started), had fled West. Now he leads the WCI. He has declared his friendship with Pedro del Pollo and Russia. He distrusts the US, Louisiana, Spain, France, and Britain. He has been uniting and mobilizing the WCI, and its army is swelling.

                                OOC: Even if their forces are relatively small, native americans always have a significant advantage when fighting in unsettled regions of the Americas.

