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cAHNES: 1811

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  • To all Nations: Futhermore I would like to point out who has helped many people with our budget surpluses. I have given money to the WIC, Mexico, Louisnana, USA, Britain (twice), and Spain. How can I do this and be a bloddy regime. I am not the party that has risen up against legitimate authority and has caused death and suffering, however I will put down this rebellion with all my power.

    I would like to know how many troops Libertia has 50.000 at the most I would say. They have no Navy. I have a complete blockade of their coasts. Trade is at a standstill. Many of the populace would not support them whole heartedlly, and I have over half a million troops desending upon the rebel holdouts. (This is why I have pushed them back to Bavaria and some of North Austria)

    occ: Firefarter next time choose a country that is valid, or make an uprising in a colony not in the middle of a ****ing Coninental Empire, which incidently will just crush you on sight.
    Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
    Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
    Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


    • OOC: I'm on the chat and in holidays. Will have more time for NES.

      Spanish government refuses any diplomatic contact with "Libertia". If they want to express any recrimination against France, they should do it peacefully through the new Congress (In nowdays France, there are 2: Senat and National Assembly/Deputy's Chamber, could also name it 500 Council).

      To USA: Our conditions are the following:
      -Canada should be split under Russia and Britain control.
      -Quebec under France control
      - The border shall go from Minnesota to Tenesse following Mississipi.
      -Spain shall gain control over Southern Carolina.

      To Louisiana:
      You should notice that WCI won the war by European Alliance help. You shall then understand it would be better to deal with it.
      If you refuse, we will consider pursuing the war.

      To WCI:
      European Alliance wants to be included in peace negotiations.
      France and Spain started a secret research in weaponry (5years).
      Last edited by mmtt; October 23, 2002, 09:02.


      • OOC: Since when was Canada independent?

        To Louisiana: Surrender all land West of the Mississippi except St Louis and the area around it and the RL state of lousiana.


        • can I start a knew nation out of a colony or something?


          • IceEye (OOC): We'd prefer that you be Mexico, but if you reallly really want to you could form a new nation. Possible locations: South America, Russian North America, Egypt, Greece, Finland or maybe Sweden/Norway,. The best of these would bprobably be in South America. But best of all would for you to be Mexico.

            WCI to France, RUssia, Spain, Britian: My proposal for the division of Louisiana and teh US is attatched.

            Map (Libertia (red) is also included):
            Attached Files


            • OOC: Mexico is under Spanish "occupation". It's still has its own government but is a vassal of Spain and follows Spanish foreign policy.

              Could you also explain me why South America is the best place to start a new nation?

              (Like Sheep, I'm sorry but I don't like much these "hands-up" rebel attack!)

              To WCI:
              You seem to forget you won this war due to European Alliance help. We refuse this division.
              Last edited by mmtt; October 23, 2002, 18:37.


              • What's wrong with it? It follows the terms that you wanted and just puts them in a map. Unless you meant by "The border shall go from Minnesota to Tenesse following Mississipi" that there will be a Spanish-Louisiana border in which case the WCI would cease to exist and obviously we will not accept that.


                • Britain wishes to acknowledge that it has not helped Libertia in ANY WAY. The English people are forced to side with France for their own protection, although because we are not part of France, we have the option of recognizing whichever countries that we choose, so once again, we will recognize their existance, but we will not help them in any way.

                  To Libertia (TOP SECRET): A good plan would be to come to some form of agreement with France, partial payment or something, but don't tick Napoleon off too much, he's just a four foot man with a six foot pole up his behind.

                  ((OOC: I think Libertia would provide a good catalyst in Europe to keep the NES going and interesting instead of people randomly invading North America from Europe, which will get old soon. Sheep, let them exist, landlock them or something clever like that, but don't outright destroy them, don't kill another NES.))

                  Britain repays the loans from France with the trade brought in by Britain's merchant marine.

                  British scientists report a lowering of water levels between England and Ireland, in one case the level dropped 5 inches overnight, British sources do not wish to speculate on why just yet.

                  Britain asks Russia, the Ottoman Empire, and Spain to acknowledge Libertia as an independent Nation.

                  Britain asks the French government to allow trade with Libertia.
                  First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
                  Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


                  • Libertia wants everyone to see just how brutal the French Empire is!!! Napoleon has burned our villiages, killing Thousands of innocent people. He would rather kill all of us than enslave one of us! He is not reporting his casualties, but our numbers show that he is losing 6 men for every one of ours, his army is used to fighting on open plains, and we hide in the woods and buildings, striking from afar. Prove you have Balls, and stand up against the French Empire!!!

                    To Russia: French troops patrol your borders even now, just holding a position so as to make an attack more convenient. He claims it is to protect against "thieves," yet you allow this. Do you think that your people are thieves? We don't.

                    To the Ottoman Empire: Are you even coherent? Don't you realize that as soon as France and Russia have the Americas that your nation would be next? This would be the perfect time to strike against France, while they deal with me, right now is the time for action!

                    To the British Empire: You sicken me, having sided with the French after all the harassment that the French have given you, have the Brits lost their backbone?? I guess so.

                    For as long as Libertia exists she will tell the truth FREE OF CENSORSHIP by a KING. Napoleon is lying, he overrides any legislation that helps his conquered people, and that is why we are revolting against him. He burned all of the Danish penninsula then sent you a French report that the people weren't that serious or some such rubbish. Send a merchant expedition there England, You will find the port of Copenhagen a pile of ash and smoldering timber.

                    It seems the Nations of America are the most forward thinking people in the world, yet opportunistic Colonial Powers still exist there, if those nations were smart, they would band together against Foreign threats and then turn to domestic ones.

                    We are sick of living on a continent that might as well be called France.
                    We are sick of Spainish and French singlemindedness.
                    We are sick of Britain's lack of testicular fortitude.
                    We are sick of Russia's belittling of it's own people by allowing the French to persecute Russians.
                    And most of all, we are sick of Napoleon's lies!!!

                    Libertia's Statistics

                    Army : Small (Guerilla forces, very effective against the Napoleonic army)
                    Navy : Small (Secretly being commissioned in Louisiana)
                    Government : decentralized Democracy (Libertia never claimed a capital)
                    War Status : WAR ON FRANCE

                    Libertian forces have successfully burned Napoleon's food transports and approximately 2/3 of the soldier's rations, thus stalling further attacks for some time.

                    OCC: Sheep, you need to suffer casualties, and you cannot attack twice in two threads in a row, unless the rules for this NES are different from others I've read, but I saw no such rule, Civman, Clarification?


                    • France will suffer casualties but IMO they wwill be relatively insignificant. THE main force against France would be the angry mobs, not the Libertian army.


                      • WCI: Your terms of peace are not acceptable. Your forces (for the most part) did not enter our territory. However, we occupied almost one half of your territory. If it were not for European intrevention, you would be in a much worse situation. We propose a return to the borders that existed before the war began. We will also recognize you as an independent nation.

                        To Spain, France, and Russia: We offer monetary reparations to end the war. We will also give you our steam locomotive technology, and we will recognize the WCI as an independent nation.

                        OOC(to Sheep): This NES begain in the 1820's. The industrial revolution had begun, and steam power was already in use. It would only be a matter of time before a steam locomotive was built.


                        • French Diplomacy

                          To Libertia: You will die for your propoganda and lies.

                          occ: I fail to see how my casulaties could be so high as 6:1. I am 550,000 men you are 50,000. I think my causualties would be around 500 - 1000, for say 30,000 of yours giving the superiority of weapons and men.

                          To Britain: If you enter into trade with Libertia we will begin the blocakde again.

                          To Spain and Russia: (secret) I need your help in putting these rebels there un-convential means is severly playing havoc.

                          To Louisana: I think the WIC terms are too harsh and will back you if needed. I suggest some territory to be handed to WIC as reperation however.

                          To WIC: Remember why you won the war.

                          To USA: I will pay you 10 million francs for the state of Qubec. If you do not accept I will take it with force.

                          French Military Manouvers

                          The Libertian army has suffered hourendous casualties The rebel army is has been pushed accross the Germanic states and into the rebel stronghold of Bavaria. The final act will happen soon.
                          Last edited by Sheep; October 24, 2002, 06:55.
                          Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                          Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                          Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                          • OOC: I do not think Libertia would be good. It can't fight long without support and it has none. Also I find really strange and unbalancing these sudden rebellions. If somebody wants to start one, he must find a reason to do it. I wasn't aware of complains in Prussia/Austria and Germany. Saying that French troops are mudering, raping etc is non-sens if the country has been occupied for 15 years before. The country would have been in civil war for quite a long time..

                            Metaliturle, I'm not sure you would enjoy a rebellion in Scotland would you? About last NES with Sheep, he did a mistake. That's it.

                            Jonny, not sure but the title of the NES is caHNES: 1811. I think that's when the NES started. Therefore a research in steampower must be done and has been started by USA and France. Russia and Spain joined after. I'm not sure but it isn't finished. Any railways would then follow after steampower. But if we can finished it together, it wouldn't last long.

                            I hope no one will be offensed by the above. I think this NES needs some clarifications. Why not expanding the theater to the whole world? More people would be able to join and no these pesky rebellions...
                            Nobody likes sudden appearance of military force coming from nowhere invading your country.

                            I don't want this NES to die but nerfing a nation to allow another one isn't the best way. It always hurts somebody.



                            • The following map is accepted by European Alliance powers. Spain hopes that it will also be recognized by North America Nations.
                              Attached Files


                              • Foreign Diplomacy

                                To WCI (secret):
                                If you find this map too harsh, you may be aware that war can always happen later on. You should consider it temporary. If you accept it now, we will continue to give you ammo and guns.

                                To USA:
                                Spain hopes you are happy with this peace treaty and you will support it.

                                To Louisiana:
                                If you accept it now, you won't have to pay any reparations and your army won't have to be down sized.

