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Frontier Imperial Dip 1 Fall 1868 Moves

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  • Frontier Imperial Dip 1 Fall 1868 Moves

    USA (Lionheart) (+ Anc, + Nvs, + Vct)

    A Org - Wsh
    A Uta - Neb
    F W. Bay - Vct
    F W. Coast - N. Pacific (Bounce)
    F N. Pacific - Anc
    F C. Current - N. Pacific (Bounce)
    F Westerlies S F Haw
    F Haw S F Westerlies
    A Tnn - Ohi
    A Ohi - Det
    F Chesapeake - Nvs
    F E. Seaboard - Chesapeake
    F Sargasso S French N. Atlantic
    F Bha S F Sargasso
    F Cub S F Hai
    F Hai S F Sargasso
    F GoMexico - W. Car
    A Pan S F W. Car - Bgt (nc)
    F W. Car - Bgt (nc) (Bounce)
    A Bgt - Mit (Bounce with Brazil)
    A Lma S A Bgt - Mit
    F C. Basin - Qto (Bounce with Brazil)
    F P. Basin S F C. Basin - Qto
    F GoPanama S A Lma
    F Kirbati - Sw Pacific (Bounce with Japan)
    F Sct S F Kirbati - Sw Pacific
    F E. Pacific - Kirbati

    Brazil (Chazzy)

    A-Brc S A-Mit
    A-Mit H
    A-Ama S F-Qto
    F-Qto H
    F-CoArgentina S F-Flk>Drake
    F-Rec H

    England (His Divine Shadow) (- Bom, - Vct, - Nvs, - Anc)

    1. F Norwegian sup North
    2. F North sup Ska
    3. F Ska sup Swe
    4. A Den sup Swe
    5. F Swe sup Den
    6. A Fin to Nor
    7. F Canary sup M Atl
    8. F M Atl sup Canary
    9. F A Atl to A Indian (Bounce)
    10. F Ctn sup Trn
    11. F Trn sup Ctn
    12. F NE Monsoon to E Indian
    13. F Mld sup F NE Monsoon to E Indian
    14. A Raj sup A Mdh to Guj
    15. A Mdh to Guj
    16. A Bom sup A Mdh to Guj (Support Broken, Dislodged, Destroyed)
    17. F Cey sup F NE Monsoon to E Indian
    18. F B Bengal to Rng (Bounce with China)
    19. F Bering sup US F Westerlies
    20. F A Indian sup French F Goodhope to W Indian

    France (the_orange1)

    1. A-Mrc > Alg
    2. F-W.Med S A-Mrc > Alg
    3. A-Twr > Trp (Bounce with Ottoman)
    4. A-Tun S A-Twr > Trp
    5. F-Ionian S A-Twr > Trp
    6. F-Tyr S F-Ionian H
    7. A-Tir > Twr (Bounce)
    8. A-Kie S A-Hol H
    9. A-Hol S A-Kie H
    10. A-Rou S A-Hol H
    11. F-Biscay S F-N.Atlantic H
    12. F-N.Atlantic S F-Biscay H
    13. F-Vrd H
    14. F-NE Trades > Prm (Bounce)
    15. F-Cyn > Prm (Bounce)
    16. F-E.Car S F-Vrg H
    17. F-Vrg S F-E.Car H
    18. F-G.Guinea H
    19. F-S.Atlantic > Goodhope (Bounce)
    20. F-B.Current H
    21. F-Goodhope > W.Indian (Bounce with Japan)
    22. F-M.Channel S A-Moz > Ken
    23. A-Moz > Ken (Bounce with Ottoman)
    24. A-Cng S A-Moz > Ken
    25. F-S.Pacific S US F-Sct > SW Pacific
    26. F-Sic H

    Holland (Snowfire)

    A Rho S Bot
    A Bot S Rho

    Austria (Defiant) (- Sev)

    1.F-BAL > SWE (Bounce with England)
    2.F-GO.BOT S F-BAL > SWE
    3.A-STP > FIN
    4.F-SEV > GRG (Bounce with China, Dislodge, Destroyed)
    5.A-MOS S F-SEV > GRG
    6.A-PRM S F-SEV > GRG
    7.A-LIV > STP
    8. A-GLC - SEV (Bounce with Ottoman)
    9. A-RMN S A - SOF
    10. A-WLC S A-RMN
    11. A-SOF > HOLD
    12. F-BOS/SC S F-GR > AEG
    13. F-GR > AEG (Bounce with Ottoman)
    14. A-SR S A-RMN
    15.F-ADR > GR
    16. F-CRT > ADR
    17.F-SAL S F-CRT > ADR
    18.A-ROM > HOLD
    19.A-BER > HOLD

    Ottoman (Victor Galis) (+ Bom, + Sev)

    1. F Black-Sevastopol
    2. F Con- Sofia[sc]
    3. F Aeg S F Con-Sofia (Support Broken)
    4. F Cre S F Aeg
    5. F EMed S F Aeg
    6. A Trp H
    7. A Fzz S A Trp
    8. A Tbq S A Trp
    9. A Khv-Afg
    10. F Bandar-Persian
    11. F Arabian-Bombay
    12. F Madras S F Arabian-Bombay
    13. F HoAfrica S A Kenya
    14. F Somalia S A Kenya
    15. A Kenya H
    16. A Krc S A Kashmir-Raj

    China (Ruffhaus8) (+ Oki, + Sap)

    A Georgia supports Ottoman F Black Sea - Sevastopol
    A Omsk supports A Georgia - hold
    A Orenburg supports A Georgia - hold
    A Krasnoyarsk supports A Orenburg - hold
    A Bokhara supports A Orenburg - hold
    A KSL supports A Bokhara - hold
    A Tashkent supports A Bokhara - hold
    A Khirgistan supports A Kashgar - hold
    A Kashgar supports A Kashmir - hold
    A Tibet supports A Kashmir - hold
    A Kashmir supports A Dehli - hold
    A Dehli supports A Hyderbad - MDH
    A Lucknow supports A Hyderbad - MDH
    A Hyderbad - MDH
    A Assam - Bengal
    A Bangkok - Rangoon (Bounce with England)
    F Gulf of Manaar - Andaman Islands (Bounce)
    F Andaman Sea - Andaman Islands (Bounce)
    F East Indian Ocean - Southeast Trades (Bounce With Japan, Dislodged, Destroyed)
    F Java Sea - Celebes Sea
    F Sumatra supports F Gulf of Siam - Java Sea
    F Gulf of Siam - Java Sea
    F South China Sea - Phillipine Sea
    F Formosa supports F South China Sea - Phillipine Sea
    F East China Sea supports F Yellow Sea - Okinawa
    F Yellow Sea - Okinawa
    A Shanghai - Peking
    F Sea of Japan - Kagoshima
    A Edo supports F Okhotsk Sea - Sapporo
    F Okhotsk Sea - Sapporo
    A Nei Mongol - Vladivostok (Bounce)
    A Kamchakta - Vladivostok (Bounce)

    Japan (Charger, filling in for MDR) (NMR, All units support each other) (- Oki, - Sap)

    A: Sk: H
    F: Kuril s F Izu
    F: Izu s F Kuril
    F: W. Pacific s F EQ Countercurrent
    F: EQ Countercurrent s F W. Pacific
    F: SW Pacific s F A. Pacific (Support Broken)
    F: A. Pacific s F SW Pacific
    F: Timor s F Prt
    F: Prt s F Timor
    F: Luzon s F Sunda
    F: Sunda s F Luzon
    F: Srw s F Bor
    F: Bor s F Srw
    F: SE Trades s F W. Indian
    F: W. Indian s F SE Trades
    F: Sau: H

    Invasion Report

    USA takes Anc, Vct, and Nvs and nets 4 builds

    Brazil has 1 disband

    England has 2 Disbands

    Ottoman takes Sev and Bom and nets 3 builds

    China takes Oki and Sap and nets 5 builds

    Japan has 2 Disbands

    SC Report

    USA - ORG SFR CHI DET WDC RCM ATL NOL AUS MAZ NYO MXC MER SCT NVS ANC Neb Wsh Nme Kan Okl Bha Haw Cub Hon Hai Glp Pan Bgt Lma Vct - 31
    Brazil - BRA RDJ OLI FLK REC Lpa Prg Uru Brc - 9
    England - VNC QBC LON EDI CEY JVA DUB TRN CTN Grn Nor Den Swe Alb Yuk Mad Mld - 17
    France - NAN PAR MRS CRS MNV GCS CYN PRM RUH HOL GB Pie Ivc Vrd Sic Tun Vrg Cmn Okn Vlc Sie Kie Mrc Azo Srg Sey - 26
    Holland - Bot Rho - 2
    Austria - VIE VEN CRT BUD BER SIL SOF PRS WRS MOS STP Rom Sr Sal Bav Rmn Stu Gr - 18
    Ottoman - CAI CON CYP ANG BAG ADE SEV BOM Ban Cre Bku Sud Trp Oma Teh Aby Krc Khv Mds - 19
    Japan - PRT BOR Luz Crl Mnd Mhl Ija Ngu Sk Que Nsw Fij Nze Srw - 14

    Player contacts

    GM- Du_Chateau
    Email -
    ICQ - 44369275

    Britain - His Divine Shadow
    Email -
    ICQ - none

    France - The Orange One
    Email -
    ICQ - 109943271

    Holland - Snowfire
    Email - ???
    ICQ - 35476699

    Austria - Defiant
    Email -
    ICQ - 46172786

    Ottoman - Victor Galis
    Email -
    ICQ - 47756253

    China - Ruffhaus8
    Email -
    ICQ - 63418710

    Japan - MDR
    Email -
    ICQ - None

    Temporary replacement - Charger
    Email -
    ICQ: none

    USA - Lionheart (Orange)
    Email -
    ICQ - 91875872

    Brazil- Chazzy
    Email -
    ICQ - none


    Russia (Stefu/Ubercheesecake/Boshko) - Spring 1867

    Mexico (His Divine Shadow) - Spring 1865

    Prussia (Bearcat) - Spring 1863

    CSA (Secretariat) - Fall 1861

    Retreats are due ASAP
    Builds are due at 5:30 PM PDT Saturday
    Spring 1869 moves due at 5:30 PM PDT Saturday July 20th, 2002

    P.S. Check for Errors
    P.S.S. Press is still voluntary.
    P.S.S.S. Builds are in the invasion report

  • #2
    You list F WCar-Bogota as bouncing, but not the move on WCar?
    F E. Pacific - Kirbati should bounce with F Kirbati that likewise bounces.

    I think:
    F GoMexico-WCar (*bounce*)
    F E. Pacific-Kirbati (*bounce*)


    F-Drake>A.Pacific (*bounce*) with the Japanese fleet there, whose support it cuts.
    F-Flk>Drake (*bounce*) with F Drake.

    More later.
    "The purpose of studying economics is not to acquire a set of ready-made answers to economic questions, but to learn how to avoid being deceived by economists."
    -Joan Robinson


    • #3
      F: A. Pacific s F SW Pacific (*Support broken*)

      This means F SW Pac. is dislodge by the American 2v1, right?


      15.F-ADR > GR (bounce with F Gr, which bounced with me)
      16. F-CRT > ADR (Bounce with F Adr, same reason)


      F East Indian Ocean - Southeast Trades (Bounce With Japan, Dislodged, Destroyed)

      Umm... but the Arabian Sea is open for retreating
      "The purpose of studying economics is not to acquire a set of ready-made answers to economic questions, but to learn how to avoid being deceived by economists."
      -Joan Robinson


      • #4
        This is the map, except for retreats, and I think Japanese F SW Pac. was dislodged.

        (edit: umm... there is a rather glaring lack of a map here, I will upload to Geocities)
        "The purpose of studying economics is not to acquire a set of ready-made answers to economic questions, but to learn how to avoid being deceived by economists."
        -Joan Robinson


        • #5
          Hmm... let's see

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          "The purpose of studying economics is not to acquire a set of ready-made answers to economic questions, but to learn how to avoid being deceived by economists."
          -Joan Robinson


          • #6
            Because Allah's holy warriors need to hide nothing from the infidel enemies, here are my builds:

            F Aden
            A Cairo
            F Ang[nc]
            "The purpose of studying economics is not to acquire a set of ready-made answers to economic questions, but to learn how to avoid being deceived by economists."
            -Joan Robinson


            • #7
              England Disbands: A Raj
              A Mdh
              His Divine Shadow

              "Do you know what 'nemesis' means? A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent. Personified, in this case, by a horrible c**t: me." - Bricktop, _Snatch_


              • #8
                "Chegitz, still angry about the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991?
                You provide no source. You PROVIDE NOTHING! And yet you want to destroy capitalism.. you criminal..." - Fez

                "I was hoping for a Communist utopia that would last forever." - Imran Siddiqui


                • #9
                  If the Arabian Sea is open for Chinese F East Indian Ocean to retreat to, that would be the prefered choice. WIll send offical notice to the GM by e-mail.
                  What is best in life? Crush your enemy! See him driven before you. And to hear the lamentation of his women.


                  • #10
                    I will also disband for all to see.

                    Disband F-CoArgentina

                    Thank you


                    • #11
                      I would like to remind everyone that there is still the issue of Japanese F SW Pacific
                      "The purpose of studying economics is not to acquire a set of ready-made answers to economic questions, but to learn how to avoid being deceived by economists."
                      -Joan Robinson


                      • #12
                        Also, orange's map shows A Brasilia still being in Rio di Janerio.
                        "The purpose of studying economics is not to acquire a set of ready-made answers to economic questions, but to learn how to avoid being deceived by economists."
                        -Joan Robinson


                        • #13
                          yes, i'm waiting for the GM to check on that and confirm, VG.

                          Sorry about the error with A Brasilia, i will change when the map gets updated with the F Sw Pacific thing.
                          "Chegitz, still angry about the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991?
                          You provide no source. You PROVIDE NOTHING! And yet you want to destroy capitalism.. you criminal..." - Fez

                          "I was hoping for a Communist utopia that would last forever." - Imran Siddiqui

