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SNESA - SKILORDS Never Ending Stories Apolyton

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  • SNESA - SKILORDS Never Ending Stories Apolyton

    General NES Rules for Newbies
    1. Everyone Picks a civ
    2. They Write about what that Civ does in the NES
    3. It is not based on a civ game
    4. We must follow Civ3 rules for the Most part

    SNES Rules (for SKILORD's NES' only)
    1. 2 days = 1 year
    2. Respect other Writers
    3. you don't have to state the tech ur researching
    4. 1 week = 1 Advance in Era
    5. Battle calculations: don't say your taking a place over say you plan to send troops there, i'll figure out whether you win or loose.
    6. Defense information: i DEMAND a PM from every single member of this game stateing the troops defending each area (ie: N. Atlantic coast US: Dedicated spearmen roughly 12 thousand) rough numbers i insist.
    7. Official secret service: PM me requesting information from the secret service. General info (ie: what is the most advanced troop that the people of Canada currently have), title it SS and the either General or specific. general missions have 100% chance of success and 0% chance of getting caught. Specific missions (ie: what does canada have defending Quebec?) depend on your nation.
    F: 20%
    C 40%
    F: 40%
    C: 30%
    F: 30%
    C: 40%
    USSR: (Remember, pure Communism)
    F: 30%
    C: 20%
    F: 20%
    C: 50%
    F: 30%
    C: 40%
    F: 20%
    C: 50%
    F: 10%
    C: 50%
    Free France:
    F: 30%
    C: 40%
    F: 30%
    C: 40%
    F: 30%
    C: 40%
    F: 30%
    C: 40%


    This is Entirely Fictional, the Nations in the Alliances are not neccisarily true. The NES genre could be strangled in the Crib! don't let it hapen!

    The Civs:

    Free France: (S. America)
    Small Army
    Medium Navy
    Small Airforce
    No Nukes
    Govt: Democracy
    Ruler: ?
    Tech Level: Early Modern
    War: none

    Large Army
    Medium Navy
    Medium Airforce
    Medium Nukes
    Govt: Democracy
    Ruler: civman2000
    Tech Level: Mid Modern
    War: CSA

    Confederate States of America:
    Medium Army
    Small Navy
    Small Airforce
    Few Nukes
    Govt: Confederacy
    Tech Level: Mid Modern
    War: USA

    Huge Army
    Small Navy
    Small Airforce
    Medium Nukes
    Govt: Communism
    Ruler: Rotten999
    Tech Level: Mid Modern
    MPP's: China, BEER, Egypt, Canada (Warsaw Pact)
    War: Iraq, Persia

    Huge Army
    Small Navy
    No Airforce
    No Nukes
    Govt: Communism
    Ruler: Trickey
    Tech: Mid Modern
    MPP's: USSR, BEER, Egypt, Canada (Warsaw Pact)
    War: Iraq, Persia

    Medium Army
    Medium Navy
    Medium Airforce
    Few Nukes
    Govt: Socialist Republic
    Ruler: Metaliturtle
    Tech Level: Mid Modern
    MPP's: China, USSR, Egypt, Canada (Warsaw Pact)
    War: Iraq, Persia

    Medium Army
    No Navy
    No Airforce
    No Nukes
    Govt: Theocracy
    Tech: Early Modern
    MPP's: Iraq (Band of the Jihad)
    War: (Warsaw Pact)

    Iraq (Babylon):
    Medium Army
    Small Navy
    No Airforce
    No Nukes
    Govt: Theocracy
    Tech Level: Mid Modern
    MPP's: Persia (Band of the Jihad)
    War: (Warsaw Pact)

    Medium Army
    Small Navy
    Small Airforce
    No Nukes
    Govt: Republic
    Ruler: Cap'n Crunch
    Tech Level: Early Modern
    MPP's: China, BEER, USSR, Canada (Warsaw Pact)
    War: Iraq, Persia

    Small Army
    Small Navy
    No Airforce
    No Nukes
    Govt: Democracy
    Ruler: ?
    Tech Level: Mid Modern
    War: none

    Small Army
    Large Navy
    Medium Airforce
    No Nukes
    Govt: Monarchy
    Ruler: ?
    Tech Level: Mid Modern
    War: none

    Medium Army
    Medium Navy
    Large Airforce
    Few Nukes
    Govt: Republic
    Ruler: SKILORD
    Tech Level: Mid Modern
    MPP's: China, BEER, Egypt, USSR (Warsaw Pact)
    War: none

    1950- The Alliances of the world vie for Canada's membership, NATO and the Communals especially. The Aztecan king is killed by a Russian Aircraft causing the new ruler to declare war on thee members of the Warsaw pact, Azteca's allies watch, considering when to join.
    1952- World War 3 begins, Canada uses Nuclearr weapons against advancing americans. Greece goes berserk, Nuking Berlin, Paris Washington and the USSR.
    1953- Axis of evil alliance formed, Ottowa and Toronto nuked, Leningrad nuked, Tokyo nuked. Axis of evil defeated nonetheless. Greece Conqured
    1955- USSR reconciles China, The United Kingdom Goes bonkers destroying: Warsaw, Montreal, Moscow, and Canton.
    1960- Sciences of the world expo planned in Canada.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by SKILORD; May 21, 2002, 01:50.
    Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land

  • #2
    Sounds interesting...I'll give it a shot!

    Rotten999 is the USSR


    The Red Guardsmen carpeted Red Square, a sea of flesh and blood stretching from the Kremlin to the Horizon.

    "What do you think, Mr. Mulrooney?" Ivan Aronovich, Soviet Premier, motioned the Canadian diplomat to the window of his Kremlin office. The thin diplomat made an odd contrast to the Estonian Aronovich, who resembled a bear standing on its hind legs, thick but still spry.

    "Yes, it's very impressive, Premier Aronovich." The pale Canadian had for the most part enjoyed his time in Russia. The weather seemed to have made the trip with him...a light snow was falling.

    "American cares nothing for your people. Their only desire is to improve their own position. WE represent the workers and peasants of the world. Join the Warsaw Pact, and help check the imperialist aggression of your backward neighbor!"

    Mulrooney kept staring at the soldiers, standing at attention in the light snow, more stone than flesh, it seems.

    "We know where you stand, Premier. You'll have our answer soon."

    "Very well. Vodka?" Aronovich opened his file cabinet, producing a bottle of clear liquid.



    Hopefully I'm "doing this right"
    Attached Files


    • #3
      I'll, um, try as the Aztecs (ruler Blueb Monster):

      Revolutionary leader Marsman announced to the crowd: "Do we want democracy?!"


      And the Royal Cavalry appeared and massacred the Revolutionaries.


      "Sire, the Revolutionaries have been defeated!"

      "Woohoo," said Blueb Monster. "Let's get some bluebs and celebrate!!!

      A party was announced and the next day all of the governors, chief ministers, advisors to the kings, and the king himself gathered in the palace for a huge blueb festival.


      Unbeknowst (or whatever) to the Blueb Monster, Marsman himself had survived and was now piloting a Russian-made bomber. All the people in the streets were staring at him. Most had never seen a plane before.

      He manuevered through downtown Techtitlan quickly, as city guards had begun firing at him from below. As he approached the palace, he hit the "bomb" button. SUddenly, machine gunners began firing at him and his plane crashed to the ground, but not before th bomb fell on the palace.


      The king's nearest living relative, a third cousin twice removed, was living in Canada at the time. As the new king called up the new generals that had been promoted from majors to declare war on Russia because there were Russian markings on the plane, Russian spies grabbed him and took him away...

      That's my first part


      • #4
        So the governmant of the Aztecs is now anarchy, they're at war with the USSR, and there's still no leader


        • #5
          days and weeks are realtime, i assume?


          • #7
            btw you guys r doin great


            We shall see how you fare in this war. Canada's alleigence may be hanging in the balance.
            Last edited by SKILORD; May 8, 2002, 17:43.
            Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land


            • #8
              browsing at cfc...You should have told us that cbraund invented the idea!!


              • #9
                didn'y know exactly who invented it. noww i do. thanx i suppose.
                Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land


                • #10
                  Yeah, I was looking at the faq thread about them


                  • #11
                    arg I have a followup planned but it will only work at least 9 months later (=late tomorrow night)! Arg I'm impatient


                    • #12
                      info on the 1st post is incorrect: Aztec state of affairs not updated and the history is wrong, I ONLY declared war on Russia, not its allies, and by civ rules they dont join till I make an attack on Russia


                      • #13
                        "If this is a joke, Commissar Beria, I'm not laughing." Ivan Aronovich stared at the declaration of war on his desk.

                        "No joke, comrade leader. They blame us for a terrorist attack commited against them. The good new is..." The NKVD man paused rubbing his hands together, a sick smile spreading across his face, "we have picked up the heir to their king."

                        Aronovich considered the gist of the message. "Tell our satellite states and China that their support will not be needed to resolve this matter. Their support is appreciated, of course." Aronovich lit a cigarette. "We can claim to be a peace keeping force in the region, restoring the royal family from the flames of anarchy. Start a campaign to discredit their current leadership. The west will lap this up."

                        Aronovich snuffed the cigarette out in his ashtray "Otherwise there are more direct methods. Accidents can happen..."


                        The NKVD men were preparing to board the plane for Moscow with the Aztec King's third cousin, when they were surrounded by royal mounted police, leveling sub-machine guns at them. "You're coming with us, gentleman. The sovereign nation of Canada protects its citizens."


                        • #14
                          OOC: I hope I got that bit right about the heir still being in Canada...otherwise I made it easy to work through.

                          The point is to make an interesting communal (da, I make joke, no) story, not to "win" correct? Do you have a link for the FAQ?


                          • #15
                            Cool concept, I'm not going to do it though as I'd like to see how this one turns out first
                            First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
                            Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...

