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Frontier Imperial Dip 1 Spring 1865 Moves

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  • Frontier Imperial Dip 1 Spring 1865 Moves

    Sorry for the lateness

    China (Ruffhaus8)

    A Kashmir supports Turkish A Karachi - hold
    A Tibet supports A Kashmir - hold
    A Kashgar - Bokhara
    A Sinkiang - Kashgar
    A Khirgistan supports A Krasnoyarsk - Tashkent
    A Krasnoyarsk - Tashkent (Bounce with Russia)
    A Mongolia - Krasnoyarsk (Bounce with Russia)
    A Lanchow - Mongolia (Bounce)
    A Irkutsk - Evenkia
    A Yakutsk supports A Irkutsk - Evenkia
    A Vladivostok - Irkutsk
    A Manchuria - Vladivostok
    F Yellow Sea - hold
    F South China Sea supports F Cochin - Gulf of Siam
    F Cochin - Gulf of Siam
    F Gulf of Siam - Java Sea
    F Java Sea - Singapore (Bounce with England, Dislodged, retreat to Andaman or SE Trades)
    F Malaysia supports F Java Sea - Singapore
    A Bangkok - Yuthia
    A Yuthia - Mandalay
    A Tonking - Yunnan
    A Rangoon supports A Bengal - hold
    A Bengal supports French F Bay of Bengal - Hyderbad

    Japan (MDR) (+ Nsw)

    1. A SK -> HOLDS
    2. F EDO -> KURIL
    3. F LUZON -> HOLDS
    5. F MND -> CELEBES
    7. F TIMOR -> NTR
    8. F QUE -> NSW
    12. F BISMARK -> CORAL

    Ottoman (Victor Galis) (+ Ade)

    A Trp-Tun (Bounce with France)
    F Ionian H
    F EMed S F Ionian
    A Aby-Dar
    F Sud S F Red
    F Red S A Mec-Aden
    A NEJ S A Mec-Aden
    A Mec-Aden
    A Gre-Bos (Bounce with Austria)
    F Bla-Con
    F Bku-Ang[nc]
    A Khv H
    F Ban S A Krc
    F Oman S F Pers-Arabian
    A Krc S A Kas-Raj
    F: Pers - Arabian (Bounce with England)

    USA (Lionheart) (+ Mxc)

    1. F GoAlaska - N. Pacific
    2. F W. Bay H
    3. F W. Coast - C.Current
    4. F Sfr - W.Coast
    5. F Haw - Kirabati
    6. F GoCalifornia - E.Pacific
    7. A Coa - Mxc
    8. A Maz - Oax
    9. A Son - Maz
    10. F GoMexico S F Cub - W.Car
    11. F Cub - W. Car
    12. F Tampa - Cub
    13. F Bha S F Tampa - Cub
    14. F E. Seaboard S F Azores - N. Atlantic
    15. F Nyc S F Chesapeake
    16. F Rcm - Atl
    17. A Mnn - Chi
    18. A Ohi - Wdc
    19. A Neb H
    20. F Hon (wc) S A Pan

    Holland (Chazzy) (- Trn)

    A: Rho: H
    A: Trn: H (Dislodged, Retreats to Bot or Moz
    F: Bor s A Srw
    A: Srw s F Bor
    F: Cel: H

    France (The Orange One) (+ Rec, + Azo, - Dub, - Nsw)

    1. F-Tyr > Sic
    2. F-W.Med S F-Tun H
    3. F-Tun H
    4. F-Mrc > Alg
    5. A-Gb > Vlc
    6. A-Kie S A-Hol
    7. A-Hol S A-Kie
    8. A-Rou S A-Nan
    9. A-Nan S A-Rou
    10. F-Biscay S F-Canary > Azo
    11. F-Canary > Azo
    12. F-Dub H (Dislodged, Destroyed)
    13. A-Dmk > Cmn
    14. A-Agl > Dml
    15. F-S.Atlantic - Capetown
    16. F-M.Atlantic S F Ne Trades - Rec
    17. F-NE Trades -Rec
    18. F-Vrg . E.Car
    19. F-Hai S F-Sargasso
    20. F-Mer S US A-Coa > Mxc
    21. F-G.Panama -Pan (Bounce with Brazil)
    22. F-Glp - P. Basin (Bounce with Brazil)
    23. F-SW Pacific s F - Fiji (Support Broken, Dislodged, Retreat to S. Pacific or Sct)
    24. F-B.Bengal > G.Manaar
    25. F-Nsw H (Dislodged, Retreat to Sau)
    26. F-Fij H
    27. F-A.Atlantic -S. Atlantic
    28. F - Cyn - Pra (Bounce with Brazil)
    29. F: Sargasso: H (Unordered)

    Mexico (His Divine Shadow) (EOG) (- Mxc)

    A: Mxc: H (Dislodged, Destroyed)

    Austria (Defiant) (+ Wrs)

    A-PRS - WRS
    A-BER - PRS
    A-CRT - BOS
    A-RMN - SEV (Bounce with Russia)
    A-WLC - RMN (Bounce)
    F-VEN - CRT

    England (El Awrence) (+ Trn + Dub, - Ade, - Azo)

    01. F Anc H
    02. A Alb H
    03. F Chesapeake > Qbc
    04. F N Atlantic SUPPORT F N Passage > Dub
    05. F N Passage > Dub
    06. F Lon SUPPORT F N Atlantic
    07. F North > Edi
    08. F Hlg > North
    09. A Den H
    10. A Fin H
    11. F Azo SUPPORT F N Atlantic (Support Broken, Dislodged, Destroyed)
    12. F Goodhope > Trn
    13. F A Indian > A Pacific
    14. F M Channel SUPPORT F Goodhope > Trn
    15. F HoAfrica SUPPORT F Arabian
    16. F Ade H (Dislodged, Retreat to Hdr(sc))
    17. F Arabian SUPPORT F HoAfrica (Support Broken)
    18. A Raj H
    19. A Guj SUPPORT A Raj
    20. A Del SUPPORT A Raj
    21. A Lck H
    22. F Hyd H (Dislodged, Must Retreat)
    23. F Sum SUPPORT F SP > Java
    24. F SP > Java
    25. F Jva SUPPORT F SP > Java
    26. F Prt > SE Trades
    27. F Barrier SUPPORT F A Indian > A Pacific
    28. F Sgr SUPPORT F F S Atlantic > B Current

    Russia (Boshko) (- Wrs)

    F Liv-StP(sc)
    A Wrs S A Sev (Support Broken, Dislodged, Destroyed)
    A Mos S A War
    A Grg S A Sev
    A Sev S A War (Support Broken)
    A Tsh-Kra (Bounce with China)
    A Oms S A Tsh-Kra
    A Eve S A Tsh-Kra (Support Broken, Dislodged, Destroyed)

    Brazil (Mensius) (NMR, All units support Each Other, Need Replacement) (- Rec)

    F: Ctn: H
    F: B. Current s F: Flk
    F: Flk s F Drake
    F: Drake s F B. Current
    A: Rec s F Pra (Support Broken, Dislodged, Retreat to Bra, or Rdj)
    F: Pra s A Rec (Support Broken)
    A: Ama s A Lma
    A: Lma s A Ama
    F: P. Basin s A Lma (Support Broken)
    A: Bgt s A Pan
    A: Pan s A Bgt

    World News

    Mexico has fallen. The Revolutionary of Mexico has mysteriously disappear before American armies took the capitol

    Brazil’s emperor has disappeared. Whereabouts are unknown.

    Invasion Report

    USA took Mxc

    England took Trn and Dub

    France took Rec and Azo

    Austria took Wrs
    Ottoman took Ade

    Japan took Nsw

    SC Report

    USA - ORG SFR CHI DET WDC RCM ATL NOL AUS MAZ NYO MXC Neb Wsh Nme Kan Okl Bha Haw Cub Hon - 21
    Brazil - BRA RDJ OLI CTN FLK Lpa Prg Uru Lma Brc Bgt Pan - 12
    England - VNC QBC NVS LON EDI DEL BOM SP PRT ANC CEY JVA SUM DUB TRN Vct Grn Nor Den Srg Swe Alb Mds Yuk Sey Mad Mld Amn - 28
    France - SCT NAN PAR MRS CRS MNV GCS CYN PRM RUH HOL MER GB REC Pie Ivc Vrd Sic Fij Tun Vrg Cmn Nze Hai Okn Glp Vlc Sie Kie Mrc Azo - 31
    Holland - BOR Bot Srw Rho - 4
    Austria - VIE VEN CRT BUD BER SIL SOF PRS WRS Rom Sr Sal Bav Rmn Stu - 15
    Ottoman - CAI CON CYP ANG BAG ADE Ban Cre Bku Gr Sud Trp Oma Teh Aby Krc Khv - 17
    Russia - STP SEV MOS GRG ORN OMS Tsh - 8
    China - MNC PEK SHA CAN WUH CHK SNK PA HK CMB CCH VLA IRK Tnk Brm Ben Yut Ran Bnk Seo Fsn Kas Mls - 23
    Japan - SAP EDO KG OKI Luz Crl Mnd Mhl Fm Ija Ngu Sk Que Nsw - 14

    Player contacts

    GM- Du_Chateau
    Email -
    ICQ - 44369275

    Britain - El Awrence (Erwin Rommel)
    Email -
    ICQ - 102139615

    France - The Orange One
    Email -
    ICQ - 109943271

    Holland - Chazzy
    Email -
    ICQ - none

    Austria - Defiant
    Email -
    ICQ - 46172786

    Russia - Boshko
    Email -
    ICQ - 37211450

    Ottoman - Victor Galis
    Email -
    ICQ - 47756253

    China - Ruffhaus8
    Email -
    ICQ - 63418710

    Japan - MDR
    Email -
    ICQ - None

    USA - Lionheart (Orange)
    Email -
    ICQ - 91875872

    Brazil- ???
    Email - ???
    ICQ - ???


    Mexico (His Divine Shadow) - Spring 1865

    Prussia (Bearcat) - Spring 1863

    CSA (Secretariat) - Fall 1861

    Retreats are due ASAP
    Fall 1865 moves due at 5:30 PM PST Saturday March 30, 2002

    P.S. Check for Errors
    P.S.S. Press is still voluntary.
    P.S.S.S. Is there any way to get around the block on the maps other than cutting and pasting the URL.
    Last edited by Du_Chateau; March 23, 2002, 20:17.

  • #2
    Once again, Du, there is a problem with my orders - I sent you TWO sets of revisions by PM, and I have the copies with time stamps, which I have sent to you now, by PM. Please check this out for me, this is getting ridiculous
    "Life is like a bag of Revells - you're always searching for The Orange One"


    • #3
      According to Poly's message tracking system, they were both received and read by you...
      "Life is like a bag of Revells - you're always searching for The Orange One"


      • #4
        The_orange1 - Found the error. Moves corrected for M. Atlantic and S. Atlantic for France.
        Last edited by Du_Chateau; March 23, 2002, 20:19.


        • #5
          i'm working on getting a map up now. Give me an hour.
          "Chegitz, still angry about the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991?
          You provide no source. You PROVIDE NOTHING! And yet you want to destroy capitalism.. you criminal..." - Fez

          "I was hoping for a Communist utopia that would last forever." - Imran Siddiqui


          • #6
            possible map error over the Java Sea. I'm getting two sets of "ok" orders from China that should bounce due to Britain gaining the Java Sea. Can someone confirm this?
            "Chegitz, still angry about the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991?
            You provide no source. You PROVIDE NOTHING! And yet you want to destroy capitalism.. you criminal..." - Fez

            "I was hoping for a Communist utopia that would last forever." - Imran Siddiqui


            • #7
              why must British F Hyd retreat??
              "Chegitz, still angry about the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991?
              You provide no source. You PROVIDE NOTHING! And yet you want to destroy capitalism.. you criminal..." - Fez

              "I was hoping for a Communist utopia that would last forever." - Imran Siddiqui


              • #8

                CHECK FOR ERRORS! (a lot of issues with the adjucation, I think...)

                (sorry for all these posts )
                "Chegitz, still angry about the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991?
                You provide no source. You PROVIDE NOTHING! And yet you want to destroy capitalism.. you criminal..." - Fez

                "I was hoping for a Communist utopia that would last forever." - Imran Siddiqui


                • #9
                  I remind the Englishman that he can still retreat his F Aden OTB, rather than to HDR where it will be mercilessly crushed, at the expense of one turn of attacking the French with those armies.
                  "The purpose of studying economics is not to acquire a set of ready-made answers to economic questions, but to learn how to avoid being deceived by economists."
                  -Joan Robinson


                  • #10
                    F Ade retreats OTB.

                    There, you heathen fez donning Turk!


                    • #11
                      Excellent... soon my Arabian armies will march on other enemies...
                      "The purpose of studying economics is not to acquire a set of ready-made answers to economic questions, but to learn how to avoid being deceived by economists."
                      -Joan Robinson


                      • #12
                        Mexico's EOG: How to begin? Where to begin? How about with "Owwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!

                        Things went well for me as long as the Confederacy existed. After the stab, poor Secretariat tried desperately to convince me that killing the CSA was wrong and killing the USA was right. In the typical blind spot of the megalomaniac, I could hear him but wasn't listening real well. I was so elated with my nice treaty with Hacksaw down in Brazil and the chance to rid my northern border of a potential threat that I didn't notice until after the CSA was reduced to nothingness that instead of a smaller tannish-colored neighbor to my north, I now had a GIANT green one with no less than six armies in my immediate vicinity. I'd been using the ONE build I'd received from the destruction of the CSA and my Central American gains to build fleets to consolidate the Caribbean and aid Brazil in the obliteration of the rapidly-swelling French in the Atlantic.

                        So then orange writes me and runs some line of BS about how he wants to construct the borders of the modern US by owning Austin/Texas, my only gain from the war with the Confeds. By this point I realize I'm looking down the barrel of a VERY BIG GUN, as there's all this green up there and me with only a scattered few armies with which to hold back the tide. So I do the wrong thing and try to bluff him to gain some time to boot France out of the Caribbean and grab the last of the SCs in the islands. I tell orange that in the interests of relations between Mexico and the USA that he can have Aus, provided he never asks me for anything of that sort ever again, because I was getting dicked out of the only gain I made helping him fight his war with the Confeds.

                        He kept his end of the bargain. He never asked again.

                        France by this point is steamrolling the Caribbean and I don't have the power to stop it, and neither does Brazil. Then the US hordes descend in Winfield Scott-esque fashion upon me. I'm the meat in a real **** sandwich now, and not enjoying it one bit, but there's not a soul on the planet who can do anything about it, and I know it. Two useless counteroffensives later, that be the end of me.

                        So, my spelling may be a bit off, but Dios mio! Hay una hacha en mi cabeza!!
                        His Divine Shadow

                        "Do you know what 'nemesis' means? A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent. Personified, in this case, by a horrible c**t: me." - Bricktop, _Snatch_


                        • #13
                          To quote one Mexican after the Mexican War, "Poor México, so far from God, so near the United States."
                          "The purpose of studying economics is not to acquire a set of ready-made answers to economic questions, but to learn how to avoid being deceived by economists."
                          -Joan Robinson


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by His Divine Shadow
                            Mexico's EOG: How to begin? Where to begin? How about with "Owwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!

                            Things went well for me as long as the Confederacy existed. After the stab, poor Secretariat tried desperately to convince me that killing the CSA was wrong and killing the USA was right. In the typical blind spot of the megalomaniac, I could hear him but wasn't listening real well. I was so elated with my nice treaty with Hacksaw down in Brazil and the chance to rid my northern border of a potential threat that I didn't notice until after the CSA was reduced to nothingness that instead of a smaller tannish-colored neighbor to my north, I now had a GIANT green one with no less than six armies in my immediate vicinity. I'd been using the ONE build I'd received from the destruction of the CSA and my Central American gains to build fleets to consolidate the Caribbean and aid Brazil in the obliteration of the rapidly-swelling French in the Atlantic.

                            So then orange writes me and runs some line of BS about how he wants to construct the borders of the modern US by owning Austin/Texas, my only gain from the war with the Confeds. By this point I realize I'm looking down the barrel of a VERY BIG GUN, as there's all this green up there and me with only a scattered few armies with which to hold back the tide. So I do the wrong thing and try to bluff him to gain some time to boot France out of the Caribbean and grab the last of the SCs in the islands. I tell orange that in the interests of relations between Mexico and the USA that he can have Aus, provided he never asks me for anything of that sort ever again, because I was getting dicked out of the only gain I made helping him fight his war with the Confeds.

                            He kept his end of the bargain. He never asked again.

                            France by this point is steamrolling the Caribbean and I don't have the power to stop it, and neither does Brazil. Then the US hordes descend in Winfield Scott-esque fashion upon me. I'm the meat in a real **** sandwich now, and not enjoying it one bit, but there's not a soul on the planet who can do anything about it, and I know it. Two useless counteroffensives later, that be the end of me.

                            So, my spelling may be a bit off, but Dios mio! Hay una hacha en mi cabeza!!
                            Only reason I invaded you was because I thought you and France made an alliance against me I knew I couldn't take you both if France got powerful, so I took you out while I could.

                            Besides, who else was I going to fight??
                            "Chegitz, still angry about the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991?
                            You provide no source. You PROVIDE NOTHING! And yet you want to destroy capitalism.. you criminal..." - Fez

                            "I was hoping for a Communist utopia that would last forever." - Imran Siddiqui


                            • #15
                              any word on retreats? And/or the situation in the Java Sea?
                              "Chegitz, still angry about the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991?
                              You provide no source. You PROVIDE NOTHING! And yet you want to destroy capitalism.. you criminal..." - Fez

                              "I was hoping for a Communist utopia that would last forever." - Imran Siddiqui

