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Frontier Imperial Dip 1 Spring 1864 Moves

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  • Frontier Imperial Dip 1 Spring 1864 Moves

    Sorry for the lateness.

    USA (Lionheart) (+ Neb, + Nyo)

    1) F GoCalifornia - Oax (Bounce with Mexico)
    2) A Maz S A Coa - Mxc (Support Broken)
    3) A Coa - Mxc (Bounce with Mexico)
    4) F Tampa - W. Car (Tampa and W. Car do not connect, Unit Holds)
    5) F E.Seaboard - Chesapeake
    6) F Atl - E. Seaboard
    7) F Bha S F Cuba
    8) F Cuba S F Bha
    9) F Hon S F Tampa - W. Car (Support Broken)
    10) F E. Pacific - GoPanama (Bounce with France)
    11) F W. Bay - GoAlaska
    12) F Org - Wsh
    13) A Kan - Neb
    14) A Ung - Ssk
    15) F Son - Sfr
    16) A Aus - Nme
    17) F Wdc - Nyc
    18) A Chi S A Kan - Neb

    Mexico (His Divine Shadow)

    A Mxc sup A Oax to Maz (Support Broken)
    A Oax to Maz (Bounce with USA)

    Brazil (Mensius)

    a bgt to pan
    a pan to hon (Bounce with USA)
    a lma holds
    a rec holds
    a bra to ama
    f drake holds
    f cbasin to p basin
    f ctn holds
    f pra holds
    f rdj to b current (Bounce with England)
    f oli to co argentina

    England (El Awrence) (- Neb, - Mls, - Nyo, - Nsw)

    01. F Anc H
    02. A Vnc H
    03. A Neb H (Dislodged, Retreats to Ung, Alb)
    04. F Nyo > Chesapeake
    05. F Nvs S F Nyo > Chesapeake
    06. F Flk > B Current (Bounce with Brazil)
    07. F Sgr > S Atlantic (Bounce with France)
    08. F Hudson > N Atlantic (Bounce with France)
    09. A Swe > Den
    10. A Fin H
    11. F N Passage > N Atlantic (Bounce with France)
    12. F Hlg > North
    13. F Den > Hlg
    14. F Lon S F Hudson > N Atlantic
    15. F SGB > Biscay
    16. F Red S F Ade (Support Broken)
    17. F Ade S F Red (Support Broken)
    18. A Raj S A Guj
    19. A Guj S A Raj
    20. A Lck > Del (Bounce with China)
    21. A Hyd > Lck (Bounce)
    22. F Mad S F M Channel > Goodhope
    23. F Sey > W Indian
    24. F Arabian S F HoAfrica (Support Broken)
    25. F HoAfrica S F Arabian
    26. F BoBengal > Hyd (Bounce with China)
    27. F Andaman > Java
    28. F Sp > Mls (Bounce with China)
    29. A Ntr > Que
    30. F Timor S F Andaman > Java (Support Broken, Dislodged, Retreat to Prt, Que)
    31. F Jva S F Andaman > Java
    32. F Prt > SE Trades (NSU)
    33. F SE Trades S F Timor
    34. F M Channel > Goodhope

    France (The Orange One) (+ Nsw)

    1. F-Goodhope S F-Okn > S.Atlantic (Support Broken, Dislodged, Retreat to A. Atlantic or A. Indian)
    2. A-Agl > Bot (Bounce with Holland)
    3. F-Okn > S.Atlantic (Bounce with England)
    4. A-Gcs > Ivc
    5. F-Mnv > M.Atlantic
    6. F-Sie > Tir
    7. F-Sct > SW Pacific
    8. F-Glp S F-G.Panama
    9. F-G.Panama S F-Glp
    10. F-NE Trades H
    11. F-Prm > Cyn
    12. F-Vrg S F-Hai
    13. F-E.Car > W.Car
    14. F-Hai S F-E.Car > W.Car
    15. F-Sargasso S F-N.Atlantic
    16. F-Canary S F-N.Atlantic
    17. F-N.Atlantic S F-Sargasso (Support Broken)
    18. A-Vlc H
    19. F-Mrc > Sgb
    20. F-Alg > Mrc
    21. F-Crs >W.Med
    22. F-Tyr S F-Crs > W.Med
    23. A-Par > Rou
    24. A-Nan H
    25. A-Hol S A-Kie
    26. A-Kie S A-Hol
    27. F-Sum > Andaman
    28. F-Tasman > Nsw
    29. F-Fiji H

    Holland (Chazzy)

    A-RHO Hold
    A-TRN>BOT (Bounce with France)
    F-JAVA SEA S Chinese F-GoSIAM>MLS (Support Broken, Dislodged, retreats to Cel)

    Austria (Defiant)

    A-BER > PRS (Bounce with Russia)
    A-SIL > WRS (Bounce with Russia)
    A-GLC > SEV (Bounce with Russia)
    A-SER > HOLD
    A-VEN > ROM
    A-BAV > VEN
    A-STU > BER
    A-BUD > GLC

    Russia (Boshko) (- Irk)

    F Liv-StP
    F Prs H
    A Wrs S A Prs (Support Broken)
    A Sev S A Grg (Support Broken)
    A Mos S A Sev
    A Grg S A Sev (Support Broken)
    A Irk S A Kra (Support Broken, Dislodged, Retreats to Yak or Eve)
    A Kra S A Irk (Support Broken)
    A Kir S A Bkh (Support Broken, Dislodged, Retreats to Tsh)
    A Bkh S A Ksh

    Ottoman (Victor Galis)

    A Tripoli H
    F Aeg S F EMed
    F EMed S A Cyp-Syr
    F Con-Bla
    A Gre H
    A Cyp-Syr
    F Bku[wc]-Grg[wc] (Bounce with Russia)
    F Cai[ec]-Red (Bounce with England)
    F Sud S A Aby
    A Aby S F Sud
    A Mecca-Aden (Bounce with England)
    F Bag-Ban
    F Oman S F Persian Gulf
    F Persian-Arabian (Bounce with England)
    A Krc S Chinese A Kas-Raj
    A Afg S A Krc

    China (Ruffhaus8) (+ Irk, + Mls)

    A Rangoon supports A Bengal - hold
    A Bengal supports A Rangoon - hold
    A Tibet supports A Bengal - hold
    A Kashmir - Dehli (Bounce with England)
    A Kashgar - Bokhara (Bounce with Russia)
    A Sinkiang - Kirgistan
    A Lanchow supports A Sinkiang - Kirgistan
    A Mongolia - Krasnoyarsk
    A Nei Mongol supports A Vladivostok - Irkutsk
    A Vladivostok - Irkutsk
    A Manchuria supports A Seoul - Vladivostok
    A Seoul - Vladivostok
    A Fusan - Seoul
    F Sea of Japan - Yellow Sea
    F Hong Kong - South China Sea
    A Cochin - Annam
    F Sunda Sea - Java Sea** (Bounce with England)
    F Gulf of Siam - Malyasia
    A Bangkok supports F Gulf of Siam - Malyasia
    A Siam supporst A Bangkok - hold
    F Cambodia - Gulf of Siam

    Japan (MDR)

    1. A SK -> HOLDS
    4. F KG -> IZU
    6. F LUZON -> SUNDA (Bounce with China)
    9. F IJA -> TIMOR
    11. F BISMARK -> CORAL
    12. F CORAL -> TASMAN

    Invasion Report

    USA gains Neb and Nyo

    France gains Nsw

    China gain Mls and Irk

    SC Report

    USA - ORG SFR CHI DET WDC RCM ATL NOL AUS MAZ NYO Neb Wsh Nme Kan Okl Bha Haw Cub Hon - 20
    Mexico - MXC MER - 2
    Brazil - BRA RDJ OLI REC CTN Lpa Prg Uru Lma Brc Bgt Pan - 12
    England - VNC QBC NVS FLK DUB LON EDI GB ADE DEL BOM SP PRT ANC CEY JVA Vct Grn Nor Den Que Srg Swe Alb Mds Yuk Sey Mad Mld Amn - 30
    France - SCT NAN PAR MRS CRS MNV GCS CYN PRM SUM RUH HOL Pie Ivc Azo Vrd Sic Fij Tun Vrg Cmn Nze Hai Okn Glp Vlc Sie Kie Mrc Nsw - 30
    Holland - TRN BOR Bot Srw Rho - 5
    Austria - VIE VEN CRT BUD BER SIL Rom Sr Sal Bav Rmn Stu - 12
    Ottoman - CAI CON CYP ANG BAG SOF Ban Cre Bku Gr Sud Trp Oma Teh Aby Krc - 16
    Russia - STP WRS SEV MOS GRG ORN OMS PRS Khv Tsh - 10
    China - MNC PEK SHA CAN WUH CHK SNK PA HK CMB CCH VLA IRK Tnk Brm Ben Yut Ran Bnk Seo Fsn Kas Mls - 23
    Japan - SAP EDO KG OKI Luz Crl Mnd Mhl Fm Ija Ngu Sk - 12

    Player contacts

    GM- Du_Chateau
    Email -
    ICQ - 44369275

    Britain - El Awrence (Erwin Rommel)
    Email -
    ICQ - 102139615

    France - The Orange One
    Email -
    ICQ - 109943271

    Holland - Chazzy
    Email -
    ICQ - none

    Austria - Defiant
    Email -
    ICQ - 46172786

    Russia - Boshko
    Email -
    ICQ - 37211450

    Ottoman - Victor Galis
    Email -
    ICQ - 47756253

    China - Ruffhaus8
    Email -
    ICQ - 63418710

    Japan - MDR
    Email -
    ICQ - None

    USA - Lionheart (Orange)
    Email -
    ICQ - 91875872

    Mexico - His Divine Shadow
    Email -
    ICQ - None

    Brazil- Menius
    Email -
    ICQ - 18449905


    Prussia (Bearcat) - Spring 1863

    CSA (Secretariat) - Fall 1861

    Retreats are due ASAP
    Fall 1864 moves due at 5:30 PM PDT Saturday February 2, 2002

    P.S. Check for Errors
    P.S.S. Press is still voluntary.

  • #2
    Check for errors...

    Angelfire on Lycos, established in 1995, is one of the leading personal publishing communities on the Web. Angelfire makes it easy for members to create their own blogs, web sites, get a web address (domain) and start publishing online.
    "Chegitz, still angry about the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991?
    You provide no source. You PROVIDE NOTHING! And yet you want to destroy capitalism.. you criminal..." - Fez

    "I was hoping for a Communist utopia that would last forever." - Imran Siddiqui


    • #3
      Any word on retreats? With Fall orders due Saturday, it would be most helpful to know from which province I need to evict more Russian units from?

      What is best in life? Crush your enemy! See him driven before you. And to hear the lamentation of his women.


      • #4
        Just so I have correct records to destroy when I burn my embassies, which potentate is currently master of Brazil? Was that ever decided upon?
        His Divine Shadow

        "Do you know what 'nemesis' means? A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent. Personified, in this case, by a horrible c**t: me." - Bricktop, _Snatch_


        • #5
          Retreat Alb, Prt.

          I also need an extension.


          • #6
            i still need France and Russia's retreats before the map can go up

            Why don't we extend Fall moves until next Saturday Du?
            "Chegitz, still angry about the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991?
            You provide no source. You PROVIDE NOTHING! And yet you want to destroy capitalism.. you criminal..." - Fez

            "I was hoping for a Communist utopia that would last forever." - Imran Siddiqui


            • #7
              I sent Du my retreat ages ago - A.Atlantic please
              "Life is like a bag of Revells - you're always searching for The Orange One"


              • #8
                ok, just Russia's now...
                "Chegitz, still angry about the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991?
                You provide no source. You PROVIDE NOTHING! And yet you want to destroy capitalism.. you criminal..." - Fez

                "I was hoping for a Communist utopia that would last forever." - Imran Siddiqui


                • #9

                  Boshko was online last night!!! The little weasel is probably out at some anti-globalization protest! I mean if he was out getting drunk or ...laid, maybe we could excuse it. But c'mon!
                  What is best in life? Crush your enemy! See him driven before you. And to hear the lamentation of his women.


                  • #10
                    Well, Du might have them from him and he just hasn't posted.
                    "Chegitz, still angry about the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991?
                    You provide no source. You PROVIDE NOTHING! And yet you want to destroy capitalism.. you criminal..." - Fez

                    "I was hoping for a Communist utopia that would last forever." - Imran Siddiqui


                    • #11
                      With Du_Chat's absence/departure, we'll need a new GM for this game. I think we had players (Larry, and orange) making maps, so some of the hassle should be removed. Anyone? Buehler?
                      What is best in life? Crush your enemy! See him driven before you. And to hear the lamentation of his women.


                      • #12
                        We're still missing Russian retreats, and Russian retreats only. We could get those without a GM (posted to the thead), so that whoever takes over inherits a setup that's ready for Fall moves.
                        "The purpose of studying economics is not to acquire a set of ready-made answers to economic questions, but to learn how to avoid being deceived by economists."
                        -Joan Robinson


                        • #13
                          should I just OTB them? Technically they should auto OTB since none were recieved (that we know of anyway)
                          "Chegitz, still angry about the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991?
                          You provide no source. You PROVIDE NOTHING! And yet you want to destroy capitalism.. you criminal..." - Fez

                          "I was hoping for a Communist utopia that would last forever." - Imran Siddiqui


                          • #14
                            But we don't know if Du Chateau had them. He never said anything either way. Personally, I think it would unbalance the game to OTB them (remember, I am saying this even though it is not in my direct best interest to say this.)
                            "The purpose of studying economics is not to acquire a set of ready-made answers to economic questions, but to learn how to avoid being deceived by economists."
                            -Joan Robinson


                            • #15
                              I agree with Victor, even though it would benefit me, and I was giving the "NMR " thing earlier in this thread. How about we dig up Boshko and ask him to post his retreats to the thread, and give him a deadline (two days or so?). Then by the time we locate a GM, we'll be ready to go.

                              I asked Coug to do it on a thread at the Frontier... after all this is a FRONTIER game (alledgedly), but I'm not holding out much hope. He seems quite busy there with other crap....

                              The only ideas for GMs from Apolyton who are not playing in this game that I have are Berserker and SnowFire, and neither has been all that active lately.
                              What is best in life? Crush your enemy! See him driven before you. And to hear the lamentation of his women.

