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TITANS Spring 266 b.c.

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  • TITANS Spring 266 b.c.

    Well we lost our first civilization. The mighty Ceasar has fallen and Rome is now an occupied city. The Macedonian army and navy is now engaged in a full frontal assault of the Carthagenians, and Syria and Egypt are still engaged in the east with little advancement for either side.

    SYRIA ( Orange_1 )

    A-Damascus>Coele-Syria ( bounce 1v1 )
    A-Antioch>Damascus ( bounce )
    F-Tyre>Seleucid Sea ( bounce 1v1 )
    F-Lycian Sea>Rhodes
    F-Naxos>Cretan Sea

    EGYPT ( Snowfire )

    F-Sea of Alexander>Seleucid Sea ( bounce 1v1 )
    F-Alexandria S A-Thebes
    A-Thebes S A-Libya
    A-Libya S A-Thebes
    A-Desert of Palms>Coele-Syria ( bounce 1v1 )

    ROME ( El Awrence )

    A-Roma ( unit destroyed )

    CARTHAGE ( Defiant )

    A-E.Sahara S A-Syene
    A-Syene S A-E.Sahara
    F-Cyrene S F-Minoan Sea>Ptolemaic Sea
    F-Knossos S F-Minoan Sea>Ptolemaic Sea
    F-Minoan Sea>Ptolemaic Sea
    F-Insubria Hold
    F-Capua Hold
    F-Liparae S F-Capua
    F-Mamertines S F-Capua
    F-Syracuse S F-Mamertines
    F-Magna Grecian S Syrian F-Naxos>Cretan Sea ( support cut , unit dislodged retreat many options )

    MACEDON ( Ruffhaus )

    A-Sarmatia Hold
    A-Brundisium S A-Samnium>Roma
    F-Mare Adriaticum>Mare Ionium
    F-Mare Ionium>Melita
    F-Ithacan Sea S F-Messenian Gulf>Magna Grecian
    F-Messenian Gulf>Magna Grecian
    F-Myrtoan Sea>Messenian Gulf
    F-Aegean Sea>Myrtoan Sea

    Ok , only 1 retreat so it will be ASAP . I will make the Fall moves due Thurs. Oct. 25th. As always please double check your moves. I would also like to thank El Awrence for playing and ask that he post an EOG here if he has time.

  • #2
    *Caesar is unavailable for comment, he's busy practicing on the fiddle*

    Well, interesting game, and I can truly call out and say that Corinth was my doom. I was managing it all well, toting the pilum in front of the evil Carthaginians and the Macedonians who were all busy on their own private wars. Hannibal promised me his daughter in exchange for peace (I will come to collect some day ) and after a crash campaign in the pelloponesus I had Alexander on his knees promising to be the eternal and loyal ***** of Caesar. And then, I decided to risk one thing. I would continue harassing Alex (I couldn't trust him) but I decided to trust him one turn whilst I maneovered and instead of doing the obvious, supporting the Legio Corintia, I decided to use the attack elsewhere... soon, the evil greeks and carthaginians had turned on Caesar after ending their petty wars and Augustus came to power in Rome, the Empire so well crafted soon disintigrating, falling to dust, surrounded by enemies.

    Damn, it's been a good game. Thank you all. At least I am no longer the ping pong ball.

    Edit- Bloody smilies!


    • #3
      "....Oh Mr. Mapmaker, make me a map...."
      "Life is like a bag of Revells - you're always searching for The Orange One"


      • #4

        Retreat to Cydonia
        Lets always remember the passangers on United Flight 93, true heroes in every sense of the word!

        (Quick! Someone! Anyone! Sava! Come help! )-mrmitchell


        • #5
          The map should show a Macedonian fleet in Messenian Gulf and the Aegean Sea should be vacant. Thanks.

          F-Myrtoan Sea>Messenian Gulf
          F-Aegean Sea>Myrtoan Sea
          What is best in life? Crush your enemy! See him driven before you. And to hear the lamentation of his women.

