Ah, we finally got some imperialistic control over North Africa. Now could someone please invade those annoying Finns?
Current number of centers:
France: 13
Turkey: 12
Italy: 4
England: 3
Russia: 1
Germany: 1
Only five more to go for France, and six for Turkey. The suspense is killing me! (Not to mention several million poor soldiers in the trenches. But who cares about those, eh?
The moves this turn:
Italy: Disband 1
A Tri -> Bud
A Vie S Tri -> Bud
A Boh -> Gal Bounce, 1:1
F Adr -> App
F Nap H
Turkey: Build 1
A Mos Support A Ukr -> War
A Ukr -> War Bounce, 2:3
A Gal Support A Ukr -> War Broken
A Bul -> Ser
A Ser -> Tri
F Alb Support A Ser -> Tri
A Bud Support A Ser -> Tri Broken, dislodged, can retreat to Rum
A App -> Ven
F Tun Support F Eas -> Ion
F Ion -> Tyn
F Eas -> Ion
England: Disband 2
F Den -> Nth
A Lon S A Yor
A Yor S A Lon
F Cly -> Nat Bounce, 1:1
F Edi -> Cly Bounce, area not vacated
France: Build 2
A Spa -> NAf
F WES C A Spa -> NAf
A Wal -> Lon Bounce, 2:2
F ENG S A Wal -> Lon
F Lvp H
F NTH -> Nwy
A Kie -> Den
A Ruh -> Mun
A Pru S (German) A War
A Sil S (German) A War
Russia: NRM, no change
A Stp Hold
Germany: NMR, no change
A War Hold
map at https://www.nd.edu/~joxgaard/Extra/D...nion-f1906.gif
If Turkey wishes to retreat OTB instead of Rumania, let me know.
Otherwise, deadline for winter 1906 wednesday.
Later, gentlemen!
Current number of centers:
France: 13
Turkey: 12
Italy: 4
England: 3
Russia: 1
Germany: 1
Only five more to go for France, and six for Turkey. The suspense is killing me! (Not to mention several million poor soldiers in the trenches. But who cares about those, eh?
The moves this turn:
Italy: Disband 1
A Tri -> Bud
A Vie S Tri -> Bud
A Boh -> Gal Bounce, 1:1
F Adr -> App
F Nap H
Turkey: Build 1
A Mos Support A Ukr -> War
A Ukr -> War Bounce, 2:3
A Gal Support A Ukr -> War Broken
A Bul -> Ser
A Ser -> Tri
F Alb Support A Ser -> Tri
A Bud Support A Ser -> Tri Broken, dislodged, can retreat to Rum
A App -> Ven
F Tun Support F Eas -> Ion
F Ion -> Tyn
F Eas -> Ion
England: Disband 2
F Den -> Nth
A Lon S A Yor
A Yor S A Lon
F Cly -> Nat Bounce, 1:1
F Edi -> Cly Bounce, area not vacated
France: Build 2
A Spa -> NAf
F WES C A Spa -> NAf
A Wal -> Lon Bounce, 2:2
F ENG S A Wal -> Lon
F Lvp H
F NTH -> Nwy
A Kie -> Den
A Ruh -> Mun
A Pru S (German) A War
A Sil S (German) A War
Russia: NRM, no change
A Stp Hold
Germany: NMR, no change
A War Hold
map at https://www.nd.edu/~joxgaard/Extra/D...nion-f1906.gif
If Turkey wishes to retreat OTB instead of Rumania, let me know.
Otherwise, deadline for winter 1906 wednesday.
Later, gentlemen!