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Dip 55 Hagakure Diplomacy Spring 1576 Results

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  • Dip 55 Hagakure Diplomacy Spring 1576 Results


    'A warrior should be careful in all things and should dislike to be the least bit worsted. Above all, if he is not careful in his choice of words he may say things like, "I'm a coward," or "At that time I'd probably run," or "How frightening," or "How painful." These are words that should not be said even in jest, on a whim, or when talking in one's sleep. If a person with understanding hears such things, he will see to the bottom of the speaker's heart. This is something that should be carefully thought about beforehand.'
    -----Tsunetomo, Yamamoto Hagakure, Book of the Samurai


    Oda - His Divine Shadow (red)
    A-Omi SUPPORTS Asakura A-Tamba > Echizen (ok)
    A-Yamashiro SUPPORTS A-Omi (ok)
    A-Yamato SUPPORTS Chosokabe F-Kii (ok)

    Shimazu - Ruffhaus8 (green)
    F-Hoki SUPPORTS F-South Sea of Japan > Wakasa Bay (ok)
    F-Izumo SUPPORTS F-South Sea of Japan > Wakasa Bay (ok)
    F-South Sea of Japan > Wakasa Bay (ok)
    F-Iwami > South Sea of Japan (ok)
    F-Nagato SUPPORTS F-Iwami > South Sea of Japan (ok)
    F-Tsushima > Korea Strait (ok)
    A-*****u > Bizen (ok)
    A-Aki > B!tchu (ok)
    F-Kanto Sea SUPPORTS Chosokabe F-Kii > Iga (*support cut*)

    Chosokabe - MDR (light purple)
    F-Inland Sea CONVOYS Shimazu A-Aki > B!tchu (ok)
    F-Bingo HOLD (ok)
    F-Settsu HOLD (ok)
    F-Kii > Iga (*boucnce with Iga*)
    F-Kii Strait SUPPORTS Shimazu F-Kanto Sea (ok)
    F-Tosa bay SUPPORTS Shimazu F-Kanto Sea (ok)

    Asakura - Snowfire (yellow)
    A-Tamba > Echizen (ok)

    Hojo - Defiant (dark purple)
    F-Iga SUPPORTS A-Owari > Ise (*support cut*)
    A-Owari > Ise (ok)
    F-Mikawa > Owari (ok)
    A-Totomi > Mikawa (ok)
    A-Kai SUPPORTS A-Sagami (ok)
    A-Sagami SUPPORTS A-Kai (ok)
    F-Pacific Ocean > Kanto Sea (*bounce with Kanto Sea*)
    F-Izu > Pacific Ocean (*bounce with Pacific Ocean*)
    F-Totomi Sea SUPPORTS F-Iga (ok)

    Uesugi - El Awrence (blue)
    F-Sado > Toyama Bay (ok)
    F-Noto > Wakasa Bay (*bounce with South Sea of Japan*)
    F-Sea of Japan SUPPORTS F-Noto > Wakasa Bay (ok)
    A-Echizen > Tango (ok)
    F-Wakasa Bay SUPPORTS A-Echizen > Tango (*support cut, dislodged by South Sea of Japan, retreat to Inaba, Kaga, OTB*)
    A-Mino > Echizen (*bounce with Tamba*)
    A-S.Shinano > Hida (ok)
    A-N.Shinano > S.Shinano (ok)
    A-Musashi > N.Shinano (ok)


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    One retreat necessary from Uesugi. Please get it in within 24hrs. I'm setting the deadline for Monday 8 October at 1159GMT - please get them in on time, I had a lot of slow orders this time and I will be less forgiving this turn...


    GM: The Orange One
    icq: 109943271

    Shimazu: Ruffhaus
    icq: 63418710

    Uesugi: El Awrence
    icq: 102139615

    Asakura: Snowfire
    icq: 35476699

    Oda: His Divine Shadow
    icq: NONE

    Hojo: Defiant
    icq: 46172786

    Chosokabe: MDR
    Icq: NONE
    "Life is like a bag of Revells - you're always searching for The Orange One"

  • #2
    Uesugi retreat to Inaba. I will have the updated map up tonight.

    Autumn results will be extended by 24hrs in case the retreat makes a difference. Now due on Tuesday 9 October at 1159 GMT. Please get them in by then.
    "Life is like a bag of Revells - you're always searching for The Orange One"


    • #3
      INFIDELS!!! Uesugi, you craven flea-bitten dog. This was not agreed to! Your stench shall be cleansed from these islands.
      What is best in life? Crush your enemy! See him driven before you. And to hear the lamentation of his women.


      • #4
        In old treaties the infidel Shimazu had agreed that any orange Scs were the rightful ownership of Uesugi! Now if daimyo Shimazu isn't happy with his Chosokabe lackey alone then so be it, let it be known that with Hojo, Uesugi shall help cleanse the glorious islands from Shimazu and his lacky, Wormtongue Chosokabe!


        • #5
          "Why can't we be friends"
          Lets always remember the passangers on United Flight 93, true heroes in every sense of the word!

          (Quick! Someone! Anyone! Sava! Come help! )-mrmitchell


          • #6
            Keep talking, peasants! Your betters are sailing north towards victory and conquest!

            Uesugi, my champion will cut off your head with your own katana, and place it upon the pikes of my legions as they march onward. Hojo, you can hide behind the dogs all you wish, but we all know that your day is coming too. You are salemated at sea. Can it be long before Uesugi feels your bite?
            Last edited by RUFFHAUS 8; October 8, 2001, 12:33.
            What is best in life? Crush your enemy! See him driven before you. And to hear the lamentation of his women.


            • #7
              El Awrence makes a wonderful spokesman for the Portugese and their treed God.

              Tell me, how do you like being considered a "little father"?
              "I kick a$$ for the Lord!"
              -- Father McGruder, Peter Jackson's _Dead Alive_


              • #8
                The only "little father" here is Ruff.

                How's the wife daimyo Shimazu Randolf?

                *kicks Chosokabe-the-lackey in the groin*


                • #9
                  It is the weak and simple-minded that react with violence.

                  I guess you're two for two, El Awrence...
                  "I kick a$$ for the Lord!"
                  -- Father McGruder, Peter Jackson's _Dead Alive_


                  • #10
                    Latest news coverage, email, free stock quotes, live scores and video are just the beginning. Discover more every day at Yahoo!
                    "Life is like a bag of Revells - you're always searching for The Orange One"

