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Dip 48 "Newbie" Spring 12 Resolution

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  • Dip 48 "Newbie" Spring 12 Resolution

    Hi folks,

    as you can imagine, I´ve been too busy (as a journalist) in those last days, to care about this resolution. My apologies, but real life very often does not permit that I spend more then five minutes on diplo. But finally here it is:



    FRANCE (Yoav):

    A Edi to Yor
    F Por to MAO
    F Spa sup GoL
    F Tun sup F WMe
    F WMe sup F Tun
    (A Mar to Pie) bounce TA Pie 1x1
    (F GoL sup A Mar) Mar ordered a movesment, illegal support
    A Bur to Ruh
    A Par to Bur
    (A Ber sup A War to Sil) cut by TA Pru
    (A War to Sil) bounce TA Sil, dislodged, destroyed, retreat Liv, Ukr, OTB
    (F Swe to Nor) bounce RA StP 2x1
    F Bre to Ech
    (A Kie to Mun) bounce TA Tyr 1x1

    ITALY (Orange):

    A-Munich HOLD

    TURKEY (Siro)

    A Sev - Mos
    A Ukr - War
    A Gal s A Ukr - War
    (A Pru - Ber) bounce FA Ber 1x1
    (A Sil s A Pru - Ber) cut by FA War
    A Rum - Bud
    A Tyr s Mun
    (A Pie - Mar) bounce FA Mar 1x1
    F Tus s F Tyrr - GoL
    (F Tyrr - GoL) bounce FF GoL 2x2
    (F Nap - Tyrr) selfbounce
    (F Ion s F Nap - Tyrr) rule: no selfdislodgement (beleagered garrisson rule)
    A Gre - Alb
    A Rom hold

    RUSSIA (Ruffhaus):

    A St. Petersburg - Norway
    F North Sea supports A St. Petersburg - Norway


    only one, France´s A War. Please post it here!


    summer 12 retreat due tuesday, 6 pm GMT
    fall 12 moves due sunday, 23rd, 6 pm GMT.


    I´ll be in portugal from friday on. I don´t know how regularily I can get web access there. I´ll do my best to post the results in time!

  • #2
    Yahooo! Yay! Wooohoo! Finally!!

    Sahib, thanks for posting. You should have said it's aobut your work since most I think, doidn't know hwy were you missing and were worried.

    Also, have best of success in your work. Let us see some of it if you can


    • #3
      Dear Siro,

      most of my work the last days was about what happened in the US and it´s shockwaves around the world, namely Germany (where I work). As you live in Israel, you can actually see something, if you have a satellite dish. You´d have to tune into the geman ARD TV network (11 station. plus the parent network ARD itself, most on Astra1a,b,d).

      I´m currentlyworking on a strory about radical islamists in Germany. If you can share any insight perhaps....


      • #4

        Please check for accuracy.
        What is best in life? Crush your enemy! See him driven before you. And to hear the lamentation of his women.


        • #5
          I retreat to Ukr please.
          Thank you.


          • #6
            By the way...
            it should have been F GoL sup Mar to Pie !!!!


            • #7
              We should confirm this through Sahib, but you cannot retreat to Ukraine because the Turkish attack on Warsaw came from Ukraine.
              What is best in life? Crush your enemy! See him driven before you. And to hear the lamentation of his women.


              • #8
                Ruff and I have decided to propse this kind of offer:
                Ruff and Orange get the score for survivng a game.
                Siro and I get the score for acheiving a dual draw (i.e. a draw of two players).
                do all agree?


                • #9
                  Oh of course, you are correct. My retreat is to livonia then.


                  • #10
                    Ahh, another draw proposition. Since it is already out in the open, let´s keep it there. You all saw the proposed draw, please send me your votes ASAP. Cheers

                    PS: Yoav, I really thought you meant to go to Pie, but an order is an order. I can accept a misorder if it is 100 percent clear what was intendet (what´s the english word, unambigious or something?) But that´s not the case here.


                    • #11
                      It's okay, my stupid mistake . Guess I should have gone through my orders once more. Uh, never mind that.

                      I vote FOR the draw. Or does it HAVE to be unanymus?


                      • #12
                        the votes were not unanimous, so the vote was cast down. We continue!


                        • #13
                          Please wait until monday evening

                          I have a SAT test tommorow



                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Sahib
                            the votes were not unanimous, so the vote was cast down. We continue!
                            What are you talking about, this is not funny. If someone voted NO, just say it. If all voted yes, end the game.
                            When I told you on ICQ that I posted my vote you just said "OK".


                            • #15
                              Well, I didn't vote at all, but since the results came out so fast it would appear that a NO vote was cast, probably by someone with a chance to solo...
                              What is best in life? Crush your enemy! See him driven before you. And to hear the lamentation of his women.

