Quite a few adjustments this turn, at least for a non-first year turn. Anyway, here they are.
Spring moves are due Monday the 27th. Get 'em in!
And oh yes, I've never actually posted a poll before, so I decided I might as well try one out, being that I have nothing interesting to say on Winter turns, so I might as well say something uninteresting. Ignore it if you want, it will have absolutely no effect on the game, and the effects of my bad humor spasm should be over soon and I'll be back to my normal self.
Winter 1905
Austria (RUFFHAUS 8)
A Budapest
A Vienna
Third build waived
France (El Awrence)
A Par
F Mar
Italy (His Divine Shadow)
A Ber
F Iri
Turkey (Kurt Reutter)
F Bla
A Arm
Germany (Coug)
A Pru
Spring moves are due Monday the 27th. Get 'em in!
And oh yes, I've never actually posted a poll before, so I decided I might as well try one out, being that I have nothing interesting to say on Winter turns, so I might as well say something uninteresting. Ignore it if you want, it will have absolutely no effect on the game, and the effects of my bad humor spasm should be over soon and I'll be back to my normal self.
Winter 1905
Austria (RUFFHAUS 8)
A Budapest
A Vienna
Third build waived
France (El Awrence)
A Par
F Mar
Italy (His Divine Shadow)
A Ber
F Iri
Turkey (Kurt Reutter)
F Bla
A Arm
Germany (Coug)
A Pru