Dip 53: African Diplomacy Spring 2007 Results
If we hadn't already entered it last year, we are well and truly in the endgame now and the jostling for finishing position has intensified. The Ivorian advance in the Med continues apace, at the expense of a compliant Saudi. Making up for losses however, Saudi has secured Ivorian support for attacks on Ethiopia which have finally yielded the capture of Sudan, although this is tempered by the loss of Djibouti. Ethiopia, under attack from Ivory Coast, South Africa and Saudi is struggling to keep its head above water, but might just make it to the end. The stalemate in the Atlantic continues for another turn, with South Africa stuck where it is again.
Ivory Coast - Ruffhaus (green)
F-Wms SUPPORTS F-Ise > Ita (ok)
F-Ise > Ita (ok)
F-Tun > Tri (ok)
A-Tri > Esd (ok)
A-Esd > Cha (ok)
A-Cha > Cam (ok)
A-Cam > Gab (ok)
A-Caf SUPPORTS Saudi A-Kpi > Sud (ok)
A-Cba > Kis (ok)
F-Mao > Goc (*bounce with Goc*)
F-Gog SUPPORTS F-Mao > Goc (ok)
F-Goc > Sea (*bounce with Sea*)
F-Ang SUPPORTS F-Goc > Sea (*support cut*)
Saudi Arabia - Defiant (light red)
F-Ita HOLD (*dislodged, DESTROYED*)
F-Gre > Ems (ok)
A-Ben > Egy (ok)
A-Egy > Eri (ok)
F-Rse CONVOYS A-Egy > Eri (ok)
A-Kpi > Sud (ok)
A-Kha SUPPORTS A-Ken > Aab (*support cut*)
A-Ken > Aab (*bounce with Aab*)
F-Dji > Goa (ok)
South Africa - Iain Is Forever
A-Moz > Tan (*bounce with Tan*)
A-Zam SUPPORTS A-Moz > Tan (*support cut*)
A-Bot > Ang (*bounce with Ang*)
F-Swa SUPPORTS F-Sea (ok)
F-Sea SUPPORTS F-Swa (*support cut*)
F-Nam SUPPORTS F-Sea (ok)
F-Sio SUPPORTS F-Swa (ok)
Ethiopia - El Awrence (yellow)
A-Mmo > Uga (ok)
A-Tan SUPPORTS A-Mmo > Uga (*support cut*)
A-Sud > Kha (*bounce with Kha, dislodged, DESTROYED*)
F-Som > Dji (ok)
A-Aab SUPPORTS F-Som > Dji (*support cut*)
Zaire - Gerwald, proxied to Ivory Coast (blue)
A-Lub > Zam (*bounce with Zam*)
Libya - Hacksaw (red)
Eliminated in 2003
Map is at:
GM COMMENTS: No retreats, so straight onto Autumn 2007 - orders due Sunday 12 August at 1159 GMT.
GM: The Orange One
email: the_orange1@hotmail.com
icq: 109943271
Saudi Arabia: Defiant
email: defiant@charter.net
icq: 46172786
Ethiopia: El Awrence
email: hodad1984@mixmail.com
icq: 102139615
Ivory Coast: Ruffhaus
email: ruffhaus8@aol.com
icq: 63418710
Zaire: Gerwald (proxied to Ruffhaus8)
email: see above
icq: see above
South Africa: *End Is Forever*
email: iain@lindleys.force9.co.uk
icq: 33689665
If we hadn't already entered it last year, we are well and truly in the endgame now and the jostling for finishing position has intensified. The Ivorian advance in the Med continues apace, at the expense of a compliant Saudi. Making up for losses however, Saudi has secured Ivorian support for attacks on Ethiopia which have finally yielded the capture of Sudan, although this is tempered by the loss of Djibouti. Ethiopia, under attack from Ivory Coast, South Africa and Saudi is struggling to keep its head above water, but might just make it to the end. The stalemate in the Atlantic continues for another turn, with South Africa stuck where it is again.
Ivory Coast - Ruffhaus (green)
F-Wms SUPPORTS F-Ise > Ita (ok)
F-Ise > Ita (ok)
F-Tun > Tri (ok)
A-Tri > Esd (ok)
A-Esd > Cha (ok)
A-Cha > Cam (ok)
A-Cam > Gab (ok)
A-Caf SUPPORTS Saudi A-Kpi > Sud (ok)
A-Cba > Kis (ok)
F-Mao > Goc (*bounce with Goc*)
F-Gog SUPPORTS F-Mao > Goc (ok)
F-Goc > Sea (*bounce with Sea*)
F-Ang SUPPORTS F-Goc > Sea (*support cut*)
Saudi Arabia - Defiant (light red)
F-Ita HOLD (*dislodged, DESTROYED*)
F-Gre > Ems (ok)
A-Ben > Egy (ok)
A-Egy > Eri (ok)
F-Rse CONVOYS A-Egy > Eri (ok)
A-Kpi > Sud (ok)
A-Kha SUPPORTS A-Ken > Aab (*support cut*)
A-Ken > Aab (*bounce with Aab*)
F-Dji > Goa (ok)
South Africa - Iain Is Forever

A-Moz > Tan (*bounce with Tan*)
A-Zam SUPPORTS A-Moz > Tan (*support cut*)
A-Bot > Ang (*bounce with Ang*)
F-Swa SUPPORTS F-Sea (ok)
F-Sea SUPPORTS F-Swa (*support cut*)
F-Nam SUPPORTS F-Sea (ok)
F-Sio SUPPORTS F-Swa (ok)
Ethiopia - El Awrence (yellow)
A-Mmo > Uga (ok)
A-Tan SUPPORTS A-Mmo > Uga (*support cut*)
A-Sud > Kha (*bounce with Kha, dislodged, DESTROYED*)
F-Som > Dji (ok)
A-Aab SUPPORTS F-Som > Dji (*support cut*)
Zaire - Gerwald, proxied to Ivory Coast (blue)
A-Lub > Zam (*bounce with Zam*)
Libya - Hacksaw (red)
Eliminated in 2003
Map is at:
GM COMMENTS: No retreats, so straight onto Autumn 2007 - orders due Sunday 12 August at 1159 GMT.
GM: The Orange One
email: the_orange1@hotmail.com
icq: 109943271
Saudi Arabia: Defiant
email: defiant@charter.net
icq: 46172786
Ethiopia: El Awrence
email: hodad1984@mixmail.com
icq: 102139615
Ivory Coast: Ruffhaus
email: ruffhaus8@aol.com
icq: 63418710
Zaire: Gerwald (proxied to Ruffhaus8)
email: see above
icq: see above
South Africa: *End Is Forever*
email: iain@lindleys.force9.co.uk
icq: 33689665