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Dip 53: African Diplomacy Autumn 2006 Results

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  • Dip 53: African Diplomacy Autumn 2006 Results

    Dip 53: African Diplomacy Autumn 2006 Results


    Ivory Coast - Ruffhaus (green)
    F-Wms > Ita (*bounce with Ita*)
    F-Tun SUPPORTS F-Tri > Ise (ok)
    F-Tri > Ise (ok)
    A-Alg > Tri (ok)
    A-Esd SUPPORTS A-Ngr > Cha (ok)
    A-Ngr > Cha (ok)
    A-Cha > Caf (ok)
    A-Cam SUPPORTS A-Cha > Caf (ok)
    A-Caf > Cba (ok)
    F-Mao > Goc (*bounce with Goc*)
    F-Gog SUPPORTS F-Mao > Goc (*bounce with Goc*)
    F-Goc > Sea (*bounce with Sea*)
    F-Ang SUPPORTS F-Goc > Sea (*support cut*)
    F-Kin SUPPORTS F-Ang (ok)

    Zaire - Gerwald (blue) - proxied to Ivory Coast
    A-Lub > Zam (*bounce with Zam*)

    Saudi Arabia - Defiant (light red)
    F-Ita SUPPORTS F-Ise (*support cut*)
    F-Ise SUPPORTS A-Ben (*support cut, dislodged, retreat to Gre, Ems, OTB*)
    A-Egy SUPPORTS A-Ben (ok)
    A-Kpi > Sud (*bounce with Sud*)
    A-Kha SUPPORTS A-Som > Aab (*support cut*)
    F-Eri > Dji (ok)
    F-Rse SUPPORTS A-Kha (ok)
    A-Ben SUPPORTS A-Egy (ok)
    A-Som > Aab (*dislodged, retreat to Ken, OTB*)

    South Africa - End Is Forever (orange)
    A-Zam SUPPORTS A-Moz > Tan (*support cut*)
    A-Bot > Ang (*bounce with Ang*)
    F-Swa SUPPORTS F-Sea (ok)
    F-Sea SUPPORTS F-Swa (*support cut*)
    F-Sio SUPPORTS F-Swa (ok)
    F-Nam SUPPORTS F-Sea (ok)
    A-Moz > Tan (*bounce with Tan*)

    Ethiopia - El Awrence (yellow)
    A-Aab SUPPORTS F-Nio > Som (ok)
    A-Sud > Kha (*bounce with Kha*)
    A-Mmo SUPPORTS A-Tan (ok)
    A-Tan SUPPORTS A-Mmo (*support cut*)
    F-Nio > Som (ok)

    Libya - Hacksaw (red)
    Eliminated in 2003

    GM COMMENTS: 2 retreats needed, both from Defiant. I have moved your units to Gre and Ken, but please either confirm or change the location as appropriate as soon as you can. The F now in Greece could go to Ems or OTB, while the A now in Ken could go OTB. There are NO builds or disbands this year, so straight onto Spring 2007. Orders are due Sunday 5 August at 1159 GMT.

    Total SCs = 36
    SCs Needed For A Solo = 19

    Ivory Coast: 14 SCs, no change
    Saudi Arabia: 9 SCs, no change
    South Africa: 7 SCs, no change
    Ethiopia: 5 SCs, no change
    Zaire: 1 SC, no change


    GM: The Orange One
    icq: 109943271

    Saudi Arabia: Defiant
    icq: 46172786

    Ethiopia: El Awrence
    icq: 102139615

    Ivory Coast: Ruffhaus
    icq: 63418710

    Zaire: Gerwald (proxied to Ruffhaus8)
    email: see above
    icq: see above

    South Africa: *End Is Forever*
    icq: 33689665
    "Life is like a bag of Revells - you're always searching for The Orange One"

  • #2

    Ok I have no idea why the map has gone haywire. I had to swap from PS Pro 7 to PS Pro 3 (the free trial ran out!!) and now my black comes out white. If someone has any hints or can fix my map, please HELP ME!!!!
    "Life is like a bag of Revells - you're always searching for The Orange One"


    • #3
      Both retreats are fine
      Lets always remember the passangers on United Flight 93, true heroes in every sense of the word!

      (Quick! Someone! Anyone! Sava! Come help! )-mrmitchell


      • #4
        Ugh... why don't people do the obvious... take your pc's calendar back a month every month and your free trial will be an eternal and happy one.


        • #5
          Does that actually work, Hoggy????

          I think i'll call it the "Michael Jackson syndrome", starts out black, ends up white!!

          "Life is like a bag of Revells - you're always searching for The Orange One"


          • #6

            Works for my choppy piece of crap 4.14 version... dunno if Jasc got smart by version 7.0

            It's worth a shot.


            • #7
              NO WAY!!! It worked, they clearly haven't got any smarter. Anyway, here's an updated map, with black where it should be:

              Please check for erros again, as I did this again from last turn's map.
              "Life is like a bag of Revells - you're always searching for The Orange One"

