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ADC Dip 51 South American Supremacy Fall 1841

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  • ADC Dip 51 South American Supremacy Fall 1841




    ARGENTINA (Iain Lindley)

    A Salta - hold (dislodged, may retreat to Formosa or OTB)

    BOLIVIA (Berzerker)

    A Salta > Anto (invalid, no proxy given, illegal move)
    F BdArica > S Salta > Anto (invalid, no such order, illegal move)
    F Lima > BdSechura (bounce 1v1 with Bahia de Sechura, 1v2 with Golfo de Panama)
    F Truj > S Lima > BdSechura (support cut, dislodged, destroyed)
    A Cus > Iquitos (bounce 2v2 with Popayan)
    A Aquiris > S Cus > Iquitos
    A Rib > S Aquiris
    A SCruz > Pot
    A Pant > MGrosso (bounce 2v2 with Maunaus,

    BRAZIL (Hogfather)

    A Chaco S A Tucuman > Salta
    F Montevideo > Rio Grande do Sul
    F Bahia de Sao Sebastao S F Montevideo > Rio Grande do Sul
    F Buenos Aires > Montevideo
    A Concepcion > Pantanal (bounce 1v1 with Pantanal)
    A Goias S A Pantanal > Mato Grosso
    A Corrientes - hold
    A Asuncion - hold
    A Parana - hold
    A Pernambuco - hold

    CHILE (Chazzy)

    A-San Miguel>Salta
    A-Cordoba>San Miguel
    F-Copiapo S F-Golfo de Guafo>Antofagasta
    F-Golfo de Guafo>Antofagasta
    F-Islas Juan Fern.>Golfo de Guafo
    F-Golfo de San Jorge HOLD

    COLOMBIA (Sahib)

    A Piura S A Iquitos - Trujillo
    F Bahia Sechura - Lima (bounce 1v1 with Lima)
    F Golfo de Panama - Bahia Sechura (bounce with Bahia Sechura)
    F Quito S F Golfo de Panama - Bahia Sechura
    A Iquitos - Trujillo
    A Popayan - Iquitos (bounce 2v2 with Cusco)
    A Manaus - Mato Grosso (bounce 2v2 with Pantanal)
    A Amazonas S A Popayan - Iquitos
    F Maranhao S A Manaus - Mato Grosso
    A Para S F Maranhao
    F Boca de Navios - Bahia Sao Marcos
    F Golfo de Darien - Golfo de Paria

    PARAGUAY (Snowfire)

    A Mis->RGdS (bounce 1v2 with Montevideo)


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    Well, we say good bye to two more players. Argentina and Paraguay have been eliminated. Thanks to SnowFire and Iain for playing out these positions to the bitter end. I'll take care of your disband orders just to avoid the hassle for you guys.

    There is only one Fall 1841 retreat necessary, and I have auto retreated Argentina's A Salta to Formosa as it's only choice. It's rather a technicality at this point anyway. Winter 1841 orders will be due Friday, July 20, 23:59 EST. Spring 1842 orders will be due Thursday, July 26, 23:59 EST.

    As always, please check for accuracy.


    ARGENTINA - Disband 1 (EOG)
    BOLIVIA - Disband 1
    BRAZIL - No Change
    CHILE - Build 2
    COLOMBIA - Build 2
    PARAGUAY - Disband 1 (EOG)


    ICQ: 63418710


    ARGENTINA (Iain Lindley)
    ICQ: 33689665

    BOLIVIA (Berzerker)
    ICQ: 38356654

    BRAZIL (Hogfather)
    ICQ: 102139615

    CHILE (Chazzy)
    ICQ: 116124479

    COLOMBIA (Sahib)
    ICQ: 43251116

    PARAGUAY (Snowfire)
    ICQ: 35476699

    PERU (Gerwald)
    ICQ: 63688157

    VENEZEULA (Defiant)
    ICQ: 46172786
    E-mail: or

    ADC Dip 51 South American Supremacy, Game Standings/Supply Center Count - 1842 (Fall); 39 Supply Centers Total, Solo Victory Requires Ownership of 20 Supply Centers Legend: COUNTRY - Present Leader/Former Leader (number of centers held) * Home Supply Centers listed in CAPS.

    COLOMBIA (14)
    Islas Galapagos, Maricaibo (V), Panama, Manuas (Br), Quito, Caracas (V), Angostura, Cumana, Iquitos, Maranhao, Trujillo (Pu)

    BRAZIL (10)
    Parana, Montevideo, Asuncion (Pa), Concepcion (Pa), Buenos Aries (A), Corrienties, Rio Grande de Sul

    CHILE (9)
    Patagonia, Punta Arenas, Islas Juan Fernandez, Islas Malvinas, Cordoba (A), Salta (Ch), Antofagasta (Bo)

    BOLIVIA (6)
    LA PAZ
    Santa Cruz, Arica, Potosi, Lima (Pu), Arquiris Indigenous Territory

    ARGENTINA (0) Eliminated 1841

    PARAGUAY (0) Eliminated 1841

    PERU (0) Eliminated 1840

    VENEZUELA (0) Eliminated 1839
    What is best in life? Crush your enemy! See him driven before you. And to hear the lamentation of his women.

  • #2
    Paraguay EOG

    Well, my goal was to outlive and see the end of the traitorous Argentinean state, so I got my wish, I suppose. If not outlive, live to see the end of.

    When I first looked at the map, one of the most logical alliances I felt would be Argentina-Paraguay. Brazil gets held back, and Argentina has a mostly clean flank it only needs to devote one or two armies too and can hence deal with a Chilean stab or perhaps stab (Chile) themselves. I also decided that if Argentina does not ally with Paraguay I would be doomed, since Brazil really has no incentive to ally with Paraguay unless it’s playing an extremely northern strategy (which I suspect to be highly dangerous for the average Brazil).

    In any case, Lindley stabbed, and I spent the rest of the game with my goals as surviving and trying to kill Argentina. My luck seemed a bit sour at first- I misguessed whether Argentina would attack Asuncion or Concepcion, and hence got no builds. Had I guessed correctly, Brazil would be in a good bit stronger position today, I suspect, and Argentina would have exited a bit faster. But after that little incident, my karma apologized for being so mean and I started correctly predicting moves again. I soon had one guerilla army walking around the equivalent of the Balkans in Vanilla- lots of SC’s everywhere to be grabbed in a shifting border territory. While dropping circa 1830 suitcase nukes on the non-SC lands, especially in Argentina. Anyway, my army went on tour, and it would have required a ton of armies to keep it corralled for sure, which the Hogfather didn’t have at the time. Frankly he probably could have just ignored me and simply let one army trail me around to retake anything I took, but he eventually stuck the 7 armies around Misiones to keep me out for good. No matter how well you predict moves, if there’s no place to go mathematically, it’s time to go out of business.

    I had great fun this game, it was my most enjoyable tiny nation bid since Rocky Road Diplomacy. I think it’s more fun to play a small nation either early in the game or as a replacement later in the game, because then you aren’t moping around with your dreams of glory dashed- they were already dashed right from the start, and you’re playing just for enjoyment.
    Last edited by SnowFire; July 17, 2001, 21:13.
    All syllogisms have three parts.
    Therefore this is not a syllogism.


    • #3
      Well, Snowie, I have to admit that you have been a real hindrance to the Brazilian War Effort...

      Your rogue army touring the south was a big pain, and I realised that I just HAD to eliminate it before it got bothersome again... but, my congratulations, Paraguay looked like she'd be out in the first year and she lived to see three other nations exterminated.


      • #4
        I'm missing one set of winter adjustments. Please get them in before midnight.
        Last edited by RUFFHAUS 8; July 21, 2001, 09:21.
        What is best in life? Crush your enemy! See him driven before you. And to hear the lamentation of his women.


        • #5
          ADC Dip 51 South American Supremacy Winter 1841




          ARGENTINA (Iain Lindley)

          Disband A Formosa

          BOLIVIA (Berzerker)

          Disband A Pantanal

          BRAZIL (Hogfather)

          No Change

          CHILE (Chazzy)

          Build A Santiago
          Build F Valparaiso

          COLOMBIA (Sahib)

          Build A Bogota
          Build A Cali

          PARAGUAY (Snowfire)

          Disband A Misiones


          Latest news coverage, email, free stock quotes, live scores and video are just the beginning. Discover more every day at Yahoo!

          GM COMMENTS:

          Spring 1842 orders will be due Thursday, July 26, 23:59 EST.

          As always, please check for accuracy.
          What is best in life? Crush your enemy! See him driven before you. And to hear the lamentation of his women.


          • #6
            Chaz, are you ever on ICQ?

