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The age of magic

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  • The age of magic

    Rules (common sense for maximum fun)

    1. You can be a kingdom (for those people who like to control nations in story thread), a character (for the RPG people), or a group of characters.
    2. Kingdoms and and characters have strenghs but also weaknesses.
    3. No obscenely powerful magic. Event moderator can use this only at the review and approval of the moderator.
    4. Magic has a limited range, except the event moderator after review and approval of the moderator. (both 3 & 4 will hopefully ensure fairness)
    5. Kingdoms have to state their positions clearly as there is no map as of yet.
    6. Kingdoms will have control over generals and armies but not over heros which they will have to talk to instead to do missions.
    7. Heroes and kingdoms can be of any races. If it is of a race that noone has heard of then a lot of description is needed.
    8. Limit off topic discussion

    Moderater (to make sure the story is viable and fun for everyone): Du_Chateau
    Events Moderater (introduces a little chaos into story but not a lot at one time): Open
    Cartographer (makes the map for the story so that positions do not have to be described): open

    Enough of rules, let's get started.


    "It was an age of the human warriors of the central plains capital. It was an age of wizards and their magic. It was an age of the elves of the northern woods and the drawves that live under the eastern mountains. It was an age of the bloodthristy warring orc clans of the western steppes. It was an age of the dark arts of Necromancy and the evil creatures of the southern swamps. It was an age of dragons. It was an age of mystical and fantastic creatures. It was an age of the epic struggle between good and evil. It was the age of magic."
    - Phoenix King wall writings, Aero, Sky-High mountains.

    OOC: more to come later.

  • #2
    Grand Master Volkin squinted at the parchment to see if he was writing strait. Of all the duties of the leader of his order, the daily record keeping was by far the most dull. His order always preached order and control, and he believed these to be fine qualities, but they didn’t have to entail a sedentary life. His mission was to help those whom were weaker and less fortunate than he, but here in the valley of Knog, between the great kingdoms of the elves and men, his order had already nearly exterminated injustice. To help the world he had to reach further. The midmorning bell was now ringing as the light from the sun pierced his window. It was time for the training. He sanded the parchment and put up the quill.
    As Grand Master it was his duty to train his fellow monks in the arts of combat as well as healing. Today he decided to drill in the Eagles talon technique.
    After descending a short flight of stairs he turned down a hallway to his left. Fine tapestries lined the walls, each describing an event in the orders history, each invaluable pieces of the past. As he came to a solid oak door, the guards bowed deeply. One was human, but the other was eight foot high and obviously orckind.
    " Good morning Master Volkin."
    " Good morning Peter, tell me has the stablemaster found a mount suitable for you yet?"
    " Not yet master, but he said that one of his men is leaving for the kingdoms of the men to the south to trade and that there are rumors of a crossbreed of war-horses and dire-ponies there. It was developed for my kind, perhaps he will be able to obtain one."
    " I hope so, It seems a shame that one of our greatest warriors may have to go into battle unmounted. Have a good day."
    " May your blessings never cease Grand Master"
    As Volkin pulled the door open he walked out onto a balcony which over looked the courtyard of the monastery. Having been built in a time of conflict and expanded over many years, the monastery was one of the largest defensive structures in the north. It guarded a valley large enough to boast a great king of its own, but the people were all freemen. There tithes supported the monastery, and in turn they received protection, healing, and a court to settle disputes. Standing below him in the courtyard were the master monks. Numbering fifty in all, these men were the best of the entire valley. He would teach them, and they would teach fifty other monks that were assigned to them as
    soldiers in time of need. They formed the core of the defenses, but were greatly augmented by a large group of archers, mounted warriors and fighters which had pledged fidelity to the order, but did not have the discipline to learn the combat techniques order whose members were know as The Blue Monks to the outside world. Grand Master Volkain steeped out to the edge of the balcony.
    " Today we practice the Eagles Talon Technique. Assume your positions."
    As they drooped down in their fighting stance, they pulled back their right arms. Volkain observed their stance to ensure it was correct, then dropped into his own.
    " Ready, Begin!"
    Nothing happened. At least they didn’t move. However their right fists began to glow bright blue and grew brighter and brighter. They were focusing their Ki, otherwise known
    as life force. They then began striking straight out in front of themselves. Each time they did the Ki centered in their fists formed a large, Eagle talon which snapped with vicious
    cruelty. Their movements were superb and in perfect order. In fact, they were so perfect that Grand Master Volkain allowed them to leave early and thought,
    " They have reached a new level. Tomorrow I shall instruct them in the ways of the Monkeys leap, but first I should have loads of hay brought into the courtyard to soften
    their fall. It will be hilarious."


    • #3
      The birdmen of Aero

      "In the northwestern mountains that the humans call the sky high mountains is city of Aero, the city of the birdmen and the Phoenix King. The Phoenix King is a birdman transformed into a phoenix. The Phoenix King is said to have regenerating powers in the vacinity of the sky high mountains but because none of the greatest evils are in the vacinity of the sky high mountains the Phoenix King has a vulneriblity to dying in fights with evil. When this happens there is a fight to who the next Phoenix King will be but the victor is usual chosen without any bloodshed. The Phoenix King is wise and knowledgable but noone has left with a direct answer to their question when leaving the audence of the Phoenix King. This is because the Phoenix King likes to use riddles to make sure his answers do not fall into the wrong hands.
      The birdmen are also regimented into five tiers. The top tier is the very few mages of the birdmen. These mages can control the weather in a small area like for a couple of farms. These mages were plentiful early on and people from all around asked for weather to be changed so that their crops would not die. Unfortunately not a lot of birdmen were fond of magic in the birdmen weather dwindled to a point where the demand for good weather was higher than the capacity of the remaining mages could handle. The Phoenix King not wanted to be blamed for a big famine allowed the birdmen mages to train human mages on how to control the weather. Human mages had one disadvantage to their birdmen counterparts and that is the latter's ability to fly.
      The next tier is the birdmen archers. While most of them are just ordinary hunters, but some are heros of the birdmen. I for one have never seen a birdmen archer hero. Maybe it is just because of the inability of birdmen to pull back a bow string, but some birdman can do but very few are profiencient at it. There is an old human saying that says, 'If you see a birdman swordbearer, it is a good omen. If you see a birdman it is a very good omen. If you see a phoenix it is an omen that there is a great evil afoot.' this means that even some humans have respect for the birdmen
      The next tier is the birdmen warriors. These birdmen, as with birdmen archers and guards, wear leather armor. This is because the birdmen cannot wear anything heavier to hinder flight. The birdmen warriors eqquiped themselves with sword to swoop down for the melee.
      The next tier is the birdmen guards. These are the birdmen that defend the walls and the castle. They prefer halberds or manning the baltistas. The birdmen always have to defend from the threats of hostile dragons, and other flying foes.
      The last tier is the workers. They work on various projects in the kingdom. If the kingdom comes under attack then the workers would form a militia to counter the threat.
      Getting up to Aero is a task onto itself. There is two ways to get up to Aero. The preferable, not the one I have taken, is to find a flying beast of burden to take you up there. Not an easy task because you do not want to fly on an enemy of the birdmen. Some types of dragons are the best bet.
      The other way is to take the mountain passes. This is more dangerous than flying. There are beast lurking everywhere. I was lucky to get pass most of them, but I still ended up in the infirmary. I dread the trip down the mountain again, but I have other places to see and write about. So I will have to take my leave from Aero because I am almost better. I think for my home in Idoemine in the northern forest to see my family. I have been away from them for a long time."
      - Journal of Edinie Gaiawalker, elvish explorer from Idoemine

      OOC: As you can tell I decided to be a character.


      • #4
        The sound of quills of parchement jumped through the air of Grand Master Volkains sparce room. He was, once again, filling out the daily records of the monastary. If he wasn't doing one thing, it was another and this busy lifestyle was once again grinding him down. The last time he felt this worn he went on an adventure and didn't come back for five months.
        " I wonder, " Volkain thought " Surely theres somthing different that I can do around here. Some odd chore, anything that will allow me to relax, and in the process obtain some peace. Perhaps i could begin work on that saddle for Peter"
        A loud single rap on the door derailed Volkains thought.
        "Come in."
        It was Peter. The large man had to duck to enter the seven foot door way. He looked about trying to take in the whole room. He had never seen the masters quarters and had always imagined them to be grand, but this was no better than his own cell.
        " Well Peter, Are you going to tell me what you want, or just stand around with your mouth open?"
        Peter closed his jaw with a tooth grinding crack.
        " Sit down man, tell me what you need. "
        " No, thank you Master, but I couldn't sit in your company. I am not worthy. I have been sent here by Master Fredrick of the Hospital wing. We seem to have run low on bloodbread root and ViperVine seeds. It has been years since we have purchased them, and as you know the dry summer wiped out the entire garden. He asks permission to send a messanger north to the lands of the birdmen to obtain some more seeds and starter vines. We haven't had contact with them in years and it is doubtfull if they know our situation. He awaits your reply. "
        " Very well Peter, tell him he may.... Wait a moment! I shall go!"
        " Master?!"
        " This is a very important mission and the way is dangerous. I will not needlessly endager anyone with such a task. Besides, we may open large scale trade, and who better to broker a deal. "
        " But master, Who will take care of the Monastary?! Surely a messanger..."
        " Bah, I have assistants who can do the work just as well as I can. Besides, It will be a good test to see how the order would function without me. I will waste no time. Saddle my horse. I leave within the hour!"
        " Yes Master."


        • #5
          The battle with the Yeti.

          "Why of all days did I chose today to leave Aero. At least I am at the base of the sky high mountains but a little bruised. The first have of my journey down was fine. I thought that I would have cakewalk down the path. That was until I met a furorious monster. It had silver fur making it recognizable as a yeti. Not looking for a talk the yeti took swing at me and draw blood. At this time I got my bow out and me and yeti played hide, seek, and destroy. Unfortunely all the shots that I took at the yeti missed. This was okay though because I was working my way down the mountain.
          I think that was hard but I overheard the birdmen talk about an ice worm. The particular thing I thought was that the ice worm could swallow a birdman, human or elf whole. That has to be an incrediably big worm.
          I am still bleeding from the attack of the yeti. I hoping to see my family again. Off in the horizon I see a horse with hooded rider. Is he friend of foe? Then I looked again and it seemed that the horseman was heading to the path to go to Aero. Does not this person know the dangers of the path? I have to warn him about the yeti and the ice worm. I am too weak..."
          -Journal of Edinie Gaiawalker, Elvish explorer from Idoemine

          Edinie Gaiawalker fell on his book because of extreme exhaustion. Unfornately the birdmen were talking about an Ice Wyrm, not an Ice Worm


          • #6
            Volkain had gathered everything he might need for the journey. Supplies, a change of clothes, a map, gold and a few small trade goods, his bow and a quiver of arrows, and a broadsword he borrowed from one of the fighters. His order forbade the use of swords except in cases of extreme need, but not carrying a sword in some of the lands he was going to travel through simpily invited attack. He carried the bow for hunting, and for situations when he wanted to defend himself, but not revel his other "skills". As he mounted Storm's Calm a group of monks and a few gaurds came to wish him well.
            " Stay safe master. Enjoy your trip."
            " Yes, please, record everything you see, I can wait to here about it. "
            After saying his goodbyes Volkain rode through the gate and was off. The countryside was so wonderfull. Golden fields swayed in the wind, and peasents formed islands in this sea of grain. Most of them ignored him as a simple traveler, but a few called out greetings. After a week the travel got harder. There were fewer inns he sometimes had to sleep out under the stars. The Mountains to either side were getting closer and closer. Before he left the valley there would be peaks a thousand feet high on either side of him only 400 yards away. Soon the fort that gaurded the gap came into view. Thirty feet high and made of wood and stone it was the valleys first line of defese. A hundred men lived there to gaurd against the evils of the wilderness. After a spending two nights in the fort and restocking on supplies, Volkain set off again and tried to make good time. In some areas patches of mud or large ditches forced Volkain to leave the road and ride though fields for a while. The going was hard, but he enjoyed it. As the fort fell further behind the land got wilder and wilder. In the night, wolves on the hunt could be heard in the forests calling to each other. Once wile sleeping under and oak a group of orcs tried to kill him in his sleep. One day their relatives might find their bodies. Once they rot and fall out of the trees. Fearfull of another attack Volkaine took fewer breaks and stoped only to sleep for a few hours. He even ate on horse back. Soon the mountains of the Birdmen came into view and Volkaine relaxed a bit. After all, surely the birdmen keep the nearbye area free of monsters.


            • #7
              The journey home

              "A few days ago I met a monk named Volkain. This was after my initial collapse after fighting the yeti. I traded a copy of my map of the path to Aero for a few medical herbs. We also swapped letters. Mine being a letter to the birdmen saying that I made it down somewhat safely. I warned the monk of the yeti and the ice wyrm which I was corrected by the monk. Volkain ask me why the birdmen were not guarding the pass. My reply was there was fewer birdmen but the main reason was that most of the birdmen were scared about the ice wyrm. There might be a few brave birdmen guarding the pass I said. I wish him good luck on his journey and I left for home. I kept on running for a couple days straight until I got to this inn close to the orc clans border.
              I am on my last leg of the journey. Mostly on this journey I saw the wierdest things. One was an Airship which looks like an ordinary ship that had a big ballon attached to it. Another one was the so called human invention, the aquebus. It the most inaccuracies as my archery on a yeti. The human inventor said this was the wave of the future. I just have to laugh at that. Even his human counterparts are wary of that invention. Another one was that of the drawven cannon. The drawves used the cannon mainly in making new tunnels.
              I also remember some of the adventures I had. One was going out to sea and listening to the seaman talk about the deadly kraken and sea serpants. I am glad I did not meet neither of those creatures. I also remember the time that I had to step quickly over the swamplands to have a battle of wits against a nostafu. Vampires are at least more intelligent then the yeti I had to battle to get down from Aero."
              -Journal of Edinie Gaiawalker, elvish explorer from Idoemine


              • #8
                Six heavy feet stomped through the undergrowth. A grubby paw extended through a bush, removing the foliage to reveal the target.

                A single birdman warrior. No one special, just a typical warrior, left alone. Under the darkness of night. A perfect target to hone one's hunting skills upon.

                Unfortunately, the hunter's skills were not as honed as he had hoped. An arrow quickly pierced the creatures face, blood splattering onto the floor quickly. He let out a pained roar as he fell to the ground. His comrades, not the brightest bunch in the world, took this as a signal and rushed the birdman. Another fell before they reached the avian warrior, but the final attacker wouldn't let him survive.

                Ignoring his fallen fellow fighters, he swung his axe wildly, and cut deeply into the birdman's neck. The birdman let out a cry and fell down, crippled for the rest of his short life. The brute looked at his axe, which had failed to get the job done, and pulled out a machete. He looked at the pathetic sub-human before him, and let him squirm for a bit. After a few short stares, he hacked at the birdman repeatedly, feathers going everywhere. Finally, he hacked apart the corpse, taking the tastiest of meat and chucking it into a sack.

                Gibs Backstalker walked away, leaving his two dead accomplices, and the grissly remains of the birdman in the open. He would eat well tonight, not like his bigger, stupider, cousins. He laughed as he recalled how everyone had told him how unfortunate he, a pathetic goblin, would never get anywhere in life. His own kind- goblins, or orcs, humans, birdmen, he was better than them all. And he had proved this tonight.


                • #9
                  From the information that the Birdman gave him, it seemed to Volkain that the only way to Aero would be to take a steep pass on the side of the mountain. He could leap from rock to rock quickly, but there was no way he could take his horse with him and he was needed to carry the weight. The bitter cold began to bite deeply as Volkain climbed higher and higher. Loud screams and howls unnerved his horse and Volkain enhanced his senses to provide quick warning in case of attack. He now had the sight of an tiger, nose of a hound, and ears of the rabbit. Soon he noticed a large creature tailing him, obviously thinking he was unseen. The monk casually removed his bow and made what looked like a practice draw. Blue energy swirled around the bow and concentrated in the head of the arrow. This would ensure speed, accuracy, and make it far more deadly Instead of relaxing the string, however he turned suddenly and let the arrow fly in the direction of the hidden one. The missle struck home and dug itself into the yeti till it couldnt be see. A small pop could be heard and the yeti howled in pain and fury. As it charged Volkain, the beast slowed and edventually fell to its knees. Entrails poured out onto the snow and steep rose from the now dead creature. Volkain walked over the the creature and broke out its teeth and claws. He had been told these are very valuable as he will be paid a bounty for slaying the beast and are used in several strong spells as regents. After remounting he scanned for other monsters, but they had all been scared away. Soon perhaps, Vokain thought, Aero will be in view.


                  • #10
                    The monastery

                    "I have arrived after an uneventful travel to a monastery. I did not recognize the place as being here. It told me how long I have been away. I was going to go straight to the woods until I found out that I needed provisions to get me home. The forest was filled with creatures that would eat me if they were hungry enough. So I decided to stop and get supplies.
                    The monks at the monastery were surprize that an elf would come from the northwest instead of the north. I gave the monks the letters that monk Volkain gave me and the monks thanked me.
                    Then the monks wanted me to show them some of my skills. The first thing they asked me to do was archery. I surprized the monks again by being an elf that could not even hit the target. Then I told them that I was an elvish explorer. So they asked me for tales of my adventures. I told them about my adventures, great and small. I was so into it that it was nightfall before I realised that I had not gotten any supplies. I guess I will spend the night here even though I would like to see my family in Idoemine."
                    -Journal of Edinie Gaiawalker, elvish explorer from Idoemine
                    Last edited by Du_Chateau; July 21, 2001, 18:33.

