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ADCT D Spring 1902 moves

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  • ADCT D Spring 1902 moves

    England (Berzerker)

    A Nor > StP (Bounce with Russia)
    F Nth > Nor
    F Lvp > Iri
    F Lon > EC
    F Bel > S Lon > EC

    France (Napolean)

    A Spa - Gas
    F Por - Mao
    F Bre - Ech (Bounce with England)
    A Pic S A Par - Bur
    A Par - Bur

    Germany (Yomama)

    A KIE > DEN
    A HOL H
    A MUN > BER
    A RUH > MUN
    F DEN > SWE

    Italy (Gerwald)

    F TUN - ION
    F NAP supports F TUN - ION
    A ROM - VEN
    A VIE supports A VEN - TYR
    A VEN - TYR

    Austria (NMR, tsk tsk Mao, in accordance with tournament rules all units hold)

    F: Gre: H
    A: Bud: H (Support Broken, Dislodged, Destroyed)
    A: Tri: H

    Russia (Defiant)

    F-GOB > STP (Bounce with England)
    A-WAR > Mos
    A-GAL > BUD (Bounce with Austria)
    F-SEV > BS

    Turkey (Saro)

    a bul->ser
    a con->bul
    f ank->con

    Fall 1902 move due Friday July 6, 2001 at 5:30 PM PST

  • #2
    *points at Turkey's move* is no NMR! Is Saro back?

    Almighty and Resident God
    The more you know the more you realize you dont know. - Shep


    • #3
      Du Chateau,
      The way I read the moves, it looks as though Russia got Budapest, is that correct and El Awerance is having computer problems, I will get the map up tonight. Please confirm the Russian move on Budapest, thanks.

      Nappy, look, all of Turkey's moves worked, he is back in full strength.
      Lets always remember the passangers on United Flight 93, true heroes in every sense of the word!

      (Quick! Someone! Anyone! Sava! Come help! )-mrmitchell


      • #4
        Map will be up on Monday.


        • #5
          Hey guys....we have moves due and no map. What is the situation?


          • #6
            I was going to get the map up but El Awrence said he was still going to do it, so I left it alone. I will try to get the map up tonight, it is men's league in golf so I can't promise anything but I will try.
            Lets always remember the passangers on United Flight 93, true heroes in every sense of the word!

            (Quick! Someone! Anyone! Sava! Come help! )-mrmitchell


            • #7
              I am doing the map right now... do not fret people! Do not fret!

              Sorry about the delay, my pc has been reformatted and is back on track.


              • #8
                Moves are extented to Sunday at 5:30 PM PST because I will not have moves due 24 hours after the map is made.


                • #9
                  Sorry for the delay gentleman, here is the map

                  This is developing into a fine game...

