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ADCT 2001 Game A Fall 1902

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  • ADCT 2001 Game A Fall 1902


    F Gre S Aeg > Ion
    A Bud > Tri (move fails 1v1)
    A Tyr S Bud > Tri (support cut)

    ENGLAND (Snowfire)

    F Iri S F Eng->MAO
    F Eng->MAO
    F Lon->Eng
    F Nor S German F Den->Swe
    A Bel S German A Bur->Pic

    FRANCE (Stefu)

    F Por - MAO (bounce 1v2 with English Channel)
    A Pic - Bur (bounce 2v2 with Burgundy)
    A Par - S Pic - Bur
    A Gas - S Mar
    A Mar - S Pic - Bur (support cut)

    GERMANY (Sahib)

    A Bur - Pic (bounce 2v2 with Picardy)
    A Pie - Mar (move fails 1v1)
    A Ruh - Mun
    A Hol - Ruh
    F Den - Swe

    ITALY (Boshko)

    A Venice-Tyrolia (move fails 1v1)
    F Ionian Sea-Greece (move fails 1v1, dislodged, may retreat to Apulia, Adriatic Sea, Albania, Eastern Mediterranean Sea, Naples, Tunis or OTB)
    F Naples=Tyrhennian Sea
    A Trieste S Russian A Galicia-Budapest (void, no such order)
    A Vienna S Russian A Galicia-Budapest (void, no such order)

    RUSSIA (Hacksaw) NMR!!

    F Sweden - hold (dislodged, may retreat to Finland, Gulf of Bothnia, Baltic Sea, Skaggerat, or OTB)
    A Warsaw - hold
    A Galicia - hold
    A Ukraine - hold
    F Sevastapol - hold


    F Con - AEG
    F BLA S A Rum X
    A Rum XXX
    A Ser S A Rum X
    F AEG - Ion


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    Fall 1902 retreats are due, Sunday, June 24, 23:59 EST. Winter 1902 adjustments are due, Monday, June 24, 23:59 EST. Spring 1903 orders will be due, Thursday, June 28, 23:59 EST.


    AUSTRIA-HUNGARY - Disband 1
    ENGLAND - No Change
    FRANCE - No Change
    GERMANY - Build 1
    ITALY - Build 1
    RUSSIA - Disband 1
    TURKEY - Build 1


    ICQ: 63418710


    ICQ: none

    ENGLAND (Snowfire)
    ICQ: 35476699

    FRANCE (Stefu)
    ICQ: none

    GERMANY (Sahib)
    ICQ: 43251116

    ITALY (Zhu Yuanshang/Boshko)
    ICQ: 37211450

    RUSSIA (Hacksaw)
    ICQ: 45630676

    ICQ: none
    E-mail: or


    Total supply centers (SCs) = 34. Victory conditions = 18 SCs required for a solo victory. Home SCs listed in CAPS.

    GERMANY (6)
    Denmark, Holland, Sweden

    ITALY (6)
    Vienna (AH), Tunis, Trieste (AH)

    TURKEY (6)
    Serbia, Bulgaria, Rumania

    ENGLAND (5)
    Norway, Belgium

    FRANCE (5)
    Portugal, Spain

    RUSSIA (4)

    Last edited by RUFFHAUS 8; June 28, 2001, 14:11.
    What is best in life? Crush your enemy! See him driven before you. And to hear the lamentation of his women.

  • #2
    Uh, RUFFHAUS, you missed my last move change. If you check your log:
    Game A Moves:
    F Iri S F Eng->MAO
    F Eng->MAO
    F Lon->Eng
    F Nor->Den
    A Bel H

    You: [other game related]

    Also received, thanks

    << Game A Moves:
    F Iri S F Eng->MAO
    F Eng->MAO
    F Lon->Eng
    F Nor->Den
    A Bel H >>

    Moves change:

    F Iri S F Eng->MAO
    F Eng->MAO
    F Lon->Eng
    F Nor->Nth
    A Bel S German A Bur->Pic

    Good thing I needed to change the moves, too. F Nor->Den?!?

    Received, thanks

    << F Iri S F Eng->MAO
    F Eng->MAO
    F Lon->Eng
    F Nor->Nth
    A Bel S German A Bur->Pic >>

    Changin' the moves again:
    F Iri S F Eng->MAO
    F Eng->MAO
    F Lon->Eng
    F Nor S German F Den->Swe
    A Bel S German A Bur->Pic

    And then the line went dead or something, because I haven't recieved any responses since.

    Sorry hacksaw, but even if this move change can't be confirmed (I'm checking with now but I rather doubt it), you should probably know.
    All syllogisms have three parts.
    Therefore this is not a syllogism.


    • #3
      Hmmmm maybe I shouldn't have made that final delivery of fine Italian wine to the Russian armies
      Stop Quoting Ben


      • #4
        I've reviewed my ICQ log, and confirmed Snowfire's revised set of orders. My apologies to all concerned. Hacksaw, particularly to you (if you are out there of course). Let me know if you are still with us. I know need a retreat and disband from Russia, and a build from Germany. deadlines remain the same.
        What is best in life? Crush your enemy! See him driven before you. And to hear the lamentation of his women.


        • #5
          No way Ruff. I sent in those moves. I didnt nmr. however my sister decided to redownload our computer and I may have lost icq! Give me a little and let me see if i can find them.


          • #6
            CRAP! I have Lost ICQ!
            Of All the times!
            Ruff I can tell you what moves i sent in, but I dont know if youll accept them. I am not lying on this. IN fact i sent in the moves ahead of time. IF you can cheack your history and see.
            From the best of my memorty I ordered:
            F SWE-hold
            A Galacia-Budapest
            A warsaw-Galacia
            F sev-hold
            A Urkaine-S F Sev


            • #7
              Hacksaw, I don't know what to say buddy. I've checked my e-mail, and ICQ log, and nothing exists from you for Fall 1902. If you say that you submitted orders, I believe you. But I canott allow you to submit them after having seen the results of the turn. What I will do is waive any NMR penalty for this game, the tournament scoring, and the ADC records in observance of your computer problems. But your units still hold in place for Fall 1902. Furthermore, I need a retreat and disband order from you ASAP.

              A note to all players. Please assume that I do NOT have your orders unless you receive confirmation of them from me. I confirm all orders, revisions, retreats, and adjustments, ALWAYS. E-mail is the best method for doing this, because of it's superior ability to date stamp and archive sent messages.

              Sorry Hacksaw, but the moves stand as they are. I sent several reminders to you.
              What is best in life? Crush your enemy! See him driven before you. And to hear the lamentation of his women.


              • #8
                Ruffhaus, could we please have an accurate map for this turn? I have already sent you my disband, but really now that I look at theings, it's very dependant upon Italy and Russia's choices for retreats, so disregard it until the retreats are actually posted please. (In the event I don't make a revised deadline for the disband, what I've said shal lstand, but I need as much help as is allowed in my situation)


                • #9
                  Gibsie, we have an accurate map right now. Unfortunately Hacksaw seems to be miffed about the screw up with his orders. In any case, his retreat is still due. The fleet in Sweden is dislodged regardless of what comes of this. If I do not receive the Russian retreat by this evening, when I am ready to adjudicate, it will go off the board. I've allowed a little more time for him here because there appears to be a problem with the submitted orders. I have Italy's retreat, and I can fully understand your wanting to see the retreats before submitting your winter adjustments.

                  Incidentally I don't have your adjustment orders right now. They may be waiting for me on ICQ, which I have at my home computer only. But there was no order there as of 10:00 EST.
                  What is best in life? Crush your enemy! See him driven before you. And to hear the lamentation of his women.


                  • #10
                    I sent in those moves. could you cheack please. I may not have labeled them as fall moves. My sister as i said screwed the computer up and it was just yesterday i was able to get aol. I did send in those moves, im sure of it. By the way the retreat would be unaffected by this anyway, but I have to rethink my diplomatic options availble for my retreat. Boshko. Please email me I need to talk to you. Besides, think about it. If i was going to cheat and take advantage of seeing the moves, dont you think i would have attack Rum and ignored supporting SEv. I tell you i sent in those moves.


                    • #11
                      Hacksaw. Send me your retreat NOW. I'm not granting you any more time for your diplomatic options. The deadline for retreats has passed. Terchnically there isn't supposed to be negotiation during retreats, but it's unenforceable anyway. The point here is that I need your retreat now.

                      I'm not accusing you of trying to cheat. But I cannot accept your orders after you've seen everyone else's moves. The deadline for moves was THURSDAY. The adjucation has been done. I don't have your orders. I checked several times. I'm sorry. As I mentioned before. I confirm all orders that I received. if you haven't received a confirmation from me and you are worried about my not receiving them, then you need to contact me or post a message to the thread before the deadline.

                      I'm sorry Hacksaw, but I have to stand firm on this. If you wish I'lll put the issue to a vote of the table. But it will have to be unanimous in your favor to sway my opinion.

                      I need a retreat (due Sunday), and a disband (due Monday) by midnight tonight EST or I will make these orders.
                      What is best in life? Crush your enemy! See him driven before you. And to hear the lamentation of his women.


                      • #12
                        ADCT 2001 Game A Fall Retreats 1902

                        AUSTRIA-HUNGARY (Gibsie)

                        ENGLAND (Snowfire)

                        FRANCE (Stefu)

                        GERMANY (Sahib)

                        ITALY (Boshko)

                        F Ionian Sea retreats to Tunis

                        RUSSIA (Hacksaw) NMR!!

                        F Sweden retreats OTB

                        TURKEY (VGR)


                        Latest news coverage, email, free stock quotes, live scores and video are just the beginning. Discover more every day at Yahoo!

                        GM COMMENTS:

                        Hacksaw!!! What is going on with you, man? Are you in this game or not? You had time to postt several messages yesterday about the game, but no time to e-mail me, ICQ me, or even post your moves here. Let me know what's going on?

                        Winter 1902 adjustments are will be posted shortly. Spring 1903 orders will be due, Friday, June 29, 23:59 EST.

                        ADJUSTMENTS DUE:

                        AUSTRIA-HUNGARY - Disband 1
                        ENGLAND - No Change
                        FRANCE - No Change
                        GERMANY - Build 1
                        ITALY - Build 1
                        RUSSIA - No Change
                        TURKEY - Build 1
                        What is best in life? Crush your enemy! See him driven before you. And to hear the lamentation of his women.


                        • #13
                          ADCT 2001 Game A Winter 1902

                          AUSTRIA-HUNGARY (Gibsie)

                          Disband A Tyrolia

                          ENGLAND (Snowfire)

                          No Change

                          FRANCE (Stefu)

                          No Change

                          GERMANY (Sahib)

                          Build A Berlin

                          ITALY (Boshko)

                          Build F Naples

                          RUSSIA (Hacksaw)

                          No Change

                          TURKEY (VGR)

                          Build A Ankara


                          GM COMMENTS:

                          Spring 1903 orders will be due, Friday, June 29, 23:59 EST.
                          What is best in life? Crush your enemy! See him driven before you. And to hear the lamentation of his women.


                          • #14
                            Well, since you gave me the option, yes i would like a vote if you dont mind. Im still trying to fix the comp, thats why its taking me so long. That and my sister is in and out of the hospital ( she fell and hurt her ankle), I have my job, i have summer school, and i have trying to help and elderly couple by fixing their place up since they cant do it themselves or pay to get someone else to do it. Im not trying to get sympathy, im just telling you why i havent replied yet.


                            • #15
                              by the way Ill retreat to the gulf of both
                              if i have to disband, then ill disband a warsaw

