EDIT: post the names of your alien nations people 
Well Alien Dip I was a fun game so I thought I'd give the variant another shot
. Sign-up space is unlimited, I'll choose a map that corresponds to the number of people we have signing up.
A few notes:
-Read the rules and make sure you understand the tactical implications of them (especially of beaming units around). Also talking to me (or Victor G. and SnowFire who used the special variant rules to their advantage the best in Alien Dip I) about tactics would probably be a good idea.
-Where you beam down is VITAL. In Alien Dip I North-West Europe was very overcrowded so the people who landed there tended to be massacred by the people from farther south or east (the only survivor was WarVoid in England). This means talking to everyone about where they're landing and trying to pick a mostly empty area that defensible and has good growth prospects, if you don't do this you put yourself at a huge disadvantage.
-It seemed that in Alien Dip I the most successful landing strategy was to have your units land close-by but not adjacent so they could both spread out easily and help each other out (Victor G. and SnowFire did this). But landing all your units down next to each other in a good location can work to (WarVoid, Defiant, and Polaris/Iain Lindley did this). Having your units spread all over the map tends to get you killed very fast (Imran did this).
Direct any questions to me on ICQ: 37211450

Well Alien Dip I was a fun game so I thought I'd give the variant another shot

A few notes:
-Read the rules and make sure you understand the tactical implications of them (especially of beaming units around). Also talking to me (or Victor G. and SnowFire who used the special variant rules to their advantage the best in Alien Dip I) about tactics would probably be a good idea.
-Where you beam down is VITAL. In Alien Dip I North-West Europe was very overcrowded so the people who landed there tended to be massacred by the people from farther south or east (the only survivor was WarVoid in England). This means talking to everyone about where they're landing and trying to pick a mostly empty area that defensible and has good growth prospects, if you don't do this you put yourself at a huge disadvantage.
-It seemed that in Alien Dip I the most successful landing strategy was to have your units land close-by but not adjacent so they could both spread out easily and help each other out (Victor G. and SnowFire did this). But landing all your units down next to each other in a good location can work to (WarVoid, Defiant, and Polaris/Iain Lindley did this). Having your units spread all over the map tends to get you killed very fast (Imran did this).
Direct any questions to me on ICQ: 37211450