please check for accuracy:
Turkey (Siro)
A Ser s A Alb - Tri
(A Alb - Tri) bounce IA Tri
A Bud s A Rum - Gal
A Rum - Gal
F Bla c A Con - Rum
(A Sev s A Con - Rum) cut by RA Mos
A Con - Rum
F Smy - Aeg
F Ion H
F Nap - Tyr
Italy (Orange)
F-Tyr > Western Med
A-Ven > Pie
F-Adr S A-Tri
France (Yoav)
Iri sup Lpl
(Lpl sup Bre to Wal) cut by EF Cly
Pic sup Ech
Ech Con Bre to Wal
(Bre to Wal) bounce EF Lon
Bel Holds.
Ruh to Kie
Kie to Den
Mar to GoL
England (Taurus)
(F Cly - Lvp) bounce FA Lvp
F Nth - Edi
(F Lon - Wal) bounce FA Bre
A Yor s F Cly - Lvp.
Russia (Napoleon)
(A Galicia - Vienna) bounce, dislodged by TA Rum, retreat to Ukr, Boh, OTB
F Sweden - Norway
F Berlin - Baltic Sea
A Moscow - Sevastpol
A Warsaw - Silesia
Germany (neutral)
A Mun H
Austria (neutral)
A Vie H
retreat due monday, 23rd, 11 pm GMT, post it here!
fall 1905 moves due saturday, 28th, 6 pm GMT
Note: I will be away next weekend, so I´ll probably not adjucate until monday, 30th.
[This message has been edited by Sahib (edited April 21, 2001).]
Turkey (Siro)
A Ser s A Alb - Tri
(A Alb - Tri) bounce IA Tri
A Bud s A Rum - Gal
A Rum - Gal
F Bla c A Con - Rum
(A Sev s A Con - Rum) cut by RA Mos
A Con - Rum
F Smy - Aeg
F Ion H
F Nap - Tyr
Italy (Orange)
F-Tyr > Western Med
A-Ven > Pie
F-Adr S A-Tri
France (Yoav)
Iri sup Lpl
(Lpl sup Bre to Wal) cut by EF Cly
Pic sup Ech
Ech Con Bre to Wal
(Bre to Wal) bounce EF Lon
Bel Holds.
Ruh to Kie
Kie to Den
Mar to GoL
England (Taurus)
(F Cly - Lvp) bounce FA Lvp
F Nth - Edi
(F Lon - Wal) bounce FA Bre
A Yor s F Cly - Lvp.
Russia (Napoleon)
(A Galicia - Vienna) bounce, dislodged by TA Rum, retreat to Ukr, Boh, OTB
F Sweden - Norway
F Berlin - Baltic Sea
A Moscow - Sevastpol
A Warsaw - Silesia
Germany (neutral)
A Mun H
Austria (neutral)
A Vie H
retreat due monday, 23rd, 11 pm GMT, post it here!
fall 1905 moves due saturday, 28th, 6 pm GMT
Note: I will be away next weekend, so I´ll probably not adjucate until monday, 30th.
[This message has been edited by Sahib (edited April 21, 2001).]