(Diplomacy fanatics, you can ignore this unless you also like geopolitics.)
I present a game that will put the "Stories" back in Apolyton Stories & Diplomacy and the "S" back into S&D.
We all remember Big Huge War I. Those were the good times! Those were the best times. We all had a thread, and we'd have numerous issues. I, II, III, IV, etc.
Then we'd all post in one thread everything. Our news, foreign relations, everyone in one thread. That way, everything was seen and everything was fun.
In Big Huge War I we had the realism of Third War and Destiny of the World I combined, with a little less realism even. "Greater India" had taken some of Africa, Germany had gone into Panama and the Northeast United States, and everything was dandy.
In Big Huge War II we will do the same. However, we will have some civility rules put in place so no one OOC flames and what not, but we will have fun. Realism will be just as lenient as before, but maybe a little more stricter I suppose so as we don't get too unfair and gobble up things without giving others a chance.
Things are like this:[*]The United States is split into two nations by the Mississippi River. The west is called the Pacific Republic, and the east is the United States. What happened is that colonists went over the Mississippi River, and founded a new nation as opposed to going with the United States. The Pacific Republic has Hawaii and Alaska. I have a full alternate history to post.[*]Government changes can occur overnight, but we like a little story or something interesting to happen for a government change.[*]Militaries can be bloated to an extreme, but not too much. Keep in mind that this uses the real life equipment of nations.[*]Alternate histories are not allowed except for the USA/PR split. Unless you really, really, really want one.[*]Everyone can claim multiple IRL nations as part of their nation. Post your claim here and it will be moderated accordingly be the moderators, as we don't want massive empires running around (boo).[*]People can conquer things, but please give a fun, detailed, and nice battle post for us to play with. Conquering is the heart of the game along with empire-forming.[*]Do not only focus on the military and conquering. There are also interesting political issues, economic issues, etc. Remember that your nation is the same. Thus, if you have India or China, you have a population problem. This cannot be solved overnight, but can in like a week
with proper posting and things done.[*]In this, there will be three moderators: PolarisGL, Bearcat, and JT3/WarRogue/SpitFire/whateverothernamehehasthatIdon'tknowof. We are not absoulutely corrupt, and therefore we allow a sort of democracy. If you don't like a decision, talk to us privately and we'll work it out or something. This is designed to be fun.
With all this said, I know I'm taking Japan, Philippines, and South Korea (I'll discuss with WarRogue and Bearcat to see if I can do this
Post here if you're in and what nation you want.
[This message has been edited by PolarisGL (edited April 22, 2001).]
I present a game that will put the "Stories" back in Apolyton Stories & Diplomacy and the "S" back into S&D.
We all remember Big Huge War I. Those were the good times! Those were the best times. We all had a thread, and we'd have numerous issues. I, II, III, IV, etc.
Then we'd all post in one thread everything. Our news, foreign relations, everyone in one thread. That way, everything was seen and everything was fun.
In Big Huge War I we had the realism of Third War and Destiny of the World I combined, with a little less realism even. "Greater India" had taken some of Africa, Germany had gone into Panama and the Northeast United States, and everything was dandy.
In Big Huge War II we will do the same. However, we will have some civility rules put in place so no one OOC flames and what not, but we will have fun. Realism will be just as lenient as before, but maybe a little more stricter I suppose so as we don't get too unfair and gobble up things without giving others a chance.
Things are like this:[*]The United States is split into two nations by the Mississippi River. The west is called the Pacific Republic, and the east is the United States. What happened is that colonists went over the Mississippi River, and founded a new nation as opposed to going with the United States. The Pacific Republic has Hawaii and Alaska. I have a full alternate history to post.[*]Government changes can occur overnight, but we like a little story or something interesting to happen for a government change.[*]Militaries can be bloated to an extreme, but not too much. Keep in mind that this uses the real life equipment of nations.[*]Alternate histories are not allowed except for the USA/PR split. Unless you really, really, really want one.[*]Everyone can claim multiple IRL nations as part of their nation. Post your claim here and it will be moderated accordingly be the moderators, as we don't want massive empires running around (boo).[*]People can conquer things, but please give a fun, detailed, and nice battle post for us to play with. Conquering is the heart of the game along with empire-forming.[*]Do not only focus on the military and conquering. There are also interesting political issues, economic issues, etc. Remember that your nation is the same. Thus, if you have India or China, you have a population problem. This cannot be solved overnight, but can in like a week

With all this said, I know I'm taking Japan, Philippines, and South Korea (I'll discuss with WarRogue and Bearcat to see if I can do this

Post here if you're in and what nation you want.
[This message has been edited by PolarisGL (edited April 22, 2001).]