A Los S A Colo
A Colo S A Los (Support broken)
A Cam-Cha (Move fails)
A Bog H
FRANCE: (3 builds; can only use 1) [Midshipman]
F GaMex-Mer
A Bar-Spa (Bumps with Portugal)
A Bil-NPor (Move fails; unit dislodged and destroyed)
F Lyo-Lom
Had: Hou Lou Bil Bar Lyo Lom
Gained: Mer
Lost: Bil
PORTUGAL: (2 builds) [Victor Galis]
A NPor-Bil
F Spa-Bar (Bumps with France)
F SPor-Spa (Move fails)
F MAtl S Spanish F SLyon-Morocco (Support broken; dislodged; may retreat to Azo, SBis, SLyo, Con or NAtl)
A May S Spanish F SLyon-Morocco
F Nig H
F Ven-Colu
Had: Azo Ven Con Nig NPor SPor Spa
Gained: Bil Colu
HOLLAND: [SnowFire]
F Cub-Hai
Had: Cub
Gained: Hai
Lost: Cub
NAPLES: (1 build) [Mao]
F Ven-Rom
F Rom-WIon
F Sar S Rom-WIon
F WIon-Tun
A Sud-Cha
A Tri S Sud-Cha
A Alg H
F NETra-MAtl
F Mor S NETra-MAtl
Had: Mor Alg Tun Bzi Sud Sar Sic Sal Rom Ven
GERMAN CONFEDERATION: (1 build) [The Hogfather]
A Ont-Qbc
A Bor-Mar
A Elb-Bor
F Ham-Ams
F Hol H
A Ruh-Bel
A Par S A Ruh-Bel
Had: Qbc Ont Par Bor Bel Ams Mun Ham Ber
ENGLAND: (1 build) [Scott]
A SLo-Col (Move fails)
A Mic-SLo (Move fails)
F NBis S Portugese A NPor-Bil
F NS1 S F Eng
F Eng S F NS1
F FCha-Cub
F Sar S F FCha-Cub
Had: Mic SLo NYo NS Pen Gla Edi Lon
Gained: Cub
SPAIN: (2 disbands) [Defiant]
No moves received: All units hold
Both units disband
Spain dies Fall 1610
Builds are due Monday evening.
------------------ | AIM: scallops25
President & Demi-God of the Civilization Gaming Network - Visit Our Forums
This week's sign of the Apocalypse: The possibility of Jedi becoming an official religion
[This message has been edited by reismark (edited April 14, 2001).]
A Los S A Colo
A Colo S A Los (Support broken)
A Cam-Cha (Move fails)
A Bog H
FRANCE: (3 builds; can only use 1) [Midshipman]
F GaMex-Mer
A Bar-Spa (Bumps with Portugal)
A Bil-NPor (Move fails; unit dislodged and destroyed)
F Lyo-Lom
Had: Hou Lou Bil Bar Lyo Lom
Gained: Mer
Lost: Bil
PORTUGAL: (2 builds) [Victor Galis]
A NPor-Bil
F Spa-Bar (Bumps with France)
F SPor-Spa (Move fails)
F MAtl S Spanish F SLyon-Morocco (Support broken; dislodged; may retreat to Azo, SBis, SLyo, Con or NAtl)
A May S Spanish F SLyon-Morocco
F Nig H
F Ven-Colu
Had: Azo Ven Con Nig NPor SPor Spa
Gained: Bil Colu
HOLLAND: [SnowFire]
F Cub-Hai
Had: Cub
Gained: Hai
Lost: Cub
NAPLES: (1 build) [Mao]
F Ven-Rom
F Rom-WIon
F Sar S Rom-WIon
F WIon-Tun
A Sud-Cha
A Tri S Sud-Cha
A Alg H
F NETra-MAtl
F Mor S NETra-MAtl
Had: Mor Alg Tun Bzi Sud Sar Sic Sal Rom Ven
GERMAN CONFEDERATION: (1 build) [The Hogfather]
A Ont-Qbc
A Bor-Mar
A Elb-Bor
F Ham-Ams
F Hol H
A Ruh-Bel
A Par S A Ruh-Bel
Had: Qbc Ont Par Bor Bel Ams Mun Ham Ber
ENGLAND: (1 build) [Scott]
A SLo-Col (Move fails)
A Mic-SLo (Move fails)
F NBis S Portugese A NPor-Bil
F NS1 S F Eng
F Eng S F NS1
F FCha-Cub
F Sar S F FCha-Cub
Had: Mic SLo NYo NS Pen Gla Edi Lon
Gained: Cub
SPAIN: (2 disbands) [Defiant]
No moves received: All units hold
Both units disband
Spain dies Fall 1610
Builds are due Monday evening.
------------------ | AIM: scallops25
President & Demi-God of the Civilization Gaming Network - Visit Our Forums
This week's sign of the Apocalypse: The possibility of Jedi becoming an official religion
[This message has been edited by reismark (edited April 14, 2001).]