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  • Boshko!

    Hello, my friend,

    I need your help urgently as our team captin of ApolytonII. Here´s the problem:

    In my game (2014) the GM seems to have disappeared. He adjucated F06 on March 12th. Since then there is only silence (imagine: 10 days for BUILDS!) And even before F06 it usually took about 10 days for one season, sometimes longer.

    Now, I contcted the tournament director, and he says the calendar deadline is April 10th.

    I am currently at 17 SCs. The solo is guaranteed if I can play through to S08. But with the current GM that seems impossible. The tournament director simply asked me to keep him posted. WHat? How ill this help me? I get the feeling I will not get the solo. Can you help me, Boshko, and talk to the tournament people you know?

    Maybe you could also talk with Ruffhaus. He has Ray Setzer on his other diplomacy team and Ray is somehow involved in this tournament I believe.

    Please contct me via ICQ or mail:

  • #2
    Never mind, I just got the builds, after 10 days! I just hope the GM is alive now and does not go to sleep again

