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Dip 48 Newbie fall 1902 resolution

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  • Dip 48 Newbie fall 1902 resolution

    Finally back on track! We´ve got two new players:

    Mobius took over as Italy:

    Midshipman took over as Austria:

    Special thanks to Midshipman for providing moves so fast!

    And here are the moves, long awaited:

    Germany (Warvoid)

    (F Kie - Den) no such unit
    A Sil - Boh
    A Mun S A Sil - Boh
    A War H
    (F Hel) nor order recieved - H

    England (Taurus)

    A Edi - Nor
    F Nth C Edi - Nor
    A Swe - Den
    F Kie S A Swe - Den
    F Nor - Swe

    France (Yoav)

    Bel - Hol
    Bur - Ruh
    Pic - Bel
    Bre - Gas
    Mar H
    MAO - WMe

    Turkey (Siro)

    (A Arm - Sev) bounce with russian A Mos
    (F Bla - Rum) bounce with austrian A Bud
    (F Bul S Turk F Bla - Rum) unit at south coast
    A Rum - Ser
    A Gre S Turk A Rum - Ser

    Russia (Napoleon)

    (A Mos - Sev) bounce with turkish A Arm
    F Bal - Ber

    Austria (Midshipman)

    (A Bud - Rum) bounce with turkish F BLA
    (A Ser S A Bud - Rum) cut and dislodged by turkish A Rum, must retreat (Alb or OTB)
    (A Vie - Tyr) bounce with italian A Boh
    (F Tri - Ven) bounce with italian A Tyr

    Italy (Mobius)

    F Ion - Adr
    (A Tyr - Ven) bounce with austrian A Vie
    (A Boh - Tyr) bounce with own unit
    F Tys H

    Unfortunaletly, I cannot open the map Ruffhaus provided. And I have no other map available right now. Therefor I cannot post builds/disbands right now. I will do that tonight. Sorry. But I guess you guys know pretty well how much you lost and gained.

    Here are some deadlines:

    retreat due friday, 23rd, 6pm GMT. please post retreat here.

    Builds/disbands are due saturday, 24th, 6pm GMT

    spring03 moves are due wednesday, 28th, 6pm GMT

    Have fun!

    [This message has been edited by Sahib (edited February 21, 2001).]

  • #2
    I am sorry to do this again to Siro, but:

    He moved his Fleet last turn to Bulgaria SC, right?
    If yes, then he's support to Bla - Rum is invalid.

    Please check it out, Sahib.

    Proud member of the state of Israel.
    "There's room at the top they are telling you still, but first you must learn how to smile as you kill, if you want to be like the folks on the hill" - John Lennon

    "Life is wasted on the living."
    -Douglas Adams


    • #3
      I need a map! Pleaaassseee, someone, a map! If the fleet was at the south coast, then yes, it cannot support a move to Romania.


      • #4

        àìé, áï æåðä!
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        ìîä àúä çééá ìú÷åò úæéï ä÷èï ùìê ìëì î÷åí?
        àæ äúáìáìúé...
        àæ äí ìà äéå ùîéí ìá...

        I hate this coasts stuff!!!
        I never can remember it!!!

        Ok, so Bla doesn't get into Rum.
        Who cares.
        As long as Austria doesn't get there...

        edit: mixed up names...
        [This message has been edited by Sirotnikov (edited February 21, 2001).]
        [This message has been edited by Sirotnikov (edited February 21, 2001).]


        • #5
          Fall 1902 Map:

          Please check for accuracy. I noted in making the map that Italy has a retreat to write for it's A Bohemia, which was dislodged. As far asI can tell, Shaib, It's options are Galicia or OTB.
          [This message has been edited by RUFFHAUS8 (edited February 21, 2001).]


          • #6
            I will have a map posted later this evening, which will be morning for those of you chaps across the pond and a sea or three.


            • #7
              I still cannot open any Geocities pages. I´m sorry, but without a map it´s hard to find out who holds wich country. I first thought it might be my connexion, but I saw that midshipman has the same problems. Maybe, Ruff, you could send me that map as an email attachment?

              And we have more problems: Warvoid has asked me to find a replacment for him. Jeeze, this game is deteriorating very early!


              • #8
                Retreat A Alb
                But I kick that ball, and I pray it goes straight,
                If it does, then Coach says, "Good job number eight."
                He doesn't even no my name is Andre Kristacovitchlalinski, Jr.
                But that's the life I live...Lonesome Kicker


                • #9
                  The map doesn't work.


                  • #10
                    I'm doing okay with the map. Are you guys still having difficulties? Sahib, I sent an e-mail attached GIF file to you this morning.


                    • #11
                      OK, I´ll look at it tonight. Thanks a lot, Ruffy.


                      • #12
                        Italy´s army Boh is indeed dislodged. Must retreat Gal or off the board (OTB)

                        ok, builds and disbands as follows:

                        Germany: 2 disbands
                        England: 2 builds
                        France: 1 build
                        Russia: 1 build
                        Turkey: 2 builds
                        Italy: 0 (unless retreat is OTB: 1 build)
                        Austria: 0

                        I will send the fall map as an email attachment.

                        That reminds me: Midshipman, what´s your email?


                        • #13
                          Italy retreats the army Boh OTB. So Italy has a build. I still lack a couple of builds/disbands. I will post the builds tonight. So Hurry!


                          • #14
                            I'm here but I can't see the map and I've already posted the build order twice now!


                            Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?

