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Dip Nihihihi Fall 1910 Results

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  • Dip Nihihihi Fall 1910 Results

    EDIT: mistake on map, there was no fleet in Smy so there is now no fleet in EMe.
    winter builds/disbands due ASAP

    France (made up by me) (3 disbands)
    F Cly-Nwg
    F Bre-Eng (move fails)
    F Pic S A Bur-Bel
    A Bur-Bel (move fails)
    A Mun-Ruh (move fails, unit dislodged, retreats to Tyr)
    A Mar-Spa (move fails)

    Italy (Iain Lindley) (0 builds)
    F Tun-TYN
    A Tri-Ven
    A Boh S A Gal
    A Gal S A Bud-Rum (support cut)
    A Bud-Rum (move fails)
    A Ser S F Bul
    F Gre S F Bul
    F Bul (sc) H

    England (Victor G.) (0 usable builds)
    F NAO-Lvp
    F Nwg-Edi
    F Bal-Swe
    F Nth S F Bel
    F Bel S F Lon-Eng (support cut)
    F Lon-Eng (move fails)
    F Por H
    F Spa(sc)-Mar (move fails)
    A Ruh S A Kie-Mun
    A Ber S A Kie-Mun
    A Kie-Mun

    Turkey (Mao) (2 builds)
    F Nap-Rom
    A War-Gal (move fails)
    A Ukr S A Rum
    F Bla S A Rum
    A Rum S Con-Bul (support cut)
    A Con-Bul (move fails)
    F Aeg-Ion
    F Smy-EMe
    [This message has been edited by Boshko (edited August 04, 2000).]
    [This message has been edited by Boshko (edited August 04, 2000).]

  • #2
    For some bizarre reason, you've managed to point us towards the Fall 1909 map...


    • #3
      Wait...what map is this? I thought I had a F Smy???
      Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


      • #4
        F Smy ceased to exist when Bul fell to F Aeg, and Smy-Aeg succeeded. Thus Mao, had 7 units left. (and 8 SCs), not the 8 which the last map showed. Then he took Rome for an additional build
        "The purpose of studying economics is not to acquire a set of ready-made answers to economic questions, but to learn how to avoid being deceived by economists."
        -Joan Robinson


        • #5
 got some 'splainin ta do!!! I thought I had a F least on the map he sent to me a few times...oh well, I guess it doesn't matter that much...but is the link on the top of the thread to the present map?
          Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


          • #6
            Dunno how he did it, but just change the 09 in the URL to 10, or copy and past the link text to get the real address.
            "The purpose of studying economics is not to acquire a set of ready-made answers to economic questions, but to learn how to avoid being deceived by economists."
            -Joan Robinson


            • #7
              But it already does say 1910 right?
              Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!

