there shouldn't be an army in Hol but there should be a Chaz army in Ruh
builds due Tuesday
Tip: colonize spaces that don’t have SCs in them, (you can colonize adjacent spaces as long as another player doesn't try to move into them OR you end up with a unit in that space at the end of the turn) units can't beam down on colonized spaces. Right now, for example, it’s impossible for anyone besides WarVoid to beam down anywhere
in Britian.
It might also be a good idea to build fleets...
Tar Egladilnai (Coug) (1 build)
Den - Ham (move fails)
Lap S Fin-Mur
NIM Republic (Imran) (0 usable builds)
A beams to Bel
A beams to Fra
A(Ham) S beam to Fra (support cut, unit dislodged, retreats to Ber)
Tiara (Bearcat) (1 build)
A Mad H
A Por Colonize
Hodadian Federation (Reismark) (0 builds)
A Gor-Mur (move fails)
Aquaticans (Polaris) (2 builds)
A MUN Colonize
A CRO Colonize
Federation (Defiant) (3 builds)
1.A-Bie > Mos
2.A-Kra > War
3.A-Lit > Gda
Rap’tor (Talon, made up by me) (0 builds)
A Ros Col Ros
Foundation (Midshipman) (3 builds)
A: Ist - Col Ist
A: Ser - Col Ser
A: Ode - Col Ode
Protectors (Victor G) (3 builds)
A Mar COL Mon
A Tun-Lib
A Rom-Ven
Centurians (Chaz) (1 build, only possible build is A Par though
Laguzans (SnowFire) (3 builds)
A Ada COL Ada
A Cai COL Sin
A Asw->Ale
Universe of Allied Nations (WarVoid) (1 build)
A Orb Land Ire
A Liv Col Wal
A Edi Orb
Power Ranking:
#1 SnowFire: Combines excellent growth potential with security. Not bad.
#2 Victor: In a great position, however, he’s got a lot of fronts to worry about.
#3 Midshipman: Should be able to pick up Izm and Sev pretty easily, but after that he’ll
have to deal with some powerful nieghbors...
#4 Polaris: Good growth possibilities, what with Swi and Mil open and Germany in disarry,
but being in the middle leaves him a bit exposed.
#5 Defiant: In a good position, but the remants of Reismark will slow his growth down a bit.
#6 Bearcat: Able to build up a good position as a united Iberia, but Victor looms large to the
#7 WarVoid: Excellent Defensive position, but he needs to take intelligent agressive
action immediately to be able to continue his expansion.
#8 Coug: Not in a bad position, but Defiant, Polaris, and Midshipman should be able to
make his long-term growth difficult.
#9 Chaz: Vulnerable postion, but if he gets a chance to at least establish himself in France
he’ll survice for a while...
#10 Imran: Poor Imran, nobody ever leaves him in peace.
#11 Talon: The little wandering army seeks refuge in the Caucases, how long will be it be
before Defiant and SnowFire hunt him down?
#12 Reismark: Ouch, two-front wars hurt.
[This message has been edited by Boshko (edited July 30, 2000).]
there shouldn't be an army in Hol but there should be a Chaz army in Ruh
builds due Tuesday
Tip: colonize spaces that don’t have SCs in them, (you can colonize adjacent spaces as long as another player doesn't try to move into them OR you end up with a unit in that space at the end of the turn) units can't beam down on colonized spaces. Right now, for example, it’s impossible for anyone besides WarVoid to beam down anywhere
in Britian.
It might also be a good idea to build fleets...
Tar Egladilnai (Coug) (1 build)
Den - Ham (move fails)
Lap S Fin-Mur
NIM Republic (Imran) (0 usable builds)
A beams to Bel
A beams to Fra
A(Ham) S beam to Fra (support cut, unit dislodged, retreats to Ber)
Tiara (Bearcat) (1 build)
A Mad H
A Por Colonize
Hodadian Federation (Reismark) (0 builds)
A Gor-Mur (move fails)
Aquaticans (Polaris) (2 builds)
A MUN Colonize
A CRO Colonize
Federation (Defiant) (3 builds)
1.A-Bie > Mos
2.A-Kra > War
3.A-Lit > Gda
Rap’tor (Talon, made up by me) (0 builds)
A Ros Col Ros
Foundation (Midshipman) (3 builds)
A: Ist - Col Ist
A: Ser - Col Ser
A: Ode - Col Ode
Protectors (Victor G) (3 builds)
A Mar COL Mon
A Tun-Lib
A Rom-Ven
Centurians (Chaz) (1 build, only possible build is A Par though
Laguzans (SnowFire) (3 builds)
A Ada COL Ada
A Cai COL Sin
A Asw->Ale
Universe of Allied Nations (WarVoid) (1 build)
A Orb Land Ire
A Liv Col Wal
A Edi Orb
Power Ranking:
#1 SnowFire: Combines excellent growth potential with security. Not bad.
#2 Victor: In a great position, however, he’s got a lot of fronts to worry about.
#3 Midshipman: Should be able to pick up Izm and Sev pretty easily, but after that he’ll
have to deal with some powerful nieghbors...
#4 Polaris: Good growth possibilities, what with Swi and Mil open and Germany in disarry,
but being in the middle leaves him a bit exposed.
#5 Defiant: In a good position, but the remants of Reismark will slow his growth down a bit.
#6 Bearcat: Able to build up a good position as a united Iberia, but Victor looms large to the
#7 WarVoid: Excellent Defensive position, but he needs to take intelligent agressive
action immediately to be able to continue his expansion.
#8 Coug: Not in a bad position, but Defiant, Polaris, and Midshipman should be able to
make his long-term growth difficult.
#9 Chaz: Vulnerable postion, but if he gets a chance to at least establish himself in France
he’ll survice for a while...
#10 Imran: Poor Imran, nobody ever leaves him in peace.
#11 Talon: The little wandering army seeks refuge in the Caucases, how long will be it be
before Defiant and SnowFire hunt him down?
#12 Reismark: Ouch, two-front wars hurt.
[This message has been edited by Boshko (edited July 30, 2000).]