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Tour Dip C Fall 1906 Results

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  • Tour Dip C Fall 1906 Results

    EDIT: I screwed up Austria's orders (sorry berzerker). I just changed the orders to how they should be and updated the map.

    builds/disbands due sunday

    Italy (Talon) (0 usable builds)
    F Tun H
    F SMy->Con (move fails)
    F Ank S F Smy->Con (support cut, unit dislodged and destroyed)

    England (Coug) (1 disband)
    Nor S Stp (unit dislodged, can retreat to Nwg or Nth)
    Stp S Nor (unit dislodged, retreats to Bar)
    Mao - Por (move fails)
    Lon H

    France (Chaz) (0 builds)
    1) A-Bre Holds
    2) A-Par> Gas (move fails)
    3) A-Gas> Spa (move fails)
    4) F-Spa> Por (move fails)
    5) A-Bur> Mar (move fails)

    Germany (Defiant) (3 builds)
    1.A-Ukr > War
    2.A-Liv > Stp
    3.A-Mos S A-Liv > Stp
    4.A-Fin > Nor
    5.F-Swe S A-Fin > Nor
    F-Den > Ska
    7.A-Ruh > Hol
    8.A-Bel > Hold

    Russia (Victor G.) (1 disband)
    A Arm-Ank
    F Bla S Arm-Ank

    Austria (berzerker) (0 builds)
    A Sev > H
    A Rum > S Sev
    A Bulg > Con (move fails)
    A Ser > Bulg (move fails)
    A Gre > H
    F Ion > EMe
    F Alb > Ion
    A Nap > H
    A Pie > H
    A Ven > Rom
    A Trie > Ven
    [This message has been edited by Boshko (edited June 29, 2000).]