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Dip 21 Fall 2007 Results

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  • Dip 21 Fall 2007 Results
    builds/disbands due saturday

    England (made up by me) (0 builds)
    F Eng-Nth
    A Ruh S A Als-Mun (support cut)
    A Als-Mun (move fails)
    A Par S Spanish A Auv-Lyo
    F Ham H
    F Bhm S F Ham (support cut unit can retreat to Bal or Den)
    A Nor S F Swe
    F Swe S A Nor
    F GoB-StP (move fails)
    F Nwg-Brn (move fails)

    Russia (dan.te) (1 build)
    A: Lat - STP (move fails)
    F: Fin - SWE (move fails)
    F: LAP - BRN (move fails)
    F: BER supporting F: PRU - BHM
    F: PRU - BHM
    A: WAR - BIE
    A: VOL - CAU
    A: POD - RUM
    A: ARM - IRN (move fails)
    A: SER supporting A: POD - RUM
    A: ODE supporting A: POD - RUM
    F: SEV - WBS (move fails)
    F: EBS supporting A: ARM - ANK
    A: GEO supporting A: ARM - ANK
    A: ARM - ANK (move fails)
    A: KAZ - IRN (move fails)

    Egypt (Kropotkin) (1 build)
    F sau->per
    A irn H
    A ada S A irn H
    A ana S A ank H
    A ank H
    F ist S A ank H
    F gre->alb
    F aeg C A cai->gre
    F eme C A cai->gre
    A isr->syr
    A cai->gre
    F tys H
    F rom H
    A ven S F cro H (unit dislodged, can retreat to Tus or Apu)
    F cro H

    Ukraine (Talon) (1 disband)
    A Hun S A Rum
    A Rum S A Hun (unit dislodged, retreats to Mol or Bul)
    F WBS S A Rum

    Germany (Mao) (1build, 0 usable builds)
    A Fra-Ruh (move fails)
    A Mun S Fra-Ruh (support cut)
    A Kra-Cze

    France (Defiant) (0 builds)
    1.Lyo S A-swi (support cut)
    2.A-Swi S a-lyo
    3.A-Mil > Ven
    4.A-Aus S A-aus > Ven
    5.F-Mon > hol (unit dislodged, retreats to Pie)

    Spain (hacksaw) (1 build)
    A mar-Mon
    F Lig-S A Mar-Mon
    F Gol-hold
    A auv-lyo (move fails)
    A nav-hold
    A bar-hold
    F por-hold