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The Big Huge Modern War Thread Part IX: The Scramble for Africa

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  • The Big Huge Modern War Thread Part IX: The Scramble for Africa

    Map posted to new thread:

  • #2
    OOC: Scott. Argentina is now the Socialist Regime of Argentina. Read below.


    Today Napoleon has made a stunning announcement. He has announced that a new government will be formed in Argentina, a new government headed by his nephew, Louis Bonaparte. The government will be much akin to Brazil's. Already Napoleon has promised that he will aid Argentina as much as possible. (OOC: This is a puppet regime, I really make the decisions.)

    3 Wulfgars go through 4 month long trials

    Project Bruenor intitiated

    Almighty ruler and Resident God!!
    Almighty ruler and Resident God!!
    The more you know, the more you realize you dont know - Shep


    • #3
      OOC: Delay the Argenina thing for 2 more days...turns out HsFB was sick.

      Almighty ruler and Resident God!!
      Almighty ruler and Resident God!!
      The more you know, the more you realize you dont know - Shep


      • #4
        However, a confusion has led to victory celebrations in both countries.

        Production will be resumed tomorrow.

        To GERMANY:
        We wish for you to make demands straight in our face.
        We will pay 1/2 a billion dollars to replace your submarine. (remember you wrecked our oil industries, which we would also like to be indemnified and repaired).
        We also wish for our nations to sign a peace treaty.

        To CANADA:
        The war with Peru is over, but we urge you to help us in the peace talks.

        To BRITAIN:
        We beseech you to send 3 detachments of your fine engineers to rebuild and repair Chilean infrastructure. We will pay 1/2 million pounds sterling to your government.


        To IRANIAQ and 3SCIMITARS:
        We need to purchase oil.

        OOC: we built 8 capital ships with the 750,000 unemployed in 4 shipyards. They were launched prematurely due to Peruvian and German aggression and are yet not finished.
        They are returning to the shipyards to be completed.


        • #5
          OOC: Scot, make your demands in the peace negotiation.


          • #6
            I was sick since last wednesday night
            Attacks and invations usually start from the beginning(ie.:the frontier). You never did.
            Ignore all the bul**** Napoleon posted about his attack or abut me.


            To Brazil
            Please stand your attack(i'm starting from the beginning), the UN will not support it, as you admitted it was unprovoked:"I don't need a reason for attacking"(or something like that)

            We MIGHT consider surrendering if it's the only way to bring peace and the terms are agreed by YOU; ME; and the UN.

            anyway, for you to know:
            We've got 4,000,000 men jointly with Army, Navy and Air Force(all volunteers) and another 4,000,000 in mining, food growing, and manufacturing to support them. (the whole 8,000,000 are former unemployed)

            All fortifications south of the Rio Negro are finished, as are defensive lines along every major river. Plans were made to transfer the República Argentina's capital to Viedma (Finally! ) and the legislative and judicial powers were already tranferred.
            Surplus food is being transferred to silos in the Patagonia, and Irrigation Systems are being built in order to yeld more food.
            Oh, and read OOC, the communist summit and the UN thread

            To Everybody, military info
            My claim of the two anti-tank missile carrying Pucarás is false, these planes were actually designed to be able to carry a wide range of stuff beneath their wings.
            the A.A.F.(Argentine Air force) so far:
            =>250 Pucará planes (50 in tank-busting squadrons)
            =>30 Mirages
            =>50 Skyhawks

            To CTA
            Please send us military help! we are willing to pay.
            To Canada
            We thank you in suporting us.
            To Iraniaq
            We are still waiting for the answer on the Merkava tank offer.
            To the World
            We are willing to hold UN moderated elections as soon as Brazil stops their UNPROVOKED ATTACK.
            We ask everybody to try and persuade them from signing a peace treaty with us.

            To Brazil
            Oh, I forgot:
            You are about to have Uruguay and Paraguay revolting, i did not only speak to your incompetent PUPPET-GOVERNMETS there, but also with the rsistance parties you were to proud to take in account.
            YOU ASKED FOR IT!

            We are a Socio-Democratic coutry, the constitution has been changed with the approval of 90% in Congress and 100% in the Senate. (standard of living increasingly went up during Charly's regime)
            the Suprema Corte de Justicia approved the desition
            [This message has been edited by HsFB (edited April 03, 2000).]
            Indifference is Bliss


            • #7
              OOC: *ahem* 8 capital ships in 4 shipyards... Mod, oh Mod....unless you consider a frigate and a destroyer a capital ship...


              Dearest Mai,

              Today was a most excellent day. We have seen for the first time our European allies. We were on the vanguard marching along a small dirt path. We looked ahead and could see four, then five small dots on the horizon. Naturally, we took up defensive positions on the side of the road. But something seemed strange about these advancing troops, they had a different flag. They were the battle ensigns of Imperial Germany. We then got on the German frequency to make sure it wasn't a trick. We had the contact confirmed by both the northern and southern contingents. We all met up in the same place. The African forces won't have long now. I'll be home soon. I also met this man named Fritz. He's a soldier like me, but he's the gunner on a tank crew. He's been teaching me a bit of German, and now we can communicate. German food, is, interesting to say the least. German food is too heavy for my stomach, but it's a nice exotic taste. Well, give my love to the children.

              -love always,
              Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


              • #8
                Actually, I consider destroyers capital ships.
                I only launched a 2 cruiser (prematurely as mentioned before) and 6 destroyers.


                • #9
                  OOC: Scott, you got a bit of work to do here...

                  OK, you do not have 4,000,000 men in your military! I only have 5,000,000 and population is 5 times as much as yours! I don't care if they were unemployed, you don't just take people off the street and say "hi, you're in the army now". If you do that, you're army is really crappy. And there's no way in hell you're going to equip 4,000,000 men, I don't care if you do have 4,000,000 men working in mines to supply them. And do you know why some are unemployed? Maybe because they have no skills? You don't just take all your unemployed and specialize them. You also just don't give all your unemployed work...that's why they're unemployed! If you have these great goverment projects, you're damn close to bankrupt. 4,000,000 gotta be kidding me...
                  Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


                  • #10
                    OOC: Mao, you mean Argentina right?


                    • #11
                      OOC: Germany IS bankrupt with all of this.
                      Please Visit:

                      And contribute if you can!


                      • #12
                        OOC: Yes, he's referring to Argentina.

                        IC: After a long period of reclusiveness, the Saudi Royal family has made public that King Fahd, the long-time leader of Saudi Arabia and Greater Arabia, has died from cancer. A three week period of mourning has been announced because of this sad event. Now that one of the conservative leaders of Greater Arabia has died, the time is ripe for reforms. Nationwide elections are to be held all over Greater Arabia, and a more liberal government is expected to take over. Still, only the elections will show.

                        OOC: Sorry, but I really don't have the time to do both this and Fourth War. I'm leaving, and my country can be taken over by a newbie as a whole, or split up by the other countries.


                        • #13
                          To: Chile
                          From: Canada

                          We will be pleased to support you in your peace talks. We suggest leaders from all participating countries meet in the nuetral country of Canada. With this, we could all reasonably negotiate on equal terms. I find meeting face-to-face much more effective than simply writing letters, or even teleconferencing, don't you?

                          To: Polynesia
                          From: Canada
                          Offer denied.

                          OOC: Polynesia shouldn't know about the fact of my naval preperations. In every SINGLE post I've said that it's top secret.
                          "mono has crazy flow and can rhyme words that shouldn't, like Eminem"
                          Drake Tungsten
                          "get contacts, get a haircut, get better clothes, and lose some weight"
                          Albert Speer


                          • #14
                            OOC: Today, India's nuclear missiles went off as many major cities of India were completely destroyed... Sorry, like Bas, Fourth War is my first war priority.

                            Bon voyage, I am France in 4W.
                            Please Visit:

                            And contribute if you can!


                            • #15
                              Top Secret

                              Today a small Russian Flotila left Sevestapol. 2 Destroyers and a transport with 700 marines left port for the Atlantic. Destination unknown.

