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mrmitchell's NES: Tough Times

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  • Mexico will consent to donations and all of that crap, but Mexico demands the right to determine exactly what is taught, and in what matter. Mexico does not need French teachers. Provide stations to train teachers, and you can make quartely inspections on the schools. But the cirriculum will be decided by mother mexico.

    Mexico would like to point outto the global, tyrannical watchdog(China) that there is another invasion going on that seems to be uncalled for. Will Cina bomb the poop out of Afghanistan?
    Lysistrata: It comes down to this: Only we women can save Greece.
    Kalonike: Only we women? Poor Greece!


    • France to World
      That's just too much to demand from Pakistan. France cannot support your war, Afghanistan.
      meet the new boss, same as the old boss


      • Russia collectively gets out the soda and popcorn, prepared to watch Afghanistan attack a nuclear power.
        Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


        • [/quote]Russia collectively gets out the soda and popcorn, prepared to watch Afghanistan attack a nuclear power.[/quote]
          meet the new boss, same as the old boss


          • Afhanistan to the World and Pakistan

            We have support of the indiginous people, the Khan of Kalat and his forces along with other smaller paramilitary bands of rebels are willing to support us in our invasion. The people of this region are tired of putting up with Sharif's constant bending over backwards for western powers.

            OOC: it should be noted that while it seems like a huge chunk of the nation it is mostly mountains, has few natural resources, and contains only about 7,000,000 people while the entire country has a population of roughly 150,000,000.

            edit: OOC again: It should also be taken into consideration by Comrade Tassadar that Pakistan and China (and India) have an onging dispute over who controls what along the borders. (Im referring to the Kashmir region of course)
            Last edited by Space05us; March 7, 2004, 01:12.


            • The World to Afghanistan
              You don't have the support of their nukes though.
              meet the new boss, same as the old boss


              • You don't have the support of their nukes though.

                Considering the fact that the people of the region are in near open rebellion and the major areas of Pakistan are not at risk I doubt Pakistan would be willing to risk a Nuclear strike.

                OOC: Since the majority of the people of the democratic world would be pissed at Pakistan if they did use nukes in real life, they would end up being occupied by western powers. Making it unlikely that they would use them.


                • France condemns Afghanistan's blatant warmongering.

                  France to Afghanistan (SECRET)
                  Don't worry. Our condemnation is only to please the French liberals.

                  SECRET ORDERS
                  Fund Afghani groups
                  meet the new boss, same as the old boss


                  • CHINA to AFGHANISTAN (Secret):
                    Hmm....Well, you guys did beat the cr@p out of the Russians.
                    But the problem is, India hates us and they are pretty powerful.
                    So, if you try to invade Pakistan we'll have to destroy you. Sorry!
                    But if you can somehow destroy Pakistan

                    OOC: China and Pakistan have been longtime allies
                    Eventis is the only refuge of the spammer. Join us now.
                    Long live teh paranoia smiley!


                    • Aghanistan to France (Secret)

                      your kind favor will be returned as soon as we get the chance.

                      Afghanistan to China (Secret)

                      How do you propose we destroy a country that has a far larger standing army with more modern equipment?

                      Afghanistan to Mexico

                      We may have appeared at first site to be declaring an unjust war, but we have support of the people in the region. This is not an invasion, this is a liberation!

                      UPRISING IN PAKISTAN!

                      This morning rebel groups in Baluchistan have begun attacking Pakistan troops stationed along the border with Afghanistan. Though the firefights thus far have been few and have lasted only a short while it is reported that dozens of Pakistan troops are already dead. The number of casualties on the rebel side is unknown as the Pakistan army has not found any bodies.

                      Afghani leaders are quick to make an announcement to the world declaring thier innocence: "Though we were openly preparing for war with Pakistan we were still assesing the situation, these attacks have not been supported by our troops!"
                      Pakistan leaders remained silent on the issue saying only that those responsible would would be punished.

                      Afghan troops officialy started moving away from the border with Pakistan as a sign to the world that they are not the ones to be held accountable. more on this story as updates come in...

                      Afghanistan to the World

                      We have not begun our invasion yet! Appearently our allies could not wait, but we have officialy withdrawn our forces and our support for now.

                      What the world is not being told
                      A.K.A. this is secret

                      Only a quarter of the Afghan troop were withdrawn, the
                      have gone into hiding in the numerous caves along the border.

                      Afghan troops have also begun sneaking into Baluchistan carrying arms and ammunition with which to equip the rebels. Once inside the Pakistan border they dress as the rebels do and take up arms against the Pakistan army.


                      • CHINA to AFGHANISTAN (Secret):
                        Eventis is the only refuge of the spammer. Join us now.
                        Long live teh paranoia smiley!


                        • Afhanistan to the World and Pakistan
                          Isn't Pakistan part of the world?

                          We may have appeared at first site to be declaring an unjust war, but we have support of the people in the region. This is not an invasion, this is a liberation!
                          Mexico was liberating too.

                          Mexico would like to extend an offer to Afghanistan to join the "all powerful" Morgan Freeman Alliance. We will aid you in your attack, in exchange for economic aid after you have won.
                          Lysistrata: It comes down to this: Only we women can save Greece.
                          Kalonike: Only we women? Poor Greece!


                          • CHINA to AFGHANISTAN:
                            You join them and you become our enemy.
                            Eventis is the only refuge of the spammer. Join us now.
                            Long live teh paranoia smiley!


                            • Mexico has been in pursuit of establishing very strong foreign relations with Spain, and Portugal. Spain has been putting heavy consideration into joining the Morgan Freeman Alliance. However, they are taking their time, and looking at all of the possibilities.

                              Mexico has been putting all of its energy into rebuiliding its country. All id going as is according to plan, and Emperor De La Rocha feels that within a few years, we will be able to see the same, or even possibly a better Mexico than we had before the Chinese rape of Mother Mexico.
                              Mexican propaganda has been focusing on the pride that should come with being a citizen of the resilient Mexico!
                              Mexico is also seeking, as a mark of their succes in rebuilding Mexico, to develop a successful Sapce Program.
                              Lysistrata: It comes down to this: Only we women can save Greece.
                              Kalonike: Only we women? Poor Greece!


                              • France to Afghanistan
                                Don't join the Morgan Freeman Alliance. That is, unless you want France to start cracking down on Asian drug production.

                                France to Pakistan (TOP SECRET)
                                We don't want Afghanistan becoming too powerful. We offer you some secret money.

                                Orders (TOP F*CKING SECRET)
                                Fund Pakistani groups
                                meet the new boss, same as the old boss

