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staznes Apolyton II: The Current World

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  • OOC: is russia the head of the orthodox religion?
    To Britain
    from Japan : If you do decide to be reasonable, could your soldiers in Japan please help me catch all these dammed mutant clones running around in Tokyo?
    alternate history nes


    • OOC emu: Not per se. There is an Archbishop of Russia who acts as the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, but it is independent of state gov't. Plus there are also the Greek and Armenian branches as well as the Russian (might be wrong on the Armenian part).

      To Pope: Being a Lutheran myself (in the game, anyway), I will urge my fellow brethren to attend.


      • Excellent. Russia, could you just nudge the Archbishop Patriach a bit?

        1) The crappy metaspam is an affront to the true manner of the artform. - Dauphin
        That's like trying to overninja a ninja when you aren't a mammal. CAN'T BE DONE. - Kassi on doublecrossing Ljube-ljcvetko
        Check out the ALL NEW Galactic Overlord Website for v2.0 and the Napoleonic Overlord Website or even the Galactic Captians Website Thanks Geocities!
        Taht 'ventisular link be woo to clyck.


        • ok, really and update today

          no storms

          no computer problems

          no terrific Monday Night Football game keeping me up till 12:00


          • September, 2002

            North America

            American economy pulls out of depression, even though New York and severalo other metropolises are large craters in the ground, losing the US over 100 trillion dollars as estimated.

            Mexico has taken Central America! Rearming itself within the PMEG, Mexico blitzed through the Nicaragua, Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama. Several Rebellions have been sprung in Panama, but nothing much to concern with for Mexico.

            Several blueprints of top American tank and plane designs have shown up missing......

            South America

            Bloody war of South America begins!! With the Brazilian invasion of Paraguay, Argentina responded with an invasion into Southern Brazil. At the same time, a Brazilian invasion was coming into Northern Argentina. The two sides have clashed at the border, and Brazil has a slight advantage.

            Buenos Aires nuked!! A Brazilian nuke, the only one in its arsenal, was launched at the capital city as part of its three part attack plan. Over 8,000,000 died, and much of the surrounding area has been affected.

            In retaliation, Peru, Ecuador, Venezuala, Bolivia, and Columbia have launched thier own invasion into Brazil. They made good progress into the Amazon.


            Portuguese resistance ends, with the people tired of fighting a losing battle.

            HRE troops entering Swizterland, encounter a society mobilized and angry. While many have been rounded up, many more are still fighting in the mountains have killed piles of soldiers.

            A campaign the snub the USSR in Benelux by the HRE fails, and the latest polls show a 98% dissaproval rate among the Benelux countries when it comes to the Empire.

            HRE begins research on transforming coal to oil. If the project succeeds, oil could be abundant for the next 1000 years.

            Europe has been split into two alliances, headed by the USSR and HRE respectively.


            Egypt occupies the remainder of Saudi Arabia and Iraq, after both thier armies collapsed. In entering Yemen, the Army has been hard pressed in stopping fanatical resistance. Osama Bin Laden is rumored to be heading the attacks.

            The invasion of the UEA has been very UNsuccessful. After the oil grab, the UEA army and airforce was upgraded and enlarged significantly. The Uean's have not allowed any Egyptian incursions.

            Iraq "freed", and renamed Babylon.

            Asia & Oceania

            Taiwan joins China!! Due to its embracement of a free Republic, the small island nation decided to unite after taking a 6 decade stand against the PRC.

            It has finally started, the nuclear holocaust has begun in Asia!! After several dummy missiles hit places in Peshawar and Islamabad, the Indians sent the real thing. But, unfortunetly for them, so did the Pakistanis. Isalamabad, Karachi, Lahore, Delhi, Bombay, and Calcutta have been destroyed.

            Army encounters between the two massive forces have killed over 100,000 already, with India making token advances in Southern Pakistan.


            Zaire collapses to Egyptian rule, as does Niger and Nigeria.

            South Africa also takes Zimbabwe, and attacks Mozambique.

            HRE and Egypt strike Algeria! The two pronged invasion, plus the rebels, have made Algeria;s government collapse. Surprisingly, the army is holding up and fighting mainly the HRE "infidels".


            • Comment

              • OOC: azale are these the countries in my allaince Poland, Bulgaria, Czech. Republic, Slovenia, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Yugoslavia, greece, macedonia
                and me(USSR)
                just need to know

                EDIT: and mongolia should be freed but under USSR and China's influence
                To Britain
                from Japan : If you do decide to be reasonable, could your soldiers in Japan please help me catch all these dammed mutant clones running around in Tokyo?
                alternate history nes


                • Eh Methril, not to nitpick and all, but you have the HRE and Egypt invading Libya, not Algeria(Algeria is the big one to the left of Libya).
                  You can only curse me to eternal damnation for so long!


                  • LOL!!! i just noticed
                    To Britain
                    from Japan : If you do decide to be reasonable, could your soldiers in Japan please help me catch all these dammed mutant clones running around in Tokyo?
                    alternate history nes


                    • The US wishes to know the various effects of world economies due to the Indo-Pak war.
                      Eventis is the only refuge of the spammer. Join us now.
                      Long live teh paranoia smiley!


                      • To South Africa:
                        Would you be willing to sign a non-aggression pact with our nation? We believe war between us would be counterproductive and both our nations want a strong Africa to stand up to the rest of the world.

                        To Israel/Palestine:
                        We could use your help in Arabia; we are encountering more resistance than expected.

                        To People of Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia, Djibouti, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Equatorial Guiana, Republic of the Congo, & Gabon:
                        Join our efforts to free your nations! Fight your governments and welcome our liberation troops! Join us and prosper, be free, and once again be the glorious center of civilization like in the past!

                        Domestic Orders:
                        -continue with current projects of reconstruction, economic expansion, and building the Kenu Canal;
                        -use oil revenues from Saudi Arabia to fund above projects;

                        Foreign Orders:
                        -20% of SSAF(advance force) troops are to invade Eritrea, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Somalia, Djibouti, Kenya, and Uganda their ultimate goal being the quick decapitation of the governments and seizure of the capitals;
                        -10% of SSAF troops to invade Equatorial Guiana, Republic of the Congo, & Gabon;
                        -launch massive air strikes against resistance targets on Arabian front;
                        -start conscription of people from Africa for army, station new recruits in the defense force border patrol;
                        You can only curse me to eternal damnation for so long!


                        • To HRE:
                          We could use more help pacifying resistance in Arabia. Hint hint.
                          You can only curse me to eternal damnation for so long!


                          • to egypt
                            from USSR
                            your agressive actions in africa are becoming worrying

                            To HRE
                            another attempt to undermean the USSR's influence and its allies independence will have dire consiquences.

                            To Iran
                            Allaince ?
                            To Britain
                            from Japan : If you do decide to be reasonable, could your soldiers in Japan please help me catch all these dammed mutant clones running around in Tokyo?
                            alternate history nes


                            • Holy Roman Empire
                              Domestic Orders

                              -Allow Switzerland to have autonomy under the Empire. Restore the Swiss government under Imperial supervision.
                              -Continue the Coal-Oil Project. If completed, the Empire will rival even Arabia!
                              -Carrier completion: 3 turns

                              Foreign Orders
                              -Transfer troops who were "keeping the peace" in Portugal to Algeria. Deport all "suspected Muslim subversives" in Algeria to Switzerland (hint hint).
                              -Send the division stationed in the IPU over to aid the Egyptians in Arabia, along with several other troops and planes from the Empire.


                              To Russia: We will stop all hostile acts within Soviet and allied territory. We did not mean to offend you.

                              To South Africa: We would like to offer a non-agression pact of our own to your respectable state in conjunction with the Egyptians.

                              To Egypt: Help is on the way. (Secret: And in exchange for the Greek islands, you wouldn't mind us taking Tunisia?)

                              To India and Pakistan: We urge you to stop your war.


                              • To Soviet Union:
                                We are planing to stop this horrible nuclear was that India has started. Will you help the Republic of China in this effort?
                                Donate to the American Red Cross.
                                Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.

