Russia - Orders
Even more secret orders sent by pm
- Start work on an oil pipeline From Krasnovodsk to Lahore.
- build four new steelworks in Ural mountains; Increase industrial usage of the rich timber ressources; Build new refineries in Kasakhstan to maximize petrol output
- Finish two-year-plans, realize them immediately to get social planned economy up and running
- Use the Indish materials to equip troops on the German-Russian border.
- increase efforts to support underground militias in German conquered territories (Eastern Europe)
- Move Black Sea Fleet towards Bosporus, do not cross it yet, but defend against opposing forces
- reinforce Latvia Army east of Estonia/Latvia, supply them with petrol and ammunition, enough for three months (hide the preparations!!!)
- Finish repairing the fleet, order the last ships to join the flottillas
- Baltic Sea Fleet shall bombard German fortifications along the coast from Tallinn/Reval down to Riga
- Increase number of AAs along the border. Stick at least one Communist Agent to each military unit to "maintain morale"
- set attractive bounties for captured/killed Germans, especially for vehicles and planes
- Increase Army; start building military transport ships and destroyers
Even more secret orders sent by pm