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Clash of Empires (Metaliturtle's first NES)

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  • Clash of Empires (Metaliturtle's first NES)

    Okay, I finally broke down to start a MOD job on 'poly. The thinking behind this NES is to bring storytelling back to Never Ending Stories. Let me say now, however, the purpose of this NES IS to win.

    So how does making it a game bring storytelling back to Never Ending Stories?

    Well, in this game you gain story points (SP) for the following things.

    1. Best post of the week. (basically, whichever post I like the most will get 2 SP)
    2. Funniest post of the week. (self explanitory, 1 SP)
    3. Best diplomacy post of the week. (If an alliance is hammered out with one side being exceptionally eloquent, that side will get 1 SP)
    4. If one nation completely destroys another nation, they will earn the SP of the destroyed nation, as well as the SP of the allied Nations.
    5. Other points will be given as well, those are just the guaranteed ones (as long as relevant posts are made at least.)

    SP may be exchanged for the following:
    -No Misfortune 10 SP (basically, no matter what you do, your economy is prosperous and your people love you for 7 days, be forewarned however, if you do not restore things to acceptable levels before time expires, you will get a civil war, or defection to another nation.)
    -Upgraded Army/Navy 2 SP (Raises the size of military that your nation will support for an extended period.)
    -New Weapon 2 SP (Allows you to create a UU which is better than the standardized unit of that type (Land, sea, etc.)
    -Be Creative (come up with something I like, you may just get it.)

    This NES will have a news update at the end of the week with the SP distribution post. This will include internal and external News for each nation to best level the playing field.

    If you don't like the effect the News update has had on your nation, you may use SP to allieviate the problem, amount will be determined by severity.

    The year is 1900, every day is one year.

    After picking your country, you must post at least a paragraph describing how it got in the position it is in (i.e. What happened to cause the North African Union?) These will earn your initial SP.

    Listed Army and Navy sizes are the maximum the population will currently support, to enlarge, you must earn SP.

    How do I win? You may ask, well, for me to declare a victor, an individual nation can:
    -Conquer the World without killing the NES (VERY HARD)
    -Earn 100 SP. (Moderate)
    -Conquer 1/2 the world through diplomacy ONLY.

    Alliances can also win, they must do the following:
    -Conquer the World using only diplomacy. (VERY HARD)
    -Beat all other nations into submission (Easy sounding, but representative governments beware)
    -Earn 200 SP among alliance members. (Easiest route by far)

    Additional Rules, should they be needed, will be added here.

    The Nations of Clash of Empires:

    The United States of America (cyan)
    Ruler: Prince Jason
    Current SP: 6
    Army Size: Medium
    Navy Size: Large
    Air Force: (no planes untill 1915)
    Space: N/A
    Economy: World Leading / Free

    The Latin American Republic (purple)
    Current SP: 6
    Army Size: Large
    Navy Size: Small
    Air Force: (no planes untill 1915)
    Space: N/A
    Economy: Stable / Free

    The Empire of Denmarck (red)
    Ruler:Gustav Jorgensen (Giovanni Wine)
    Current SP: 5
    Army Size: Large
    Navy Size: Huge
    Air Force: (no planes untill 1915)
    Space: N/A
    Economy: Prosperous / Free

    The British Empire (orange)
    Current SP: 0
    Army Size: Medium-Large
    Navy Size: Largest in the World
    Air Force: (no planes untill 1915)
    Space: N/A
    Economy: Recession / Free

    Greater German Reich (green)
    Current SP: 5
    Army Size: Gigantic (causing economic strain)
    Navy Size: Medium
    Air Force: (no planes untill 1915)
    Space: N/A
    Economy: Recession / Controlled

    North African Union (yellow)
    Current SP: 0
    Army Size: Huge (bloodthirsty)
    Navy Size: Small
    Air Force: (no planes untill 1915)
    Space: N/A
    Economy: Depression / Free

    Russian Federation (brown)
    Current SP: 0
    Army Size: Largest in the World
    Navy Size: Medium
    Air Force: (no planes untill 1915)
    Space: N/A
    Economy: Failing / Controlled

    Empire of Mohammed (pink)
    Current SP: 0
    Army Size: Medium
    Navy Size: Large
    Air Force: (no planes untill 1915)
    Space: N/A
    Economy: Growing / Controlled

    Imperial China (maroon)
    Current SP: 0
    Army Size: Gigantic
    Navy Size: Small
    Air Force: (no planes untill 1915)
    Space: N/A
    Economy: Controlled / Stable

    We start at 5 players, I am not taking a country, but will do diplo for NPCs If we get more players than countries, the extra will go to democratic nations, who must then come up with a democratic way to run the country, good luck people.

    First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
    Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...

  • #2
    Emperor Alexander Jorgensen I of the Glorious Empire of Denmark died at the age of 68 years old, his son, Gustav Jorgensen rose to throne with the title of Emperor Gustav Jorgensen I.

    When in 1865 the Kalmar Union was re-signed by the Royal Families of Sweden and Norway and by the only 33 years old Danish King Alexander Jorgensen, The Kingdom of Denmark reached great prosperity, it was the age of the Industrial Revolution, and the Norwegian big Iron and Coal sources became crucial in the struggle for prosperity of Denmark.

    In 1889 the Repubblic of Finland, fearing an attack from the Czar asked for protection to the Danish King, the Finnish Repubblic became a Danish Vassal, and it was just a matter of time until Finland was incorporated into Denmark.

    In 1892 the Big war against Russia started, Russia vs Denmark and most of Europe, the Europeans managed to drive back the Russians to Moscow, while the Danish captured Murmansk and Navaja Zemlja.
    Once the siege of Moscow done by the Europeans ended, the Russian Government collapsed, allowing Europe and Denmark to annex the territories they controlled.

    Than there was the big British Depression, the London Stock Exchange collapsed, and the British Government was in need of money, many money, Alexander Jorgensen knew this, and offered some money in exchange for the control of Canada and the Northeastern Islands, it was a ridicule sum, but the British had to accept, or they would have collapsed and lost all their colonies.

    Many things happened in Denmark in only 35 year of rule, Alexander managed to create from a weak and small nation a big superpower, similar to the what was once the Viking Empire.

    Not it was Gustav's turn, he was well known for his brain, and a great future was open in front of him.


    The Empire of Denmarck (red)
    Ruler: Gustav Jorgensen (Giovanni Wine)
    Prime Minister: Thomas Helveg (Liberal Party of Denmark)
    Current SP: 0
    Army Size: Large
    Navy Size: Huge
    Air Force: (no planes untill 1915)
    Space: N/A
    Economy: Prosperous / Free
    "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
    The trick is the doing something else."
    — Leonardo da Vinci
    "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
    "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


    • #3
      Nice start Giovanni, you picked my fav civ of the 9. Not to say that I am going to be impartial or anything, you get 5 SP. I'll update it tonight.
      First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
      Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


      • #4
        Kaiser Wilhelm III of the Greater German Reich has claimed the throne after a bitter struggle with his father. The Greater German Reich has arisen and the capital of Berlin will know greatness never known before.

        The path was set. In 1870 the Prussian King Wilhem IV became the German Kaiser with the reunmification of the Reich. Three years later the Emperor Napoleon III of France tried an invasion of the Reich and France was fully absorbed into the Greater German Reich. In 1875 Switzerland was annexed and the Habsurg Emperor of Austria died without an heir, leaving way for Hohenzolleren annexation of the Austrian Reich.

        Soon after the King of Italy was assaisntaed by German assaisns and the German Werchmact nmarched accross the border. The Italian Army stunned and under equipped failed in their nations defence.

        In 1889 the Werchmact attacked under the new Kaiser Wilhelm II. The target the Ottoman Balkans. The enitre region fell to the Reich and the peace was signed. Today the Ottoman Empire is a close ally.

        In 1892 the Reich launched the wars of Lebensraum. And gained it they did. The Reich borders now on the great city of Moscow, where the Imperial Russian government now lies in exile. The old capital of St.Petersburg lies in German occupation. The people of the Reich rejoice.

        Today the Greater German Reich has recognised the citizenship of all peoples except for the Jews wich are being expelled to Russia. The peoples of the Second Reich rejoice as their power is unquestioned.
        Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
        Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
        Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


        • #5
          Greater German Reich (green)
          Current SP: 0
          Army Size: Gigantic
          Navy Size: Meduim
          Air Force: (no planes untill 1915)
          Space: N/A
          Economy: Growing/ Controlled
          Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
          Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
          Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


          • #6
            all good but economy is in recession Sheep

            5 SP
            First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
            Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


            • #7
              I will take England and write my story later tonight. I have a lot of work to do, but if I start with this maybe it will help get my creative juices going

              * ok something came up, but ill write my story tomorow, assuming that this nes is still alive


              • #8
                sounds good cinna
                First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
                Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


                • #9
                  The United States of America (cyan)
                  Current SP: 0
                  Army Size: Medium
                  Navy Size: Large
                  Air Force: (no planes untill 1915)
                  Space: N/A
                  Economy: World Leading / Free


                  After the war with Russians, the Dannish tie to their American colony grew lighter. Concentrating on the growing responsibility of the newly conquered Russian lands, the Dannish reluctantly withdrew forces from their New England colony.

                  This is when the colonists took action. For yeas they were planning their division from Denmark, and were now only waiting for the right time. The prime leader, Jefferson Davis, quickly took action upon himself to design every battle location and hwo it was to happen. The man was a genious. Only loosing small, useless battles, the United Liberation Army (the army of colonists) fought their way to freedom.

                  The battle of Little Horn Park alone saw four thousand Dannish casualties, while the ULA suffered only a couple hundred. Soon the Dannish were driven off the land, and they pursued to "hit and run" actions from their naval superiority. The ULA severaly needed help, without it they risked another invasion.

                  Britain at the time was not a fan of the Dannish at all. Rivaling it for centuries, the British finally found the moment to where they could cripple the Dannish and show their weakness to the world. Repainting and putting new flags on the ships, the British secretly gave many ships to the ULA, which in turn used them to defend their shores successfully. The Dannish finally signed peace under the Treaty of Washington, effectivly ending the occupation of Dannish troops in New England (yes, wierd name for the history, lol).

                  From then on, the ULA was renamed to the United States Army, and the country became known as the United States being a beacon of democracy and freedom. It wasn't long before the people became widely interested in expansion into the west. What they did not know was the German borders already reached the Appalachians, and expansion was not possibly without war.

                  And so war it was. On June 7, 1810, the United States declared war on Germany in response to their declining to sell the lands to the Pacific. The Americans, under President Abraham Lincoln, quickly beat the small German garrison inside the huge colony, and sued for peace. However, the Germans were not content with this peace. Their army had just embarked upon the voyage to America, and used the excuse of not being able to call them back. The Germans landed in New York, April 4, 1812 and completly overran American defenses in northern New England. They were on the move, and German victory looked eminent.

                  The United States was again in need of a strong ally. They pleaded to Britain, who complied only for the promise that the US would release its lands in the Carribean for their aid. It was a deal, and the British used the Royal Navy to cut supplies to the German forces.

                  The Germans soldeirs then began to feed and equip themselves from the land they conquered, but the citizens soon rised up, and with the help of the US army, effectivly destroyed the large army. The United States and Britain had won the war, and the colonies were soon handed over.

                  The next century brought huge prosperity to America. Hueg industries popped up along the Mississippi, and the Gold Rush in California were only a few things that brought all eyes on America and its economy. Soon, the economy was world class, and the new President, President Robinson, promised to reign as the best president since Jefferson, in the year 1900.
                  "Your a Mod not a God" - AnarchyRulz
                  MOD of StJNES4, JNES: The War of the World
                  JNESIV: Some Things Should Never Die


                  • #10
                    good Jason

                    5 SP (6 if you post about Japan)
                    First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
                    Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


                    • #11
                      Didnt know I had Japan, lol. In the time where America was prospering (from 1812 untill present), this happened:

                      During the naval expansion in the Pacific, America encountered a different people on the islands of Japan. These people, known as the Shoguns, presented to be peaceful and loving. Gifts were given to America in return for technology, and economic aid was requested, and given. Soon, Japan was all under the Shogun rule, and seemed to be loyal to the United States.

                      However, on January 12, 1876, a Japanese battleships entered the San Francisco port in California. Claiming to be visiting, the battleship soon opened fire upon a hotel in which President Moroson was staying at. The President was killed, and the Japanese Battleship sunk. This brought war between the US and Japan.

                      American Pacific Navy, already conducting excersizes near Japan, got the order to bomb Tokyo, or Edo then, harbor. The only thing that stayed in the way was the whole of the Japanese Imperial Fleet.

                      The American fleet, only 39% of the entire American Navy, attacked the Japanese navy near Tokyo harbor on February 7, 1876. The battle was known as the Battle of the Pacific. The Americans were surprisingly victorious, sending the Japanese navy to the bottom of the ocean. The reason for victory is believed that the Japanese had too many battleships and were too slow at maneuvoring. The American navy then entered the Japanese port, and leveled the city.

                      On May 20, 1876, the American army divisions 12, 14, 101, 19 and 102nd divisions entered the Japanese harbor and Tokyo, under control of the American navy. From thier, American completly occupied the islands relitivly easily, most Japanese giving up to the superior forces.

                      The Treaty of San Francisco effectivly ended the war, and the Japanese empire.
                      "Your a Mod not a God" - AnarchyRulz
                      MOD of StJNES4, JNES: The War of the World
                      JNESIV: Some Things Should Never Die


                      • #12
                        First post is updated, I'd have news, but we need another player. One more joins and I'll light this candle.
                        First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
                        Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


                        • #13
                          I'll take Imperial China. Story still to come.


                          • #14

                            The Latin American Republic is asking the Greater German Reich to return the territories in the Americas. "They are OUR FAMILIES, why must you enslave them under your totalitarian regime?"

                            Latin America asks all nations to aid them against the malicious Reich until the land in central-south America is returned.

                            The Russian Federation demands that Germany pay to feed the refugees until they can be adequately distributed throughout Russia.

                            The Empire of Mohammed and the North African Union sign a Mutual Protection Pact, trade alliance, and an embargo against the British until Southern Africa is allowed self-determination.

                            Jewish Refugees from Germany are asking the government of Denmarck for political asylum.

                            Japan asks that the U.S. begin a plan to allow for Japanese sovereignty over their own lands.

                            OK guys, send me battle orders and start the game!
                            First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
                            Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


                            • #15
                              Imperial China

                              I am still going to make a story tomorrow morning. Orders to.

                              To: U.S and Russian Federation


