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SNESA: Absolution (T2)

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  • The forest spirits are but one of many. There is the moon the starts the sun and the ocean.

    Then there is of course High Lord Sheep for his campagins in the First Roman War. We welcome you to the enlightned.
    Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
    Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
    Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


    • It was a beautiful Sapporo morning, the cherry blossoms danced in the wind. High Elder Hure was dead. He was the empire's greatest leader.
      He will be succeeded by Elder Isepo. As the Empire's first female High Elder, she plans on following in the footsteps of Hure while improving the nation's foreign interests.

      To: China
      I will give you an economy level, sound good?

      To: Oregon
      I wish to purchase some of your Alaskan islands.
      Grow Knom colony further.
      Give the Chinese an economy level in exchange for Formosa.
      Establish colony on the island of New Hokkaido (Hawaii)
      Grow Navy.
      Train Army.


      • OOC

        SKILORD please change my nation's statics to this. It has been this for some time now. Update the first post for me with this PLEASE!

        Unfied Empire
        Ruler: Sheep
        Large Army
        Large Navy (Antiquity)
        Religion: Druidish Worship
        Tech: Antiquity
        Government: Constiutional Monarchy
        Economy: Prospering Free
        People: Fanatical
        Traits: Millitaristic | Swift

        and this is added for the Seychelles Territory.

        Unfied Empire Territory of Seychelles
        Ruler: Sheep
        Tiny Army
        Tiny Navy (Antiquity)
        Religion: Druidish Worship
        Tech: Antiquity
        Government: Constiutional Monarchy (Homerule, sovereign is still the Supreme Lord in Edingburgh)
        Economy: Growing Controlled
        People: Rather Gleeful Actually
        Traits: Millitaristic | Swift

        Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
        Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
        Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


        • OOC:
          Skilord, I joined as Georgia, is growing armies take time??
          If no, my army should be Huge.

          to Ainu:
          We shall sign an alliance if you will help against Pheonicia in Africa.

          to Persia:
          We shall help you against evil Pheonicia.

          to Ethipia:
          We shal help you against the Invading armies of Pheonicia (purple?)

          to Pheonicia:
          We demand all Black sea lands that you Hold, and All of Minor Asia you hold!

          The king have got happy when he heard his army grew, and became better.
          He desided new lands shold be acuired.

          Invade Pheonica with 4/5 of Army (or 5/6 if I have a huge army)
          Use all navy.
          All rest on defense.
          GROW ARMY FROM HUGE TO (what next?)
          Grow NAVY FROM TINY (after the upgrade I did this turn) TO SMALL.


          • To: Georgia
            From: Ainu
            Aa-fri-ka? We have no conception of this Aa-fri-ka. Is it in the Americas?


            • TO Gerogia: You aggressions prove to be very troublesome. The Supreme Lord of the Unfied Empire Sheep IV asks you to cease these provocations against the Druidish Worshiping people of Phonecia.
              Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
              Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
              Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


              • You Highness we have been betrayed by the Jews to the South. We have just recieved the message from the semaphore Stations. There army will be accross our borders in a weeks time.

                What are our forces in the area."

                Sir we have three sarwens currently patrolling our border with them and with the fortifications we have built they can hold for well over two years without reinforcements. In addition we have 20 ships dealing with pirates in the area but we can't get word to them until they come back to port.

                Dispatch five additional Sarwen from the line of defenses from our border with the congo the commanders are to aid in the defence of our territory and then head south. In return for this betrayl we shall take the land between the lake and the sea. Dispatch a message to madagascar and order the commander of the army in that area to complete our domination of that land. Our forces that are still on the border of the Congo to the Northare to advance in two weeks time. The forces in the Red sea detachment are to do two things. One land forces in the enemies behind to retake our Arabian lands then advance further into Phoenecia. The second groups will consist of volunteers only they are to sail around the Persian Arabian lands and attack to them from the East. The navy will be ordered to patrol our shores and protect us from invasion from the sea.

                Victory in this war will be ours and to celebrate the troops return home i am authorizing a monument to those who fought for our land.

                The Great King also has noticed the Famin to Strike Egypt and now Semeria. To help the victims of this Shipments of food are being shipped to both these nations if they would accept the aid. To make sure that famine can not touch our people as deeply as theirs however a massive food storage building will be built in each village. From there the food will be shipped to the local market for a very minor fee. The food stored shall be enough to last our people through many years of drought.

                Upgrade army to very large (for the Duration of Conflict)
                (After The war is over reduce army to medium and navy to Small)
                Military manuevers in attachment.
                ( Pink- Stop advance and build fortifications incase we need to fall back)
                (Blue Final Objectives of advance)
                (Green Heavy Concentration of Naval Forces)
                Victory Monument (5 days)
                Food Storage (1.5 days)

                To Egypt:
                We Salute our ally in this conflict. We have noticed that recently your empire has been struck by famine. We are sending you some of our food to help ease this. (secret: What would you say to having Semeria taking an Active Part in the war on our side.)

                To Semeria:
                We have noticed that recently your empire has been struck by famine. We are sending you some of our food to help ease this.

                To Phillistine:
                We expected better from you. From the beginning our two peoples have managed to get along. Now blood shall be spilled and the Majority of it shall be yours. Let us end the conflict between us. You could still gain some lands from the Congo, rather than lose land to us.

                To Phoenecia
                Remove yourself from our lands in arabia and we shall end our conflict with you.


                • Oregon

                  To: Ainu


                  All across Oregon, people were picking and journeying to the last unknown lands. These pioneers would shape the Oregon spirit, bravery, and willingness for generations to come.


                  expand to the north

                  increase army to protect the gained land

                  increase navy


                  • Oregon

                    To: Texas

                    Sure, down with the Romans and Brazilians!!

                    Modified orders: (ignore my last set of orders)

                    attack Rome through unconquered land with1/2 of army.

                    expand with pioneers and settlers, to the north

                    increase army


                    • Cant type much right now, will when i get home.

                      To Egypt and all those who offer food aid
                      From Semeria

                      We thank you for your help in these trouble times. Our once fruitful harvests in Morrocco have ceased to exist, and our people are dieing of starvation. Semerian aid from our northern lands are being sent to Morocco as well, and we ask you to not mix your food up with that of Morocco, for it would be a shame if more nations become inflicted with this famine.

                      High Lord Jason

                      To The Unifed Empire of the Druids
                      From Semeria

                      We have heard of your gains in the islands of the seychelles in North America. We at one time also tried to settle lands in America, but were unsuccesful. So we ask you know, please allow us to establish a small trading company upon your islands, in a very small plot of land along the coast. This is so we can also flex our trading abilities with Central and South America. We will of course offer some kind of deal for this.

                      High Lord Jason
                      "Your a Mod not a God" - AnarchyRulz
                      MOD of StJNES4, JNES: The War of the World
                      JNESIV: Some Things Should Never Die


                      • Georgia
                        SKILORD please change the first page...
                        U shouls have an upgraded navy (Tiny one) and a Huge army.


                        to Britian:
                        We don't half care of you thoughts to us.
                        You have conquered Rome, not do not intefeere. period.

                        to Ainu:
                        We shall suport you with maps of this Africa.
                        Would you help us? and sign alliance?


                        • Sergent Guido Forlini looked at the fields around the Brazilian northern territories, what a mess, a huge amount of dead bodies lying on the fields, the big river of the north turned completely red.

                          "It was not supposed to go like this" he thought "the Brazilians forces were expected to be in the south, and what the heck were Roman soldiers doing there? shouldn't they be fighting on their own land?"


                          In Fiollikord the Great Council of the Tierra del Fuego tribes meeted again

                          "Brothers!" started Federico, the chief of the Vikoly tribe "it is obvious that the attack was a complete failure, we could only gain a small amount of land, and in return we lost many lives of our brave soldiers, the Brazilian Expansion in Incaland was not stopped, and now we lost our surprise factor"

                          "What brother Federico say is true" said Mario, the chief of the Bifolchi tribe "however news from our allies to the north reported of a huge success against the Romans to the north, and that was mainly thanks to us, our strategies permitted us to defeat not only Brazil, which is already stronger than us, but also Rome, which is one of the strongest nation in all the Americas, I say we keep going with our attacks, we need to defeat the warmongering Brazilians soon, our northern allies will soon send us some help"

                          The other tribe chiefs applauded Mario, they too believed that it was a matter of survival to defeat the Brazilians, and to reduce them to just a minor state in South America, or better to completely crush them, they would have not failed, because they were fighting for their own future.

                          The same night the totality of the people of Fiollikord, together with some many others from all around Tierra del Fuego, reunited in the central square of the city, to assist at the lightining of the big Pyramid.

                          They waited and waited, and than waited again, but in the end WHOOOOOOOOPS, a huge giganting superb fire was shining on the top of the Pyramid, the whole Fiollikord was illuminated from it, despite the fact that it was already night.
                          At that sight the people of Fiollikord rejoiced, because they felt that God himself was now looking over them.


                          To: Wisconsin, Texas and whoever I'm allied with
                          From: TdF

                          Please, send us some help, without the surprise factor we are inferior to the Brazilian forces, and we have reason to believe that there is still a very big Roman force in Brazil ready to invade us.

                          "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                          The trick is the doing something else."
                          — Leonardo da Vinci
                          "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                          "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


                          • To Axum: We agree to your terms, while we don't have time to make sure we hope it includes peace with Congo.

                            To Semeria: We wonder if you would sell us some of your golden ship we think they might make a wonderful supplement to our fleet.

                            To Druids: You once asked us for help against the roman onslot, we now request the same favor from you. We can not take them all on alone Phoenicia needs help.

                            To Invidia: We have an alliance centeries old and for the first time some one needs to activate it and that some one be me. We are under a heavy onslot and need help, please help us


                            Army to Huge
                            Navy to destroy enemy fleets
                            Army to delay advances threw a double line system where there are 2 lines in parrelell one in front one in back, where one line fall back when they have to and the other is in front to take over and it contiues like that.
                            Join the Civ4 SPDG and save the world one library at a time.
                            Term 1 Minister of Finances in the Civ4 Democracy Game and current Justice in the Civ4 Democracy Game
                            President of the Moderate Progressives of Apolyton in the Civ4 Democracy Game Aedificium edificium est Vires


                            • to Pheonicia:
                              From Georgia:

                              You don't have to fight us!
                              Just give us turkey, it is a VERY important and rich area that we need to our future plans.
                              We don't realy need to fight, only Turkey should be conquered from you, no more, this is all we ask.


                              • OOC oh who is china?
                                THUD clean you PM box!
                                I need to send a secret stuff to china!

