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SNESA: Absolution (T2)

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  • SNESA: Absolution (T2)

    Welcome To Absolution, Thread Two.

    Thread Link List:
    Thread One

    Holy War:

    From Cape Town Jerusalem to the Druid Isles the world resounds wuth cries to war against the heathen gods. Norsemen Levethian Fanatics revol as stone faced Druid crusaders march south. In Africa Mali and Egypt hear the call and fight the Semerians while the Ethiopians and Libyans fight in Semerias name.

    And across the East the Eurasian war spreads blood from Malasia to the Urals, in America revolution spreads as war comes to a close.


    The basic rules for this game are few, Beginning in the year 3300, BC, the assorted nations of earth may, or may not have, beaten themselves into some sense of balance as they have been known to do through History, this is where you, the knew player come in, Creating a new Civ to rise from the dust of another, or taking the reins of an NPC you will likely add another variable to the world :

    Select a historic civ, such as Babylon or the Iroquios. Or (to spice things up) you may create your own, customisable civ. For Instance:

    I want to create the Solomian tribe so I start by declaring a few things about them:

    Ruler: Me
    A Scientific People often noted for their devotion to wisdom and philisophical works, renound to be increadibly wise and nonviolent
    Starting stats:
    Small Army
    Medium Navy (Antiquity)
    Religion: Wisdom God
    Government: Gerontocratic Democracy
    Economy: Stable, Uncontrolled
    Traits: Scientific | Swift
    Start: Solomnia is a nation centered around Hudson's Bay.


    The Civilizations are different, apparently. Each has it's own specific qualities that seperate it from the others, select two:

    Millitaristic Armies can be built up faster than usual. Less of a chance for large army penalties.
    Swift Armies move twice as fast, as do trade ships.
    Commercial Economy rises faster, people happier, CANNOT have 'controlled' economy.
    Religious People support war against other religions more readily, allowing faster build up, and economy build during such times. Religious wonders have more effect.
    Industrious Build things faster, except for armies. Includes roads and wonders.
    Scientific Gets any advance known by another (non scientific) civ, 2 turns after meeting them or after they getr it.
    Expansionist Your people expand your nation more quickly.


    You may, at any time, propose a wonder to build, any nation with contact with you may compete for it, but you have a head start of 3 turns, this is your 'patent period'. (Industrious civs automatically gain 2 turns)

    Wonder List:

    Great Library (Philistina) (Finished)
    Pyramids (Egypt) (Finished)
    Poro Casai (Ainu) (Finished)
    Oracle: Greece (Finished)
    Great Temple (Phoenecia) (Finished)
    Lambeau field (Wisconsin) (Finished)
    Collosus (Wisconsin) (Finished)
    Hanging Gardens (Greece) [Destroyed]
    Tower del Fuego, the Burning Pyramid (Finished)
    Statue of Aiona (Ainui) (Finished)
    Great Wall (Ingevidia) (Finished)
    Art of War Scool (Oregon) (Finished)
    Shrine to the Republic (Ingevidia) [Destroyed]

    Army Size Penalties

    You may build your army to any size you wish, it must take 1 turn per size, but you may. This type of action has penalties though.

    If your nation is a Government designated 'Unfree' which is to say a government which ignores the will of the people. I shall not name governments because you can make your own. The Millitary can very well decide to take over the government. Then you will face two options:

    Civil War: (If you're lucky, and your people are fond of you)
    A Coup: Your orders are ignored for that turn. This can happen over and over again, but never continuously, if you don't choose to go to civil war over this, whch will wreak havok to your economy and population.


    Fleets won't do that. They may assist, under extreme situations, but they will often support you. Not always though Another thing about fleets is, that while armies will upgrade themselves, fleets always need a helping hand upgrading.

    This will be less a problem in the andient ages. But it may be wise not to go all out on the armies.

    Democracies and Republics show this problem differently, they may have riots instead, rendering their productive base immobile. They cannot build a thing at such times.


    All nations receive a Three turn leniancy period, without any such chances, to have an army over Medium (Large for Millitaristic Civs), during which they may have their armies as large as need be. But without a war before then, the armies may strike.

    During war all bets are off, armies can be as large as they have to be during, and two turns after, a war (4 turns for Religious civs), without dear of repricussions for the nations with unfree governments.

    Free governments may receive riots during war, but they will be minor and not debilitating. They may slow things, but will not end all production.

    Unique Units
    You Create your own Unique Units, they are products of your own creativity, research, or both, they don't replace anything. You may build as many UU's (different UU's) as you wish
    Current UU's:

    Balliasta (Wisconsin)
    Sioux Warrior (Wisconsin)
    Ballistae Galley (Wisconsin)
    Bireme (Phoenecia)
    Quadreme (Phoenecia)
    Druid Platoon Leaders (Britain)
    Scottish Highlanders (Britain)
    English Horsemen (Britain)
    Welsh Longbowmen (Britain)
    Irish Drunkards (Britain)
    Azores Longboats (Britain)
    Northern Beserkers (Britain)
    Continental Pancakeers (Britain)
    Golden Bowmen (Semeria)
    Golden Ships (Semeria)
    Prewrep Cavalry (Ainu Empire)
    Husaria (Poland)
    Armored Cart (Poland)
    Keshiks (Mongolia)
    Golden Riders (Mongolia)
    Raider (Phillistea)
    War Chariot (Egypt)
    Hoplite Conglomerate (Greece)
    Catamaran (Urthal)
    War Catmaran (Urthal)
    Fire Archer (Tierra del Fuego)
    Longship (Vikings)
    Cossaks (Georgia)
    Mountain Archer (Oregon)
    Kor Rider (Koryak)
    Sawren (Ethiopia)
    Archer Cavalry (Egypt)
    Emperor's Gaurd (China)
    Royal Gaurds (Texas)
    Immortals (Persia)
    Labrador Legions (Rome)
    Republican Gaurds (Ingevidia)

    Your people are generally in some sort of mood, which is classified by this factor in your stats. Your people are generally alright, though Religious nation's citzenry are generally happy. Happy people build things faster, they will build great wonders to honor their leaders, they will follow you wherever you go, Extremely happy people (Fanatical) will follow you into war, without any fear of weariness (No riots)

    Angry people may revolt, deciding to place you in a dungeon and a new leader on the throne (effects of Army Coup) You can use the army to hold them at bay, but will this seriously fix the problem?

    The Levels Are:
    Dissapointed - Sad (Can be either, depends)
    Rather Gleeful Actually
    Fanatical - Exstatic (Depends)


    Stone Age: You have stone weapons and crude mettalurgy skill. Rafts are your ships, and they move poorly when away from the coast.
    Bronze Age: Your people can now work Bronze, allowing better weaponry for offensive wars and defense. Galleys can now be built.
    Antiquity: Iron can now be molded to your will, Republics also begin appearing. As do the first Empires.
    Imperial Age: The Empires of the Early world are growing to fruitition and can now build catapaults and fortresses.

    Coming Soon

    Barbaric Age: the world begins to crumble as the Barbaric tribes that had once held the world begin to build force once more, striking boldly against empires and pushing them back. The people of the falling empires learn to build Greek fire, and to build Fire Galleys.
    The Era of the Seige: Trebuchets replace Catapaults and new artillary take the feild. Seige tactics are perfected and your nobles suddenly begin demanding Autononomy. Of course nations under a Republic won't.... maybe.
    The Church's Time: Monotheism rises with a vengance, nations fall down before the Curch, Nobles ally with the church to seize power. Absolute Monarchies rise to their heydey. Pikemen and Knights take to the feild, Early firearms are used sparingly.
    The Rennaisance: Beginning in a single nation with the Construction of a Wonder (You'll see ) The world suddenly bursts forth again to life. A time of Culture, with no new armies.
    Age of Reformation: Churches fall, divided, and Cannon take the field of warfare between the reformers and the old regimes.
    Age of Growth: A burgeoning populous turns to merchantilism to enhance everything. Urban centers grow and Frigates take to the waves.

    An Overview

    Basically this NES is a test of creative skill, If you are creative enough to create a new civ, a new religion, and a whole set of wonders never before concieved upon this earth, you have a good shot at doing well. The idea is not to win, but to create an epic history spanning from the dawn of time, as far as any of you care to go.


    The following religions continue to be influential in the world:

    Druidism: A religion as old as time the Druid faith was formed in Scotland with the Druid Empire, it's followers can be found in Europe, North Africa, South West Asia and America.
    Levithianism: Founded in Reims the religion took Europe by storm, bringing followers from so far as the Nordic penninsula to Libya. Though it diesn't reach so far as Druidism it's followers are devout and it;s proximity to the Druid heartland make it constant threat to the older religion, leading to massive reaction in Druid lands.
    Palapathism: Founded in the Phoenecian town of Mecca Palapathism has spread throughout Asia though it's following is substantial few moves have been made to utilise the following, other than a failed attempt to unite them under a single political bound.
    Pyroism the primary Religion of the Americas Pyroism is the modern manifestation of Tierran Fire Worship, stretching from Oregon to the Cape the following is huge, and yet utterly unharnessed.
    Kamui: The ethnic religion of the Ainui dominates the Far east, from Australia to Koryakia, despite it's small following the religion binds these states together against attackers.
    Yiddism: An angry, relativly young religion in South Africa, prepared to surge north.


    Leader: SKILORD
    Medium Army
    Large Navy (Imperial)
    Religion: 40% Ethnic Polish Beliefs, 30% Druid, 30% Levithian
    Tech: Imperial
    Government: Republic
    Economy: Stable Free
    People: Happy
    Traits: Commercial | Religious

    United Empire of Druids
    Ruler: Sheep
    Very Large Army
    Large Navy (Imperial)
    Religion: 96% Druid, 4% Levithian
    Tech: Imperial
    Government: Constitutional Monarchy
    Economy: Stable Free
    People: Happy
    Traits: Militaristic | Swift

    Ruler: Prince Jason
    Large Army
    Large Navy (Imperial)
    Religion: 80% Levithian, 5% Egyptian, 10% Animalism, 5% Druid
    Tech: Imperial
    Government: Parliamentary Monarchy
    Economy: Stable, Controlled
    People: Happy
    Traits: Militaristic | Swift

    Leader: Thud
    Large Army (Disorganised)
    Medium Navy (Imperial)
    Religion: 60% Palapism, 40% Chinese
    Tech: Imperial
    Government: Monarchy
    Economy: Depression, Controlled
    People: Happy
    Traits: Scientific | Expansionist

    Leader: Nimitz
    Large Army
    Very Large Navy (Imperial)
    Religion: 80% Palapism, 20% Levithian
    Tech: Imperial
    Government: Republic
    Economy: Thriving, Free
    People: Exstatic
    Traits: Commercial | Expansionist

    Ruler: Concil Icarus
    Large Army (Hardy)
    Very Large Navy (Antiquity)
    Religion: 40% Greek, 20% Levithian, 20% Druid, 10% Palapism
    Tech: Imperial
    Government: Civil War
    Economy: Thriving Free
    People: Patriotic
    Traits: Scientific | Commercial

    Ainu Empire
    Ruler: Aioina (plexus)
    Very Large Army
    Very Large Navy (Imperial)
    Religion: 80% Kamui, 17% Palapist 3% Vietnamese
    Tech: Antiquity
    Government: Gerontocratic Democracy
    Economy: Prospering, Free
    People: Exstatic
    Traits: Militaristic | Religious

    Kingdom Of Axum (Ethopia)
    Ruler: King Eon I
    Large Army
    Small Navy (Imperial) (Harassed by Pirates)
    Religion: 60% Ethiopian, 20% Druid, 20% Judaism
    Tech: Imperial
    Government: Monarchy
    Economy: Stable, Controlled
    People: Alright
    Traits: Millitaristic | Swift

    Rome (capital: Rome)
    Leader: Methril
    Large Army
    Medium Navy (Antiquity)
    Religion: 70% Roman, 10% Levithian, 20% Druid
    Tech: Imperial
    Government: Monarchy
    Economy: Depression, Government Controlled
    People: Exstatic
    Traits: Expansion | Millitaristic

    Ruler: King Jonny
    Army: Large (Rebelling)
    Navy: Medium (Imperial)
    Religion: 40% Texan, 30% Pyroism, 30% Animalism
    Tech: Imperial
    Government: Civil War
    Economy: Civil War
    People: Patriotic
    Traits: Expansionist | Religious

    Leader: Nimtz
    Large Army
    Very Large Navy
    Religion: 80% Palapism, 20% Levithian
    Tech: Imperial
    Government: Republic
    Economy: Thriving, Free
    People: Happy
    Traits: Commercial | Expansionist


    The following nations have no player, their diplomacy is conducted through me.

    East Egyprian Druid Empire
    Leader: Druid Neferseti
    Large Army (Fanatical)
    Small Navy (Antiquity)
    Religion: 99% Druid 1% Dying
    Tech: Imperial
    Government: Theocratic Autocracy
    Economy: Stable, Controlled
    People: Fanatical
    Agression: ***
    Traits: Religious | Millitaristic

    Confederation of Druid Low Countries
    Leader: Druid Matthias
    Medium Army
    Small Navy (Imperial)
    Religion: 100% Druid
    TechL Imperial
    Government: Theocratic Autocracy
    Economy: Depression; Controlled
    People: Blood Thirsty
    Agression: *****
    Traits: Religious | Millitaristic

    Pharoh's Central Egypt
    Leader: Pharoh Tutenkamen
    Medium Army
    No Navy
    Religion: 80% Yiddist; 20% Palapithist
    Tech: Imperial
    Government: Monarchy
    Economy: Depression, Free
    People: Weary
    Agression: **
    Traits: Religious | Industrious

    Leader: King Rok
    Large Army
    Medium n avy (Imperial)
    Religon: 80% Druid; 10% Yiddist; 9% Levithian; 1% Palapithist
    Tech: Imperial
    Government: Monarchy
    Economy: Thriving Controlled
    People: Fanatical
    Agression: ****
    Traits: Religious | Swift

    Tierra del Fuego
    Leader: King Helptia
    Medium Army
    Medium Navy (IImperial)
    Religion: Pyroism
    Tech: Imperial
    Government: Tribal Chiefdom
    Economy: Prospering Free
    People: Happy
    Agression: **
    Traits: Industious | Militaristic

    Ruler: Mogho Khan
    Very Large Army
    No Navy
    Religion: 40% Mongolian, 30% Palapism, 20% Georgian, 20% Chinese
    Tech: Imperial
    Government: Absolute Monarchy
    Economy: Prospering, Free
    People: Fanatical
    Agression: *****
    Traits: Millitaristic | Swift

    Ruler: Cheif Mobwo
    Huge Army
    Small Navy (Antiquity)
    Religion: 90% Judisism, 10% Ethiopian
    Tech: Imperial
    Government: Monarchy
    People: Fanatical
    Economy: Prospering, Controlled
    Agression: ***
    Traits: Industrious | Swift

    Ruler: GrandMaster Shivsa
    Medium Army
    Small Navy (Antiquity)
    Religion: 80% Palapism, 20% Indegevian
    Tech: Imperial
    Government: Theocratic Despotism
    Economy: Depression Mixed
    People: Grumpy
    Agression: **
    Traits: Religious | Industrious

    Ruler: Admiral Joseph
    Small Army
    Large Navy
    Religion: 70% Urthalian, 20% Ainui, 10% Vietnamese
    Tech: Imperial
    Government: Sea Kingdom
    Economy: Prospering, Uncontrolled
    People: Exstatic
    Agression: *
    Traits: Commercial | Swift

    Leader: Chancellor Mark
    Small Army
    Medium Navy (Antiquity)
    Religion: Pure worship of Advanced technology and scientific research.
    Tech: Antiquity
    Government: Representative Republic
    Economy: Receding Free
    People: Fanatical
    Agression: **
    Traits: Commercial | Scientific

    Viking Empire
    Leader: King Olav
    Large Army
    Large Navy (Longboats)
    Religion: 40% Viking, 30% Druid, 20% Georgian, 10%Levithian
    Tech: Imperial
    Government: Monarchy
    Economy: Depressed, Free
    People: Happy
    Agression: ***
    Traits: Militaristic | Expansonist

    Ruler: President Someone
    Medium Army
    Meduim Navy (Antiquity)
    Religion: 50% Oregon, 40% Pyroism, 10% Kamui
    Tech: Imperial
    Government: Republic
    Economy: Prospering, Uncontrolled
    People: Exhuberant
    Traits: Scientific | Expansionistic

    Ruler: King Khova
    Huge Army
    Small Navy (Imperial Age)
    Religion: 60% Georgian, 20% Persian, 10% Palapathism, 10% Levithianism
    Tech: Imperial
    Government: Warlordship
    Economy: Booming, Controlled
    People: Alright
    Agression: ****
    Traits: Millitaristic | Industrious

    Confederate Nations of America
    Leader: Chief Shol
    Small Army
    No Navy (Antiquity)
    Religion: 60% Animalism 20% Pyroism, 5% Levithian 15% Druid
    Tech: Imperial
    Government: Confederation
    Economy: Depression, Government Controlled
    People: Happy
    Agression: ****
    Traits: Industrious | Militaristic

    Leader: King Alexander
    Medium Army
    Small Navy (Imperial)
    Religion: 70% Ethnic Greek Beliefs; 20% Palapathism; 10% Leviathism
    Tech: Imperial
    Government: Monarchy
    Economy: Stable; Free
    People: Alright
    Agression: **
    Traits: Commercial | Swift

    Leader: Minister Auf Blits
    Medium Army
    Tiny Navy (Imperial)
    Religion: 50% Levithian; 20% Ethnic Egyptian; 30% Palapathism
    Tech: Imperial
    Government: Republic
    Economy: Depression; Free
    People: Highly Nationalistic
    Agression: **
    Traits: Commercial | Industrious

    Ruler: King Criaa
    VERY Large Army
    Tiny Navy (Imperial)
    Religion: Fire Worship
    Tech: Antiquity
    Government: Monarchy
    Economy: Stable, Controlled
    People: Fanatical
    Agression: ***
    Traits: Commercial | Swift

    Aboriginal Confederation
    Ruler: High Cheif Albert
    Medium Army
    Small Navy (Antiquity)
    Religion: 80% Kamui; 20% Aboriginal
    Tech: Imperial
    Government: Cheifdom
    Economy: Booming, Controlled
    People: Exstatic
    Agression: ****
    Traits: Millitaristic | Expansionistic

    Ruler: Sapa Inca Athualupa
    Medium Army
    Small Navy (Antiquity)
    Religion: 100% Pyroism
    Tech: Imperial
    Government: Monarchy
    Economy: Depression, Controlled
    People: Happy
    Agression: **
    Traits: Industrious | Swift

    Ruler: Queen Redriqhue
    Large Army
    Medium Navy (Antiquity)
    Religion: 90% Pyroism, 5% Roman, 5% Animalism
    Tech: Imperial
    Government: Monarchy
    Economy: Depression, Controlled
    People: Grumpy
    Agression: *****
    Traits: Millitaristic | Religious

    Ruler: Cheif Combwo
    Large Army
    Small Navy (Antiquity)
    Religion: 90% Yiddism; 10% Levithian
    Tech: Imperial
    Government: Cheifdom
    Economy: Depression, Controlled
    People: Fanatical
    Agression: *****
    Traits: Millitaristic | Religious

    Kingdom of Koryak
    Ruler: High Cheif Ghen Khraa
    Small Army
    Medium Navy (Antiquity)
    Religion: 70% Kamui 20% Reindeer Worship 10% Palapathism
    Tech: Imperial
    Government: Monarchy
    Economy: Depression, Uncontrolled
    People: Alright
    Aggression: ***
    Traits: Commercial | Expansionistic

    Starting Map (Thread 2):
    Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land

  • #2
    SKILORD, I believe my happiness is

    "Happy because we're getting laid once more"
    First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
    Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


    • #3
      Updated Ingevidia stats (things that don't match the 1st post are bold):
      Ruler: civman2000
      Medium-Small Army
      Small Navy
      Religion: Polytheistic
      Tech: Antiquity
      Government: Federal Republic
      Economy: Prospering Semi-controlled
      People: Exhuberant
      Traits: Religious | Industrious
      Capital: civman2000
      Wonders: Shrine to the Republic (civman2000, complete), Great Wall (northern border, just completed)
      UUs: Republican Guard (elite defensive units that guard the Great Wall)

      A golden age of cultural and economic development has begun in Ingevidia. Blah blah balh no need for a big description of everthing.

      With the cultural developments have come some philosphical developments which in turn are creating political developments. As more and more people are becoming literate, discontent is spreading among the lower classes. A political organization called the "Ingevidian People's Front" (IPF) is on the rise and won several seats in the Assembly and, surprising the merchant plutocrats that have controlled Ingevidia for so long, the Governorship of Gangea! This new movement also has some informal ties to the growing Neomoralist movement, and many of the IPF's members have converted.

      In an effort to suppress the IPF, the national govenment and the Indian government have banned Neomoralism as a "heinous heresy against the Republic and Her Friends and Guardians"....

      Orders: Continue internal building. Grow army to medium by adding more Republican Guard units. Sponsor naval expeditions to all sorts of places. Colonize Maldives (little islands south of India).


      • #4
        Your army became small when you started cutting their funding.

        Everything else will be fixed.
        Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land


        • #5
          -Sapporo, Hokkaido, Ainu Empire-

          People of the Ainu Empire, the Vietnamese threat has been neutralized! Our allied forces have prevented the expansion of a foe, this will go down in the history of the Ainu Empire as our finest moment!

          Grow Army and Navy, begin economic stimulus project
          Finish roads project
          Found Alaskan colony
          Grow Island colonies


          • #6
            Sensing the desire for independence in Arabia King Eon II has sent his son to Chair a conference of the Leaders of the sect. The goal of this conference is to determine what if anything can be done to wield our Arabian Colony to the rest of empire. Since many unmarried women are in the area one of the options include finding a wife. Another Option would be to create a Parlaiment to Make the Laws in the area


            Army has clearance to move Westward into the Congo. The Advance will be Slow and Secure.
            Start Trade with egypt and Phillistine
            Gradually Free the Economy
            In the End the Monarchy will be the one in control of minting money and not much more.


            To the Congo:
            You failed to heed our warning and our highly trained troops are advancing to Conquer your land. As of Now all lands in the Congo our the property of us and our allies.

            To Egypt:
            We trust our ally we aid us as was promised

            To Phillistine:
            If you aid our nation we would be willing to cede our claim to the Lower third of the Congo.


            • #7
              Easthaven Khan III looked down upon the great city of Angolia, the capital of the Mongolian Empire! The nation his grandfather created, his father secured, and now his job to make prosperous. And already it is so. The people worship the Khan dynasty, the economy flourishes, feasts are held every week, the conquered people's of old now are true Mongolians.


              The Khan begins training the military as much as possible. He begins organizing the military into tens of thousands, thousands, hundreds, and tens.

              A new Unique unit has sprouted from the Keshiks. The best of the Keshiks become the Golden Riders. They are expert bowman, swordsmen, and spearmen. They are armored in gold-plated iron. They are the Khan's personal bodyguards. All are veterans of several past military engagements. And they never lose a battle. The Keshiks outnumber them and are still superior to all horseriders on the continent, but the Golden Riders are even more superior. All are taught to know how to lead men into combat, they are geniuses when it comes to ruses and deceptions, and they are the most loyal subjects to the Khan. The Khan himself will usually lead them into battle, they answer to no general other than the Khan himself. The Khan is the god of Mongolia, and the Golden Riders are his angels.

              Easthaven Khan III has ordered an extravangant road system connecting all the towns, villages, and cities together and to the capital. The roads between cities are in brick, the roads to towns in stone slabs, the roads to villages is of dirt and gravel.

              The Khan has ordered the construction of a HUGE structure of HUGE statues of the first Horse Riders of Mongolia, it will consist of the Great Easthaven Khan himself sword in hand, the man who started it all, he will be flanked on each side by his best friends and second in command generals Sabutai and Kubiko, and behind them will be two lower generals, and behind them will be one more. All will be on horseback racing forward, weapons drawn. It will be named The Greats.

              The Khan also begins constructing walls around every city.

              To give experience and such to military units of the Mongol army, the Khan sends them out and sometimes leads them into the barbaric lands to the west to plunder and kill the barbaric tribes into submission.


              • #8
                With the Texan Empire now out of all wars, the Texan leaders have begun a program of increasing the empire's infrastructure and domestic power. The leaders still wish to expand the empire as well,
                and leaders of the Empire not only wish to expand into adjacent lands but into far off lands as well.

                To Wisconsin: (secret) We think that your idea of making the American Alliance purely a defensive alliance is a good idea.

                The navy is now Medium.

                Temple of the Sun (wonder) is now finished in Texas City. The people's happiness level has increased to Happy as a result.

                Continue to expand south until we reach the Incaland borders.

                Launch an expedition to establish colonies along the southern Alaskan coast.

                Also, rumor has it that there are islands far off in the Pacific Ocean in a place called Hawaii. Launch an expedition to try and find these, and settle them if found.

                Begin building a road system throughout the empire in order to connect all areas of the empire (except Cuba, of course )and speed communication and movement. (Time: 2 RL days.)
                Ruler: King Jonny
                Army: Medium
                Navy: Medium (Antiquity)
                Religion: Sun Worship (The sun is the only god, the King is viewed as his representative on Earth)
                Tech: Antiquity
                Government: Absolute Monarchy
                Economy: Stable, Free
                People: Happy
                Traits: Expansionist | Religious
                UUs: Texan Royal Guards
                Other Completed Projects: Temple of the Sun (Wonder)


                • #9
                  To Oregon: Can I move through your territory to establish a base in western alaska?
                  First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
                  Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


                  • #10
                    One more order that I forgot:

                    Start upgrading the navy to Large. (Time: 2 days)


                    • #11
                      Before this is official I want to know if I can have the steam cannon as a UU now all the stuff existed septrate it was just a matter of putting it together?
                      Join the Civ4 SPDG and save the world one library at a time.
                      Term 1 Minister of Finances in the Civ4 Democracy Game and current Justice in the Civ4 Democracy Game
                      President of the Moderate Progressives of Apolyton in the Civ4 Democracy Game Aedificium edificium est Vires


                      • #12
                        The Pharaoh of Egypt gave an adress to the people of Egypt.
                        "We have seen the evil people of the Congo countinue to defiy the nations of Egypt and Ethopia. After we have claimed land in central Africa, stating clearly that this was land reserved for future Egyptian expansion, the barbarians of the Congo decide that the land it theirs for the taking and invade it. They have also attacked our allie in the south, Ethopia. Then they have the nerve to not pay for the damages they have caused the people of Ethopia. Therefore the Empire of Egypt declares war on the Congo, and its evil people. We will defend what rightfully belongs to both Egypt and Ethopia and show the Congo that they do not defiy us!"

                        To Congo:
                        We are now letting you know that our two nations are formally at war.

                        To Ethopia(secret):
                        We shall attack the Congo form the Western part of their nation. We are sending swordmen, archers and calvery to the area, and these our best units. We shall defeat the Congo togather!!

                        To World:
                        We have no futher interest in the disspute over Greeland, and frankly do not understand why everyone is fighting over a forzen peice of land that is worthless and a horid place to live. We need all our troops to fight a real eneimie of the nation of Egypt and her allies. If you wish to destroy each other over such a worthless piece of land, go right ahead, Egypt will not stop you.

                        Increase size of army to Large and maitain that size for as long as the war goes.

                        Move swordmen, archers, archer calvery and sword calvery to the area to crush the Congo Army in the Western part of their nation.

                        ALso remove all troops in Greeland, send them back to Egypt right away.
                        (ooc: SKILORD, why you send Egyptian troops to Greeland, when we stated we wanted no part in the conflict?? Egypt can care less about the war over Greeland and Greeland itself.
                        Donate to the American Red Cross.
                        Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                        • #13
                          UNits in Egyptain Army:
                          Swordmen, or Sword infantry: Ground units, foot solders who are experts at hand to hand combat and the use of the sword. They also have armor and shields to protect them from Sword strikes and arrows.

                          Sword Calvary: These are troops mounted on horse and have light armor, made for their speed, they are designed to hit hard then run away when it is time too. Thus imploying hit and run tatics.

                          Achers: These are experts at the use of bows and arrows, they also have fire tiped arrows that they can fire at buildings.

                          Calavary Archers: these are mounted archers, made for mobolity.
                          Donate to the American Red Cross.
                          Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Nimitz
                            Before this is official I want to know if I can have the steam cannon as a UU now all the stuff existed septrate it was just a matter of putting it together?
                            Uhhhh...... no. I can claim to have all the peices to an Atomic Bomb if we do this, I'm sorry, but I cannot allow this.

                            Jack: WHen did send Egyptian troops to Greenland?

                            From: The Congo

                            To: Egypt and Ethiopia

                            We are ashamed that we once called you brothers. Africa should throw you off it's noble back.

                            To: The known world

                            Please help us, we need help.

                            To: Phillistea

                            We have nothing to offer you. Nothing but Brotherhood.

                            Join us, we beg.
                            Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land


                            • #15

                              Above is the Polish Proposal for peace in the North Atlantic. Look closely, we vow to leave the war if a peace is not established by the turn after the coming update (not tonight). We will sign a seperate peace with Rome under those circumstances.

                              What you see above is a compromise between Rome and Britain's claims, it is perfectly fair in my eyes. I urge all parties to accept it.
                              Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land

