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Alternate History NES

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  • To Italy (secret): We are not asking you to make the Germans do anything. Simply urge them to stop and refuse them co-operation if they persist. And while you are correct that purchasing southern Egypt would not link up your colonies, we must still ask you to do whatever you can to stop the Germans from attacking. If they do, we will have to reply with all means at our disposal, and Italy is likely to suffer the effects as well.

    To China (secret): We would be prepared to share some nuclear technology (although the transfer would have to be secret), but in return we require support against the blatant threats to our existence made by the Germans. If they are not stopped, they will unleash a third world war, with apocalyptic consequences for all of humanity.


    • Orders:

      (secret)Rig the Arabian oilfields to blow if the Germans are about to capture them.

      Pepare to invade Oman if war breaks out.

      OOC: According to the map Oman is German, if it isn't, ignore the order to invade. /OOC



      • From: China
        To: Israel



        • To China (secret): Excellent.We will begin making preparations for the technology transfer, and it will soon be on it's way inside a diplomatic puch.


          • starting update


            • Update!!!

              Sapporo has been nuked!! An accidental lunch by the Israeli army has punched this city into oblivion!!

              In Japan, all non-Japanese citizens were “accidentally” killed trying to get into Japan.

              Detroit is gone!! The motor city has been destroyed by another nuke, from Germany, that has crippled the car industry and has definitely hurt the whole economy.

              In Britain and Germany, people are boiling their water before eating or drinking, saving many lives.

              All over the world, clean up efforts are in full swing to restore the lost cities.

              In Mexico, CSA and Associate troops crossed the Rio Grande to face an enemy in their on land and where met with fierce fighting and house-to-house checks.

              In South America, Argentine troops captured Bolivia but wee forced back when they tried to push into Peru. Brazilian forces have unexpectedly gone north and captured more than half of Venezuela.

              In Finland, the last straw for the Finnish government was pulled by a Scandinavian man trying to assassinate the president. Troops are now fighting at the border.

              Honk Kong, Singapore and Yemen have been returned to Britain.

              In Lithuania, rebels have risen up and joined Finland, hoping it might help their independence.

              Kramer Associates know controls the Panama Canal, cutting the USM forces in half.

              In Turkey, forces are being put on high alert, hoping to push back any German invasion.

              In the Mediterranean, Japanese carriers and battleships float, waiting for WW3.

              In Iran and Afghanistan, hundreds of thousands of people are being stirred up by the anti-sematic rantings of Mohammed Mal-Al-Soon.

              (So, sheep, are you attacking Turkey or not?)

              Number of People Dead by Nukes


              OOC: The little yellow dots mark the radiation contamination area.

              Remember, this NES is winnable.


              • Comment

                • Orders:

                  Begin an immediate investigation into who launched the nuke at Sapparo and why.

                  To Japan: We are as stunned by the nuclear launch against Sapparo as you are. We believe it was an accident, but we cannot be sure; we are investigating to establish the truth. In the meantime, we are prepared to offer large reparations for the damage done. If you wish, we can extradite those who were responsible to Britain to be tried and sentenced as you see fit.


                  • Further Orders: Extend the miltiary mobilization to the Iranian border.

                    Begin rebasing part sof the air force to China for air strikes against Afghanistan should it become necessary.

                    OOC: Methril, I posted that I was supporting Afghan warlords who supported Israel some time ago. Has this been registered at all?


                    • Yes, but there are nuetral and anti Israeli factions to. Your effortd to support those walords will definately help you in Afghinstan and Iran, just watch for those crazy fanatics.


                      • OOC: I realized that there would be warlords against me too, it's just that I never saw any indication that my efforts were bearing fruit. Thanks for the confirmation. /OOC

                        To Israeli supported warlrods (secret): The State of Israel is now facing the greatest crisis in it's history. We are threatened with German invasion from the north, and potential hostility by Iran and some aprts of Afghanistan from the east. Should the Afghan governemnt turn against us, we will begin an air campaign agaisnt them; that will be your signal to move against them. When you do, we shall take all necessary means to ensure your victory.


                        • To ISrael (secret) Give me a complete explantaion over the launch of nukes against Japan. Also we would like to reiterate that we ARE not attacking you like people think. We offer you the Non-aggression treaty again.

                          Occ: Azale I did say to invade Turkey, can you rectify this.
                          Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                          Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                          Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                          • To Germany (secret): The launch is believed to have been an accident. We are conducting an investigation into this, in which the Japanese are welcome to participate; we have offered them reparations to apy for the damage done, and heads will roll as a result of this. We are still shocked that such a thign could occur by accident.

                            As to your claims that you are not attacking us - your own words put the lie to this. You have done nothign but attack the Jewish people since assuming power, and we must prepare for the worst. If you truly desire peace, then leave Turkey alone. Any non-aggression treaty with Israel must also be one with Israel's allies. Any attack against those allies is an attack against Israel itself, and will be treated as such.


                            • sheep, okay, I just thought that you were still working it out with Israel.


                              • Nah I said to just invade and take it all OVER.
                                Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                                Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                                Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.

