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cNES: A World Without Nukes

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  • Saudis bombing raid other Madagascarin positions in Oman have increased, to soften up their defenses.

    After many bombing raid Saudis troops attack the Madagascarian fortification, pushing them back, and leaving them only a small fortification in the beaches near Mirbat


    The Saudi delegation arrived in London, after having met with the British ambassador they have started to talk with the British Foreign Minister on what their peace terms will be, while waiting for the other delegations from France, USA, Jyiv, Iran and the other GAA members to arrive

    The peace terms proposed by Saudi Arabia consists in:

    Israel will not be allowed to exist anymore, their former territories will be split in:


    - The North will be the New Independent Nation of Lebanon
    - Sinai, including the Suez Canal will be given back to Egypt.
    - Syria and Jordan will take back their former territories in the east of Israel
    - The rest of former Israel will, from now on, be called Palestine, and it will be ruled by the Palestinian Liberation Movement.

    The old Lybian territories will instead be splitted like this:
    - Cyrenaica to Egypt
    - The Oil rich south of Lybia will be given to Sudan


    New Inustries opened in Saudi Arabia
    New industries have opened throghout the Saudi Arabian territory, Chemichal industries have opened in Giddha, Automobile Manufacturing have opened in Al-Riyad, and Naval Canteers have opened in San'à and Damman


    To: Everybody
    From: Saudi Arabia

    We agree on a cease fire while we are discussing the peace terms

    To: GAA
    From: Saudi Arabia

    I hope you will all support the peace terms I've proposed.


    Saudi Arabia Stats: July 1966

    Government: Monarchy
    Ruler: King Fahd Ibn Abd-el Aziz
    Capital: Ar-Riyad
    Population: 17 Milions
    Economy: Recession
    Industrialization: Medium-Low
    Army: Medium
    Navy: Medium
    Air Force: Small
    Alliance: GAA (Jordan, Syria, Egypt, Sudan, -Tunis Sultanate-, Iraq and Iran)
    Trade Pact: Kyiv Confederation

    Saudi Arabia Projects:
    Industralization to Medium-Low: done
    Upgrade education system: 0,5 years
    Recover economy back to Stable: 2,5 years
    Enlarge Army: 4 years

    "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
    The trick is the doing something else."
    — Leonardo da Vinci
    "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
    "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


    • OOC: civman, so we have no more troops in the middle east? totally annihilated or what?


      American representatives arrive in London.

      US terms:
      We will not accept anything short of giving Israel its nation back. Perhaps, splitting it among the Palestines and Israelis or co-ruling. But the annihilation of the state of Israel will not be tolerated.


      • OOC: There are a few, but almost entirely destroyed or captured or evacuated by ship. However, the Arabs were greatly weakened and are quite vulnerable to a coutnerattack.

        Syrian and Jordanian representatves in London have said that them replacing the Israeli government with a new Muslim state is certainly not worse and in their opinion better than what the US did not long ago in Iran, replacing a legitimate government with an oppressive regime. Of course, reforms in Iran have been established since and Iran's government is now good and legitimate, but what the US did when they created it was at least equal to what is being done to Israel.


        • American representative in London says that just because the US might have made a mistake with Iran in the past, that doing it again makes it right? It is good to know history so that you do not repeat the mistakes, but knowing history to intentionally repeat them is stupid.


          After regrouping the retreated forces, and reinforcing them with fresh troops including the 1st Infantry division and 10th Mountain division, the second invasion force now numbers 100,000 soldiers and marines plus 75,000 French and 10,000 Israelis totalling a force of 185,000 men. This new force also holds 6 Tank divisions, 3 of which were from previous landing. After heavy bombardment and close air support, Special Forces and guerillas disrupt the organization and communication on the beaches of Israel. This is followed by the second landing of American, French, and Israeli forces. Finally, linking up with the stranded forces in West Jerusalem and Gaza.

          (Civman, say how successful this second landing was).


          • Kyiv to Yugoslavia:

            You have areas that rightfully belong to Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria. Give them back immediately.

            Here is Kyiv’s plan for the region of the Middle East in dispute:

            The areas of Ramleh, Jaffa (Tel-Aviv), Tulkarm, Haifa, the north-west corner of Acre, Safad, Tiberias, and western Jerusalem will form the new Israel. The rest will go to the Arabs to split up amongst themselves or form a new state, whatever they want. Neither side may encroach in any way upon the other’s territory.

            In Kyiv, grants and investment are encouraging research and technological progress in the following areas:

            Development of computers and electronics, rocketry and missiles, air power, advanced ceramics, plastics, and alloys and better materials manufacturing in general, as well as more modular and adaptable components with applications that range from domestic appliances to industrial assembly to military hardware.
            Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


            • Hi, I am new here but I would like to join since I seem to quite like the NES idea... Are there any states left?


              • OOC: Abdul-Aziz, there are many countries left. Take a look at the map on page 10. All of the white countries are not taken.

                Iran - Diplomacy

                Iran to Britain: Would you like to sign a trade pact with us?

                Iran to Kyiv: Thank you.

                Iran to Saudi Arabia: We propose a trade pact to help improve our relations and our economies.

                The Iranian representatives to the peace confrence arrive in London. Their proposal for the conflict:
                -Lebanon will get independence.
                -Syria and Jordan reclaim the land that the Israelis took from them.
                -Sinai to Egypt.
                -Israel must pay reparations to Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Egypt to pay for damages caused when Israel took over some of their lands.
                -A new democratic government is to be installed in Lybia.
                -Lybia must pay reparations to Tunisia and Egypt.
                -Madagascar must pay a small amount of reparations to the GAA for their unprovoked attack into Oman.
                Iran - Military Actions

                The Iranian forces in Israel keep working with the Saudis and GAA members.

                Ships continue to guard the entrance to the Persian Gulf and the Pakistan coast.

                Reinforcements arrive in Oman to fight back against the Madagascarians.

                Some Iranian forces leave Pakistan as revolts begin to die down. However, many will stay behind to ensure peace in the region.
                Iran - Domestic Happenings

                - A new government program will cause industrialization to upgrade to Medium in 5 years (10 days).

                - A government program to improve infrastructure throughout the Empire will cause the economy to upgrade to Prosperous in 3 years (6 days).

                -The Air Force will upgrade to small in 1 years (2 days).

                -The Army is now Very Large.
                Iran - Statistics - July 1966
                Iran (blue-green)
                Ruler: Jonny
                Army: Very Large
                Navy: Medium
                Air Force: Tiny
                Government: Constitutional Monarchy
                Economy: Growing
                Industrialization: Medium-Low
                Alliances: Grand Arabic Alliance
                Trade Pacts: Kyiv


                • January 1967
                  The second landing of American (and their allies') forces was quite successful. They have liberated Israel nearly up to its prewar borders, except that they haven't captured much of Sinai.

                  Sudan and Iraq at London: We would accept Iran's terms.
                  Egypt at London: We will accept no peace in which we do not get both Sinai and Cyrenaica.
                  Syria at London: We repeat, we will not end this war until Israel is no more!
                  Jordan at London: We want restrictions on the size of Israel's military, otherwise we agree.

                  Yugoslavia to Germany: We would like to ally with you.
                  Germany (I'm controlling it until Nimitz gets back) to Yugoslavia: Agreed.

                  Yugoslavia to Kyiv: Stop your silly threats. And withdraw from Wien too, please. The world is starting to get sick of your warmongering.

                  The Baltic League nations to Germany and Kyiv: (SECRET) We will support whoever Russia doesn't support if this Wien conflict turns into a war.


                  • France at London: We will accept 1952 borders.
                    "The Enrichment Center is required to inform you that you will be baked, and then there will be cake"
                    Former President, C3SPDGI


                    • To Iran:A Trade Pact is agreeable.


                      • The Madagagascan Parliament has voted to not send anymore soldiers into Oman, but to continue supporting the war. They have also voted to construct a larger navy. Work begins immediately.

                        Madagascan diplomats in London declare to accept anything the US agrees to, although they refuse to pay any compensation.


                        • To: Kyev
                          All we want is for you to leave Wien if you do we will, if not we would accept a vote monitered by independant moniters to see who the wish to join.


                          The German Government has nationalized all German companies owned by the Swiss and put them back up for sale to any one but the swiss.

                          The German Goverment seeing the condition of the country starts work to improve things by getting people more jobs. (Complete)

                          The Goverment see the weakness of our military and desides to start building it up.
                          Army to Large (Complete)
                          Navy to Medium (2.5 years)
                          Air Force to Medium (2 years)


                          Germany Stats:

                          Germany (currently white)
                          Ruler: Nimitz
                          Army: Large
                          Navy: Small
                          Air Force: Small
                          Government: Democracy
                          Economy: Stable
                          Industrialization: Very High
                          Join the Civ4 SPDG and save the world one library at a time.
                          Term 1 Minister of Finances in the Civ4 Democracy Game and current Justice in the Civ4 Democracy Game
                          President of the Moderate Progressives of Apolyton in the Civ4 Democracy Game Aedificium edificium est Vires


                          • To London:
                            We will accept 1952 borders as well. And niether of my allies will pay any sort reparations to the nations who started this war.


                            • To: London Conference
                              From: Saudi Arabia

                              Why did the Americans striked against Arab forces in Israel? We all agreed on a cease fire in order to start the peace talks, yet the Americans attacked our forces, for no other purpouse than to have a stronger position during the peace conference.

                              If the Americans want to continue the war, than so be it, we will surely not sit back and watch while the American soldiers slaughter our brave soldiers.

                              As for the peace terms, we can not accept any peace terms where Israel is still there. However we may accept that the Jewish populated areas of Palestine to be into control of a non-arab nation, as long as said nation have proved to be friendly with us.

                              Those our final terms:
                              - Sinai to Egypt
                              - Cyrenaica to Egypt
                              - Jordan and Syria gets their territories back
                              - Lebanon will get independence
                              - Arabian Palestine will either be independent or be part of Jordan
                              - Jewish Palestine will be under control of a foreign nation (maybe Kyiv if they accept)
                              - The rest of Lybia we don't care about

                              To: Iran
                              From: Saudi Arabia

                              We will welcome a trade pact with you

                              To: Madagascar
                              From: Saudi Arabia

                              We can allow some Madagascarian ships to enter our waters if you wish to withdraw your troops from Oman


                              Saudi Arabia Stats: January 1967

                              Government: Monarchy
                              Ruler: King Fahd Ibn Abd-el Aziz
                              Capital: Ar-Riyad
                              Population: 17 Milions
                              Economy: Recession
                              Industrialization: Medium-Low
                              Army: Medium
                              Navy: Medium
                              Air Force: Small
                              Alliance: GAA (Jordan, Syria, Egypt, Sudan, -Tunis Sultanate-, Iraq and Iran)
                              Trade Pact: Kyiv Confederation, Iran, All GAA members, Marocco.

                              Saudi Arabia Projects:
                              Upgrade education system: done
                              Recover economy back to Stable: 2 years
                              Enlarge Army: 3,5 years

                              "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                              The trick is the doing something else."
                              — Leonardo da Vinci
                              "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                              "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


                              • At the London conference, Kyiv has stated that if the parts of Israel we mentioned before were allowed to stay independant as a Jewish state, we would be willing to take responsibility, perhaps with a few other states, for ensuring that they behave.

                                Kyiv to Germany:

                                keep your part of Wien. We're keeping ours.

                                Kyiv to yugoslavia:

                                ha ha. You're such a wit. So be it.

                                kyiv has officially claimed all of Libya west of Al' Uqaylah (western two thirds of country) as well as the south east if Sudan or Egypt doesn't want it. The forces stationed their are implementing it as a full state and anyone there is welcome to become a Kyiv citizen.

                                Kyiv military is advancing across the Yugoslavian border, much in the same way as in the Wien occupation.
                                Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.

