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cNES: A World Without Nukes

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  • The US navy has been given orders to commit unrestrained naval battle to any and all ships blocking the American navy from supplying her allies. The Submarines and Carrier battlegroups stationed near Madagascar has been given this duty.


    • occ: Civman most of the Pakistani's in this time period would have been Muslims. Most of the Hindu's in india would have been gald to get of them i think.

      To Madagascar: We are considering your proposal in committee and will return with an answer ASAP.

      To France: Any help with the construction of Rockets would be appreciated. Also would you be intreseted in Kyiv joining our little Space Exploration Group.

      To Germany: About two years ago France Proposed Creating a Joint Space Program between our three nations. The Only condition that Britain has is that this be based in Britian. Would you care to join us?


      Current projects:
      New Fighter Design (4 years)
      Upgrading Current Air Force(complete)
      (Project Apollo(10 years))
      Better Computers(4 years remaining)
      Rocketry Program(3.5 years with French help)(6w/o)


      • I'll play as Cuba and win against the United States in two successive wars !
        Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
        Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
        Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


        • OOC: DemonSlayer, there were some hindus in Pakistan and muslims in India, and they would be angry. THe main reason for the revotls though, is that the people are very mad that after all their efforts for independence, they get handed to another nation to rule them rather than made independent.

          July 1965
          A revolt for independence has broken out in Hungary. The general feeling of the Hungarians is that tehy want full independence from everyone.

          In Pakistan, Iranian troops have broken up the rebels. In the North, however, a new rebellion has become. So far 38,401 people have been killed in Pakistan and India since Pakistan was sold to Iran.

          Israeli forces have retreated out of Egypt to fortify the northern front. THe Arab onslaught has beaten Israel down to its 1952 borders, teh West bank, and a small part of Sinai. However, then Libya suddenly attacked Tunis and Egypt! With the advantage of surprise, the Libyan troops quickly marched through Tunis, and have captured Tunis (the city). In Egypt they have had less success, but have still advanced almost to the Nile.

          In the US, the Supreme Court and President Thurmond have become openly hostile. Some liberal members of Congress have called for the impeachment of Thurmond for refusing to enforce the Court's decisions.

          Cuba (currently white)
          Ruler: ??
          Army: Tiny
          Navy: Tiny
          Air Force: None
          Government: Dictatorship (Castro)
          Economy: Stable
          Industrialization: High

          Please confirm that you want it Sheep.


          • From France:
            To England:
            France would not be opposed to any nation in Europe joining this effort at this time.

            The French government announces a massive spending increase into aerospace research. This funding will go into the research of a new jet bomber for the Air Force, and into Space Exploration. The French government announces that it expects the joint space exploration group it is participating in to be able to launch humans into space by the end of the decade.

            Upgrade Air Force to Medium: 2.5 Years.
            New Jet Bomber: 6 Years
            (coorperatively) Rocket capable of launching into space: 3.5 Years
            "The Enrichment Center is required to inform you that you will be baked, and then there will be cake"
            Former President, C3SPDGI


            • The same ultimatum that was given to Wien has been issued to Hungary
              Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


              • After much naval buildup and a few battles, Japan has extended its blockeade of Korea to also include Borneo and Siam.


                • To: Lybia
                  From: Saudi arabia

                  What? you shall burn in hell for your betrayal

                  To: Kyiv, Russia
                  From: Saudi Arabia

                  Our nations have been on friendly terms for many years, and we have been supllying you oil for a cheap price for a long time, please help us in this time of need, and you shall be compensate.


                  Attacks Israel With Saudi, Jordan, Iraq, Syria and Iran troops

                  Attack Lybia with troops from Algeria (from the west), Egypt and Sudan (from the east)


                  Saudi Arabia Stats: July 1965

                  Government: Monarchy
                  Ruler: King Fahd Ibn Abd-el Aziz
                  Capital: Ar-Riyad
                  Population: 17 Milions
                  Economy: Recession
                  Industrialization: Low
                  Army: Medium
                  Navy: Medium
                  Air Force: Small
                  Alliance: GAA (Jordan, Syria, Egypt, Sudan, Tunis Sultanate, Iraq and Iran)
                  Trade Pact: Kyiv Confederation

                  Saudi Arabia Projects:
                  Industralization to Medium-Low: 1 years
                  Air Force to Small: done
                  Upgrade education system: 1,5 years
                  "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                  The trick is the doing something else."
                  — Leonardo da Vinci
                  "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                  "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


                  • Kyiv to Saudi Arabia:

                    we will happily asist you in disarming this unpredictable menace. we have included our battle plan below (this is, obviously, secret), along with suggestions for what we think you should do.

                    The Kyiv military upgrades have finally been completed, bringing army up to large and air force up to medium. Kyiv forces are steaming towards Libya, preparing to attack. The plan is that an arm of mobile units will land in Cirenaica (NE Libyan coast) and move west, attempting to sweep the Libyans out of that area while Saudi Arabian and co. forces will deal with the libyans in Egypt, driving them south into the desert or having them surrender. The second Kyiv arm will be composed mostly of urban warfare troops and special forces that will land in Tunisia and attempt to capture Tunis and if that is successful move towards Tripoli. Both forces will have sea and air support.
                    Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


                    • Britian claims neautrality in this growing conflict and suggestes an imediate conference to resolve this. Please let us end this before we start a fourth world war.


                      • Due to its pledge not to expand the conflict beyond Isreal's borders, the French are naturally taking a back seat to the whole conflict. French troops augment the Isreali defense, French ships assist the American fleet, and the French government sends aid and supplies, but the people of France do not wish to become too involved in this war. Our government would be glad to attend a peace conference.
                        "The Enrichment Center is required to inform you that you will be baked, and then there will be cake"
                        Former President, C3SPDGI


                        • The Sudanese attack on Libya was extremely successful. All of Egypt has been liberated, and much of eastern Libya has been captured, including Cirenaica (causing the Kyivan generals to quickly revise their plans). On the other hand, the exact opposite happened in Tunis. The Tunisian forces were crushed by the Libyans, and the government and army has surrendered. Libya has declared that Tunis is now a part of the Greater Kingdom of Libya. Some resistance continues in TUnis, but it is quickly being stamped out.

                          The Israelis have finally cracked, and the ARab armies gushed into the core of Israel. Now, all that remains of Israel is Jewish guerrillas waging a mass campaign to reclaim the country.


                          • The US government organizes a force of 100,000 soldiers and 50,000 Marines for a possible liberation of Israel.

                            The 101st Airborne division as well as the 82nd become mobilized and ready to move out.


                            • Iran - Diplomacy

                              Iran to France, US, Madagascar, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and other GAA members: We propose that all of us attend a peace confrence in order to end this Israeli-Arab conflict before it becomes a major worldwide war. We propose that this peace confrence is held in a neutral location, such as Britain.
                              Iran - Military Actions

                              The Iranian forces in Israel continue to be stationed there, working with the Saudis.

                              Ships continue to guard the entrance to the Persian Gulf and the Pakistan coast.

                              Iranian forces continue to remain in Oman fighting against the Madagascarians. Still, no ground is being gained by either side.

                              More Iranian forces move into Pakistan to put a end to the rebellions.
                              Iran - Domestic Happenings

                              -The Air Force will upgrade to small in 2 years (4 days).

                              -The Army will upgrade to Very Large in 1 years (2 days).

                              -The Constitutional Monarchy of Iran has been formed. The election of Parliament members and a new Prime Minister will occur as soon as possible.
                              Iran - Statistics - July 1965
                              Iran (blue-green)
                              Ruler: Jonny
                              Army: Large
                              Navy: Medium
                              Air Force: Tiny
                              Government: Constitutional Monarchy
                              Economy: Growing
                              Industrialization: Medium-Low


                              • Kyiv armor and other mobile units are moving with the Arab forces across Libya, joining them in attacking small cities in the central Libyan area before they go on to Tripoli. The Infantry and urban warfare divisions have landed North-west of Tunis. They have been ordered to advance if the opportunity presents itself but are otherwise there only to occupy Libyan forces.
                                Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.

