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cNES: A World Without Nukes

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  • OCC: I'm going to be gone till sunday so please no one mess with my country till I get back.
    Join the Civ4 SPDG and save the world one library at a time.
    Term 1 Minister of Finances in the Civ4 Democracy Game and current Justice in the Civ4 Democracy Game
    President of the Moderate Progressives of Apolyton in the Civ4 Democracy Game Aedificium edificium est Vires


    • (((OOC Well, I see Switzerland now has a military which is larger than it's maximum ever population by about half a million men. If I let that slide, then I'd expect to see millions of naked swiss men running across the alps in an invasionary fasion soon.)))

      Noting the buildup of naked swiss at the Italian border, Italy has forbidden any Swiss passage through Italy. Mini guillotines are being placed on top of the impregnible defenses as a taunt to the swiss, saying, more or less "You losin you penis"

      Italy asks that the Rest of Europe aid in keeping this new found warmonger contained.

      (((OOC: Seriously sheep, did you get attacked by a kangaroo thar in Aussie land? ALL that Switzerland has the manpower to have is A medium army, and that's assuming NO air force, and the entire population is a part of the army. You were smart in going with Economics, stupid in being so open about your intentions of dominating businesses.))
      First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
      Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


      • The Swiss military has broken its neutrality openly declaring war with the Italian Empire. The Swiss have ared badly in the war and the Italians have quickly overrun them. Swiss independence is at an end.

        occ: It got broing afater civman destoyed what I was trying to do. Can I have another country now?
        Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
        Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
        Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


        • OOC: On the Swiss army size: I agree with Metaliturtle, if it is as big as you claim it must have many many mercenaries in it. And I suppose you can change contries if you want.

          Because Nimitz isn't here, I will have to take his role in the Wien crisis (but I won't do much).
          January 1965
          US elections: Conservative leader Strom Thurmond has barely edged out Johnson. Thurmond has declared that he will reverse his predecessors' civil rights policies and "make America a white man's land again."

          Several civil liberties and civil rights cases have come before the US Supreme COurt. In almost all, the Court has ruled in favor of increasing the rights of blacks and the accused.

          Huge revolts have broken out in India and Pakistan. Approximately 346 Iranian soldiers have been killed, and rebels have captured three Iranian tanks.

          Yugoslavia to Italy: Thank you for getting rid of the Swiss menace. Please, though, allow Switzerland to remain an independent nation.

          German and Kyiv troops have met in Wien. The generals of the two sides have met, and broke into an argument. So far, no fighting has occurred, but tension is high.

          Israel, in a major advance, has captured Cairo. The Egyptian government has fled to Alexandria. Meanwhile, however, Jordan and Syria have made progress in the North, and have reliberated Lebanon.


          • To The colony of India: You are our territory any violence will be met with violence. Any one out after dusk will be arrested and executed. British Troops have orders to fire upon any crowd above one hundred in India.

            To Iran: I send condolences to your leader about the loss of your troops. Our troops have been removed from Pakistan it is yours to deal with now however you would wish. Please reconsider your stance with Isreal. While we are not fighting with any nations we do support Israel.


            • To Germany and Kyiv: Please allow our nation to host a peace conference between your two nations before there is any bloodshed.


              • Worried about possible coups, the Dictator has assumed more control of the army. In response to growing unrest about the ironfisted rule, the secret police has been publicly disbanded. In addition, the Parliament has been given more power in regard to both diplomacy and the economy. The first act of the new Parliament is to end conscription. The next is to establish a proper embassy in all major countries of the world.

                The Army of Madagascar has been pushed back, but now they hold their ground. Using American weapons and tactics, they have inflicted considerable damage on Saudi and Iranian forces. The main goal of the invasion, to draw Arab forces away from Israel, has been achieved magnificently. The Navy of Madagascar has been less successful, owing to the inexperienced sailors. In a year this wont be a problem. Until then, US-trained admirals will avoiding large confrontations with the enemy fleets.

                ooc: did britain reply to my request? If not,

                To Britain: Your ignoring us will be forgotten, but we once again ask for naval ships, whether new or obsolete in return for naval bases and our friendship.


                • Now that Madagascar was pushed out from Oman, the Saudis are able to replace all their troops on fighting against Israel.

                  To: Sudan, Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Tunis
                  From: Saudi Arabia

                  Ok.. listen to our plan dear friends and allies.
                  Troops from Sudan, Egypt, Tunis.. and if we manage to get them in the alliance, from Lybia as well, will push against the Isrealian occupation force in Egypt.. we need to get them our of there soon.
                  Saudi Arabian troops, together with troops from Jordan and Iraq, will push against Isreal from the south east, we will need to take at least the port of Elat out of their hands... that way their troops in Egypt will be left without supplies, and Israel would be virtually cut in half.
                  Iranian and Syrian troops with support from the Lebanon free fighters will keep pushing from the north-west.
                  We need to coordinate our attacks, so to do them in exactly the same moment, the Israelian would not be able to arm all three fronts and soon they will fall.
                  Also Saudi and Iranian troops shall still protect the Southern Arabian coast, if it is still ok for Iran.

                  To: Lybia
                  From: Saudi Arabia

                  Please, my friend, join the Great Arabic Alliance, and fight together with us the Isrealian oppression, they have invaded our, and your friends in Egypt, and if they win they would attack you as well.
                  Join our righous fight, together we can win against them


                  Saudi Arabia Stats: January 1964

                  Government: Monarchy
                  Ruler: King Fahd Ibn Abd-el Aziz
                  Capital: Ar-Riyad
                  Population: 16 Milions
                  Economy: Recession
                  Industrialization: Low
                  Army: Medium
                  Navy: Medium
                  Air Force: Tiny
                  Alliance: GAA (Jordan, Syria, Egypt, Sudan, Tunis Sultanate, Iraq and Iran)
                  Trade Pact: Kyiv Confederation

                  Saudi Arabia Projects:
                  Industralization to Medium-Low: 2 years
                  Air Force to Small: 1 years
                  Upgrade education system: 2,5 years

                  "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                  The trick is the doing something else."
                  — Leonardo da Vinci
                  "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                  "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


                  • The forces of Madagascar have not been pushed into the sea, just stopped in their advance and forced to fall back to other positions. They have sufficient supplies to last for 6-18 months.


                    • Well... you said you got pushed back.... but maybe I just misinterpreted it.

                      Ok than.
                      Most Saudis Forces attack against Israel, while some other smaller regiments defend against Madagascar, while the Navy bombs their back positions.

                      OOC: Anyway, without supplies they won't resist much time there.

                      "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                      The trick is the doing something else."
                      — Leonardo da Vinci
                      "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                      "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


                      • Kyiv to Britain and Germany:

                        if you want a peace conference, that's fine, but we can pretty much sum up our position right now:

                        We want no conflict with Germany, all we ask is that they leave us alone and we will do the same for them.

                        Kyiv troops have once again had their orders reinforced that they aren't to push against any German positions, but they are to keep the ground that is currently held. Efforts are underway in the absorbed part of the Wien league to bring it into Kyiv economically, militarily, administratively, etc. and eventually (hopefully soon if the citizens cooperate) politically, with the inhabitants becoming full citizens (if they want) and those that do enjoying full rights and privileges.
                        Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


                        • In india, the riots continue. The people are appalled that Britain would give part of India to another nation. Several leaders of the peaceful resistence movement have met with regional leaders and said that they would prefer BRitish rule to rule by anyone else oter than themselves. However, very few people have been able to deliver this message, for when they and their supporters go to the streets, they are attacked by British troops.

                          In Pakistan the rioting is even worse. Unorganized riots have transformed into an organized rebellion in southwest Pakistan.

                          Libya to Saudi Arabia: We are afraid we must declien your offer.

                          Libya to Israel and its allies (SECRET): We might be willing to ally with you if you gave us a small bribe...

                          Germany to Britain: We agree that we should have a peace conference.

                          In Wien, both German-controlled and Kyiv-controlled, riots have broken out between those wanting independence, those wanting to join Germany, and those wanting to join Kyiv.


                          • CIA comes across Libyan message to Israel

                            To Libya:
                            Hello. Just would like to let you know that if a certain somebody wishes to attack a certain somepersons another certain somebody would gladly pay a nice load of...frogskin....*wink wink*

                            US cargo planes and ships constantly transport supplies and equipment to Madagascarin troops in southern Saudi Arabia.

                            US Special Forces recieving special attention and defense budget money. They run rampant across Saudi.


                            • Kyiv has given the administration of its part of Wien (mostly composed of the old leaders on the small scale, just currently under Kyiv "direction") an ultimatum. They have one week to clean up the rioting with their own law enforcement etc. forces and then the Kyiv military will step in if the problem continues.
                              Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


                              • Iran - Diplomacy

                                Iran to Britain: Thank you for your concerns about our forces in Pakistan. Iran must convince the Pakistani people that Iranian rule is good and that there is no need for them to revolt and kill. Perhaps you could help us in this?

                                Iran to Britan [Secret]: As for our stance with Israel, it really wasn't our idea to go to war with them. We were brought into this war by our allies. Besides, if revolts continue in Pakistan, we will have to recall most of our forces from Israel to help put an end to the revolts. [/Secret]

                                Iran to Saudi Arabia: My ally, I believe it may be time to consider bringing this war to an end. I know that you find it very important to reclaim the land that the Israelis took from Arabs, but ever since this war has started, the world has seemed to turn against us. Israel is receiveing support from almost all of the world. Also, because of the rebellions in Pakistan, our forces may have to pull out of Israel and return home. Perhaps it is time to find a peaceful settlement to these conflicts.

                                Iran to Madagascar [secret]: Please consider ending your war with us. Our nations could benefit much more from trade than from war. Also, all of the Iranian forces that would be freed up by the end of the war between our nations would have to be sent to Pakistan to end rebellions, and not sent to Israel. [/secret]
                                Iran - Military Actions

                                The Iranian forces in Israel continue to fight with the Grand Arabic Alliance forces, but no more new forces are being sent to the region.

                                Some of the Iranian ships that were guarding the entrance to the Persian Gulf were sent to the Pakistan coast. However, many ships still guard the entrance to the Persian Gulf.

                                Iranian forces are still in Oman fighting against the Madagascarians, but because both armies were well trained and had good weapons, no ground is being gained by either side. Some Iranian ships are making sure that the Madagascarians are unable to get supplies, they are blocked in.

                                Many more Iranian forces are moving into Pakistan to put a stop to armed rebellions.
                                Iran - Domestic Happenings

                                -The Air Force will upgrade to small in 2.5 years (5 days).

                                -The Army will upgrade to Very Large in 1.5 years (3 days).

                                -The government is changing from an Absolute Monarchy to a Constitutional Monarchy in 0.5 years (1 days).
                                Iran - Statistics - January 1965
                                Iran (blue-green)
                                Ruler: Jonny
                                Army: Large
                                Navy: Medium
                                Air Force: Tiny
                                Government: Monarchy
                                Economy: Growing
                                Industrialization: Medium-Low

