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cNES: A World Without Nukes

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  • Ethnic clashes have caused Czechoslovakia to split into the Czech REpublic and Slovakia. Slovakia, Austria, and Hungary have agreed to merge into the Federation of Wien.

    Czech Republic to GErmany: WE would like to join the GErman Republic.
    Attached Files


    • To: Czech Republic
      Yes you are welcome to join the German Republic.


      The German Government has started mass investment in Swiss banking and swiss componies.
      Control of swiss stuff: 13%

      The German Goverment seeing the condition of the country starts work to improve things by getting people more jobs. (Complete)

      The Goverment see the waekness of our military and desides to start building it up.
      Army to medium
      Navy to small
      Air Force to small


      Germany Stats:

      Germany (currently white)
      Ruler: Nimitz
      Army: Medium
      Navy: Small
      Air Force: Small
      Government: Democracy
      Economy: Stable
      Industrialization: Very High
      Join the Civ4 SPDG and save the world one library at a time.
      Term 1 Minister of Finances in the Civ4 Democracy Game and current Justice in the Civ4 Democracy Game
      President of the Moderate Progressives of Apolyton in the Civ4 Democracy Game Aedificium edificium est Vires


      • The Mongol generals have somehow been able to get their army to make one last counteroffensive. They met Iranian forces outside Ulanbataar, and got pummeled. 95% of the army was killed, wounded, or captured, or deserted. The government leaders have fled the Empire, some to China, some to RUssia, some een attempted to sneak into Tibet. Much of the rest of Mongolia and Manchuria is now controlled by local warlords. Many have pledged their support to Iran; others to CHina; and others t no one but themselves.


        • Iran - Diplomacy

          Iran to Mongolian and Manchurian Warlords in support of Iran: You are all welcome to join the Iranian Empire, if you wish to.

          Iran to Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, and Saudi Arabian Allies: Why don't we join our two alliances into one Grand Islamic Alliance?
          Iran - Domestic Happenings
          - Industrialization is upgrading to Medium-Low in 1.5 years/3 days.
          - Air Force to Tiny in 1 years/2 days.
          - Navy to Medium in 2 years/4 days.
          - Economy will improve in 2 years/4 days.
          Iran - Statistics - January 1962
          Iran (blue-green)
          Ruler: Jonny
          Army: Large
          Navy: Small
          Air Force: None
          Government: Monarchy
          Economy: Growing
          Industrialization: Low


          • Tjhe Swiss government has announced that all German investmenting companies in the Swiss buisness market are now Swiss owned negatiung the fact that Germany owns any Swiss companies.

            To Saudi Arabia:
            From Switzerland: (secret) I plan to make the Arab world the richest through their oil. Swiss will benifit but so will you.
            Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
            Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
            Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


            • Tjhe Swiss government has announced that all German investmenting companies in the Swiss buisness market are now Swiss owned negatiung the fact that Germany owns any Swiss companies.
              If you're negating GErmany's claim, they can do the same to you. Thus I will say that what you said may or may not be true, but that its only your official position.

              July 1962
              Finally, 8 months have passed in India without a terrorist attack...
              Rhodesia has become a British Commonwealth, and Nigeria has been granted independence.

              Borneo has declared war on Celebes, and made an alliance with Siam.
              Celebes to Britain: Help us, Borneo has aided rebels in your colony of British Borneo!
              Korean forces have marched west, taking most of the remaining Mongol Empire. The rest of the Empire has fallen to or joined Iran.
              Japan to Iran, Britain, Celebes and China: LEt us ally to stop Siamese and Korean growth.
              Celebes to Japan: Agreed.
              Borneo, Siam, and Korea to GErmany: We urge you to join our alliance.
              Syria and Egypt to Saudi Arabia: WE should ally with Iran, but still keep our alliance as a separate entity, so that if we have a conflict with Iran, we will all be together.
              Iraq to Saudi Arabia: We think it would be unwise to ally with Iran.
              Jordan and Tunis to Saudi Arabia: We think we should admit Iran into our alliance.


              • To: Allies
                From: Saudi Arabia

                We looked at all your positions towards Iran, as such we believe that the wisest idea could be to make a separate alliance with them, we still don't trust them since they have allied with Israel and the US long time ago, but maybe by allying with them we might be able to change their diplomatic positions, after all they are a fellow Islamic nation.

                That's our idea.

                We keep the current Grand Arabic Alliance as it is, and we form a new alliance with Iran, but of course the GAA would have higher priority.

                (secret)Also did you noticed how those Isrealis treated us?, we think we'll have to teach them a lesson soon, something they'll never forget, we just have to wait for the right moment. But be ready.(/secret)

                To: Iran
                From: Saudi Arabia

                We are currently discussing the issue with our allies, but as we do not trust you, since you have allied with the US and Israel long time ago, we will not admit you in the GAA, but we may decide to stipulate with you a separate alliance.

                To: Switzerland
                From: Saudi Arabia

                Don't make us laugh, Saudi Arabia is already very rich from Oil, and that is surely not thank to Switzerland.
                All Oil companies are owned by sheiks very close to the royal family, and none of those industries are in the stock exchange market, so it is impossible to buy shares of it.

                What we intended was that we will closely watch your investiment over the other industries, that are starting to take off, especially in the Southern area. Those industries are going to be very strong in the near future, as most likely all Arabs will buy their products. As we said we will allow swiss investiment in the NEW industries, but remember that here we have different rules than Europe, and who don't respect them is in deep trouble.


                Saudi Arabia Stats: July 1962

                Government: Monarchy
                Ruler: King Fahd Ibn Abd-el Aziz
                Capital: Ar-Riyad
                Population: 16 Milions
                Economy: Prosperous
                Industrialization: Low
                Army: Medium
                Navy: Medium
                Air Force: None

                Saudi Arabia Projects:
                Industralization to Medium-Low: 5 years
                Air Force to Tiny: 1 years
                Air Force to Small: 3 years (cumulative with above)
                "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                The trick is the doing something else."
                — Leonardo da Vinci
                "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


                • Iran - Diplomacy

                  Iran to Japan: We are not interested in an alliance at this time, sorry.

                  Iran to Saudi Arabia: Our alliance with the US and Israel was a thing of the past. Let us forget about the past and look towards the future. Let us into the GAA, you can trust us. We will fight alongside you, even if it means fighting Israel. If you don't let us in the GAA, well, there are always other countries we could form an alliance with...

                  Iran to Britain: (secret) We would be interested in possibly buying Pakistan from you. It would benefit both of us, because we believe that if the Pakistanis are ruled by a Muslim government, they would be more content, and could possibly end terror attacks in India for good.
                  Iran - Domestic Happenings
                  - Industrialization is upgrading to Medium-Low in 1 years/2 days.
                  - Air Force to Tiny in .5 years/1 days.
                  - Navy to Medium in 1.5 years/3 days.
                  - Economy will improve in 1.5 years/3 days.
                  Iran - Statistics - July 1962
                  Iran (blue-green)
                  Ruler: Jonny
                  Army: Large
                  Navy: Small
                  Air Force: None
                  Government: Monarchy
                  Economy: Growing
                  Industrialization: Low


                  • To Iran: (Secret) Pakistan is yours in exhange for 1,000,000,999 pounds.(End Secret)


                    • Britian Completes a model of a Rocket designed to launch objects beyond the atmosphere completion is expected on this project in 2 years.

                      Meanwhile, The repairs and retrofit of Canada has been finished so in six months time there will be a vote with the same conditions applicable that was presented to our former African Colonies.


                      • To: Switzerland
                        Do to your actions we have not choice but to nationalize all companies owned by you.

                        To: Koria, Siam, and Borneo
                        We will join your alliance.


                        The German Government has nationalized all German companies owned by the Swiss and put them back up for sale to any one but the swiss.

                        The German Goverment seeing the condition of the country starts work to improve things by getting people more jobs. (Complete)

                        The Goverment see the waekness of our military and desides to start building it up.
                        Army to Large (3 years)
                        Navy to small
                        Air Force to small


                        Germany Stats:

                        Germany (currently white)
                        Ruler: Nimitz
                        Army: Medium
                        Navy: Small
                        Air Force: Small
                        Government: Democracy
                        Economy: Stable
                        Industrialization: Very High
                        Join the Civ4 SPDG and save the world one library at a time.
                        Term 1 Minister of Finances in the Civ4 Democracy Game and current Justice in the Civ4 Democracy Game
                        President of the Moderate Progressives of Apolyton in the Civ4 Democracy Game Aedificium edificium est Vires


                        • An unknown shadow wing of the Kyiv government is indirectly funding rebellion groups and guerrilla bands in Central America and Southeast Asia, supplying them with arms and supplies illicitly purchased from various Asian markets. The greatest efforts have been gone through to ensure that these actions cannot be traced back to this shadow wing, which is actually basing itself and these activities from somewhere in Sub-Saharan Africa.

                          Kyiv to Federation of Wien:

                          Let us join together. You obviously seek prosperity and protection, for you are joining in alliances, but why not join a larger and more affluent alliance? Come to Kyiv, you will benefit greatly from it.
                          Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


                          • A large number of Russian Citizens in the area that shares a border with Mongolia, have formed a large self-funded military force. These neo-martialists have taken over the protection of local villiages, and several bands within the larger group have moved into Mongolia to plunder horses and herd animals. The Russian government has asked these men to stop, but will not force them to, as their fortification of Russia's borders is better for Russia's overall success.

                            In Russia, a law was passed, this law stated that Swiss cheese will now be known in Russia as "the food of the idiot" several committees were more willing to ban it completely, but ultimately this was ruled impossible to enforce.

                            To Germany: It seems as if we have a common economic enemy in Switzerland, would you like to join with Russia in a trade agreement? ((ooc: disregard if you've already got a trade agreement with russia... I can't keep track of all of them.))

                            To Kyiv: What do you say to a free exchange technological info pact. This will help ease the burden of war on our people by enabling us to fight the best!
                            Weaseling out of things is what separates us from the animals....except the weasel -Homer
                            Who's up for some scroungin'? -Homer


                            • What countries are open? Goober and I fixed our single-name problem, and will both be participating now.
                              First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
                              Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


                              • Current nations that are colored in the map (please correct me if anything is incorrect):
                                Britain (orange)
                                Ruler: DemonSlayer
                                Army: Medium
                                Navy: Large
                                Air Force: Medium
                                Government: Democracy
                                Economy: Growing
                                Industrialization: Very High

                                US (light blue)
                                Ruler: Easthaven I
                                Army: Large
                                Navy: Large
                                Air Force: Large
                                Government: Democracy
                                Economy: Booming
                                Industrialization: Very High

                                France (pink)
                                Ruler: Thud
                                Army: Medium
                                Navy: Medium
                                Air Force: Small
                                Government: Democracy
                                Economy: Stable
                                Industrialization: Very High

                                Israel (blue)
                                Ruler: ??
                                Army: Medium
                                Navy: Tiny
                                Air Force: Small
                                Government: Democracy
                                Economy: Stable
                                Industrialization: Medium-Low

                                Saudi Arabia (yellow)
                                Ruler: Giovanni Wine
                                Army: Medium
                                Navy: Medium
                                Air Force: None
                                Government: Monarchy
                                Economy: Prosperous
                                Industrialization: Low

                                Russia (brown)
                                Ruler: gooberboob
                                Army: Large
                                Navy: Small
                                Air Force: Small
                                Government: Democracy
                                Economy: Depression
                                Industrialization: High

                                Iran (blue-green)
                                Ruler: Jonny
                                Army: Large
                                Navy: Small
                                Air Force: None
                                Government: Monarchy
                                Economy: Growing
                                Industrialization: Low

                                China (red)
                                Ruler: Jack_www
                                Army: Medium
                                Navy: Medium
                                Air Force: Tiny
                                Government: Provisional and weak Republic
                                Economy: Recession
                                Industrialization: Medium

                                Japan (maroon)
                                Ruler: ??
                                Army: Medium
                                Navy: Medium
                                Air Force: Small
                                Government: Democracy
                                Economy: Stable
                                Industrialization: High

                                Switzerland (dark brown)
                                Ruler: Sheep
                                Army: Tiny
                                Air Force: Tiny
                                Government: Democracy
                                Economy: Booming
                                Industrialization: Very High

                                Kyiv (light yellow)
                                Ruler: foolish_icarus
                                Army: Medium
                                Navy: Medium
                                Air Force: Tiny
                                Government: Loose Confederacy of Democracies
                                Economy: Growing
                                Industrialization: High

                                Germany (dark blue)
                                Ruler: Nimitz
                                Army: Medium
                                Navy: Small
                                Air Force: Small
                                Government: Democracy
                                Economy: Stable
                                Industrialization: Very High

                                Madagascar (pale blue)
                                Ruler: jdd2007
                                Army: Small
                                Navy: Small
                                Air Force: Small
                                Government: Dictatorship
                                Economy: Growing
                                Industrialization: Medium-Low

                                Siam (purple)
                                Ruler: ??
                                Army: Small
                                Navy: Small
                                Air Force: None
                                Government: Republic
                                Economy: Recession
                                Industrialization: Low

                                Metaliturtle, you can be any white nation on the map, Israel, Siam, or Japan. If you want a white nation, say so and I'll post its stats, and then you should confirm that you want it.
                                Attached Files

