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cNES: A World Without Nukes

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  • #61
    July 1959 Events
    In the US, the Supreme Court has ruled in Brown v. Board of Education that segregation in schools in unconstitutional. The South is outraged, and most of the southern states have snnounced that they will refuse to obey the decision.

    Because of Swiss investment of capital, Russia and Kyiv's economies hav each gone up a step, the RUssian economy to Recession and Kyiv's to Stable.

    In Africa the rebels continue to fight, not trusting France's promise.

    In the East Indies, 3 thousand DUtch and Italian soldiers have been captured and slaughtered by the rebels.

    Israel has cautiously agreed to negotiate with Suadi Arabia.


    • #62
      The final act of President jdd2007 of Madagascar has been to recruit a large police force, and arm several thousand men with small arms.

      The first act of Dictator jdd2007 of Madagascar is to declare the island a dictatorial democracy. The people will elect representatives to manage local affairs, but the Dictator will have complete control over all armed forces, trade, diplomacy, natural resources and final lawmaking.

      To Switzerland: Can you loan us $200b to industrialise our nation. This will be paid back in full, plus $50b in 20 years.

      To the US: we bow before your feet, and offer our undying gratitude in return for modern weapons and equipment for factories.

      To Russia: in return for two squadrons of modern fighter aircraft (and training for our pilots) we offer an ally in the Indian Ocean.


      • #63
        To Madagascar: We will give you the planes if you refuse to condct business with Switzerland.

        To Kyjiv, Kazakstan, and Iran: We will let you join in our prosperity if you join us in the massive shunning of Swiss hostile takeovers, we are just as capable of promoting business in our own countries, and with the increased spread of swiss money worldwide, prices will soon be inflated, and the once cherished swiss money will become cheaper than the paper we wipe our bottoms with.

        To Saudi Arabia: We will supervise talks of peace in Moscow, we would like to see Kyjiv there as well.

        ALL SWISS HOLDINGS IN RUSSIA have been confiscated by the government under the anti-swiss-subversion act of 1954, and turned over to Russian employees. This has eliminated ALL Swiss influence in Russia, as well as motivated the workers in 60% of Russia's businesses. This is a proud day for the Russian Republic.

        To Mongolia: Peace is in both of our best interests, would you be willing to sign a Non Aggression Pact with our Nation?

        Russia finds small concentrations of precious metals in the Ural mountains, Rssian mining operations have begun on two mountains. We welcome foreign nations to share in the wealth by sending their own mining company, Switzerland, of course, will not be allowed to partake in this operation.
        Weaseling out of things is what separates us from the animals....except the weasel -Homer
        Who's up for some scroungin'? -Homer


        • #64
          France authorises protectionist economic measures, though they pale in comparason to those of Russia. Foreign tariffs have been raised by 3%, and all foreign-owned corporations are subject to a 5% additional tax. This will most likely discouarage rampant and dangerous growth of foreign industry in France, but allow foreign corporations to grow normally and prosper alongside our own businesses.

          From France:
          To Switzerland:
          We will not recognize Swiss neutrality, as this would be unfair. However, we will agree to a Non-Aggression Pact.

          French economy is now stable, and expected to become growing in 2 years, as a balance of foreign investment and domestic growth encourages prosperity.
          Upgrade Army from Small to Medium: 1 Year Remaining.
          The French government announces a major initiative to modernize and enlarge the navy; growth to Large expected in 4 years.
          "The Enrichment Center is required to inform you that you will be baked, and then there will be cake"
          Former President, C3SPDGI


          • #65
            To: Russia
            From: Saudi Arabia

            We would like to partake on your mining project in the Urals, if that is ok by you.

            To: Israel, Russia, Kyiv
            From: Saudi Arabia

            In January 1960 we will begin the talkings, ok?

            To: Kyiv
            From: Saudi Arabia

            We are still waiting for your reply over us helping your economy go back in shape and you helping us in our industrialization.


            Saudi Arabia Stats: July 1959

            Government: Monarchy
            Ruler: King Fahd Ibn Abd-el Aziz
            Capital: Ar-Riyad
            Population: 15 Milions
            Economy: Prosperous
            Industrialization: Low
            Army: Medium
            Navy: Medium
            Air Force: None

            Saudi Arabia Projects:
            Industralization to Medium-Low: 11 years
            Air Force to Tiny: 4 years
            Air Force to Small: 3 years (cumulative with above)
            "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
            The trick is the doing something else."
            — Leonardo da Vinci
            "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
            "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


            • #66
              After a long debate, the Mongols have agreed to a NAP with Russia.

              Kazakstan to Russia: We will follow your example and ban all Swiss businesses.

              The Russian economy has dropped half a point due to the loss of Swiss industry. Had the government not confiscated the Swiss's assets and had there not been the increase in morale, the drop would have been much greater.

              A large buildup of troops has been observed in eastern Manchuria and Korea. There has also been a Korean, Burmese, and Indochinese naval buildbup in the Japanese Sea.


              • #67
                Chnese projects:

                THe leaders of China have begun a five year plan to industrailiaze CHina futher. It is heped that steal, coal and power output will at least double with in this time period and that new factories will be built throughout China.

                Chinese Millitary is also been moved near Korea to support communist there.

                Can someone give me a summary of major stuff that has happened. I dont have time to run through all the posts.
                Donate to the American Red Cross.
                Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                • #68
                  Can I be Germany?
                  Eventis is the only refuge of the spammer. Join us now.
                  Long live teh paranoia smiley!


                  • #69
                    To Madagascar:
                    Sure, why not.

                    The US begins supplying this small nation with modern weapons and equipment under American Special Forces supervision. American engineers begin constructing many factories.

                    To the South:
                    By the power of the Constitution of the United States, written by our forefathers, ALL americans citizens hold EQUAL citizenship. No citizen is higher than any other citizen. Every American citizen are equally protected by the law. Therefore, segregation is hereby illegal. And desegregation WILL be carried out.


                    • #70
                      Chinese Millitary is also been moved near Korea to support communist there.
                      There are no communists there, and CHina isn't communist either. Also, you don't have a border with Korea.

                      Tassadar: Sorry, it's already taken.

                      Jack_www: Manily it's just been negotiation. Some alliances and trade pacts have been signed in EUrope, and tension is rising in the Middle East. There are rebellions going on in India, the Dutch East Indies, and Algeria and TUnisia. Mongolia and Manchuria united to form the New Mongol Empire. They are allied with korea, Burma, and Indochina, and are massing troops in Korea and ships on the Korean coast and Sea of Japan.

                      State militias in several Southern states in teh US are mobilizing and blocking attempts to desegregate schools. A few people are talking of seceding again, but there has been no serious consideration of it so far.
                      Attached Files


                      • #71
                        sorry about that civman. I though there was going by real history and all that. Opps.
                        Donate to the American Red Cross.
                        Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                        • #72
                          Iran - Diplomacy
                          Iran to Saudi Arabia: We wish to sign a NAP with you and the members of your alliance, to ensure our friendship.

                          Iran to Afghanistan(secret): We are allies and the best of friends. Allied together, we are somewhat strong. However, united together as one, we can be even stronger. Would you consider joining with us to become one empire? If you join us, we will become a constitutional monarchy, to ensure that no minority groups are left unheard and so everyone has a say in government.
                          Iran - Domestic Happenings
                          - Industrialization is upgrading to Medium-Low in 6 years/12 days.

                          - Army is upgrading to large in 1 years/2 days.

                          - The Iranian government is using some money from selling oil to give a one-time tax refund to the people, and especially businesses (excluding foreign owned ones.) This tax refund is expected to bump the economy up to Growing in 1 year/2 days.
                          Iran - Statistics - July 1959
                          Iran (blue-green)
                          Ruler: Jonny
                          Army: Medium
                          Navy: Small
                          Air Force: None
                          Government: Monarchy
                          Economy: Stable
                          Industrialization: Low


                          • #73
                            Kyiv to Russia (SECRET) :

                            don't worry, we aren't letting the swiss become powerful. They may nominally own more than half our industries, but that's where the interaction stops. They've invested huge amounts of capital, so if they want to say they own all of it, that's fine. They can't really do much. All the businesses are operated by Ukrainians/Poles/Romanians/Bulgarians... Even if they decide to pull out, if won't have any effect. They can't take the equipment with them, especially because there are only something like half a hundred swiss that are actually in the country. If they say we have no money, so what? We're the government, we can create money to make up for whatever they want to withdraw, and things will go on as normal. The point is, the equipment and the labor are Kyiven, the only thing that truly belongs to the Swiss are some numbers in a bank somewhere, which is pretty useless, when it comes down to it. So your actions weren't strictly necessary, but whatever. Be confident that we have full control of what goes on in our country. So anyway...we do want to join the economic cooperation pact.

                            to Saudi Arabia:

                            We do want to continue with the deal. And sure, we'll help with the talks with Israel.

                            to Iran:

                            Since Israel doesn't want to help you industrialize, how about we have a deal similar to the one with Arabia, we help you industrialize in exchange for a little bit of cash or materials or whatever you want to use, and favorable trade status both ways.
                            Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


                            • #74
                              As the Process of Recovery has been finished in South Africa Britian has set up self determination votes in that colony with the vote to take place on the 5th of Janaury 1960.

                              The Ballot has three options available on it.
                              First, Complete self sovreignty with Britain having no Ties to the new nation.
                              Second, Self sovreignty with British military aid along with a Mutual Defense Pact.
                              Third, Mataining Colony Status.

                              To the Colony of India: Can't we all just get along? Follow the example of South Africa and elections will be held within the next decade.


                              • #75
                                The Federal Government begins moblizing the National Gaurd in the South. They will oversee the desegregation of all schools and will be present to keep the peace. The active duty armies are put on alert.

