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GDNES2 - The Age of War

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  • OOC: How could the US make a serious invasion of Chile? Half teh Argentinian navy and some Mexican ships were blocking them! They might have gotten a small force through, but no major invasion.

    The Argentinian Home Defense Force has quickly squashed the US invasion.

    Rebellions have broken out throughout Argentina. Very few are rebellions for independence, most are for restoring democracy. Most of the rebels have been endorsed by various generals, and most of the army is in revolt as well. The leader of the Argentinian forces in California has declared independence as ruler of the Republic of Southern California. It has proclaimed itself to be a friend of the US and declared war on Mexico.

    The leader of the Caribbean navy has defected to the US, but was quickly butchered by his own men. The ships are now in chaos and fighting against each other. Many have announced that they are now Cuban ships, others have declared themselves with the US, and others with various rebel factions. The Pacific Navy has declared its allegiance to the Argentinian government.

    Argentinian stats:
    Argentina (light purple)
    Ruler: civman2000
    Army: Medium (due to rebellions)
    Navy: Medium
    Air Force: Tiny
    Space Fleet: N/A
    Government: Anarchy, Dictatorship still claims power though
    Economy: Recession (fell back because of Anarchy)
    Argentinian projects etc. (Bold means Giovanni should look at):
    Economy->Growing: ABORTED
    Army->Huge: ABORTED
    Navy->Very Large: ABORTED
    Airforce->Small: ABORTED


    • MOD Action (again)

      Sheep... come one man, you can't claim to have invaded Chile.
      Instead for what concerns the Carrabean, here Sheep is almost right, we must not forget that with help from the Austrian navy the US could have sneaked through the Brazilian defenses and attack the islands... BUT.. surely not liberate them all.

      As it seems there are always many problems in keeping the fights between the Americans real... from now I'm going to moderate all the Second American War.

      All the players will have to do is to say "I attack here, here and here" and I'll decide if you are succesful or not in the attacks.

      I didn't want to do it... but apparently I'll have to.

      "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
      The trick is the doing something else."
      — Leonardo da Vinci
      "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
      "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


      • White Diplomacy: January 1918

        To: France, Portugal
        From: Holland

        We are nautral to the US conflicts.

        To: France, Portugal
        From: Denmark

        We support the French position, the southern Americans needs to stop this war.

        To: Portugal
        From: Spain

        You are right my friend, our old colonies are in danger, and intervening in favor of them might make us able to extend our influence.. if not politacally, at least diplomatically over the Americas once again.

        To: Britain
        From: India

        The Indian nation is tired of being called "British India" we want our independence back, if you grant us independence we would still be miltarly and economically allied with you though, but the Indian civilization deserve to be independent once again.

        Revolts in Somaliland
        The Italian colony of Somaliland have revolted against the Italian authority there, the rebellion arrived almost at the gates of Mogadiscio, but there a large Italian regiment was waiting for the rebels.
        The leader of the rebels, refused to fight against the Italians, and he, together with his followers have peacefully seated on the ground.
        The rebel leader was a close friend of Mahatma Gandhi, and he met him in South Africa.
        After several diplomatic talkings the Italian government agreed on giving Somaliland, as well as Eritrea, a greater autonomy, establishing there a local government, and agreed on giving the Somalian a more fair rapresentation in the Italian parliament.

        Mexican troops reestablish pre war borders
        With a great push on the north, the Mexicans managed to re-establish the pre war borders with the US on the Rio Grande, both sides receiving heavy casualities

        Venezuelan Navy engage against rebel argentinian ships
        Two ships were sunk by the Venezuelan fleet, while patrolong their borders, the ships were later discovered to be Argentinian ships which rebeled against the authoritarian government there.

        "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
        The trick is the doing something else."
        — Leonardo da Vinci
        "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
        "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


        • To: AA
          From: Italy

          We must intervene in the war to stop any further bloodshed in the Americas.
          sign peace now against the USA

          To: USA
          From: Italy

          We are helping you against the southerners, but do not ask for any territory from Mexico or Cuba, as this could end our support to you.
          As for your admittance in the Balkan Alliance... we will see what our allies think about it.

          To: Austria
          From: Italy

          Friends, first you told us that you were going to sell us the cities of Trieste, Trento and Fiume, and than you did not reply to our offer.
          We are anxiosly waiting for a counter-offer if the one we did was not enough.

          To: Austria, Ottoman
          From: Italy
          Admitting the Americs in the Balkan alliance would make us very powerful... but we should not forget that they have some very aggressive foreign policy.
          What do you think?(/secret)

          Scandal in the parliament
          When the delegation from Somaliland, the rapresentatives of the Facist and Conservatives party refused to seat, and left the Congress.
          Later today a new alliance between the Conservatives and the Fascist was signed, as reply to that the Liberals and the Socialist signed an alliance between them as well.


          Italian Projects
          Research for Oil in Lybia: 1 years (2 days)
          Enlarge Air Force (to Small): DONE
          Enlarge Air Force (to Medium): 3 years (6 days)
          Enlarge Army: 1 years (2 days)


          Italian Stats
          Name: Kingdom of Italy
          Head of state: King Vittorio Emanuele III
          Prime Minister: Giolitti
          Government: Monarchy
          Economy: Growing
          Army: Large
          Navy: Very Large
          Air Force: Small
          MPP: Emperor's League, Balkan Alliance

          Italian Positions toward countries:
          Russia: Friendly (allied)
          Germany: Friendly (allied)
          Austria-Hungary: Very Friendly (allied)
          Ottoman Empire: Best Friend (allied, trading)
          UK: Normal
          France: Friendly (cease fire)
          Japan: Friendly (trading)
          USA: Normal (cobelligerent)
          Brazil: War
          Argentina: War
          Cuba: War
          China: Normal
          Mexico: War
          "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
          The trick is the doing something else."
          — Leonardo da Vinci
          "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
          "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


          • Britain to India:

            come on, what more do you want? We've given you complete equality and almost total autonomy, and for issues of the entire commonwealth, you have even more influence than we do. You can call yourself whatever you want. Isn't there something short of complete independance that will satisfy you? Think of all the benefits you would be giving up with basically no advantages gained if you were to become independant.

            to Argentinian democratic groups (SECRET) :

            Would you like help restoring democratic processes and legitimate control in your country?
            Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


            • To the Argentine Democratic Factions: (secret) I shall begin supporting you.

              To the Republic of Southern California: We do not recognise you. We ask you re-join the United States. Your leaders and men will be able to join the US army and wil be given American citizenship. They will be paid from the start of the war by US tresury funds.
              Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
              Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
              Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


              • Cuba will gladly sign peace when there is a guarantee of no further aggression by the AA or the USA. Additionally, Cuba has formerly changed it's name to the United Carribean Isles of America. or UCIA for short. The UCIA is exactly what the U.S. has requested, a democratic nation in which all the Carribean isles are a part. The people of UCIA promise the safe return of American citizens upon American withdrawal from the Carribean, and the signing of the mutual non-aggression pact by all sides.

                Terms of the Pact:
                1. All of Cuba's former territory minus Aruba, the Keys, and places of the mainland will become the sovereign territory of UCIA.

                2. The capitol of UCIA will be in Kingston, not Havana.

                3. The US. may not expand it's borders in the Americas through war.

                4. The AA may not expand it's borders in the Americas through war.

                5. ALL nations in the Americas will defend each other from invasions from abroad, especially Europeans.

                6. Both sides of the conflict work towards a stronger alliance, as the Americas allied are unstoppable, but America divided will result in our being eliminated one by one.
                First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
                Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


                • To Allies against AA(secret): Of course, France will not interfere with your attack upon our enemies. In fact, if you so wish it, you may use all of your forces in the attack, and we will promise to hold the defences in the Caribbean and American south. If you're worried about us betraying you, you have our assureances that we will not, but you may leave some forces with us to ensure the defence of the US.

                  To The World:France fully supports the Cuban doctrine. Except for the last two provisions, of course. I know that the rest of BENEDEFRA is behind us in this.
                  "The Enrichment Center is required to inform you that you will be baked, and then there will be cake"
                  Former President, C3SPDGI


                  • OOC: I want to make one thing clear. There are many different rebel factions in Argentina. They are in general not very well organized. Most support a democrtic government, but not all, and they all have at least slightly different goals. So in general, it's hard for any foreign country to make dealings with them.

                    Southern California to the US: DO you not belive in self-determination? We want independence, but we are friendly toward you. (OOC: THis is what the ex-Argentinian troops are saying, not necessarily the opinions of the people. Also, after this post Giovanni should control Southern California).

                    The two Codictators of Argentina have been captured and executed by rebels. All of ARgentina is now in chaos. The Pacific navy and its Admiral have declared themselves to be the interim ruler of Argentina and have requested peace with the US. The navy has returned home and is trying to gain influence over various rebel groups.


                    • Millitary moves of Austria:

                      A joint task force of both US and Austrian ships, one of the most largest naval taskforces assembled(mostly ships from the Austrian Navy) have attack the Navy of Brazil near the waters of Cuba. THe Austrian navy has been reallying heavly on airplanes to spot the ships of the Brazian navy. THe might Battleships of the Austrian navy along with subs and destroyers have attacked, striking a major blow at the Brazilian navy operating out of Cuba. The Austrian are calling upon their allies to blockade the Cuba and the Gulf of Mexico, to send every avaible ship to the rejoin. If this is done, the Austrian Navy expects to have total controll over the waters in this region.
                      Donate to the American Red Cross.
                      Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                      • Millitary moves of Austria:

                        A joint task force of both US and Austrian ships, one of the most largest naval taskforces assembled(mostly ships from the Austrian Navy) have attack the Navy of Brazil near the waters of Cuba. THe Austrian navy has been reallying heavly on airplanes to spot the ships of the Brazian navy. THe might Battleships of the Austrian navy along with subs and destroyers have attacked, striking a major blow at the Brazilian navy operating out of Cuba. The Austrian are calling upon their allies to blockade the Cuba and the Gulf of Mexico, to send every avaible ship to the rejoin. If this is done, the Austrian Navy expects to have total controll over the waters in this region.

                        THe Army has finally arived in the United STates, and apears to be ready to launch an attack on Mexico.
                        Donate to the American Red Cross.
                        Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                        • OOC: Giovanni, just want to say Brazil has a HUGE navy and 100% of them are in the Carribean and some gaurding its coast. The US doesn't have as big a navy and they are not 100% in the Carribean, so them defeating my navy is unlikely. Also, My Army is Gigantic nearing Imperial and are one of the most best trained troops in the world and they have not exited niether Brazil nor the islands they occupy, so US taking over these islands is also unlikely, especially considering for several years I've been saying these islands were reinforced and improved defenses.


                          To World:
                          Brazil did not start this war. We asked the US SEVERAL times to not attack Cuba or the democratic Cuban islands, or the sovereign nation of Aruba, yet they did. We said we would defend these islands, and SEVERAL times asked them to solve this diplomatically. They did not. And still, we do not commit any large force in any invasion of the US. And still, we sue for peace. We do not want any land. The US wants practically half of Mexico. Right now, we are in a defensive stance...all we want is peace, yet nobody wishes to have it.

                          Brazillian economy changes to WAR ECONOMY. The economy, almost to prosperous, is halted and remains a slow Growing.

                          Navy upgraded to Gigantic and ordered to protect the Carribean islands, and South American shores. The ships in the Gulf ordered to engage, attack, and destroy any American vessel it sees, but not to venture out.

                          Brazillian forces remain where they are, and ordered to defend all Brazillian assets to the last man.

                          First Brazillian tank goes into mass production. The Branco-A1, is its name. One of the best tanks in the world, but still in infant stage.

                          Small arms, tanks, and planes are continuously sent to Mexican and Venezuelan armies.

                          Army continues its strict and thorough training, sacrificing mass conscription for excellently trained troops.

                          Brazillian national pride is an all time high. The people perform mass rallies across the now named Brazillian-Peru-Uruguay Confederation, especially after recent declarations of war by foreign nations. Recruitment is an all time high. Many young men enlist to defend their motherland. President Emilio Pizarro is a hero, approval rating is higher then even the President during the First Americas War...running in the 90's%. After the recent mass enlistments, the Army is estimated to reach Imperial within 1.5 years.

                          Even the past somewhat sour sentiments from Uruguay has nearly dissipated, especially after the new name. They too hold mass rallies in support of the Confederation.

                          The people of the Carribean islands show much gratitude for the Brazillian soldiers, since they vowed to defend them from the imperialists 'till the end. Propaganda is running rampant. Women begin working in factories and farming the farms and harvesting the wheat taking the place of their loved ones joining the military.

                          Two infantry divisions march to Chilian coast to defend against possible invaders. Troops ordered to ignore current debacle in this nation, and to focus on the mission. They are ordered to show complete kindness to both Argentinian troops and Argentinian civilians. The highly disciplined troops obey their orders.

                          Some troops move to Argentinian border in fear of outburst of recent civil war.

                          Numerous Brazillian ships in the Carribean send messages to each Argentinian ship declaring "All who side with the US will be attacked and destroyed, all who are against the US no matter your claim on being Cuban or Argentinian will be allowed to remain afloat unless you cause trouble. Each enemy Argentinian ship have one quick chance to surrender or face the bottom of the sea. Brazil is saddened to have to attack old friends.".

                          To Argentinian government:
                          What are you planning to do? Try appeasing the people before even the last remnants of a government are wiped out by them.

                          To South Californian Argentinian General:
                          We request you continue operations against the American gringos. We will continue to send aid to prevent American successes against you. And we will resume your salaries since the current Argentinian debacle probably halted it.

                          To Argentinian Generals:
                          We recommend you unite and deal with the current anarchy in your country before it tears your nation apart. If the people feel this strongly, perhaps you should listen to their desperate calls. If not, then after the war you might return to a not so homely home.

                          To AA and US:
                          Sue for peace.


                          Economy:slow Growing (war economy)
                          New innovative Tank Creation...the best on earth: 7 years (partially speeded by war economy, and emphasis off artillery project)
                          Mass production of current tank development: Complete (speeded by war economy)
                          New Long Range Artillery: 14 years
                          Improved new rifles: 3 years (speeded by war economy)


                          • Brazil agrees to Cuban proposals.


                            • OOC:
                              About Sheep saying my navy helped him early, they did not. I was building up my forces in the area but not attacking, the only time I attacked was just now, with what ever is left of the US navy. I do not claim total victory, but that our ships our now enaging the Brazilian navy and that loses on both sides. We are also calling for our allies to send every thing they got to the region we are fighting for now.


                              Sub packs are now hunting for unspecting ships around Cuba, both Armed ships and merchant ships belonging to Cuba or the American Alliance.
                              Donate to the American Red Cross.
                              Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                              • After recent Austrian Sub attempts, the Brazillians group their subs also and have given them the primary mission of hunting down enemy Subs.

