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GDNES2 - The Age of War

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  • Britain to Austria:

    please don't do this. As we stated before, China is not worth such strife in Europe. We must stay united, lest WE become the ones that are colonized by others. Make amends with France while you still can. We are sure they will be willing to make peace now, but if you two spill much blood of eachother, then their will be too much emnity. Stop your agression now, or we will be forced to cut all ties with your nation.
    Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


    • To: France
      What if we are willing to pay for that land for china would you give it up and end the war?
      Join the Civ4 SPDG and save the world one library at a time.
      Term 1 Minister of Finances in the Civ4 Democracy Game and current Justice in the Civ4 Democracy Game
      President of the Moderate Progressives of Apolyton in the Civ4 Democracy Game Aedificium edificium est Vires


      • OOC: Nimitz, your latest map does not show Russian advancements into the Baltic Islands on the north of our shores. If you look into this thread you will see that we made the advancements quite some time ago...


        • To Britain: Europe is growing restless. I suggest we sign a defensive alliance lest war break out in our regions. United we stand, divided we fall.


          • OOC (again ): Could someone come up with a diagram showing who is at war with who and who is allied with whom a la Civ III? It's quite hard to keep up at the moment...


            • top secret to AA: We're glad you guys have our backs, and are also glad to see our mexican friends join in the fray, as I see it now, Argentina has the free military, sweep in and take the American coasts, with their ports blocked, there ships will be eaisily destroyed, and we can launch an offensive. This time Cuba will not be so pacifistic towards the U.S.

              To the United States: What continued imperialistic expansion?? Were you looking at an international mirror when you wrote that?? It is your nation which has expanded into the Carribean, via the virgin islands, the florida keys massacre, and the Aruban Death invasion perpetrated by the U.S.A..

              To BENEDEFRA ((I think that's all the letters)): Cuba is asking for military or domestic aid from the BENEDEFRA alliance. Although Cuba has spoken harshly to some of your nations, our track record is clean as far as willingness to resolve things in a peaceful manner. We ask that you assist us in the very least by declaring neutrality in regards to the war in the carribean, we have seen the United States tuck it's tail between it's legs and disappear after previous unilateral conflicts, it will happen again.

              To Spain: We were once taken away from you by the United States, we know you would like revenge. Aid us in our struggle for liberty against the oppressionist government of the United States, and you will have that revenge.
              Weaseling out of things is what separates us from the animals....except the weasel -Homer
              Who's up for some scroungin'? -Homer


              • What countries are open? Goober and I fixed our single-name problem, and will both be participating now.
                First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
                Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


                • sorry gio, i just can't do it. Too busy to play this.
                  Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land


                  • Okay, so I assume I can join as Germany then?


                    • To Germany: Will we keep up our alliance?


                      • To Russia: Of course.


                        • Germany - Internal Affairs:

                          Kaiser Wilhelm has died of old age and been succeeded by his son, Dieter. Following his coronation, the German Reichstag has passed a law forbidding any organization to advocate revolution, in official statements or manifestos. This has resulted in the banning of a number of socialist organizations.

                          Germany - Diplomacy:

                          To China (secret): We have no intention whatsoever of going to war against France. Don't even ask again.

                          To France (secret): The chinese have asked us to go to war against you in their support. We ahve refused, and would like to offer you our miltiary support in your war agaisnt China in return for a share of the spoils - i.e. some Chinese land and reparations from the Chinese once we win. We are also willing to back you up against Japan later on if we can take some of their land.

                          To Russia: We will support you in your efforts to maintain control over Mongolia.

                          To Austria: As your allies, we must implore you to cease your war against France. We cannot support you in your defence of a nation which has violated numerous treaties, but we have no desire to fight you either.

                          To Great Britain: We propose that we sign a mutual security pact.

                          Germany - Projects:

                          The German government is taking action to expand the German economy to Booming. This should be complete within 2.5 years.

                          Military service has now ben extended from 2 to 3 years in Germany, allowing for substantial expansion of the army. The new troops should be ready and armed in 1 year.

                          Germany is also starting a program of naval expansion, which should increase the size of the navy to Very Large within 3 years.

                          Finally, a project has been started to establish a German air force to compete with various other powers. As the principles of the whole thing are well understood, Germany should have a Tiny air force within a year.

                          Germany - Statistics (1916):
                          Army: Very Large (upgrades to Huge in 1 year (2 days))
                          Navy: Medium (upgrades to Very Large in 3 years (6 days))
                          Air Force: None (upgrades to Tiny in 1 year (2 days))
                          Space Fleet: N/A
                          Government: Constitutional Monarchy
                          Economy: Prosperous (upgrades to Booming within 2.5 years (5 days))


                          • Russian Statistics:

                            Army: Gigantic in 2 years (4 days)
                            Navy: Medium in 2 years (4 days)
                            Air Force: Tiny in 1 year (2 days)
                            Economy: Currently Stable, will be growing in 1 1/2 years (2.5 days)

                            To Italy: Old friends, are we still together as one?


                            • OOC (again ): Could someone come up with a diagram showing who is at war with who and who is allied with whom a la Civ III? It's quite hard to keep up at the moment...

                              Look at the first Page, it's not a diagram, but there is the list of alliances and wars, with a special WW1 section to the bottom

                              What countries are open? Goober and I fixed our single-name problem, and will both be participating now.

                              Wasn't it already you that was playing as Cuba?
                              Anyway, there is still open:

                              Some other white nations consists in:
                              United Central America

                              and that should be it.
                              If you want one of the white nations tell me and I'll give you their stats.


                              White-Diplomacy: January 1916

                              To: China
                              From: Japan

                              We will not make peace with the USA until they won't withdraw their claims to the Philippines.

                              To: France
                              From: Japan
                              We don't want a war with you, therefore we sign a NAP with your nation, we will not intervene in the war against you for China, but we ask for your support against the USA(/secret)

                              To: USA
                              From: Mexico

                              We declare war on you

                              To: USA
                              From: Venezuela

                              We declare war on you

                              To: UCA
                              From: Venezuela

                              We demand military passage through your country, will you give it to us my friend?

                              To: Venezuela
                              From: UCA

                              We will agree, if you'll provide us with Oil

                              To: UCA
                              From: Venezuela

                              We agree

                              To: Cuba
                              From: Spain

                              The US have attacked us, because you called them in your help, don't think you can fool us, plus we are worried that if we move our armies out of Spain we would be attacked by either France or Italy.

                              To: Cuba
                              From: BENEDEFRA

                              Our armed forces are currently in France, and even if we are close to your cause, we can not deply any force there, as we have to help our French ally to defend herself from the evil Austrians

                              To: France
                              From: Siam

                              We congratulate us for the elections you have held in Indochina.

                              To: USA
                              From: Japan

                              Once and for all, surrender the Philippines back to us, and we will have peace, so that you can concentrate on the Americas


                              Events and attacks:
                              - Japanese Fleet attacks Hawaii
                              The Japanese Fleet and Air Force have attacked the American Naval Forces in the Hawaii, after a heavy fighting and bombing the Americans had to leave the islands, the Japanese than started to blockade the Hawaii in order to weaken the American defences there in order to succesfully invade them later.

                              - Mexican and Venezuelan Armies attack the USA
                              The Mexican and Venezuelan armies and navies have united in a perfectly coordinated attack, while the Mexicans started to push on their border with Texas, the Venezuelan armies attacked through Baja California in California, and succesfully took the city of San Diego, the Venezuelans have fortified there, and havemade the city their Headquarter in the US.
                              A third attack was made by an army lead by Zapata himself in southern Arizona, although once they reached the city of Phoenix they got pushed back by the American defenses there, and had to withdraw back to Tucson.

                              - BENEDEFRAn armies arrived in Southern France
                              The BENEDEFRAn armies have finally arrived in Provence in order to help their French ally against the Aurstrians, the BENEDEFRAn troops have been placed under the command of the French general in Provence.

                              - Revolts in Scandinavia
                              Hoping that due to the international conflicts the Russian army would have bot controled them, the Swede citizens in Malmo have revolted against their Russian oppressor, but the nearby Russian garrison have suppressed the revolt in a bloodshed.

                              - Cambodia and Vietnam choose for Independence
                              The French provinces in Indochina of Cambodia and Vietnam, have choosed for their independence, probably inspired by the nationalist sentiment of their Chinese neighbour.
                              The two countries have thanked their old mother country for the democratic votation they allowed them, and have agreed in still joining into an economical and military alliance with France, but they are also asking France to give back the Chinese land to China, in a similar manner they have returned them independence.
                              The Province of LAOS have instaed choosed to remain a French colony, although they are asking for a regional autonomy similar to the one that Britain have granted their colony.

                              "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                              The trick is the doing something else."
                              — Leonardo da Vinci
                              "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                              "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


                              • To: Ottoman
                                From: Italy
                                As Germany and Russia seems to have got away from their isolationism, it would not be a wise move to attack Russia, maybe we can convince her to sell Crimea back to you, and we will buy it for you if you wish.
                                But we feel it's better to not backstab them, as this would put the Balkan Alliance and China, isolated against the whole world.
                                Also especially since the Mongolians are actually very close to the Siberian population of Russia, and as they use the same Russian alphabet, we think that the Mongolians are actually better off in Russian control rather than Chinese control (but of course the best for them would be independence)(/secret)

                                To: Russia
                                From: Italy

                                We stand behind our allies, as we always did.

                                To: China
                                From: Italy

                                We are stil awaiting your ambassador in Venice so to diplomaticaly discuss your issue with the French and Austrian one (with us being the mediator). If you refuse to send him here it would not make the Italian government happy

                                To: Germany
                                From: Italy

                                Should in this mess France attack Italy, we hope you would help us.


                                The Liberal Party, headed by the current Prime Minister, Giovanni Giolitti, won once againthe majority, and with the blessing of King Vittorio Emanuele III the Giolitti government have been confirmed for another term.
                                But also a new force have now entered the political scene, it is called the Fascist Party, lead by a young journalist named Benito Mussolini.

                                Liberal: 54%
                                Conservatives: 23%
                                Socialist: 18%
                                Fascist: 15%

                                The war-positions in the government are now as follow:
                                The Conservatives wish to declare war on France and help the Austrian ally, but they don't care about China, and they actually would like to take their territories in China as well.
                                The Fascist wish to switch side and attack the Austrians, ant take from them the Irrentia territories, wich means the Italian speaking regions of Istria, Dalmatia, Trentino and Friuli.
                                The Socialist instead wish to stay in peace, but they push the government to put pressure on the French so that they'll give up their claims in China.
                                At last the Liberals, they wish to stay in peace with both countries, and trade with both so to enrich Italy, although they also said that should the rest of the alliance take a position as well, they would side with the Alliance.


                                Italian Projects
                                Research for Oil in Lybia: 3.5 years (7 days)
                                Enlarge Air Force (to Small): 2 years (4 days)
                                Enlarge Air Force (to Medium): 4 years (cumulative with above)


                                Italian Stats
                                Name: Kingdom of Italy
                                Head of state: King Vittorio Emanuele III
                                Prime Minister: Giolitti
                                Government: Monarchy
                                Economy: Growing
                                Army: Large
                                Navy: Very Large
                                Air Force: Tiny
                                MPP: Emperor's League, Balkan Alliance

                                Italian Positions toward countries:
                                Russia: Friendly (back to Friendly as they broke the Isolationism) (allied)
                                Germany: Friendly (back to Friendly as they broke the Isolationism) (allied)
                                Austria-Hungary: Friendly (allied)
                                Ottoman Empire: Best Friend (allied, trading)
                                UK: Normal
                                France: Friendly (trading)
                                Japan: Friendly (trading)
                                USA: Normal (down to normal as once again they have started a huge war in the Americas)
                                Brazil: Normal
                                Argentina: Normal
                                Cuba: Normal
                                China: Normal
                                Mexico: Normal

                                "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                                The trick is the doing something else."
                                — Leonardo da Vinci
                                "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                                "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio

