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GDNES2 - The Age of War

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  • With the attack of the Japanese fleets, the supply lines of all ALtin Armies are cut. With tthe exception of the Northern Army. The Northern Army meets the majority of the US 1st 3rd and 5th Armies. The Northern Army are rolled back into Canada, as US troops stop just inside Canadian territory, as per their promise to British authorities of non-aggression.

    In the South, Argentine Armies are driven into the sea and captured. This is due to Latin;s lack of supplies and the technological advantage deployed by the Americans.

    In the East California is completly liberated and the Latin Army is pushed into Baja California, as it tries to retreat from the American onslught.

    The American government has asked Mexico to rid this menace once and for all, but due to bandits in the area the going is tough.

    To Japan: We realise your willingness to opt out of war. However all is not loss. Grain is still being supplied and the bases the US have in the Philipines still active. We offer no danger. This is your chance to become a world power yet you throw it away like little children. We ask by our alliance that you reenter the war.

    To all nations who attended Constantinople: We have attended, we are ready for peace, however we will not bow down to tinpot Emperor's. Their demands are not reasonable consider4ing they started the war. Britian helped to retain her superiority and not let America surpass it.

    The people of the world need to realise that America fights for the just cause. Not the ill one. We believ in self-determination, The British or the LAtins do not. the British continue to rule Canada, the LAtins continue to conquer territory in South America. The American people are behind the war effort. Will you go behind the peaceloving people of America.
    Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
    Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
    Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


    • Events: July 1909

      - In New Zealand and South Africa rally are started against the British government for having their independence recognized

      "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
      The trick is the doing something else."
      — Leonardo da Vinci
      "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
      "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


      • The Italian Government have declared war against the nations of Serbia, Greece, Albania, Bulgaria and Romania.

        The Italian Military have taken control of Albania and is now striking, against Romania and, together with the Ottoman Army, took control of Serbia.
        Meanwhile the Navy is blockading the Greek ports, and a few Italian regiments have landed in the Peloponnesus near the ruins of the ancient city of Sparta.

        The Italian Military HQ think that between one, maximum two years, all those nation should be under Italian and Ottoman control.

        Italian Projects
        Military usage of airplane: 3.5 years (7 days)

        Italian Stats
        Name: Kingdom of Italy
        Head of state: King Vittorio Emanuele III
        Prime Minister: Giolitti
        Government: Monarchy
        Economy: Growing
        Army: Large
        Navy: Large
        Air Force: None
        MPP: Emperor's League

        Italian Positions toward countries:
        Russia: Freindly but cooling (allied)
        Germany: Friendly but cooling (allied)
        Austria-Hungary: Friendly
        Ottoman Empire: Very Friendly (allied, trading)
        UK: Normal
        France: Friendly (trading)
        Japan: Friendly (trading)
        USA: Normal
        Brazil: Normal
        Argentina: Normal
        Cuba: Normal
        China: None
        Mexico: None

        "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
        The trick is the doing something else."
        — Leonardo da Vinci
        "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
        "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


        • OOC: This is completely unrealistic. FIrst, I would note that the Japanese NEVER ACTUALLY DID ANYTHING TO HELP you but send economic aid and send a fleet that fought in one battle. They never cut off any supply lines, except the Californian one, and that was only very briefly before I attacked and brought reinforcements and supplies. They didn't even have a fleet in the Caribbean, I see no way you could srationally think they cut off any supplies there. Thus since the lack of supplies was a major reason for your victory in Louisiana, it never happened. My troops are still fortified there, though I suffered a good deal of losses. In California, you might have ahd a victory, but when I control all of California South and East of San Francisco and your forces are mainly in San Francisco and cut off from supplies and almost surrounded, I highly doubt you could have a crushing offensive victory. Maybe a small one, or maybe a crushing victoy defending the city, but not a crushing victory attacking an army about the same size. I do accept that I was defeated, but not driven all the way to Baja. And in the North, I would like to point out that much of both teh British and ARgentinian armies were there together. You sent such a large force against us that I accept that we could've been defeated and pushed back, but you wouldve suffered significant losses.

          TO the World: What I said before. It merits repeating because the US continues to call us "tinpot Emperors," but I'm too lazy to type it all out again.

          To Spain: This isyour chance fopr revenge for your defeat 10 years ago. I urge you to join the war.

          Argentinian troops have withdrawn from California, but there is still a strong naval presence on the coast.

          The defeated Northenr Army has gone through Canada and into Michigan, where it joined with teh BRitish and Midwest armies. From this combined army a relatively small force crossed the Appalaichans and besieged Washington for a few days. Although a US force quickly came to teh defense of the city, it was damaged by the Argentinian artillery fire. It is unkown whther any major government officials were killed or whether any major government buildings were hit. Meanwhile, the forces in the Midwest have continued to destroy railroads and cut off the rivers and now also the great lakes.

          Argentinian projects etc. (Bold means Giovanni should look at):
          Build armored recon planes (giving us a tiny airforce): complete
          Economy->Growing: 7 years (slowed by war)
          Army->Huge: 3.5 years
          Provisional Central American government to set up permanent government: 4 years
          Argentinian Diplomatic Postitions:
          Russia: Friendly, Coalition against US
          Germany: Normal
          Austria-Hungary: Normal, coalition against US
          Ottoman Empire: Cool
          UK: Very Friendly, Coalition against US
          France: Limited Alliance, Friendly
          Japan: Friendly
          USA: Very Very Very angry, diplomatic relations cut off.
          Brazil: Full Alliance, Very Friendly
          Venezuela: Full Allaince, Friendly
          China: Normal
          Mexico: Friendly
          Ecuador: Cool
          Central America: protecting independence, Very Friendly
          Cuba: Friendly


          • approximate map of control zones. Outlines areas in the water are nava control zones. If any of this is grossly incorrect let me know.
            Attached Files


            • To: Italy (Secret)
              After this war why don't you attack spain and portugal take back iberia I'll help to do it. You could start a New Roman Empire.
              Join the Civ4 SPDG and save the world one library at a time.
              Term 1 Minister of Finances in the Civ4 Democracy Game and current Justice in the Civ4 Democracy Game
              President of the Moderate Progressives of Apolyton in the Civ4 Democracy Game Aedificium edificium est Vires


              • OOC: Very interestingn that the Ottomans, destroyer of the last "Roman empire" (well i guess if you count the holy roman empire that would be napoleon but i wouldn't) would propose making a new one.


                • Japanese efforts to modernize China have been paying off. China now has a medium-sized army well trained by Japanese advisers in modern warfare, and its economy is out of recession, growing steadily due to trade with Japan, which by now is a constitutional monarchy. Although the Emperor still has considerable power, the Parliament is good at checking his power.


                  • To: Ottoman Empire
                    From: Italy
                    You have some good ideas, you surely are a valuable ally, in exchange for that you would be granted the Spanish and Portoguese colonies in Africa, if it's fine by you.(/SECRET)
                    "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                    The trick is the doing something else."
                    — Leonardo da Vinci
                    "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                    "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


                    • Austrain projects:
                      Tank units now being fromed.
                      Also an airfoce has been set up but is mainly used for recon missions and armed with guns, but do little damage.

                      Further tank and plane research will conitnue and look for ways to improve them

                      Navy upgrade and upsizing to large: 3 years
                      Subs are now being built and 3 new battle ships are under constuction, and will be one of the world's largest battleships once finsihed.

                      To Britain(secret):
                      We see great promice in using tanks and air planes in warfare. We hope to set up a joint resreach project for these new inventions to conitnue to improve their design. We also back your postion with the USA , but hope that it can be solved peacefully.
                      Donate to the American Red Cross.
                      Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                      • Diplomacy:

                        To: Italy (Secret)
                        We accept those terms we can start after the end of the Balkan war. We also propose an alliance seperat from the Emporers as they aren't being much help. You may pick the name.

                        To: China
                        We are not happy you still have not answered us we demand Free trade in your lands.


                        The Emporer of the Ottoman Federation has started an inisutive to indutrialize the Ottoman empire.

                        The Ottoman Federation has started to inlarge the navy it will be large in 2 years.


                        The war goes well have made large gains in Serbia and Greece. It should end in 1 or 2 years to finish.


                        The Emporer of the Ottoman Empire has started an inisutive to indutrialize the Ottoman empire.

                        The Ottoman Empire is working on making a working flying mechean based off the Wright Brothers work. Will be completed in .5 years(1 days)

                        Diplomatic status:

                        Afganistan: Protectorit
                        Persia: Part of the Ottoman empire
                        UK: Normal (Trade)
                        France: Friendly (Trade)
                        Italy: Very Friendly (Allied, Trade)
                        Germany: Normal (Allied)
                        Russia: Normal (Allied)
                        Austria-hungary: Normal
                        China: Cool
                        Japan: Friendly (Trade)
                        USA: Normal
                        Brazil: Normal
                        Argentinia: Normal
                        Mexico: None

                        National Status:

                        Ottoman Empire (light blue)
                        Ruler: Nimitz
                        Army: Very Large
                        Navy: Medium > Large(2 years (4 days))
                        Air Force: N/A(applicable in .5 years)
                        Space Fleet: N/A
                        Government: Federal Monarchy
                        Economy: Growing
                        MMP: Emperors Alliance
                        Join the Civ4 SPDG and save the world one library at a time.
                        Term 1 Minister of Finances in the Civ4 Democracy Game and current Justice in the Civ4 Democracy Game
                        President of the Moderate Progressives of Apolyton in the Civ4 Democracy Game Aedificium edificium est Vires


                        • OCC: It is in the my interests to have a strong ally so I'm going to help them. Rome wasn't destroy because the Ottomans hated them they were just in there path.
                          Join the Civ4 SPDG and save the world one library at a time.
                          Term 1 Minister of Finances in the Civ4 Democracy Game and current Justice in the Civ4 Democracy Game
                          President of the Moderate Progressives of Apolyton in the Civ4 Democracy Game Aedificium edificium est Vires


                          • OOC: I know, i just thought it was interesting.

                            Argentina has looked into and rejected building some of these "tanks."


                            • Cuba's Military is now at the size of Medium in both the Navy and the Army. Cuban citizens are calling for a side to be taken in the World vs. U.S. and possibly Japan war. Cuba will side with the world unless the U.S. refuses to retract its statements and accusations regarding Latin American Leaders as tinpot emperors.

                              Resources gained by mass cigar marketing have boosted the Cuban Economy to (whatever a notch up from stable is).

                              Cuba expands it's industries to the making of rope out of hemp, which grows like a weed in our isles.

                              Cuba is also marketing cigars made out of more potent forms of hemp, which give the user a giddy reaction, and euphoric sensations. A case of Bob Marley's good time cigars is being sent to the leader of every nation as a gesture of peace and goodwill, not to mention good times.

                              Jose Rocalupe is up for reelection next year.

                              Cuban scientists are working on improving the arms of Cuban infantrymen.

                              ((OOC: civman, Britain has some control in Cuban waters.))
                              Weaseling out of things is what separates us from the animals....except the weasel -Homer
                              Who's up for some scroungin'? -Homer


                              • Brirtain announces that it supports the American peace plan except fo the part about reparations being paid to Americn citizens from Argentina and brazil. That is unreasonable, everything else is acceptable.

                                Britain to Brazil and Argentina (SECRET) :

                                Enough fooling around. We shall all concentrate our naval forces off of the Delmarva penninsula (Delaware) for a push into the Chesapeake Bay. Prepare transports and equip your forces for a possible amphibious assault. We'll send tanks in through the Argentinian corridor and attempt to land them with boats, though there will undoubtedly be some difficulties with that. Let us also use our planes to our advantage. We are going to take Washington DC and hope that ends this.

                                Britain has contacted the New Zealand and South African regional governments and asked them to find out if there is any compromise/concessions that can be made short of all out independance.
                                Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.

