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GDNES2 - The Age of War

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  • Britian to U.S.:

    Not aceptable. We hate to do this so soon after we thought we had achieved peace, but until such time as you withdraw your claims to any and all central american nations a state of war formally exists between us. Please take the wise course of action and agree to peace terms with everyone. We really don't want to go to war, but we are forced to by your stubborness. We will happily sign a peace treaty any time you decide to cooperate.

    Britain has started its southward push all over again, wearily throwing the last of the American soldiers out of Canada and beginning offensives into Michigan, New York, and the New England states. So far only a few small U.S. towns have been captured, but the British forces are making no effort to subjugate the citizens; on the contrary they are informing them that they will be returned into the U.S. as soon as this little 'situation' has been 'sorted out'
    Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


    • Britain to Austria:

      thats fine, you can feel free to stay out of the war, we don't really want to fight it either, but our alliances and the fact that the U.S. remains obstinate and dangerously agressive means that the current government must be corrected and then we can all go on our merry ways.
      Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


      • To Austria: We do not care for central America and onl;y tried to unite them. We do however care for Guatemala and Panama whom wish to join the United States. We are not the belligrents here yet you support them as if I am the agressor. You have been lied to.

        To Britian: We have withdrawn from Canada. We shall defend ourselves if provoked. We only seek to defend our sovereignity and the rights of the new US States of Panama and Guatemala. Until then we shall continue our policy of defence.

        The United States Army has started the liberation of Florida. Miami has been recaptured and the Latin forces there are trapped, surrounded by tow superior forces.

        The US deploys a new weapon at sea called the submariner. This sub boat can go under the water and their use en masse and success has caused the breaking of the blockades on both US coasts.

        In Canada the US Army continues to pull out. Although still officially at war with the British government the Unites States will retire to their former broders and will only defend ourselves if attacked.

        In recent elections the US President Theodore Roosevelt has been re-elected. He promises to bring an end of the war on US terms.

        US financing of the rebellions in Ireland, Paraguay, Uraguay and the Amazon continues behind the scenes.
        Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
        Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
        Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


        • Who currently controls (not just claims but actually has military forces there) Panama and Guatemala?
          Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


          • To: England, American Alliance, & USA
            We would like to hold a peace confrence in Constantinople for you, this war is helping no one it takes men away from jobs to help improve you econ. As such we would like to offer terms that would help all involved.

            1. An imideat stop to hostilitys
            2. Self detmination for central america (even if that means they want to join the USA)
            3. The payment of reperations to American Alliance, not in cash but in debt reduction. OCC: I beleave South American countries owed large debts to U.S. at this time.
            4. Payment of reperations to england in cash as they are the only country the USA attacked.
            5. Self determination for Canada if they stay a part of England or become independant. (This is open to being removed)

            These terms can be discussed at and final terms hamered out at Constantinople.

            To: France
            Would you like to come and help at this.
            Join the Civ4 SPDG and save the world one library at a time.
            Term 1 Minister of Finances in the Civ4 Democracy Game and current Justice in the Civ4 Democracy Game
            President of the Moderate Progressives of Apolyton in the Civ4 Democracy Game Aedificium edificium est Vires


            • To All Nations:
              We urge you to seek a peacefull way to settle this dispute. Allthough we see that the United States needs to see reason. Allow all of Central America to be independent. The United States can still protect these countries and aid them.
              Donate to the American Red Cross.
              Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


              • OOC: I control Panama and Guatemala (with some Brazilian help).

                To the World: We have tried over and over again to make a reasonable peace with the US. Every time they have refused. We will no longer make any peace on any terms but our own. Anything short of that will be letting the US win a war it started, refused to stop, and is clearly losing. Also, they continue to refer to completely democratic and legitimate governments as being dictatorships. Clearly, they do not understand what democracy is tehmselves.

                To Cuba: This is not a land grab. We do not intend and never have intended to take any land from teh US mainland. We only wish to force them to surrender.

                Argentinian forces in Florida have left and been convoyed to Louisiana. With the reinforcements, Brazilian and Argentinian forces on the Mississippi have surged forward and captured the area all teh way north to St. Louis.

                Argentinian forces have developed a system to detect submarines, and a new type of ship they call "destroyers". With destroyers, tehy have taken control of the Gulf Coast and Coasts of Florida and Georgia.

                In California, Argentinian forces have captured San Francisco. They have begun to help teh citizens there rebuild teh city from the earthquake a few years ago.

                Argentinian projects etc. (Bold means Giovanni should look at):
                Build armored recon planes (giving us a tiny airforce): 1 year
                Economy->Stable: 6 months
                Navy to Large: complete
                Set up provisional government in Central America: complete
                Provisional Central American government to set up permanent government: 5 years
                Argentinian Diplomatic Postitions:
                Russia: Friendly, Coalition against US
                Germany: Normal
                Austria-Hungary: Normal, coalition against US
                Ottoman Empire: Cool
                UK: Very Friendly, Coalition against US
                France: Limited Alliance, Friendly
                Japan: Normal
                USA: Very Very Very angry, diplomatic relations cut off.
                Brazil: Full Alliance, Very Friendly
                Venezuela: Full Allaince, Friendly
                China: Normal
                Mexico: Normal
                Ecuador: Cool
                Central America: protecting independence, Very Friendly
                Cuba: Friendly but falling


                • We don't want reparations. We just want this war to end with the U.S.'s recognition that they can't have any part of central america.
                  Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


                  • White Nations: July 1908

                    Small rapresentations from Guatemala, Panama, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Honduras, Belize and El Salvador arrived at Costantinople to attend the peace meeting organized by the Ottoman Empire

                    Each state saying its own idea or position.

                    Panama: We don't like the US, and we don't like the Southerners either, we conquered our independence from Colombia, and later the US invaded us.
                    We will not be a vassal state to anyone anymore, not the US, not the Costa Ricans and not the Southern Americans.
                    We will be Panama, and we will be an independent state, as long as one panamese shall be alive, he will fight for the independence of his country, until we will be either independent, or dead.

                    Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras and El Salvador: Well, There was something good that the US did, they unified us, and now our four states wish to remain unified in what will be the Central American Confederation.
                    Of course US citizens as well as any others from other countries in the world will be very welcome here.

                    Guatemala, Belize: during their occupation the US actually helped our people very much, and as our economy in now in shambles, and we surely don't trust those Costa Ricans and their confederation ideas, and we don't trust our Mexican neighbor either, we would like once more to ask to the US if we can became the 47th and 48th state of the United States of America.
                    (OOC: this will bring the American economy down as an effect of the adding of this poor and war devasted economies)


                    - In Denmark, former Minister of Justice P.A. Alberti is jailed
                    The former justice minister is condemned to eight years in prison for millions of kroner's worth of embezzlement.
                    - Belgian Congo becomes property of the Belgian state
                    After 30 years of misrule, the Belgian Congo, hitherto private property of the Belgian monarchy, is handed over by King Leopold II to the Belgian state. The new order brings no noticeable changes in conditions in the colony.
                    - The Ottoman Empire gets a new administration
                    With an astonishing move, the Ottoman Sultan and the court united to decide about the new form of goverment of the empire, after several months of discussion they decided to form a federation along the lines of the Brazil-Peruvian Federation. With each state having the power over their local laws, and having a little senate of their own, but with a Federate Congress and Federation Laws so to keep on check the various local administrations.
                    With this new government Afghanistan have been fully integrated in the Ottoman Empire too.
                    The new freedom given to each state have accelerated the modernization projects started by the Sultan.
                    - Elections in Argentina
                    The CUP still hold the majority, but for much more little advantage over the Reformist which gained a couple of votes, but it is interesting to see how the Socialist Party have enormously gained in strenght from last elections, effectively making Argentina almost equally split in three different political views.
                    Here are the percentage results
                    Conservative Union Party: 39%
                    Reformist Union Party: 32%
                    Socialist Party: 26%
                    Isolationist Party: 3%

                    "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                    The trick is the doing something else."
                    — Leonardo da Vinci
                    "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                    "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


                    • OOC: What about the presidential elecitons?

                      Argentina refuses to send a delegation to Constantinople, and will not recognize any treaty made there.


                      • The Presidential Elections where won by an alliance stipulated between the CUP and the Reformist, in doing this they have splitted the ministers between themselves, with the President being the leader of the CUP

                        "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                        The trick is the doing something else."
                        — Leonardo da Vinci
                        "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                        "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


                        • Cuba will not aid the US in the recapture of florida for 2 reasons

                          1. We do not have the manpower as we only have defensive forces
                          2. Some of our most important trade partners are involved there.

                          Cuba does strongly condemn agression against the U.S. or any other sovereign nation, and will not support any country who subjugates the peoples in the Carribean or Central America for long.

                          Cuba asks that powers in Europe aid in the struggle for liberty by providing financial or military capital (money or machinery) so that we may improve our economy or our defenses as the conflict which surrounds us seems to escalate.

                          To Brazil and Argentina: The United States of America have suffered enough, make peace with them and focus on the American economies, we can surpass our European roots if we only opt to stop squabbling amongst ourselves.
                          Weaseling out of things is what separates us from the animals....except the weasel -Homer
                          Who's up for some scroungin'? -Homer


                          • Brazil shares the same feelings as Argentina. We have laid out the peace terms. USA must surrender.

                            To Cuba:
                            We hold nothing against you. Brazil is the one nation that gave you control of Carribean islands except Puerto Rico, not the USA. The soldiers stationed in Cuba are there for war purposes and the defense of your newly created nation, I doubt the USA would have stood idly by if we had not taken action, they would have surely attempted to annex your barely born nation into their own territory. Because of the American-Alliance actions this was prevented and the USA conquest of Central America was also stopped. We will not weaken our stance against the imperialists. They must be stopped, they must take responsibility for their actions. Justice will be done.

                            The US must accept our terms, their stubborn pride is what drags this war on, they must swallow their pride and do what needs be done...the right thing to do.


                            • To Cuba: What Brazil said!

                              In Argentina, Socialist and Reform leaders in Congress have been becoming increasingly unfriendly towards each other. The Socialists are so fixed on wanting teh war to end that they have been unable to reach a moderate liberal compromise domestic policy with the REformists. The president has said that he would veto any "unreasonable restrictions" on businesses passed by COngress.


                              • We have sent delgations to the constantinople treaty.

                                We will pay the Canadian government, 1,000,000 dollars to cover the cost of the invasion. We shall pay the American Alliance nothing and they will owe us for the damge they have done.

                                We will gladly allow any Central or South American government to join our union, and will defend those who wish to remain independent.

                                We pay 500,000 to the Panamese for the activities of our soldiers and wish to sign a full alliance with them and the Union of Central America before too long.

                                The United States would like to announce a new alliance with Japan and has transferred the Philipines to that nation. The military bases of the US will remain in American hands. (occ: This should correct any difficulties on economy with the admittance of the Central American republics to the Union.)

                                We maintain that it was the tinpot Emperor's that started the war not us. We have not invaded them they have us.
                                Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                                Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                                Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.

