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Russia: Regaining an Empire

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  • Russia: Regaining an Empire

    This will be another story about Russia, much like Russian Rise, with the exception that in this one i almost lost. I'm also perfecting my writing style here, bear with me. Please post Comments/Encouragements here.

    "This is the Story of bygone days, From whence arose the Russian Land"
    -The Primary Chronical

    It took a great man to bind the People of the Continent Ruzz together, T'sar Aleksander had been worthy of this task and he had brilliantly welded them together, even pushing them beyond their continent to the outlying Island of Grozny and North to the Equitorial Continents shared by France and the Aztecs. He had personally overseen the creation of the Great Library, among Moscow's other wonders. But all men, even great men, are merely mortal and following his death the Merchants had risen against his despotic successors to create a new Republic, a Mighty state that would ally with France, to rule the world.

    And the world knew no conflict for thousands of years....

    The importance of the Iron Mines was waning, Josef knew that as well as anyone else. Iron had hardly ever been a vital resource for his nation anyway, the Russian pacifism had kept them from building knights and swordsmen and P{ikemen had been rendered obsolete quickly. But the Prophetess spoke of a day, in the distant future when Iron ships would rule the seas, Josef could hardly beleive such tales but that they came from the Prophetess. Iron, the Iron who's mining he oversaw would one day be important, he relished the anticipation, though even with the extended lifespans of Russians it was unlikely that he would last so long. He Imagined himself piloting one of those great Iron clad ships, a slave quickly woke him from the fantasy with news from the mill.
    Josef's dreams shattered.
    *                                                   *                                            *
    The reporter's pale skin annoyed Mao, it was a constant reminder of the French and Russians who held great power in the distance.
    "Can you explain the Farm burnings from your perspective?" she asked. She had been going after his record with his people for hours now. He sighed.
    "The old must make way for the new, those farms have built my nation into a populous one, now mines must replace them, the people must work."
    "But they starve, as ther grain is burned in the feilds"
    "So?" he asked indifferently, the reporter's blood drained from her face.
    "What do you say about those who compare your absolutist rule unfavorabley to the Despots you overtook?" She asked spitefully.
    It was Mao's turn to be taken aback, he held his rage in check only with great effort Thankfully a slave hurried in, inturrupting the interveiw.
    "The Russians..."The slave wheezed. The coughing continued.
    "What did the Russians do!!" Mao demanded.
    The slave diodn't stop coughing, it lay on the floor now, a pathetic beast. Mao grew tired of waiting and unsheathed his sword.
    The slave didn't stop, Mao executed him, the reporter almost fainted as the slave's blood dribbled across the floor. Mao marched off to get his news elsewhere as the reporter was bullied from the room by his gaurds.
    Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land

  • #2
    Why was this moved from Civ3 Stories?

    Can anyone put it back?
    Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land

