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SNESA: From the Ashes

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  • #76
    To Australia(secret):
    We will give you the same advice we gave Mexico. Do not attack the British, for it will most likely be followed with nuclear weapons. We suggest a more covert moves. I must also remind you that Hong Kong will revert back to Chinese controll in 1999, when the British lease on Hong Kong ends(if this is not in effect in the story i will edit the post and take it out). As for Singapore, we suggest support the communist rebels there and fighting the British indirectly.
    Donate to the American Red Cross.
    Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


    • #77
      To France, Britain:
      We need at least to send financial aids to the Democratic factions in Spain, and let's hope for the best

      To France, Britain (secret):
      I believe that USSR will support our intervention in Spain, if we let them intervene in Cuba.
      Maybe we should, since Spain is vital for us, otherwise we will be in between two communist country, and it will be hard to defend against both.

      To Australia:
      Stop your embargo against Britain NOW, as it does nothing but to enrage our British friend.
      If you do not, we will be forced to move in order to help our allies.

      To Britain, Australia:
      For the last time, please stop this.
      from this small conflict you might start another world war, and this time it will be done with H-Bombs.
      Please think of your children, sit on a table and discuss, like normal people should.


      Italian Projects.
      Massive Rebuilding: 6 years


      Name: Italian Repubblic
      Government: Constitutional Democracy (based on French and US ones)
      President of the Repubblic: Enrico de Nicola (no political party)
      President of the Cabinet: Luigi Einaudi (Christian Democrats)
      Economy: medium and quickly improving
      Army: Small
      Navy: Small
      Air Force: Medium
      Member of: UN, EC
      Alliances: France, Britain
      NAP: Australia

      "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
      The trick is the doing something else."
      — Leonardo da Vinci
      "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
      "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


      • #78
        Foreign Affairs
        To France, Italy: Britain agrees that we should send financial assistance to the Spanish democratic factions, and pledges its assistance. We also thank you for your support in dealing with Australia.

        To France, Italy (secret): Britain would find Italy's proposal acceptable. It would be worth seeing Cuba go communist if Spain could be assisted to become democratic again.

        On the Pacific saga: As a compromise, Britain would be prepared to see Hong Kong become an international city, permanently controlled by the United Nations, for the use of all nations. We will, however, not move on our presence in Singapore, as that is vital to our national security interests. We will likely go to war if we have to defend Singapore.

        Britain moves seven warships into the waters surrounding Singapore, in defiance of Australian threats, and readies the SAS and airforce for possible initial action.


        • #79
          Give Japan control of Hongkong instead!


          • #80
            To Japan: Japanese sovereignty is not on offer here. Britain is offering to make Hong Kong an international city, and that is all. Take it or leave it.


            • #81
              To USSR: Our intervention in Spain is in no way an occupation and EC troops will pull back immediately after the war. But we may come to an arrangement after USA reply. France and European Community is neutral toward USSR and USA.
              I think you can have Mexico occupy Cuba if you stop your relation with Australia.

              To EC(secret): Well France is already sending financial aids and weapon. Some special units are training the democrats. Also, the King of Spain residing in France, has given support to Democrats. USA support is also expected.
              (ooc: sorry as you didn't comment King reaction).

              Italy, you can now get some French steel. A canal is being built between Rhine and Rhone and will be done in 3 years. When it will be done, I'm sure Italy will have enough steel.
              France is also interested in a common research on jetplanes. We think some commercial jetplanes could be really effective. Your aerospace industry could help us in this way. We are also starting a research in computer(10 years). This is a new technology we are very interested in.

              Australia: EC Community have stopped any contact with you and we have now an embargo against you.

              OOC: I agree we need someone in US. Right now it's unbalanced as Japan and Australia should have a very weak industry and economy without USA help. As USSR is communist and right now Australia and Japan aren't, they shouldn't get any USSR help.

              Also as I think, Australian and Japan governments are democratic I'm not sure the actual government should be inclined toward USSR. I don't really like irrealistic position even if it's allow the story to go on. SKILORD please be more present to state if it should follow a rigid or free policy.

              I also would like a realistic research rate. USSR research in nuclear weapon had already started in 1920s... They just got it in 1948.

              EDITED OOC.


              • #82
                OOC: I'm not so worried by the alternate realities here. I think it'd get pretty boring if we stuck too close to history. The only thing that might be stretching a bit too far is Japan's militarism so soon after their nuking and surrender. But we do desperately need an America...does anyone know of anyone who's interested? I also don't think this is seems to be going along quite well, and we don't seem to have anyone dropping off. With the "I want this and if you don't give, we go to war", I think that's just the way this particular one is turning out. A game always needs its bad guys.

                To USSR: As part of the EC, we echo France's statements.


                • #83
                  To Australia:
                  As one of the founding members of the EC I will cancel my NAP with you, and we will be forced to embargo your country.

                  Although we will lift it immeidatly if you lift your embargo against Britain, and if you accept to sit with us Britain and Japan to a table to talk like civil people about the issue.

                  To France:
                  We will welcome your joint project for jetplanes and your steel.
                  Finally our industry have enough steel to produce at a full rate, this will help our economy greatly.

                  We also would like to propose your government the joint project of building a tunnel across the Mont Blanc, and maybe enlarging the already existing one under the Frejus, this will help trade between our nation greatly.
                  And will also give a lot of work to the large unenployed population here.
                  (OOC: My father always tell me of when de Gaulle came to Turin to talk about the tunnel and that he managed to talk with him (in French) too)

                  To Japan:
                  You have no rights over the city of Hong Kong, if one should claim it, that should be the Chinese government, not yours.
                  You have no claims over that city, and taking it would just be seen as another Imperialist act done by your gov't.

                  "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                  The trick is the doing something else."
                  — Leonardo da Vinci
                  "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                  "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


                  • #84
                    Whoa! These games are back!

                    Shamelss plug for a forum where you have these kinds of games:


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by El Awrence
                      Whoa! These games are back!

                      Shamelss plug for a forum where you have these kinds of games:

                      There are a lot of open spots waiting just you El Awrence

                      "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                      The trick is the doing something else."
                      — Leonardo da Vinci
                      "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                      "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


                      • #86
                        Oh, these are the good old days for me now. We're much more organised at the other fora, where I play in several of these types of games.

                        Thanks for the invitation though. But DO check out that forum I plugged for, honestly.


                        • #87
                          To Italy: Great ideas to increase our relationship and trades. A possible train tunnel could be also interesting. Trains transporting trucks would be less expensive.

                          "The solid alliance rising between Italy and France is the symbol of an union between war adversaries. It should be an exemple for every nations of the world. We need a new era of peace and development. We should share our knowledge and work together to build a new Europe. This tunnel who shall soon be built will be a new link, a bridge, between our two nations. In a few years, after rebuilding our countries, France and Italy, I'm certain, will be among the most powerful nations of the world."
                          (ooc: this isn't De Gaulle speech, just something wrote in 5 minutes)

                          To EC:
                          A common army, a common money and a common parliament could be the next step of this alliance. I'm also for EC institutions. The parliament shall be able to vote war, laws in effect for every member and be elected by whole people. I think this could be done in 10 years.


                          • #88
                            To Italy: We like the idea, and will support it all the way.

                            OOC: I'm just looking at the forum that guy posted. Some interesting ideas...


                            • #89
                              MIA increases its size. They send spies to Panama to invoke the idea of Independence from America. They also send an assassin to kill the corrupt leader of Cuba.


                              • #90
                                To EC(secret):
                                We will accept EC influence over Spain if you accept Mexican influence over Cuba. We will also try our best to talk Austrail down from its position and if war occurs we will not join the war on the side of Austrail.
                                Donate to the American Red Cross.
                                Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.

