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SNESA: From the Ashes

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  • #16
    To France: If you see us as part of Europe, then Britain is interested in improving relations.

    Britain also begins a small rebuilding program, aiming at restoring the buildings and facilities destroyed in the Blitz.

    Expected to take 5 or so years.


    • #17
      To Britain: France would like to be sure that you don't support one side. Our position during this "Cold War" is neutrality.
      If you accept to stay neutral, France will see you as part of Europe.


      • #18
        Originally posted by mmtt
        To Britain: France would like to be sure that you don't support one side. Our position during this "Cold War" is neutrality.
        If you accept to stay neutral, France will see you as part of Europe.
        For now, it's a deal.


        • #19
          I'll take Italy ( )

          To France: The Italian Repubblic is interested in this European Community you are talking about.
          We feel this will be the best for us, as together we will be much stronger then alone.


          The Constitution Commettee had finally wrote a new constitution.

          In between the articles there is the banning of Fascism in any of his shapes, the banning of Monarchy and any of the old nobility titles and the creation of a new Repubblic.

          This has been done in order to prevent any new dictatorship to get in power in Rome.


          The newly elected President of the Cabinet, Einaudi, started a massive reconstruction program.

          This will be very expensive, and will probably take some 10 years before it will be finished.

          "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
          The trick is the doing something else."
          — Leonardo da Vinci
          "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
          "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


          • #20
            To Italy, Britain:
            France is proud to annunce you, you are now members of the European Community.
            France hopes a new era of peace and prosperity will born from this Union.


            • #21
              The Spanish dictator was shot in the head, presumably by a sniper, during one of his speaches. Spain is now leaderless.

              ooc: I dont have the time for two NESs


              • #22

                To Mexico:
                We can help you form a new government. We can also give millitary aid as well. All we ask is that the new government you form is communist and ally with us against the United States.
                Donate to the American Red Cross.
                Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                • #23
                  LE MONDE
                  ( french newspaper

                  France doesn't comment the assassination of Spanish dictator. But Mr.Debré stated in a private interview:"He got what he deserves". French press is wondering about it, what hides behind the death of Franco?

                  (occ: I suppose it is him? If you don't want to use real people say it.
                  Space05us>Think about it as you like, if you want France in or not?)

                  French diplomats have given their support for the king of Spain if he accepts to form a new government elected by Spanish people.
                  Foreign Policy
                  To King of Spain(secret from French President):
                  I'm saddened as Franco's death but he was a dictator and then a threat to democracy. Things have changed.You are influent, Spanish people will listen to you. If you support democrats, they will support them. Democracy and freedom are things forgotten for your people. Those things they need. Protect them from the army and from any oppression.
                  If Democracy is achieved, Spain will have France support if it asks for EC entrance. If you feel threatened, France will accept your coming until things get quiter.

                  May God be with you in these dark days.

                  signed: C. De Gaulle
                  To EC Members:
                  We need to take a close look at Spain news. We must be the first to react if things get bloodier. Communist influence or USA one(well when someone will take it) must be prevented over Spain.

                  I'm also thinking about free customs and shared industries. If one of us needs any goods, it will preferably buy from one of the member (if they have it) than from any non-member.

                  Right now, France is building new cars and engines from any motorized vehicle, increasing her steel production and producing consommation goods like TV, refrigerator etc...
                  Researching in jet planes technology (maybe a deal to build a fast commercial jetplane ie Concorde)and computers.
                  Need: petrol mainly
                  construction materials

                  To West Germany Government:
                  Would you like to join European Community? As the past world wars weakened our friendship, we need to rebuild it. From the ashes, we will rebuild. From the blood, we will unite. This is needed!
                  Our countries are weak but together, with every European Nations, they will be strong again! I begg you to forget our pasts to accept my proposal. I'm also asking you to increase our relationship, trading. I'm thinking about making Rhine valley an exchange zone, a free custom zone. We have a common border, we have heavy industries alongside it in the need of being rebuilt. Ruhr and Northern France can, I'm sure, stand together as the prow of a Franco-German Union!

                  OCC: SKILORD: Did your "Fuhrer" take control of West Germany already? I'm sorry I don't like much this nickname.
                  If you (playing) policy will be something like nazism, I will be a little colder and I think Nazi party is forbidden and you will have heavy retaliation from foreign superpowers.
                  I hope I'm wrong and it is only a nickname for a charismatic man of a democratic party.
                  I also would like if we could create a type of economy. Countries specialized in 2 or 3 sectors and is needing 2 or 3 things.
                  I think it may be a little hard at start but could be the try for something.
                  The more you trade, the more your economy is increasing/rebuilding. USSR and Communist states would have some problems tho.

                  I'm asking this because I'm pretty bored with all those war NES.


                  • #24
                    Ruler: IceEye/ Watanaka
                    Small Army
                    Small Navy
                    Small Airforce

                    Torosaki was the first elected president in Japan after the loss in WW2(I suppose they lost) after which the US, Australian and brittish occupants decided Japan should be a Republic. Torosaki got the country out of the weakness after the war. He also managed to negotiate the occupants out of Japan. The economy was once again growing and the citizens happy. Japan could once again recruit an army. This time however not near the size of before the war. The president wouldn´t allow any kamikaze in this war declaring that anyone commiting a kamikaze would not be a hero but a fool. Japan was a now a manufactory-gigant without any debts anymore.
                    After Torosaki had 2 periods(8 years) Watanaka was elected. Watanaka is different from Torosaki in many ways. Watanaka wants a larger army, airforce and navy but still promises to keep the economy growing. Citizens of Japan love him for his ideas and he won the election with 79% against his opponents Socialist party(7%) and the Fundamentalists(14%). His era is promised to be prospurous!

                    To: Russia
                    From: Japan
                    We would like you to buy the territories HAR and JEH because we need the space. We would happily pay you a large sum(you could upgrade your army or something from them) and help you against west germany in any way we can.

                    To: Australia
                    From: Japan
                    We were former enemys. Now we want cooperation. How about a NAP for a start. Later perhaps even a DPP?
                    Let us trade, too.

                    To: West Germany
                    From: Japan
                    Stay out of East Germany.

                    To: USA
                    From: Japan
                    We suggest trading and NAP with you too!

                    To: Britain
                    From: Japan
                    Your influence in Asia and Oceanica will soon come to an end!

                    orders: start recruiting people for army, navy and airforce.
                    upgrade the army, airforce and navy(3 turns time)


                    • #25
                      You know that the consitution that Japan made after WW2 prevents them from even having an army or declaring war. All they can have is a force to defend Japan and it is really small today, is that in effect in the story as well?
                      Donate to the American Red Cross.
                      Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                      • #26
                        OOC: Well I would like to be fixed about peace treaty after WW2. Occupation? Army size limits?

                        Even though, Japan is now increasing its army size today, I'm wondering if you can really increase your army size. At least, you will have some problems with the former Allies.
                        I'am also wondering why a capitalist and democratic state like Japan would like to be friendly with the Red Bear? USA should have a huge influence over Japan action (there are still USA military bases in Korea and Japan).


                        • #27
                          I thought the americans moved. And because I didn´t hear about any size limits(west germany moves onto berlin) then I thought it would be ok. I am friend with the red bear because I want 2 of their territories. Of course that could change. I like to play as Japan without being dependent from the allies telling me what to do. Otherwise it wouldnt be much fun


                          • #28
                            OOC: Yes, I understand but you have just lost a war. Do as you like but you must be sure if you go too much about war, you will be quickly under attack by former Allies I thinK
                            Oh, sorry I think you misunderstood what I said. I spoke about in RL USA military bases.


                            • #29
                              To Japan:
                              We will not sell your any territories. We also do not like the build up of your millitary. Be warned Japan we will not stand by and let you attack us.
                              Donate to the American Red Cross.
                              Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                              • #30
                                To European Community (France, Britain):
                                The Italian Industries are aming to have a primary position in the airspace(airplane and anything related to) market, the old FIAT Car factory switched from car producing to aircraft during WW2, and we think that the market there will be more profitable for us.
                                The south is mainly based on agriculture.

                                But the Italian Industries are not very big, and our real strenght stand in the huge number of small-middle industries.

                                What Italy really need is Petrol and Steel

                                We also think it would be a good idea to include Spain in the community as soon as possible, and we should help them in setting up a Democratic government.

                                "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                                The trick is the doing something else."
                                — Leonardo da Vinci
                                "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                                "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio

